Winter 2014 Rho State Quarterly

Rho State Quarterly
A Publication of RHO STATE
Volume 68, No. 4
Delta Kappa Gamma International
December/January 2014/5
Rho State Convention
April 17-19, 2015
Sandhills Convention Center
North Platte, NE
Pictures courtesy of Visitors Bureau
Mark your calendars. It’s convention time again. Come and join the business side of how a pr ofessional or ganization of
educators “make things happen.” And, then there is the fun side. There will be sectionals, speakers and times to communicate
with your fellow sisters—the ones you only see at convention. And, of course, there will be food and be sure to bring some extra
dollars to bid on those beautiful baskets that each chapter provides. Take time to see some of the sights in North Platte: The Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park, the American 20th Century Veterans Memorial, and the U.P. Railroad/ Bailey Yard, etc.
(The registration form can be printed from the last page of this document).
Barbara Whiting of Plymouth, Minnesota will represent DKG International as
the guest speaker at the Rho State Convention in April at North Platte. Whiting, a retired (but
not tired) teacher has held many positions: teacher of grades 3-5, special education teacher,
coordinator of special programs, curriculum and instruction grant writing and special projects,
elementary school principal, supervisor of student teachers, and consultant for staff development. Consequently, her words of wisdom will relate to nearly all of the attendees at the convention. She has excelled at working for the local chapter, the state level (currently State
Leadership Chair) and especially at the international level. One of the highlights of her experience is presenting workshops and training sessions at many various locations. She currently
volunteers on Project Homeless Connect, is a library volunteer, sits on the committee for a
World Without Genocide and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Ms. Whiting had many interests other than her volunteer work: she reads (one to
three books a week); she belongs to two book clubs; she loves to travel (five
continents, 45 states); she enjoys biking, birding, photography, water aerobics, cooking, coffee, and lifelong learning.
Whiting’s husband Rick is a retired engineer. Her extended family
includes three brothers and their families, as well as, many friends who have
become chosen family members.
Rho State Quarterly
Winter Issue, December/January 2014/5/ Page 2
Rho State Slate of Officers for the new biennium...
Jeanette Althouse is nominated for State Pr esident for the upcoming biennium. She has been a member of
Omicron Chapter for 26 years holding positions of treasurer, chapter president, and serving on numerous
committees. At the state level, she has been Corresponding Secretary, Secretary, Second Vice President, and
First Vice President. She is currently teaching 5th grade and Science for 5th and 6th grades at Sutton Public
School. Her favorite pastime is to spend time with family—her husband, Dave, two sons and daughters-in-law,
and six grandchildren. Her hobbies are gardening, singing, and sewing.
De (Delores) Smith is a nominee for Rho State Fir st Vice Pr esident for the 2015-2017 biennium. De is a member of Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma and has served her chapter as recording secretary (three terms), president (two terms), and first vice-president (one term). At the state level, De has served on the Membership Committee, the Nominations Committee, Rho State Corresponding Secretary, Rho State Recording Secretary, and Rho State
Second Vice President. She has attended International Conventions in Minneapolis, San Diego, and Spokane, and
Northwest Regionals in Boise, Bismarck, Milwaukee, Vancouver, Portland, and Edmonton in addition to numerous
Rho state conventions. De teaches high school English at Raymond Central Public Schools and serves as Cheerleading sponsor, Junior Class sponsor, National Honor Society sponsor, and a member of the School Improvement team.
At Raymond Central she has received the Secondary Teacher of the Year Award. She is in charge of the Greeter
Ministry at her church. De enjoys reading, walking, and baking (especially desserts) and spending time with her
nephews and niece.
Mary Eiler of Ver del has been nominated for the position of Second Vice Pr esident. Mar y has been a member of Alpha Lambda chapter in Knox County for 20 years. She retired in 2005 after 32 years at Niobrara Public
Schools as the high school mathematics teacher. Presently, she has been doing a long term substitute assignment.
Mary enjoys traveling, quilting , jigsaw puzzles and doing Sudoku puzzles. She enjoys spending time with her son
and three grandchildren.
Elizabeth Mallory has been nominated for Recor ding Secr etar y. She has been a member of Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International for twenty-six years. Elizabeth is a member of Upsilon Chapter. She has held the
offices of second vice president, vice president, and president of Alpha Zeta Chapter and president of Upsilon
Chapter. Elizabeth has held the office of Correspondence Secretary for Rho State. She is currently serving as
Recording Secretary for Rho State. Elizabeth teaches special education and computer literacy at Schuyler Community Schools. She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and specific learning disabilities from
Wayne State College.
Dr. Phyllis K. Adcock is being nominated for the position of Rho State Cor r esponding Secr etar y. She has
been a member of DKG since 2001, serving as first and second vice president, then president of Omega chapter.
She is an Associate Professor in the College of Education, Department of Teacher Education at UNO. Adcock
received her Bachelors and Masters degree from Kansas State University, and her Doctorate from the University
of Kansas, and has been teaching for 40 years. She has been married to Dennis for 41 years and they have three
beautiful daughters, Heather, Erin, and Marlo, two great son-in-laws Nathan and Alex, and two adorable granddaughters Grace and Ava.
Nominations Committee Members by District….
Dr. Lillian Larson, on the ballot
for the Nominations Committee
(central region),
has been a member of Alpha
Kappa chapter
(Kearney) since
1997. She has
held numerous offices in the local
chapter, including chapter president on two occasions. She
served as chair of Rho State’s
Communication Committee for
several terms. She has also served
on the Membership Committee
and is currently a member of the
Educational Excellence Committee (Professional Growth and
Services emphasis).
Pat Monson, (Nor folk) is on the ballot for the
Nominations Committee representing
the Northeast region. Pat has held
many offices, both chapter and state:
chapter president, vice president,
various committees, currently recording secretary; Past Rho State President, First Vice President, Second
Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Expansion Chair, Scholarship Committee, and
currently Leadership Committee. She has retired from
being the Special Education 7-12 Teacher/ K-12 Coordinator at Madison High School. She received her
degrees from Wayne State College, UNL (MAE), and
Learning Strategies from University of Kansas. Pat
and husband Warren have two daughters and four
grandchildren. Pat in involved in service at her church,
the VFW Auxiliary, Retired School Personnel, and the
Elkhorn Sandhills Education Assn.
Lisa Fricke is being nominated for
the Rho State Nominations Committee.
Fricke was initiated
into Alpha Lambda
chapter in April
1984, and she is currently a member of
Delta Chapter, Omaha, NE. During her membership she
has been a local president, vice chair,
professional affairs chair, and a member of numerous local committees. Fricke has also served on the
State Finance Committee for several
terms and represented Rho State at
the National US Forum for two years.
Currently, Fricke is serving as Delta
Chapter President.
Winter Issue, December/January 2014/5/ Page 3
Rho State Quarterly
The holiday season that just passed is always a time for reflection on our many blessings, our cherished family and friends, and the freedoms that we take for granted every day. It is
also time to look forward to the new year, new challenges, and new adventures that wait ahead
of us.
It seems it was only yesterday when I said I was so honored to begin representing the
women of Rho State Delta Kappa Gamma as your president. Now, the calendar indicates I am
entering the final few months of service in that position.
Take note—the annual Rho State Legislative Day will take place in March in Lincoln.
A registration form which can be copied is on the last page of this document. Plan to “make
your voice” heard at this event.
Here in Rho State, we have an undying urge to help our neighbors, to provide aid to
children and women in need, and to make a positive difference in our neighborhoods, state, and
literally, around the world. As a reflection of that generous spirit, I have chosen "Building on
Our History of Service to Education" as the 2015 Rho State Convention theme.
Go West, DKG Women! Come to Nor th Platte on Apr il 17-19, 2015 and help us
celebrate our history as we build upon the foundation laid by the many outstanding women educators who have led us to
this point. There should be something for everyone at this year's Convention. We plan to rustle up a couple "stem-winding"
performances by local authors, get your pulse pounding with physical activities, corral some classroom make-and-take ideas, rope in a discussion of relevant and controversial educational issues, whip up an appearance by Buffalo Bill Cody and
possibly other well-known historical figures, and throw down some aces-high vittles.
So, pack your boots, hats, and best bib and tucker (for the Saturday night fandango), then get ready to meander
around in North Platte on Friday and Saturday, April 17-19, 2015. Come early on Friday, and tour the William F. "Buffalo
Bill" Cody Scouts Rest Ranch. More news and information will be coming to the chapter presidents, so look forward to that
at your upcoming chapter meetings.
The gift cards at the 2014 Rho State Convention were such a hit that we want to make them an official part of our annual
Basket Raffle. Chapters have their choice of a $50 basket, two $25 baskets, gift cards that total $50, or a combination of gift cards/
baskets that equal $50. Let your imaginations be your guide.
New DKG Rules Directly Affecting Members, Chapters, and State Organizations
The 2014 International convention adopted several amendments to the DKG governing document that directly
affect members, chapter, and state organizations, including :
1. Authorizing the publication of a collegial magazine, in addition to the DKG NEWS and The Delta Kappa
Gamma Bulletin.
The Bulletin will be a formal publication in which members can publish articles based on their scholarly
research. The collegial magazine will be an informal publication of interest to women educators. In it members can publish articles on classroom or DKG chapter practice and initiative; viewpoints on current issue related to women, children,
education, and DKG; review of books related to women’s issues and education; letters to the editor; and member’s own
creative writing.
The Bulletin will be published three times a year, rather than four, and online only. The collegial magazine will
be published twice a year in hard copy; issues will be mailed to members.
2. Eliminating the requirement that a person must have been a member for three years before she is eligible to
apply for an International scholarship for studies other than doctoral studies.
3. Reducing the honorary membership fee from $50.00 to $49.50, which will enable DKG to offer honorary
membership to those U.S. government officials who are currently prohibited from accepting gifts of $50.00 or more.
4. Permitting International Speakers Fund awards to be used for both travel and other related expenses.
5. Stipulating that nominees for trustees for The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation Board should
have state organization leadership experience, be computer literate, and be prepared to administer the financial marketing, fundraising and legal issues associated with the foundation.
6. Eliminating both the obligation and funding for state organizations to host a state night at regional conferences. A complete list of adopted amendments and an updated issue of the governing documents will be available to
members after the International Constitution Committee verifies the exact wording of each adopted amendment and approves the release of the information.
Helen Popovich, Ph. D. PRP BetaKappa,
Alpha Iota State Parliamentarian
Winter Issue, December/January 2014/5/ Page 4
Rho State Quarterly
“Count your many blessings, name them one by one.” This is a line from one of my favorite songs. With
Christmas in the near past, we can all stop and count blessings through this past year that we were given, whether we
deserved them or not. It is a blessing to me that I belong to a giving, dedicated, and excellent group of educators in
DKG. We may not see each other often, but there is an underlying ribbon connecting us through our hearts and minds.
To me, it is not surprising that our first goal in DKG is to unite fellow educators in a spiritual fellowship.
Our biennial goals are to advance excellence in education, empower women, and increase global awareness.
Advancing excellence may include topics on educational law and the latest issues in education, along with supporting
our new early career educators. Maybe in the up-coming biennium you could include some community leadership along
with arts, music, and the humanities to empower the women in your chapter. To increase global awareness, think about
informing and supporting our Schools for Africa project or focusing on the United Nations relationship with DKG. As
chapter presidents look for new ideas, be sure to check out the DKG website that offers a host of ways to incorporate our
biennial goals.
As for our dear state of Nebraska, we set our state goal to help with Royal Family Kids Camp, helping children
that need many blessings. Throughout this past year, over $1200 was given to camps across our state along with a multitude of items used in the summer camps. As one camp director wrote in her thank you note, “It really is amazing to see
the impact one week can have in a loving environment.” Thank you so much for giving so generously to those little people. This project will continue through the coming year, so be sure to pick up items on sale whenever you can, or have a
“pass the hat” to collect some change. Whatever you do, just remember---“Sometimes when we are generous in small,
barely detectable ways, it can change someone else’s life forever.” (Margaret Cho)
My wish is for all of you to hold dear those you love in the New Year, and remember all those sisters across the
state of NE that are a blessing to the education of our youth.
By Jeanette Althouse
April 17-19, 2015 will be a great time to donate items to the Royal Family Kids Camp. You can bring
beach towels, flip flops, personal care items, swimming trunks and swim suits, or similar items when you come to
the Convention in North Platte. For a complete list of the children's needs, contact Jeanette Althouse, whose information is on the back page of this Quarterly. Step forward and touch the life of a child in need.
KUDOS to Dr. Connie Schaffer
Dr. Schaffer’s article “Embarking on the Tenure
Journey at Age 50” was selected for inclusion in the Fall
2014 Volume 81-1 issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma
KUDOS to Saundra L. Shillingstad
Dr. Shillingstad’s article “Navigating the Roles
of Leadership: Mentors’ Perspectives on Teacher Leadership has been selected for inclusion in the Winter 2015,
Volume 81-2 issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin.
The theme of Rho State Membership for this biennium is Building Membership, One by One. As the school year is
progressing and first semester has ended in most districts, this is a good time for chapters to reach out to early career educators in their area and offer encouragement through a note or some other tangible means. After doing this, inform the early
career educator about the benefits of membership in DKG and the support which they can receive from career educators in
the chapter. Be diligent and focused on increasing your chapter’s membership with quality women educators.
Remember that the Order of the Rose is given to each chapter that adds five new/transfer/reinstated members in a
year. Recognition of those chapters who have received the Order of the Rose is given at State Convention. There are many
key women educators in the state of Nebraska who would be worthy of membership in DKG. Have you invited a key woman educator to join your chapter? Will your chapter receive the Order of the Rose at Rho State Convention in North Platte?
De Smith, Membership Chairman
The Real Scoop: Wher e can my chapter get new member s?
The possibilities for new members are limitless. According to the Constitution 2010: An active member shall be
a woman who is employed as a professional educator at the time of her election or has been retired from an education
position. These women can be: early-career educators, classroom teachers, administrators, college or trade school instructors, adjunct professors, instructional aides, paraprofessionals, private or charter school teachers, educational program administrators, private tutors, church school education department leaders, business employees responsible for employee training, pre-school and nursery school teachers, registered nurses who present educational programs, state to
countrywide teacher-training educators, consultants; local, state/province, and national Department of Education employees who provide educational services, and corporate trainers and seminar leaders. There are so many opportunities
where a chapter can find new members. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!
Winter Issue, December/January 2014/5/ Page 5
Rho State Quarterly
The middle of the school year is near and some teachers are saying, “If only I had the money
I would……”. The DKG Educational Foundation has money for which any member can apply.
Would you like to have money for a project for your classroom? Are there special needs students you
could help if only you had a certain something? Would you like to attend a professional conference that would help you
in your chosen field? Would your chapter like funds to start a project to help students? The Foundation has funds for all
these types of needs.
Go to and click on Professional Development on the bar at the top, You will find a list of the types of
events that are funded by the Cornet Individual Awards for Professional Development, including National Certification,
Deadlines are February 1, May 1, and September 1. You can apply for funds at any of these times. You will also find a
list of recipients for 2014 which might give you some ideas. If you click on Projects you will find information on the
types of projects the Foundation funded. Click on Resources to find the application forms.
If you are interested in applying for a Rho State Scholarship, the applications can be found on our website: There is no deadline for most of the scholarships. These scholarships are not just for advanced degrees; they can be for workshops, summer school, night or weekend classes, publishing, seminars, sabbaticals and conferences. Contact any of the committee members which include co-chairs Angela Holdren of Delta Chapter
( and Barb Skala-Irish of Alpha Delta Chapter ( and member Deb Nielsen
of Alpha Lambda Chapter (
Rachel Wise, pr esident of the State Boar d of Education, was the speaker for
the November meeting of Lambda Chapter. Personnel from schools within Platte County
were invited to attend. Ms. Wise explained the role of the State Board and how it related to
the state legislature. She also explained that three-fourths of their budget comes from the
Federal government due to the number of Federal programs that they oversee such as Vocational Rehabilitation. etc. The direction the Board is headed leads toward assessing student
achievement and teacher evaluation.
WHITE ROSES Winter 2014
White Roses are a tribute to deceased members for their devotion to the field of education and to the Society. Please send
any information about a deceased member to De Smith at or to her home address: 4051 Paxton Drive, Lincoln,
NE 68521. Thank you.
Alpha Delta—Marsha Smith August 8, 2014
Marsha was initiated into DKG in May 1994. She served Alpha Delta as chapter president, chapter vice president, and
chapter corresponding secretary. She also attended two Rho state conventions and served on numerous chapter committees. She was
an outstanding teacher at Lyons Public School and served as secretary for LDEA in Lyons.
Pi—Ethel Winter August 29, 2014
Ethel was initiated into DKG in 1980. She was a very active member of Pi Chapter and promoted education within her community. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Doane College and her Master of Education from the University of NebraskaLincoln. Ethel taught for a total of 50 years. She taught at Pleasant Hill, a one-room school house; Maple Grove, District 24, and
finally for 38 years she taught 4th grade in Fairbury. After retiring from teaching in 1995, she continued to substitute in the Fairbury
Schools for many years.
Epsilon—Hazel Arpke
September 8, 2014
Hazel was initiated into DKG on April 22, 1961. She served Epsilon chapter on various committees, as well as, chapter
treasurer. Hazel taught in Oxford, Valentine, David City, and Central City from 1942-1952. She completed her career teaching
music in the elementary schools in Beatrice from 1959-1985.
Nu—Bernadine Erickson September 24, 2014
Bernadine was initiated into DKG on March 6, 1997. At the time of her death, she was residing in Columbus.
Rho State Quarterly
Winter Issue, December/January 2014/5/ Page 6
State Personnel
Shirley Schall
10421 North 1st Ave.
Kearney, NE 68847
DKG will be enhancing the current database with new features and updated
technology in 2015. The process is currently underway behind the scenes during “phase
one” as the electronic registration forms for regional conferences are being developed.
Although members may not notice many changes until after phases two and three are
completed, its many new features will be designed to engage more members in an improved online member experience.
One feature will be a member portal that will allow members to log in to access
personal data interact in a secure social network, engage in member communities and
interface with the Society Store. The public website will be available without logging
in, but member interaction will only be accessible by logging in as a member. In order
to create a secure environment and protect member data, the log in will require the use
of the six digit member ID number. Members can find this number on the membership
card they receive upon payment of dues to the chapter treasurer. The default password
(dkg2014society) can be used to log on the first time. Members should be encouraged
to change their passwords after the first log in. The member ID number and password
will be required in order to register online for any of the five regional conferences in
2015. Please share this password with members in your chapter who wish to register
online for regional conferences this year and with any members who might later wish to
log in to the website through the member portal. For safety reasons, it will not be published online or in the DKG NEWS, members can also call Society Headquarters or
email mem@dkg. or for additional assistance.
Taken from the President’s Page, January/February, Volume 14-3
First Vice President
Jeanette Althouse
3187 Road T
Saronville, NE 68975
Second Vice President
De Smith
4051 Paxton Drive
Lincoln, NE 68521
Recording Secretary
Elizabeth Mallory
110 W 6th Street
Schuyler, NE 68661
Corresponding Secretary
Mary Eiler
101 West Verdel 2nd Street
Niobrara, NE 68760
Immediate Past President
Jodean Bridges
1801 Gaeth Ave.
Fremont, NE 68205-3627
Dr. Margie Nowak
7242 Hidden Valley Drive
Lincoln, NE 68526
Lynna Gene Cook
4620 Elk Ridge Circle
Lincoln, NE 68516-5153
C. Kay Berg
4615 63rd Street
Columbus, NE 68601
* Newsletter Deadline--March 15, 2015
* Legislative Day—March16, 2015
State Capital
Lincoln, NE
* Rho State Convention--April 17-19, 2015
Quality Inn & Suites/Sandhills Convention Center,
North Platte, NE
* Rho State Leadership Workshop—June 13, 2015
Midtown Holiday Inn
Grand Island, NE
* Northwest Regional Conference--July 29-August 1, 2015
Saskatchewan Hotel
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
* Rho State Convention—April 15-17, 2016
Midtown Holiday Inn
Grand Island, NE
* International Convention--July 5-9, 2016
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center,
Nashville, TN
A Publication of RHO STATE Nebraska, Delta Kappa
Shirley Schall, President
C. Kay Berg, Editor
Rho State Quarterly is a publication of the
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International,
4615 63rd Street, Columbus NE 68601.
The Rho State Quarterly is published and
mailed in the winter by CopyCat Printing, 2100
Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847. The spring,
summer & fall issues are sent electronically.
Rho State Quarterly
Members: Submit address changes
to International Headquarters
1-888-762-4685 or email
Postmaster: Send change of address
to Rho State Quarterly, 4615 63rd Street,
Columbus, NE 68601
Menu—Saturday, April 18th:
* Breakfast: Free Hot Buffet Breakfast, coffee and juice
* Birthday/Scholarship Luncheon: Chicken Cordon Bleu Hot Sandwich, tossed salad with choice of dressing, tea and coffee, birthday cake dessert.
* Banquet Dinner: Stuffed pork chop, spinach salad with poppy seed dressing or ranch dressing, roasted new potatoes, green beans almandine,
and lemon bars for dessert, coffee and tea.
MARCH 16, 2015
The annual Rho State Delta Kappa Gamma Legislative Day will be held on Monday, March 16, 2015, at the State Capitol Building in
Lincoln. The day will begin in the NSEA Building at 605 S. 14th Street, directly across from the State Capitol Building. Parking is available at Trinity Lutheran Church, 12th & H Street, or along the street. There is no parking at NSEA. Members in attendance will tentatively proceed as follows:
9:00 a.m.
Attend the NSEA briefing and continental breakfast at NSEA Headquarters.
10:00 a.m.
*Meet with individual state senators at the State Capitol Building
11:00 a.m.
Assemble in the balcony of the Legislature to observe and be recognized.
12:00 p.m.
Have lunch and conversation in the Capitol cafeteria.
12:45 p.m.
Enjoy dessert at the Governor’s Mansion followed by a tour.
After Tour
Return to the State Capitol Building to attend hearings, per your interest.
Dessert and mileage will be paid by Rho State. Please carpool if possible. Turn in mileage vouchers to Janet Suing.
CHAPTER PRESIDENTS - Please appoint local chapter members to speak to senators about legislative bills of concern and please
make sure your chapter area is represented in Lincoln on March 16, 2015. This personal contact with senators has proven to be
very effective. The senators appreciate hearing the views of their constituents before making legislative decisions.
MARCH 16, 2015
Registration Due Date: March 5, 2015
Please return completed form to Janet Suing, 3007 Piney Creek Drive, Elkhorn, NE 68022
or email registration information to
STATE SENATOR: _______________________________
LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT:___________________________
NOTE: Please make a prior appointment to meet with your senator between 10:00 and 10:45 a.m.