Summer Day Camps - Enfield District School

Summer Physical Activity Day Camps 2015
For Children entering grades primary to 6!
Camp Hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm
July 6 - 10
Uniacke District School
July 13 - 17
Maple Ridge Elementary (Lantz)
July 20 - 24
Rawdon District School
July 27—30*
Elmsdale Elementary School
Aug. 4 - 7*
Shubenacadie Community Hall
Aug. 10 - 14
Enfield Elementary
Aug. 17 - 21
Cobequid District School (Noel)
* 4 day camp week.
Registration is accepted at the East Hants Municipal Office, East
Hants Swimming Pool or by phone with a VISA/Mastercard. Registration will begin on Wednesday, May 20th and will continue until
the Friday before the camp begins.
Registration Forms:
Drop off: Lloyd E. Matheson Centre, 15 Commerce Court, Elmsdale
Mail to: 230-15 Commerce Court, Elmsdale NS B2S 3K5
Payments: Cash, Debit, Cheque, VISA or Mastercard.
*Note: VISA & Mastercard only accepted over the phone or at the
pool location.
Each child will be permitted to register for ONE camp only due to
limited space. If you wish to attend more than one camp you will
be placed on a waiting list and contacted if space becomes
There are no refunds unless Day Camps are cancelled.
Registration cost will not be adjusted due to child’s attendance.
Program Fees:
Camp Cost: $70 / week Unless it is a 4 day week, cost is $60.00.
Family Rate: The 3rd and subsequent members of the same
immediate family will receive a 50% discount.
Special Needs: Children with special needs are encouraged to
participate in our programs. Staff cannot provide one on one attention so we ask you to contact us a week in advance of registration to discuss possible options for your child if needed.
To Register:
Phone: 902-758-3497 and press 5
In Person: East Hants Swimming Pool
For more information contact:
The Department of Recreation & Culture
Phone: (902) 883-3387
Toll Free: 1-866-758-2299