Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Rho Omega Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Chi Rho Omega Chapter
2015 Crystal Creech Shepherd Memorial Scholarship
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Chi Rho Omega Chapter,
annually awards the Crystal Creech Shepherd Memorial Scholarship to
high-school seniors who plan to matriculate to a four-year college or
university. Preference is given to applicants who live in or attend high
school in Knightdale, Wendell, Wake Forest, Rolesville or Zebulon.
The application is open to African American male and female students who
meet and/or submit the following supporting materials:
• Demonstrated academic achievement with a minimum unweighted GPA
of 2.5
• Participation in school and community activities
• Standardized test score results (ACT or SAT)
• Two recommendation letters
• Official current high school transcript
• Senior Photo
• Resume
• Completed essay and leadership question
The application along with supporting materials must be postmarked by
April 24, 2015. All information should be sent to: Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated, Chi Rho Omega Chapter, PO Box 434, Knightdale,
NC 27545, Attn: Scholarship Committee.
All scholarships are one year, non-renewable and will be awarded to the
recipient upon verification of college enrollment.
For more information including the complete application and requirements,
please visit our website at or email us at
Chi Rho Omega Chapter
2015 Crystal Creech Shepherd
Memorial Scholarship Application
Personal Information
Street Address
City ST ZIP Code
Name of Parent(s)
Home Phone
Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Academic Information
High School
Counselor’s Name
Cumulative GPA
Class Rank
SAT or ACT Score
Schools Applied To
(Indicate acceptance status)
School Attending
Field of Study
Scholarships Received
Leadership & Interests
Activities & Organizations
Community Service
Hobbies & Special Interests
Awards & Recognitions
List two individuals who will provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Recommendations
should be from an adult who will be able to provide insight on your leadership, character, and academic
drive (such as a teacher, school counselor, school administrator, or community/religious leader).
Leadership Question
Please respond to the following leadership question: “I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is
be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me.” - Maya Angelou. Describe how you
have led by example and how you plan to continue to demonstrate this while in college and beyond.
Your question should be typed on a separate sheet of paper and be included along with your application.
Please limit your response to no more than 250 words.
Please respond to the following essay question: “I have learned that success is to be measured not so
much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying
to succeed." - Booker T. Washington. What life experiences have shaped who you are today and what
challenges have you overcome in achieving your education (i.e. financial, personal, medical, etc.)?
Your essay should be typed on a separate sheet of paper and be included along with your application.
Please limit your response to a minimum of 250 words and no more than 500 words.
Additional Requirements
• Official current high school transcript
• Senior Photo
• Resume
The completed application along with supporting materials must be postmarked by April 24, 2015. All
information should be sent to: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Chi Rho Omega Chapter, PO
Box 434, Knightdale, NC 27545, Attn: Scholarship Committee.
Application Checklist
Completed application (Signature and date required)
Two recommendation letters
Leadership Question
Official current high school transcript
Senior photo
Required Certification and Release of Information (must be signed by applicant and
parent, if applicable)
I confirm that I have provided factual and complete information on this scholarship application to the
best of my knowledge. False information or failure to disclose relevant information may be grounds for
rejection of my application.
I have read the Application Guidelines for the Crystal Creech Shepherd Memorial Scholarship and
meet all stated conditions of eligibility. I understand that all applications will be held confidential, and
that no application material will be returned.
Applicant Signature:______________________________________ ______Date:____________________
Parent Signature (if applicant is less than 18 years):___________________Date:____________________