Northampton International Academy update Issue 7 May 2015 We are excited to be working alongside the community and have been heartened by the enthusiasm and support for this important part of Northampton’s rejuvenation. It is important to us, as a group, to harness the views of the community in a consultation process on uniform, the logo and the expectations. We felt that the best people to ask were the pupils, local Primary headteachers and members of local governing bodies, in the first instance. We are exploring our local links with The University of Northampton and are already talking to the fashion department to help our youngsters design the uniform, in order to ensure that it is practical, hard-wearing and relevant to life beyond 2021! As we start to shape the vision for this fantastic, brand new school, we would like to invite you to start our journey with us. A consultation meeting on the 19 th May will start to gather views and Lorna Beard, Principal of Castle Academy, has already started to ask parents for comments, suggestions and questions. Responses have been outstanding and we warmly look forward to working closely with you over the coming months. Thank you for your continued support. Jan Marshall, Chief Executive, EMLC Academy Trust Pre-opening team EMLC Academy Trust has brought together a highly respected group of advisers, including Sir Michael Griffiths, to assist in the delivery of the Northampton International Academy. They will be lead by the Project Director, Dr Jane Doughty CBE, former Director of Leadership Design and Development at the National College of Teaching and Leadership and former secondary headteacher in Northamptonshire. Jane has significant experience and expertise across the education system – at a local, regional and national level — and was awarded a CBE for services to education in the New Year’s Honours List 2014. Page 1 Northampton International Academy update Consultation Consultation with local community groups has already started, with a meeting called on the 19th May, where representatives from local community associations, headteachers and governors from local schools have been invited to initially meet, share the vision and plans for NIA and begin to discuss working partnerships. Attendees will be consulted on the uniform, the Academy expectations and professional links. Colleagues will be encouraged to make suggestions, which will be considered alongside existing plans for provision. We welcome such opportunities to work alongside the community and believe they are a crucial aspect of the development of NIA and the rejuvenation of the local area. On the 29th April, Castle’s parents’ evening provided us with the opportunity to share the vision, architectural plans and make initial suggestions about the uniform, logo and expectations. It has felt good to start talking meaningfully with the parents and carers about being a part of the Pupil Voice EMLC Academy Trust are passionate about seeking the views of our young people, as they are the future of NIA. Pupil consultation on the uniform is hoped to be supported by fashion students from The University of Northampton , building on our links with the university. The first meeting at Castle is on 7 th May, where Joan Mackness, a representative from the Trust, and Lorna Beard, the Principal at Castle, will meet the Pupil Council at Castle to discuss codes of conduct, a logo competition and the uniform, including the PE kit. This work will roll out across the town schools, with a letter going to the local headteachers, asking for an opportunity to consult with their Year 5 pupils on the uniform, in particular. Working closely with Castle Academy, we will be offering local Primary schools taster sessions in Mandarin and Spanish during the summer term, to prepare Year 5 pupils for the eclectic range of languages offered at NIA and to offer opportunities for early language development. We are currently putting together our ‘giveaways’ for the Open Evenings in September/ October at NIA. Watch this space for information about ‘freebies’ coming the way of Year 5! Page 2 Northampton International Academy update Building work and architect’s drawings Building work at the Barrack Road site should be starting shortly; already a number of trees and bushes have been cleared from the front of the site in preparation for the start of the building work. Obviously there is a vast amount of work to be done as it is a huge building that has stood vacant for many years, however once it is completed it will be a great asset to the people of Northampton, enabling the regeneration of an unused site which currently has a negative impact on the neighbourhood. Over the coming months the pace of work will increase and people will notice more significant changes across the site. Further drawings have been drawn up by the team of architects. These are incredibly exciting and give us a real picture of the internal layout of the new school. Please do visit our information. We are this with information well as with general the Trust. website for more regularly updating regarding NIA, as information about Page 3 Northampton International Academy update
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