first name Jacqui Benaiah Axel Gabriel charles Thomas Africa AFRICA Ivan Fernando Jorge Fabio José Ignacio Escobar Luigi Diego Rodrigo Carlos Verónica Claudio Sergio Daniel Felipe Victor Ignacio Alejandro Jorge A. Ferruccio Hennie Christian Jorge Anna Cristobal Nicolas fernando Verónica Fernando last name Caine Moses Schmid Betancourt turlinski Aldunate Castro CASTRO Araneda Beguiristáin Calderón De la Fuente Escobar Pisani Pini Rivas Finat Munita R. Ferrada del Campo Garrido Niedbalski Pazmino Perez Henriquez Alvarez B. Medici Faul Thiele Saffie Gretchina Valenzuela Caussade cubillos Yáñez Yáñez Company ABB S.A. Abengoa Abengoa Abengoa Acciona Energy Acciona Energy Acciona Energy Acciona Energy Acciona Infraestructure Acciona Infraestructure Acciona Windpower Acera ACESOL Admiralty Resources NL AELA Energia SpA AELA Energia SpA Alimaña Alion Energy, Inc. Anglo American Anglo American Anglo American Anglo American Anglo American Anglo American Los Bronces Antofagasta Minerals Antofagasta Minerals Antofagasta Minerals Antofagasta Minerals Antuko Appareil Appareil Job Title Ambassador of New Zealand to Chile Financial Journalist FES Business Development Manager Business Development - Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Business Development - Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Director Head of Legal Development Manager Engineering & Construction Manager General Manager Construction Manager CEO CEO Executive Director Gerente Representante Legal y Agente en Chile CEO Commercial Manager Gerente General Sr. Project Development & Design Engineer Water and Energy Specialist Category Manager Electricity & Water Asesor de Contratos Operacionales Water and Energy Manager CEO General Manager Energy Project Vice-Manager Head of Development Ingeniero de Energía Manager of Energy Partner CEO Business Director Hans Ignacio Fernando Mario Markus Helmut Pablo Erkki Rodrigo Federico Andres Scott Ed Jaime Pablo Marco Leyla Leonardo Claudio Roberto Rene Scott Marcos Ted Brady David Jean Ana María Edzard Greg Maarten Annika Marcela María José Alejandro Ronald Grydehoj Arteaga Allendes Manríquez Pfaender Kantner Schoennenbeck Kasanen Violic Rodriguez Del Favero Fraser Kelleher Eidelstein Alonso Araya Vaccia Cornejo Villagran Llanos Dominguez Tampke Cohen Pintcke Hays Scott Dopouy Hernández zu Knyphausen Holland Kraaijenhagen Glatz Reyes Cristina Montero María Castillero Moreno Drews Arcon-Sunmark A/S International sales director Arteaga Gorziglia y Cia Partner Asociación Chilena de EnergíaPresidente Geotérmica Asociación Chilena de Energías Director Renovables Secretario Atria FS Smart Energy Solutions Managing S.L. Director AustrianSolar Chile SpA Managing Director AustrianSolar Chile SpA Project Manager AW-Energy Business Development Manager Banco BICE Head of Project Finance Baraona Abogados Ltda. Partner Barrick Gold Barrick Legal Barrick Gold Director Power Projects Barrick Gold SustainabilityDirectorPascua-Lama BCLEANTECH Senior Consultant Berta Enviromental Superintendent BHP Billiton Senior de Energía BHP Billiton Gerente de Planificación de Recursos Estratégicos BHP Billiton Superintendente de Energía y Territorio BHP Billiton Leader Category Manager Energía BHP Billiton Project Controls Superintendent Black & Veatch Project Manager Black & Veatch Director of Renewable Energy Business Development Black & Veatch South America General Manager Black & Veatch VP, Senior Project Development Director Black & Veatch VP, Project Director Mining & Energy Resource Business Black & Veatch Business Development Director Mining & Minerals BNamericas Client Relationship Manager BNamericas Conference Producer Calfula Chile SpA Director General Camara Chileno Britanica General Manager Camara Chileno Holandesa dePresidente Comercio A.G Cámara Chileno-Alemana de Comercio Project Manager e Industria Centro A.G de Negocios Mineros (CNM) Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio Gerente de Comercial Chile Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio Gerente de General Chile Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio Presidente de Chile Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH HeadofBusinessDevelopment–LATAM&Canada,GlobalEnergyBusiness Canadian Solar Inc Director, Microgrid Business Development Brian Fernando Arturo Pablo José Miguel Juan Nick Akram Claudio Manuel Carlos Jose Stephen Sara Mitsuru Martín Luis Juan José Alfredo Víctor Jaime José Ramón Alejandro Nelson Francisco Richard Agustín Alvaro Gonzalo Tomas Daniel Enrique Arturo Aníbal Carlos Hernán Andres Saturnino Veronica Mauro Maritza Lu Canadian Solar Inc Head of Hybrid and Microgrid Solutions Reitich CAP CEO Wenzel CAP Executive Vice President Planning & Strat. Resources Arriagada CAP Head of Energy and Fuels Bustamante del Río Carey y Cía. Ltda. Lawyer Mackenna Carey y Cía. Ltda. Partner Lindsay Castillo Copper Managing Director Elhenawy Caterpillar Microgrid - Electric Power GlobalDivision Mining Key Accounts Manager Tabilo Celeo Redes Chile Limitada Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocio Sanz Burgoa Celeo Redes Chile Limitada Gerente General Arenas Coronil Centro Desarrollo Energético Antofagasta Jefe de Proyecto Guerrero Cerro Bayo Superintendent of Maintenance and Services Houghton Cerro Grande Mining Corporation CEO Milesi Chiyoda Corporation Business Coordinator Funabashi Chiyoda Corporation General Manager Riesco Cia.Mantos de la Luna S.A. Director Rojas CICITEM CEO Gracia Muro Cobra Chile Servicios, S.A. Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios Robles Becerra Codelco Vice President of Productivity and Costs Olivares S. Codelco Ingeniero de Energía Sustentable Dirección Energía Sustentable y Cambio Climático Dörner Henríquez Codelco Jefe Proyecto Infraestructura y Logística Bartsch Codelco Jefe de Proyectos - Division Andina Ramírez Uberuaga Codelco IngenierodeProyectos–GerenciadeMinas Rivera Codelco Vicepresidente de Administracion y Finanzas Pizarro Codelco CEO Danitz Codelco Energy and Fuels Director Aylwin Codelco Director de Energía Sustentable y Cambio Climático Sepúlveda Osorio Codelco Director Implementación de Tecnologías, de la Gerencia de Tecnología e Innovación Hernandez Codelco Director de Recursos Hídricos Leiva Mena Codelco División Chuquicamata Ingeniero Jefe Senior Gerencia Proyecto Gómez Caorsi Codelco El Teniente Morales Ladrón de Guevara Codelco El Teniente Castillo Araya Codelco El Teniente Muñoz Durán Codelco Salvador Jefe Eficiencia Energética DSAL Cortez Collahuasi Superintendent of Strategic Supplies Castro Compañía Explotadora de Minas Encargado CEMIN de Gestión Ambiental Baeza Compania Minera Cerro NegroGerente de Operaciones Marcelo Mario Juan Carlos Gabriel Cristian Monica Alejandro Emily Alejandra Roberto Andres Roberto Renée Patricia Geoff Gonzalo Margot Christian Barbara Salvatore Gonzalo Alfredo Jose Manuel Ian Maximo Mariana Cesar Leon F. Pedro Sebastian Lucas Rafael Ludwig Corinna Vicente Andreas Sergio Pizarro Jofre Saez Betancourt vasquez Terceros Nogales Peña Hersh Cortés Valencia Rodriguez Lanau Muñoz Plouffe Fuller Whitte Muñoz Edwards Daroch Dumont Bernabei Salamanca Hott Soffia Nelson Pacheco Matte Villegas Belaunde de Castro P. Borja Waldburg Troitiño Valdez Mingramm Hecker Ebert Rosello Häberle Henriquez Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Ing. Collahuasi Senior Eficiencia Energétic Compania Minera San Geronimo Hydraulic Resources and Projects Compañía Minera San Geronimo CEO Consejo Pueblos Atacameños Director Área Energia CorpBanca Manager Corporacion Andina De Fomento Ejecutiva Principal Corporacion Andina De Fomento Ejecutivo DCDB Group Managing Partner Editec International Sales Manager Editec Journalist Elecnor ADVISORY Eléctrica Cenizas General Manager Embassy of Canada Trade Commissioner (Energy) Embassy of Canada Ambassador Embassy of Canada Commercial Counsellor and Senior Trade Commissioner Embassy of Canada Trade Commissioner (Mining) Embassy of Canada Trade Commissioner (Environmental/CSR/Communities) Embassy of Canada EDC Senior Regional Manager Embassy of Canada EDC Associate Regional Manager Enel Green Power Enel Green Power Enel Green Power Energía Andina S.A Gerente General Energia Laima General Manager Energy Minister of Chile Enermine Gerente de Negocios Enermine General Manager Enerstar America Enerstar America Enerstar America Envision Energy Chile Spa Technical Manager Envision Energy Chile Spa Technical Manager Ferrostaal Managing Director Ferrostaal Business Development Renewables Finning Sudamérica Key Account Manager/ Energía y Motores Fraunhofer Chile Center Director for Solar Energy Technology FCR-CSET Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Strategic Sourcing Manager Eduardo Jorge Antonio Julián Matías Arturo Andy Rainer Rodrigo Daniella Anthony Kerry Monserrat Cristian Manuel Karl Jorge Pablo Joaquin Rob Lachlan Andi Andi Ricardo Rodrigo Carlos Noemi Guillermo Sebastian Ulises Rodrigo José Domingo Elizabeth Darren david Ignacio Alejandro Maximo Thomas Garrido Saavedra GE Sales Application Engineer Alessandri Vergara Gestacur Chile Gerente Comercial Simón Carretero Gestacur Chile Gerente en Chile Marañón Gestión y Economía Minera Ltda. Ingeniero Analista Rochefort Gilkes Gilkes Local Representative Eaton Gilkes Hydro Sales Engineer Schroeer GIZ Diaz GoldCorp Inc. Engineering Manager Rough Golder Associates Renewable Energy and Sustainable Mining Specialist Ciccone Golder Associates Principal de Viet GPC Cirec Week Salinas Gil Grupo Etcheberry Gerente de Proyectos & Cuentas Argandoña Grupo Minero Las Cenizas General Manager Gonzalez Haldeman Mining Company Jefe de Mantencion Electrica Pearce Hatch Ortiz Hatch Regional Director Project Delivery & Integration, South America Razazi Hatch Energy Director LATAM Moran Hatch Senior Engineer, Wind and Hybrid Power Lydan Hatch Director of Solar and Wind Broadfoot HDR Mining Market Director Bogdanovic HDR Power Section Manager Bogdanovic HDR Power Section Manager Bittig HMV Chile Commercial Director Diaz Hot Chili Limited Country Manager Cabrera IC Power Chief Commercial Machuca Gho IDMA Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables Bobadilla Goldschmidt IMEL Gerente Logística y Desarrollo Contreras Fuller IMEL Gerente Poirrier Inacal S.A. Gerente Area Cal Urzúa González Ingenieros del Cobre & MineríaEditor General Martínez Guirado Ingenostrum CHile SpA Gerente General Robberechts Inter-American Development Bank Lead Investment Officer Easton Isotron General Manager velasco Itau BBA corporate banking Fernández Jefe área Nuevos Desarrollos Agencia Chilena de Eficiencia Energetica Aron Neumann Jefe de Departamento de Control Compañía Ambiental Minera San Geronimo Astorga JOGMEC Adviser Kunihito Jeremy Jose Alejandro Mauricio Joep Gonzalo Daniel Eduardo Juan Guillermo Dominic Stuart Ben Juan Luis Antonio Jorge Alejandro Ivan Erwin Silvia Mario Mario Martin Hilmar Richmond Pabla Eduardo Rene Jose Miguel Antonio Claudia Hernán G. Court Max Ana Javier Nicolas Yamamoto Weyland Cuevas Gomez Caamaño Thomassen Araujo Canales Andrade Walker M. Duffy O’Brien Suringar Miranda Ruiz B. Lira Abela Contreras Garrido de la Barra Kaufmann Baeza Carrizo Darlington Carrizo Rivas Rode Fenn Orellana Flores Zelaya Mora Badilla Ibarra Inope Pozzo Guerrero Muggli Larraín Zúñiga Ardiles Clarke Ibáñez Latorre JOGMEC Santiago Office General Manager Kinross Project Manager Kinross Gold Corporation Environmental Manager LAP–LatinAmericaPower Director Comercial y Operación & Mantención Leclanché SA Vice President Lumina Copper Chile Development Manager Mainstream Renewable PowerPower Sales Manager Mainstream Renewable PowerGerente de Transmisión Mainstream Renewable PowerGerente Desarrollo Negocios Mandalay Resources Chief Operating Officer Mandalay Resources General Manager Mandalay Resources Construction Manager Mandalay Resources-Cerro Bayo Jefe de mantención eléctrica de la Compañía Mandalay Resources-Cerro Bayo Capataz eléctrico de la Compañía Melon Gerente de Estrategia - Cemento Melon Melon Gerente de Desarrollo - San Patricio Minera Andes Iron Vice President of Sustaintability Minera Andes Iron CEO Minera Can Can General Manager Minera Can Can Corporate Affairs Manager Minera Constanza Director Minera Constanza General Manager Minera Doña Ines de Collahuasi Asesor Senior Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional Minera Escondida BHP Billiton President Minera Lomas Bayas General Manager Minera Lomas Bayas GlencoreSuperintendent of Communications and Public Affairs Minera Pascua Lama Barrick Gold Senior VP Executive Director Minera Rafaela Jefe de Operaciones Minera Rafaela Jefe de Ingenieria Minera Rio Alto Gerente de Licencias y Permisos Minera Rio Alto Environmental Manager Minera San Pedro Ltda. General Manager Minera Santo Domingo Project Director Minera Sierra Gorda Abogado Senior Minera Sierra Gorda Vice President Corporate and Sudtainability Minera Tres Valles - VecchiolaSub-Gte. Administración y Finanzas Minera Tres Valles - VecchiolaDevelopment Engineer Rafael Luis Benjamin Paul Matias Derek Juan Guillermo Alvaro Karina marcos Ron Jean Victor Nuño Tom Matias Steinacker Christian Nelson Marco Felipe David David Mauricio Esteban Hunter Valérie Gonzalo Richard Patricia Luis Velko Jorge David Patrick daniel Fernando Dario Marco Perez de Arce Minera Tres Valles - VecchiolaGeneral Manager Vega Muñoz Minera Tres Valles - VecchiolaAdmistration and Finance Manager Campo Minera Valle Central - AmerigoGerente de Ingenieria Murphy Mining Plus Lima Manager Langevin Morales y Besa Partner Martin Moray Development Manager Torres Fuentealba MountainStar Gold Inc. Abogado Minero Nunez Munich Reinsurance America Business Development Manager Díaz Editora de Leaders and Mining cardaci Nordex Sr. Sales Manager Latin America Flax-Davidson Nordex VP Project Development and Finance Paquin Northland Power Development Director Servicesof Business Development, Chile Seguel Northland Power Development Services Inc. Ruiz de Dulanto Chilean Coordinator Olsen Nyrstar (El Toqui) General Manager Origin Energy Business Develpment Manager Reilly Origin Energy Development Manager Muñoz Origin Energy Manager External Relations & Business Development Lopez Origis Energy Velasco Pampa Camarones General Manager McGann Panasonic Eco Solutions Strategic Business Development McGann Panasonic Eco Solutions Strategic Business Development González Serrano PanAust Project Control Engineer Armistead Pattern Development Executive Vice President, Business Development Pitault Pattern Development Chile Corporate Administration Specialist Moyano Pattern Development Chile Director Business Development Blackmore Pattern Energy Director, Engineering, Procurement and Construction Navarrete Pattern Energy Chile Executive Assistant Meersohn Pattern Energy Chile Director, Corporate and Operations Zuvic Aravena POCH S.A. Gerente Mineria Revecco Polar Star Mining Gerente de Operaciones Watts Pontificial Catholic University ofProfessor Chile and Adviser in Energy Furrer Pöyry (Peru) S.A.C. Senior Engineer ocqueteau Quiborax Head of Legal Affairs Silva Calonge Rafaela General Manager Di Leonardo Renergetica Country Manager LATAM Giannettoni Renergetica Engineering Manager Tommaso Fernando Arnoldus Mateo Cristobal Eduardo Paula Mónica Pamela Gustavo Felipe Daniela Joaquin Adrian Ricardo Jaime Jorge Ignacio Daniel Lilian Marcelo Carolina Yaniv Ofer Navot Alvaro Andreas Tristan Heinz R. Geoff Sundeep Mariano roberto roberto roberto Leonardo Rodrigo Nicolas Traverso Hentzschel van den Hurk Westendarp Z. Recordon Z. Figari Rojas Cerda Mohr Pinto Pinto Tapia Ruiz Quigg Fernandez Macaya Ravinet Amiano Quiles Aninat Núñez Banto Preis Weidenfeld ben David Bar Saldaño Boes Wallbank Busch Oetjen Stoker Lavelle Khosla Monedero stocker stocker stocker Hermosilla Tapia Sadon Renergetica Project Engineer Renewable Energy Centre Head of the Technical Division RES Chile SpA - Renewable Energy Development Systems RES Chile SpA. Director - Development Revista El Industrial Editora General Revista ElectroIndustria Periodista Revista Energía Director Revista Energía Editor Revista Nueva Mineria y Energia Fotógrafo Revista Nueva Mineria y Energia Periodista Revista Nueva Mineria y Energia Editor REXEL Director Mining Rijn Capital Director of Development Rijn Capital President of the board Rijn Capital General Manager Saft Batteries Managing Director & Sales Director Iberia & CaSA Santander GBM Senior Banker: Infrastructure, Mining and Financial Sponsors Seawind Sudamérica SpA Gerente Comercial Seawind Sudamérica SpA Gerente General Senvion BusinessDevelopmentManager–LatinAmerica Shikun & Binui Head of international business development-solar energy Shikun & Binui Construction Manager Shikun & Binui Vice President for Business Development Siemens Power and Gas Instrumentation, Controls & Electricals Siemens Sales Manager Siemens Wind Power and Renewables Sales Manager Chile Sierra Gorda SCM Senior Electrical Superintendent SkyPower Director SkyPower VP Energy Storage SkyPower Regional Manager South America Smart Energy Project Manager Smart Energy Project Manager Smart Energy Project Manager SNC Lavalin Senior VP, Copper and General Manager Chile Solairedirect Chile Business Development Director Solairedirect Chile Regional Director South and Central America Rafael Cidon Rafel Pablo Iñigo Jesse Jose Joel Tom Joel Fernando Felipe María Cristina Idris Pablo Mauricio Daniel Maximiliano Nancy Millard Nancy Hirokazu Hideaki Kazuo Ruben Felipe Iñigo Felipe Renzo Alfredo Jordan Jason Matthew Manuel Marcos Paul Codd David Eric Hernandez-Sanjuan Cidón Burgos Malo de Molina Fruman Lobo Link Georgis Link Flores Celedón Mardones Betancour Tayebi Pulido Olivares Alarcon Vial Hartsoch Fore Hartsoch Sasabu Nakahata Oe Escalona Novoa Sanchez Morales Andreani Solar Hiebert Dashney Brook Novoa Cid Leiva MacDonald Baril Ahumada Solar Energy Partners Executive Partners Solar Energy partners General Manager SolarPack CEO SolarPack Chile Head of Solarpack in the Andean Regions SolarReserve SolarReserve Director of Development SolarReserve Vice President of Development SolarReserve Senior Vice President of Development Vice President of Development and Global Head of Mining Development SONAMI Subgerente de la Fundación Tecnológica SONAMI Gerente General SONAMI Gerente de Investigación y Desarrollo Sonnedix Chile Holding SpA Business Development Manager Sonnedix USA Service Limited SQM Project Director SQM Category Manager Abastecimiento Corporativo SQM Gerencia de Desarrollo Sumitomo Electric Industries Executive Consultant Sumitomo Electric Industries Business Development Sumitomo Electric Industries Executive Consultant Sumitomo Electric Industries Assistant Manager, Solar Business Development Sumitomo Electric Industries Senior Manager, Power System R&D Center Sumitomo Electric Industries Senior Manager, Solar Business Development SunEdison Director of Sales Chile Peru SunEdison Business Development Manager SunEdison Business Development Associate SunEdison Business Development EPC Chile SunEdison Procurement Manager South America SunEdison General Manager Surespan Wind Energy Services Divisional Ltd. Manager Surespan Wind Energy Services COO Ltd. Sustainable Solutions Group Vice President Teck Carmen de Andacollo General Manager Teck Chile Senior Electrical Engineer Teck Resources Limited Energy Engineer Teck Ressources Chile Ltda Vicepresidente Cobre, Operaciones Mineras Transelec VP Business Development Peter Peter Shatchakarn Shatchakarn Karl Darryn Joao Juan Rodrigo Marc Tomaso Jose Antonio Joachim Ricardo Calderwood Calderwood Chaiear Chaiear Royce Quayle Coral Camus Rivas Rivard Charlemont Estela Ramirez Meister Paredes Trustpower Trustpower Udorn Sunnergy Co., Ltd. Udorn Sunnergy Co., Ltd. UK Trade & Investment UK Trade & Investment Vale Valhalla Energía Valor Estrategico Vergnet Vergnet Volcan WorleyParsons Yamana Gold General Manager - Strategy and Growth General Manager - Strategy and Growth Managing Director Managing Director Deputy Director, Chile Mining Specialist Global Energy Director CEO Director Sales Director Sales Manager Energy Manager Regional Director Energy & Infrastructure Latin America Projects Superintendent for Florida lEnergyBusiness table y Cambio Climático Tecnología e Innovación
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