necc bulletin May15- Copy.pmd

PgO;L;Lsf] Wofg e'sDk kLl8tsf] p4f/df
PgO:fL;Ln] xfn} g]kfndf cfPsf] ljgf;sf/L e"sDkaf6 ePsf] dfgjLo /
ef}lts Ifltk|lt cd]l/sfsf] g]kfnL ;d'bfosf] tkm{af6 ulx/f] b'Mv AoSt ub}{ lba+ut
cfTdfsf]rL/ zflGtsf] sfdgf u/]sf] 5 . g]kfn lzIff tyf ;f“:s[lts s]Gb| -PgO;L;L_
sf] kl/;/df @%&&cf}“ a'4 hoGtLsf] cj;/df e]nf ePsf g]kfnL ;d'bfosf lardf
dOgaQL k|Hjng ub{} dxf laklQdf k/]/ hLjg cfjtL ug{ afWo tdfd g]kfnL
bfh'efO tyf lbbLalxgLx?sf] lba+ut cfTdfsf] rL/ zflGtsf] sfdgf ul/of] .
g]kfn lzIFf tyf ;f:s[lts s]Gb
-| PgO;L;L_sf] kfrf}+ a}7s kz'klt a'4 dlGb/
ljN;len d]l/Nof08df d] # tfl/sf lbg ;DkGg
eof] . s]Gb|sf ;efklt lvn]Gb|dl0f Gof}kfg]sf]
cWoIFtfdf a;]sf] pQm a}7sn] ljleGg k|:tfjdf
a“b' fut 5nkmn u/L lg0f{ox? kfl/t u/]sf] lyof]
;'jf; gof“ j]e 8fO/]S6/
pSt a}7sn] cWoIf lvn]Gb| Gof}kfg]4f/f k|:tfj
ul/Psf j]e ;fO6 ;+of]hs ;'jf; vltj8fnfO{
cg'df]bg u¥of] . vltj8fn] o; 6f]nLsf /fh'
hf]zL,k|bLk 9sfn / ;+rf/ ;d"x;“u ;dGjo
u/L j]e;fO6nfO{ dha't agfpg'xg' 5
] .
cfslids a}7snfO{ cg'df]bg
ck|Ln @% tfl/s g]kfndf cfPsf] ljgf;sf/L e"sDkdf k/L lbj+ut x'ge' Psfx?k|lt
xflb{s >4fGhnL k|:tfj kfl/t ul/of] . PgO;L;Ln] ck|Ln @^ sf lbg cfslids
?kdf Ps a}7ssf] cfof]hgf u/]sf lyof] . pQm a}7sn] ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfx?sf]
k|ltlglwTj x'g] u/L g]kfndf e"sDk kLl8tx?nfO{ tTsfn pb\jf/ tyf
/fxt k'¥ofpg d2t ug]{ kf“r j6f :jod ;]js 6f]nL lgdf{0f u/]sf]
lyof] . tL 6Ldsf sltko ;b:ox? g]kfn uP/ p4f/ sfo{sf
vl6/x]sf] / oxf“ x'gx] ?n] klg cfkm\gf] lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug{ nflu k/L/
x]sf] a}7sdf hfgsf/L u/fOPsf] lyof] .
ljgf;sf/L e"sDkdf k/L Hofg u'dfpg],p4f/sf] kvf{Odf a;]sf /
3/ elTsP/ lj:yflkt ePsfx?nfO{ p4f/, pkrf/ tyf /fxt
ljt/0fsf nflu g]kfn k'us
] f] 8f= dbg pk|t] Lsf] 6f]nLdfkm{t e"sDk
kLl8tnfO{ @) xhf/ 8n/ pknAw u/fpg ;lsg] a}7snfO{
hfgsf/L lbOof] . of]
/sd cGtu{ t k| b Lk
9sfn4f/f ;+ s lnt *
xhf/ 8n/ / g]kf kf;f
k'r cd]l/sf4f/f ;+slnt
$ xhf/ 8n/ klg
;dfa]; ePsf] hfgsf/L
u/fPsf] lyof] . qmdz
;+slnt /sd klg p4f/
df vl6Psf] 6f] n LnfO{
pknAw u/fpg a}7sn]
cWoIf lvn]Gb| Gof}kfg] /
sf] i ffWoIf
k| w fgnfO{ lhDd] j f/L
lbPsf] 5 .
af“sL bf]>f] k[i7df ======
klxnf] k[i7af6 qmdzM======
e"sDk kLl8tsf] p4f/sf nflu cfaZos cf}iflw
tyf cGo ;fdu|L af]8{ ckm 6«li6 /fd v/]n dfkm{t
g]kfn k7fOPsf] 5 . v/]n p4f/ sfo{ s} nflu g]kfn
hfg' ePsf] 5 . ljgf;sf/L e"sDkaf6 kLl8tx?sf]
p4f/ ug{ u}/ cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3 /fli6«o ;dGjo
kl/ifb\ cd]l/sfsf gj lgjf{lrt cWoIf 8f= s]zj
] klg olt a]nf :jf:Yo sdL{x?sf] 6f]ln;lxt
g]kfn k'Ug' ePsf] 5 . PgO;L;Lsf] tkm{af6 k'?
l3ld/]n] 8f= kf}8n
] ;“u ;dGjo ug'{ x'g] ePsf] 5 .
ljz]if a'4 hoGtL
g]kfndf cfPsf] k|nosf/L e'sDk / o;af6
x'g cfPsf] dfgjLo tyf ef}lts Iflt xfd|f]
hGde"ld / lk|ohgnfO{ k/]sf] cToGt 7'nf]
ah|kftsf] ;fdgf ug{ Ifdtf / ;fx; k|fKt
xf];\ eGb} jfl;ª\6g l8;L, d]l/Nof08 / elh{lgofsf]
g] k fnL ;d' b fon] d] # tfl/sdf lbge/
elQmk"j{s k"hf cf/wgf u¥of] . lj;lensf]
kz'klt a'4 dlGb/ kl/;/df hDdf ePsf
eQmhgx?n] To;lbg lxGb'x?sf cf/Wofb]j
eujfg lai0f'sf] k'hfaf6 sfo{qmd sf] cf/De
u/]sf lyP . kl08t >Lw/ 1jfnLn] w|a' lu/L /
;To ;fO{ ;dfhsf] ;xof]udf ;Togf/fo0fsf]
k"hf ;~rfng ug'e
{ Psf] lyof] . k"hfsf] ;dfkg
kl5 e"sDksf] k|sf]k df kl/ lbj+ut x'gx] ?sf
gfddf Ps ldg]6 df}gwf/0f klg ul/Psf] lyof]
. kl08t 1fjnLn] e"sDk kLl8tsf nflu Ps
xhf/ 8n/ bfg u/]/ ;xof]u ;+sngsf] z'?jft
klg ug' ePsf] lyof] . klxnf] r/0fsf] k"hf
;dfkg kl5 g]kfn lzIff tyf ;f+:s[lts s]Gb|sf]
kf+rf}+ k"0f{ a}7s a;]sf] lyof] . bf]>f] r/0fdf
eujfg uf}td a'4sf] k|ltdfdf dfNofk{0f, nfdf
u'?x?af6 dGqf]Rr/0f u/]/ z'? ul/Psf] lyof]
. af}4 wd{sf] ljlw cg';f/ cfTdf zflGtsf]
nflu k|fy{gf ul/g'sf] ;fy} aQL k|Hjng klg
Buddha Purnima:
On May 3, 2015, NECC organized an event of Buddha
Purnima with collaboration of
Dharma Sangh, Satya Sai
Samaj, Tamang Society of
Greater Washington DC, Embassy of Nepal, and Nepa
Pasa Puch Amerikaye
(NPPA) at the Pashupati-Buddha Mandir. The morning session was organized from 11am
to 1:30pm and another evening
session was organized from
A monk at NECC praying for
4:30pm to 7:30pm. There were
earthquak victim in Nepal
about 250 community memul/Psf] lyof] . o; aLrdf ;'hg bers attended the puja includ;+u|f}nf, ;+of]u lg/f}nf / lg/fhg ing Deputy Chief of Mission
embassy of Nepal Mr.
cof{n4f/f zflGtsf nflu k|fy{gf ufog from
Narayan Mainali, Pundit
k|:t't ul/Psf] lyof] . g]kfnL
Sridhar Gyawali, Lama Gurus,
/fhb' t fjf; jfl;ª\ 6 g l8;Lsf community leaders from vari;xpklgof]u k|dv
' gf/fo0f d}gfnL ous organizations.
' cltyL /xg'ePsf] pQm
cf}krfl/s sfo{qmddf a'4 dxh{g ;fdgf ug{ k| f y{ g f ub} { d} g
;/f]h k|hfklt,tfdfË ;f];fO6L u|6] / k| H jng
jfl;ª6g l8;Lsf cWoIf cfgGb'
nfdf, ljleGg /fHoaf6 cfpg'ePsf
nfdf u'?x? n] a'4 hoGtLsf] dxTj
/ a'4 bz{gsf af/]df JofVof ug'e{ Psf]
lyof] . sfo{qmdnfO{ PgO;L;Lsf
dxf;lrj g]q l3l;ªn] ;~rfng
ug'{ePsf] lyof] eg] k|d'v cltyL
d}gfnL / PgO;L;L cWoIf| Gof}kfg]n]
sfo{qmdsf af/]df k|sfz kfg'e
{ Psf]
lyof] . PgO;L;Ldf a'4 hoGtL
sfo{ q md cfof] h gf ug{ g] k fnL
;d'bfosf cu|hdWo]sf Ps /fd
dfnfsf/n] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgsafx
ug'{ ePsf] lyof]
NECC's initiation for earthquake disaster in Nepal
As an immediate response to the devastating 7.8
magnitude earthquake in Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015.
NECC called an emergency meeting for Sunday, April 26,
2015. The meeting unanimously decided to establish a
"Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Team, USA" to raise the
emergency fund and coordinate with all other community
volunteers/donor who are generously lending their support
for the affected by this massive crisis. Rita Tiwari has
unanimously been nominated as the Coordinator of the
team. Over 50 community members from various
organizations attended the meeting and formed seven
different coordination teams in order to organize this task
seamlessly. Namely these teams are Local Organization
Coordination Team, Outside DC Coordination
Team, Medical Coordination Team, Supply
Coordination Team, Volunteer Coordination (in
Nepal) Team, Consolidation Team, and Fund
Compliance Team.
The meeting agreed to collaborate with
various organizations establishing paypal and
GoFundMe accounts. Raju Joshee established a
team’s blog and all the fund raising portal were
linked into the blog to support needy victims in
Nepal. Within a week, NECC raised over
$20,000.00 donations including $8,000.00 from
Pradeep Dhakal and his PFA team and $4,000.00
from Nepa Pasa Puch Amerikaye (NPPA). Since
community member Dr. Madan Uprety is already
in Nepal and helping devastating victims, meeting
agreed to support him with providing the donations. Meeting believes that the contributions
must be delivered to the real victims through Dr.
Uprety and his team directly. Meeting assigned
Khilendra Neupane and Laxman Pradhan to do
the necessary arrangement in order to transfer
the fund to Dr. Uprety and his team (recommendation) with compliance of US and Nepal.
Moreover; NECC collected medical supplies and
provided to BOT Ram Kharel while he was heading
to Nepal. NECC assured to all the donors and the
community members that their contributions will
be delivered to the real victims through our
community member Dr. Madan Uprety and his
Similarly, on Sunday, May 3, 2015 at the
Pashupati-Buddha Mandir, NECC organized a
candle lights vigil, observed a moment of silence,
and prayed for the peace to those affected by these
massive and devastating tremors. Coincidently, it
was the Buddha Purnima and there were two
(morning and evening) session were organized.
Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. Narayan Mainali,
Pundit Sridhar Gyawali, Lama Gurus, community
leaders from various organizations, and over 250
people participated in this event showed unity for
this most critical time in Nepal.