PARISH NOTICES THE WEEK AHEAD Monday 30 March: MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK R1 Is 42 , 1– 7; Ps 26, 1. 2. 3. 13– 14. Go Jn 12 , 1– 11. 06h30: Mass 07h00: Morning Prayer 10h00: Mass Tuesday 31 March: TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK R1 Is 49, 1– 6; Ps 70, 1– 2. 3– 4a . 5– 6ab. 15ab and 17. Go Jn 13 , 21– 33. 36– 38. 06h30 a.m. Mass 07h00 : Morning Prayer Wednesday 01 April: WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK R1 Is 50 , 4– 9a; Ps 68, 8– 10 . 21– 22. 31 and 33– 34. Go Mt 26 , 14– 25. 10h00 a.m. CHRISM MASS Thursday 02 18h00 p.m. PASCHAL MEAL IN THE DHC April: HOLY THURSDAY R1 Is 61, 1– 3a . 6a. 8b– 9; Ps 88, 21– 22. 25 and 27. R2 Rev 1 , 5– 8. Go Lk 4, 16– 21 or EX 12 , 1– 8. 11– 14; Ps 115 , 12– 13. 15 et 16bc. 17– 18. R2 1 Cor 11, 23– 26. Go Jn 13, 1– 15 18h30 p.m. MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Friday 03 April: GOOD FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF OUR LORD. R1 Is 52 , 13– 53 , 12; Ps 30, 2 and 6. 12– 13. 15– 16. 17 and 25. R2 Hebr 4, 14– 16; 5, 7– 9. Go Jn 18, 1– 19, 42. 05h15 a.m. Diakonia Good Friday Service; 09h00 a.m. Stations of the Cross 11h00 a.m. Lord’s Passion (Zulu); 14h00 p.m. Lord’s Passion (English): by Wilfrid Cardinal Napier O.F.M Saturday 04 April: HOLY SATURDAY 1.Gen 1, 1– 2, 2 ( or 1, 1. 26– 31a). 2. Gen 22, 1– 18 (or 22, 1– 2. 9a. 10– 13. 15– 18). 3. Ex 14, 15– 15, 1. 4. Is 54, 5– 14. 5. Is 55, 1– 11. 6. Bar 3, 9– 15. 32– 4, 4. 7. Ez 36, 16– 17a. 18– 28 8. Rom 6, 3– 11. 9. Mk 16, 1– 7. 05 April: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 07h45: English Mass 10h00: Mass (Multi-lingual) PARISH NOTICES 1. - SECOND COLLECTION: DVD; 2. Big Wall mounted fans; Microwave; 3. Magazines or Newspapers for patients to read when they are waiting. Thank you for your generosity. 7. FOOD DONATIONS REQUIRED: We are looking for the following food items, to be served at the Paschal Meal on 01st April: Chicken drumsticks, Cooking Oil, Onions, Butternut, Potatoes, Baby Potatoes, Eggs, Wine and Grape Juice to serve 200 people. If you would like to make donation please contact Mary Jili on 0823161743. 8. DENIS HURLEY CENTRE AT THE DURBAN PASSION PLAY: We will have a table at the Playhouse for every performance of the play to talk about the DHC and sell T-shirts. If you would like to ‘man’ the table for one evening between the 01th and 19th April 2015. Please contact Raymond on 076 570 2497. 9. FRENCH MASS: Will be held on Thursday the 30th April 2015 from 17h00-18h00 p.m. Please contact Esperance on 074 200 0904/084 916 9017. 10. R.C.I.A: COME AND SEE. All those wishing to become Catholic, those wanting to be confirmed and to know more about the Catholic Faith are invited to the ‘Come and See’ which will start on 18th April 2015. For more information please contact Iris Niemack on 073 646 7629. 11. THE MOVEMENT OF THE C.M.O: We would like to invite all men of the Parish to a meeting which will be held on the 12th April 2015 after all Masses. Attendance Crucial. For more info information please contact Lionel McDonald on 072 387 8270. 12. CATECHISTS– Will start again on Sunday 19th April after the 07:45 a.m. Mass. Please note that 23h00 p.m. Easter Vigil. Sunday 6. THE USIZO LWETHU CLINIC– is in need of donations for the followings items; 1. TV & For this week is for Bishops’ Lenten Appeal . Please be generous. - WEEK 5 LENTEN COLLECTION : 2014—R 9670.75; 2015 - R 8788.80 2. CHRISM MASS– Wednesday 01st April at 10:00 a.m. The Parish would greatly appreciate of a plate of eats. Please hand them in at the DHC .Thank you very much for your generosity. 3. BOOK FOR NOW PASCHAL MEAL: To ensure your places at the Paschal Meal on Wednesday 1st April, book now with Patricia Mahlasela on 0735177584 or email: R100 for adults, R50 for children. The meal, to be held in the main hall of the DHC, will be led by Paddy Meskin of Religious for Peace ( a Patron of the DHC) and Raymond Perrier, Director. 4. HOLY THURSDAY- LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Please note that all those involved with Liturgical Ministries are requested to attend Mass at 06:30 p.m. to re-dedicate themselves to their ministries. 5. DENIS HURLEY CENTRE AND THE GOOD FRIDAY PROCESSION: This procession was very close to the heart of the late Archbishop. If you are attending please wear your Denis Hurley t-shirt: it’s a great chance to reach out to other members of the Christian family and talk to them about the DHC. Special Religious education for those mentally and physically challenged will also begin on Sunday the 19th April. For more information please contact Sr. Marion Millane on 076 177 5151. 13. FULBRIGHT FOREIGN STUDENT PROGRAM for post– graduate students– in U.S. parlance, students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree– young professionals, and artists. Selected students receive grants to pursue Master’s and PhD programs in the United States, or to engage in research in the U.S. as part of a South African PhD. This is an opportunity not to be missed please look on the notice board for details. 14.VOCATION MEETING: Please be informed that our Vocation Meeting is every first Saturday at 08h30 a.m. after The Blue Army Mass. All young Boys and girls to please attend. Parents are also encouraged to accompany their children. Please contact Mrs. Gobhozi on 082 519 8172 or Ms. Noluthando on 071 173 0376. 15. SOUTHERN CROSS: ISSUE OF MARCH 25 TO 31, 2015 1. SA Catholics remember St John Paul II 3. The persecution of Christians. 5. Why we too must bear the cross. 2. Why does God ‘allow’ suffering? 4. Year of Mercy challenge to SA Catholics. This week’s Editorial: The Turin Shroud: Fact or fiction? EMMANUEL CATHEDRAL REFLECTION Cathedral Road, Durban, 4001, RSA, Tel : (031) 3063595/6 Fax: (031 3063597, Website:, Facebook Page : ‘Emmanuel Cathedral’ Email: HOLY AND BLESSED HOLY WEEK—is a time of Spiritual pilgrimage, accompanying Jesus through his Passion, Death and Resurrection. All the events of our lives ( good times and bad, sickness and health ) can be reflected in this week of pilgrimage. This is a very special time for us. Our liturgies lead us through great moments of reflection and contemplation of what God has in mind for each of us. He identifies with our pain and suffering while we journey on earth, when we meditate on his Passion. He shows us how to lay to ourselves for the sake of others , how to trust the Father and accept the things we cannot change in this life through his crucifixion on the Cross. He reminds us of the glorious promise and reality of heaven where our pain, suffering and confusion ends forever. WHAT A GREAT TIME FOR OUR SOULS TO BE RENEWED AND REVITALISED. JOIN US Our Vision & Mission Statement Community of God Serving Humanity A welcoming Community rooted in the Word of God . Celebrating our diversity as a spirit-filled family of God. Committed to loving God and our neighbour PASTORAL STAFF SCRIPTURE FOR FAITH SHARING Recommended small Christian Communities and families EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD. First Reading (Acts 10:34a. 37-43) “We ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.” Psalm 118: 1-2.15c-17.22-23 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad. Administrator: Fr. Stephen Tully Assistant Administrator: Fr. Zakhele Ndlovu 28/29 MARCH 2015, Second Reading (Colossians 3:1-4) “Seek the things that are above, where Christ is.” Gospel Jn 20,1-9or Mk 16, 1-7) “He must rise from the dead.” Isaiah 50:4-7 “ I hid not my face from shame, and I know I shall not be put to shame. ” The Care Group will visit the sick and elderly people in their homes and hospitals. If you care to join us or are interested you are more than welcome. For more information please contact Thabile Cele on 0827810886 or 0312617848 (Home) or else you can call the parish office on 0313063595. Please provide the Parish office with names of the sick so that the Cathedral Care Group can visit them. If you wish to include anyone in the sick list please submit their names. Names are removed every three months., Ethan Fushai, Katharina Koehler, Zethu Khumalo,Mimi Tandwa, Mrs. Fellix, Ether Gielink, Lindelwa Zeka & family,Nomusa Mpanza& family, Nhlanhla Zwane & family, Terry Monty, Nozipho Hlangu, Keith Singh, Morris Mandla Khwela and Fr.Chris Lockyer, Fr. Van Heeswijk, Kevin Usher, Timmy Govender. IMPORTANT NUMBERS CONTACT PERSON PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD FIRST READING: PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK ORGANIZATION Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Marion Millane HF PPC Chairperson: Mrs. Bunny van de Merwe PPC Deputy Chairperson: Mr. Thabo Zwane CONTACT Third song of the Servant of the Lord. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 22: 8-9.17-18a.19-20.23-24(R. 2a) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? 1. All who see me deride me; they curl their lips, they toss their heads: “He trusted in the LORD, let him save him; Let him release him, for in him he delights.” R. 2. For dogs have surrounded me; a band of the wicked besets me. They tear holes in my hands and my feet; I can count every one of my bones. R. 3. They divide my clothing among them, they cast lots for my robe. But you, O LORD, do not stay afar off; my strength, make haste to help me! R. 4. I will tell of your name to my kin, and praise you in the midst of the assembly; “ You who fear the LORD, give him praise; all descendents of Jacob, give him glory; 1. DHC Manager Jean-Marie Ntamubano 072 549 0338 2. Nkosinathi Project Ishmael Chishanu 078 199 5685 3. SVDP Albert Hororo 078 466 1453 4. Refuge Pastoral Care Hupenyu Makusha 031 307 1074 5. Baptism (0—5 Years) Lionel McDonald 072 387 8270 6. Catechism Maria Sissing 083 246 4444 Christ. Christ became obedient for us unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him: and bestowed on him the name 7. Confirmation Veronica Benny 079 788 8549 which is above every name. Glory 8. R.C.I. A Iris Niemack 073 646 7629 revere him, all you descendents of Israel.” R. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? SECOND READING Philippians 2: 6-11 “He humbled himself, and God has highly exalted him.” VERSE BEFORE THE GOSPEL: Glory and praise to you, O GOSPEL: and praise to you, O Christ. Mark 14:1-15:47 “The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark.”
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