Emmanuel Baptist Church Welcomes You 以马内利浸信会 欢迎你 Communion Sunday, May 3, 2015 “Pictures of Hope” Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-23 Sermon by Pastor David Dawson We're so glad you've joined us for worship today! If you are new to Emmanuel, please fill out a Communication Card, found in the pews. Please put the card in the offering or give it to one of the pastors. Immediately after the service … The Prayer Room is open for personal prayer and reflection. Refreshments are served in the Stevenson Room. Everyone welcome! Check out the NEW WEB design for Emmanuel Baptist Church …. now posted! Also LIKE our NEW FACEBOOK page! https://www.facebook.com/emmanuelvictoria.ca Order of Service Prelude Jeannette Yager Welcome & Announcements Pastor Ingrid Call to Worship Worship Songs All Creatures of Our God and King (#356) Jesus, Hope of the Nations All to Us Offertory Sing for Joy Kids’ Time Operation Trackshoes Pastor Ingrid Children continue with Growing in Faith: Preschool Room (Pre-Gr. 1 [2-6 yrs]; Kids’ Centre [Gr. 2-5]; Gr. 6-12 (remain in service) Scripture Ephesians 1:15-23 Sermon Pictures of Hope Pastor David Communion Hymn #121 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Communion Hymn #482 My Hope is in the Lord Benediction Postlude Pastor David Jeannette Yager Invitation to Prayer Worship Team: Julia &Andrew & Matthew Dawson, Joan Dosso, Damaris Przybylski, Adrian Stokkeland Caring for One Another Pray for our Emmanuel Family & Friends Benevolent Fund: a special opportunity to give to this fund coordinated by the Pastors for Church family members in need. Please designate on your offering envelope. Canadian Baptist Ministries Nepal Emergency Relief: On April 25 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated the area between Kathmandu and Pokhara. To donate: http://www.cbmin.org/nepal-emergency-relief/ Every dollar donated, the government will set aside one dollar for the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund. GIANT GARAGE SALE - JUNE 6 for various mission projects locally and globally Organized by the Hazel Merritt Mission Group We will need lots of goodies for our famous Bake Table. We will have tables for Attic Treasures and jewelry, crafts, toys, house wares and linens, appliances, tools, books, tapes, videos, CD’s, DVD’s, software (no clothing, encyclopedias or computer equipment). We will need lots of help with: setting up, receiving of donations on Fri. June 5 helping at tables on Sat. June 6 clearing up & hauling away on Sun. June 7 after the sale. If you are willing to help in any way please contact the church office 250–592–2418 ext 221 or office@emmanuelvictoria.ca New Sunday Morning Adult Class Starting May 12 (Stevenson Room) Topic: Vanishing Grace. Facilitator: Pastor David. This 5 part video series produced by Philip Yancey explores how our culture has rejected the Christian story and how we can make the gospel good news again. Coming Soon Sunday, May 10, 11:30 am, Mother’s Day SERVE Bake Sale (Stevenson Room). Purchase some delicious baking for Mother’s Day. Funds raised will support EBC’s Youth Group attending SERVE CBWC Youth Event this summer. Contact Margo Lisik margolavallisik@shaw.ca 250-380-1798. Thursday, May 14, 2:00 pm, Janzen Mission Group (Stevenson Room). Speaker: Catherine Scambler. All welcome. Saturday, May 23, 9:30 am - 3 pm, 15th Annual Vancouver Island Women's Day Away at Comox Community Baptist Church Theme: 'Seaside Escape'. Speaker: Fay Puddicombe. As always, this excellent gathering will be one of refreshment, learning and friendship for our Island women. Check out the bulletin boards by the office and the hallway to the Stevenson Room. Come and enjoy! Monday, May 25, 6:00 pm, Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (CBWC) Celebration Dinner (EBC Gym). On May 25th our network of churches, the “CBWC” is inviting ALL of us to a delicious catered dinner to celebrate God’s work through the local church. Three course meal, fun speakers, laughter, fellowship and music. SPACE WILL FILL UP FAST. Its FREE, and is just to bless you! RSVP by May 18 at 778-242-2598 or www.bit.ly/EngageVictoria Saturday, May 30, 2-4 pm – Emmanuel Preschool Teacher Betty Davidson’s Retirement Tea. Betty has served as the Emmanuel Preschool Manager for 15 years. We invite you to celebrate Betty’s years of ministry. Sunday June 7, 10:30 am Graduation Recognition. Graduating in 2015, we want to know! This includes high school, college or university. Please contact the church office: your name, school name and degree. Grad recognition on June 7, 10:30 am service. Contact Kathy 250–592–2418 ext 221 or office@emmanuelvictoria.ca August 8-9 The Emmanuel 125th Anniversary Celebration this Summer! On August 8 & 9 we will be celebrating our church’s 125 anniversary. Plans are underway for a celebration dinner on Aug 8 and a celebration service on Aug 9. Ingrid is looking for volunteers with the preparation of the dinner, plus decorating the gym with pictures through the years. If you have pictures and videos you are willing to share with us, put your name and phone number clearly on the back of the photos so they can be returned, and put them in an envelope marked for “Pastor Ingrid”. Ingrid is also looking for assistance in creating the picture display. Contact Pastor Ingrid 250-592-2418 x 225. Good Friends Events Thursday, May 21, 1:30 pm– Martha Partridge will share about her recent Habitat for Humanity Build in New Zealand. Thursday, June 18, 12 noon – Good Friends luncheon to end our term. Special Music will be played. Contact Pastor Ingrid 250-592-2418 x 225, ingrid@emmanuelvictoria.ca 8th Annual Victoria March for Life May 14, 2015 http://www.m4lvictoria.ca/ Marchers leave Centennial Square at 1:45 pm and arrive at the Legislature front lawn at 2:15 pm for the Rally for Life, which will have inspirational speakers and lively music until 3:15 pm. Victoria Pro-Life Gala, 6:00 pm at St. Leopold’s Church Hall (4081 Gordon Head Rd.). Guest speaker Bishop Gary Gordon, Bishop of the Diocese of Victoria. Tickets $25 by May 10. This Week At A Glance Sunday, May 3 9:30 am 10:30 am 10:45 am Growing in Faith - Christian Education for ADULTS. Stevenson Room Adult Class. Topic: The Story: “Old Testament from Creation to King Saul.” Facilitators: Roger & Tessa Balser, and Neil & Laurie Honkanen. Combined Mandarin & English Communion Service (Sanctuary). Growing in Faith - Christian Education for CHILDREN Nursery 0-2 years (Nursery). Live streaming of service for parents. Preschool –Gr. 1 (Preschool Room 1) Elementary Gr. 2-5 (Kids’ Centre) Youth Gr. 6-12 (remain in service) 11:30 am Coffee & Fellowship (Stevenson Room). Monday, May 4 10:00 am 7:00 pm Adult Monday Morning Class (Stevenson Rm.) Topic: Women of the New Testament! Teacher: Pastor Ingrid. Hazel Merritt Mission Group (Stevenson Room). Helen Kayal will be sharing her story. Everyone is welcome. Tuesday, May 5 7:00 pm Tuesday Night Chess (Fireside Lg.) Wednesday, May 6 5:30 pm 7:30 pm Family Group (Stev. Rm.) All families of children & youth are welcome to join us for a potluck meal. Childcare is offered as parents meet together for discussion and prayer. Contact Pastor David 250-592-2418 x228. Wednesday Mid-Week Worship and study (Stevenson Room). An in-depth study of Moses and the book of Exodus. Does it mean anything to us in 2015? All welcome. Thursday, May 7 10:30 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm English as a Second Language Conversation Class (Denniss Room). Last class is next Thursday, May 14th. Non-competitive Badminton for ages 7+(Gym). Young Adult Group with Pastor David (Youth Lounge). Contact Pastor David david@emmanuelvictoria.ca Friday, May 8 10 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Ladies Morning Out (Stevenson Rm). All ladies welcome. Study the Book of Ephesians. International Young Adult Group (Denniss Room). Chinese Friday Night Bible Study Groups (Kids’ Centre, Room 1). Contact Pastor Joshua 250-385-7876. Extreme Team (Gr.6-8). Make & bake for SERVE bake sale on Sunday May 10. Contact Margo margolavallisik@shaw.ca Senior Youth (Gr. 9-12). TBA. Contact Isaac isaaclisik@gmail.com Saturday, May 9 6-8:30 pm 7:00 pm Chinese Christian Evangelical Fellowship (Kids’ Ctr. & Denniss Rm). Contact Joshua 250-385-7876. Mandarin Ministry Paul Family Fellowship (Stevenson Room). The Mustard Seed Every Plate Full Fundraising Drive Thousands of Canadians face hunger every year and food banks are unable to keep up with the demand, especially in the summer. Food banks will come together to participate in the Every Plate Full Food & Fundraising Drive to fill the plates of every hungry Canadian this summer. http://mustardseed.ca/donate Don’t miss “Canstruction”, a charitable event where sponsors create colossal structures made entirely out of cans of food. The exhibit is at Mayfair Mall, May 1-11. At the end of the event, all food will be donated to The Mustard Seed. General Information Phone: 250-592-2418 |Fax: 250-592-4646 |emmanuelvictoria.ca David Dawson, Lead Pastor Ingrid White, Associate Pastor Joan Dosso, Assoc. Pastor: Worship Arts Joshua Wang, Associate Pastor: Mandarin Ministries Ken Hillmer Minister Emeritus Kathy Sugrue, Office Mgr Ext. 228 david@emmanuelvictoria.ca Ext. 225 ingrid@emmanuelvictoria.ca Ext. 227 joan@emmanuelvictoria.ca Ext. 224 cmoffice@emmanuelvictoria.ca _______ khillmer@shaw.ca Ext. 221 office@emmanuelvictoria.ca 以馬內利浸信會 Emmanuel Baptist Church 国语主日崇拜(Sunday Mandarin Worship)……… 国语主日學(Sunday School)……………………… 星期日 (Sunday) 上午 10:30am 星期日(Sunday) 上午 9:30am 祷告會 (Prayer meeting)………………………… 星期三(Wednesday) 晚上 7:30pm 青年小組(Youth Group)……………………………… 星期五(Friday) 晚上 7:00pm 真爱团契 (Truth and Love Fellowship)……………… 星期五(Friday) 長青团契(Senior Fellowship)…………………… 晚上 7:00pm 星期三(Wednesday) 上午 9:30am 保罗团契 (Paul Fellowship)………………………… 星期六(Saturday) 晚上 7:00pm 福音团契(Christian Fellowship) ……………………… 星期六(Saturday) 晚上 7:00pm nd th 以琳团契(Elim Fellowship)……第一和第三个星期一(2 & 4 Monday) 晚上 7:00pm 地址:2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2R6 国語事工牧师: Joshua Wang 王家旭 电话:250-885-0791 (国語) 250-592-2418 (English) 传真:250-592-4646 Email: cmoffice@emmanuelvictoria.ca Web: www.ebcchinese.ca
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