27th Annual Scientific Sessions

27 Annual
April 15 – 17, 2015
Nursing Science,
Washington, DC
Evidence, and Policy:
Washington Marriott Wardman Park
Creating a Culture
of Health
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 • 2:30 – 3:30 PM • Workshop Series A
Workshop 1:
NINR Common Data
Elements to Advance
Symptom Science
Workshop 2:
Publishing in Nursing
Journals to Influence
Health and Policy
Workshop 3:
Nurse Scientist Leaders
in Health Policy: Public
Agencies and Private
Workshop 4:
Designing Research to Inform
and Advance Health Policy
Lincoln 2
Lincoln 3
Lincoln 4
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 • 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM • Scientific Series A
Paper Session A1:
Nursing Education
Paper Session A2:
Military Health
Paper Session A3:
Long-Term Care
Paper Session A4:
Issues in Policy
Paper Session A5:
Child and Family
Session A6:
Patient Participant
Recruitment in
Lincoln 5
Lincoln 4
Lincoln 2
Lincoln 3
Lincoln 6
Thursday, April 16, 2015 • 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM • Scientific Series B
Paper Session B1:
Perinatal Mental
Paper Session B2:
Paper Session B3:
Adolescent and
College Age Issues
Paper Session B4:
Oncology Quality
of Life
Paper Session B5:
Nursing Education
Session B6:
Creating a Culture
of Health for Older
Adults Around the
World: The Aging
RIG Symposium
Lincoln 2
Lincoln 3
Lincoln 4
Lincoln 5
Lincoln 6
Thursday, April 16, 2015 • 12:30 – 2:00 PM • Workshop Series B
Workshop 5:
Career Cartography and
Legacy Mapping: Advancing
Programs of Research and Informing Policy
Workshop 6:
Funders Panel – Public
Agencies and Private
Workshop 7:
Nurse Scientists as Policy Leaders
Workshop 8:
Powerful Data, Meaningful
Answers: Using the Healthcare
Cost and Utilization Project
(HCUP) Resources
Lincoln 2
Lincoln 3
Lincoln 4
Thursday, April 16, 2015 • 2:15 – 3:45 PM • Scientific Series C
Paper Session C1:
Nursing Workforce
Paper Session C2:
Issues in Perinatal
Paper Session C3:
Older Adults in the
Paper Session C4:
Cardiac Monitoring
and Nursing Care
Paper Session C5:
Oncology Nursing
Session C6:
Creating a Culture
of Health in the
Caribbean Basin
Through Nursing
Lincoln 6
Lincoln 2
Lincoln 5
Lincoln 4
Lincoln 3
Thursday, April 16, 2015 • 5:00 – 6:30 PM • Scientific Series D
Paper Session D1:
Newborn and NICU
Paper Session D2:
Nursing Organizational Climate and
Workforce Issues
Paper Session D3:
Mental Health and
Paper Session D4:
Cardiac Disorders:
Patient and Family
Paper Session D5:
Cognitive Status in
the Elderly
Session D6:
Creating a Culture
of Health in Africa
and Asia through
Nursing & Interdisciplinary Research
Lincoln 6
Lincoln 5
Lincoln 4
Lincoln 3
Lincoln 2
Friday, April 17, 2015 • 9:15 – 10:45 AM • Scientific Series E
Paper Session E1:
Culture and Social
Determinants of
Paper Session E2:
Palliative and End
of Life Care
Paper Session E3:
Experiences of
Nursing Students
and Faculty
Paper Session E4:
Paper Session E5:
Session E6:
Nursing Science,
Evidence, and
Policy: Advancing
Nursing Research
in Violence
Lincoln 6
Lincoln 4
Lincoln 5
Lincoln 3
Lincoln 2
Schedule At a Glance
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Registration – Thurgood Foyer
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM NINR Round Table Appointments – Taylor
12:00 – 12:30 PM BS, MS, Early PhD, and DNP Poster Set-up –
12:30 – 2:15PM Opening Remarks & Opening
Keynote Presentation – Thurgood Southwest
2:30 – 3:30 PM Workshop Series A
Workshop #1: NINR Common Data
Elements to Advance Symptom Science –
Lincoln 2
Workshop #2: Publishing in Nursing
Journals to Influence Health and Policy –
Lincoln 3
Workshop #3: Nurse Scientists and Health
Policy: Public Agencies and Private
Organizations – Lincoln 4
Workshop #4: Designing Research to Inform
and Advance Health Policy – Lincoln 5
3:30 – 3:45 PM Refreshment Break
3:45 – 5:15 PM Scientific Series A – (Details on inside cover)
5:30 – 6:30 PM Annual Business Meeting –
Thurgood Southwest
6:30 – 8:30 PM BS, MS, Early PhD, and DNP Poster Viewing
and Welcome Reception – Atrium
Thursday, April 16, 2015
6:30 – 8:15 AM
Doctoral Student Scholars
Networking Breakfast – Lincoln 5
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Registration – Thurgood Foyer
7:00 – 8:15 AM
Continental Breakfast & Exposition
7:00 – 8:00 AM
RIG Meetings
Bio-Behavorial – Lincoln 2
Global Health – Lincoln 3
Spiritual Health – Lincoln 4
7:15 – 7:45 AM
NINR Round Table Appointments – Taylor
7:00 – 7:30 AM
Poster Session I Set-up – Atrium
8:15 – 9:30 AM
Welcome & Plenary Presentation –
Thurgood Southwest
9:30 – 10:30 AM
Poster Session I Meet the Researchers –
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM Scientific Series B – (Details on inside cover)
2015 Abstract
Said Abusalem
Bernadette Amicucci
Teri Aronowitz
Hilary Barnes
Jennifer Baxter
Carol Bova
Penny Boyer
Tania Bubb
Harleah Buck
Wendy Budin
Sherry Burrell
Poster Session II Set-up – Atrium
Lorraine Byrnes
Mary Ann Cantrell
Diane Carroll
Ying-Yu Chao
Eileen Chasens
Weiti Chen
Xiaomei Cong
Margaret Costello
Pamela DiNapoli
Patricia Donohue-Porter
Dawn Dowding
Patricia Eckardt
Majeda El-Banna
Kimberly Fenstermacher
Lunch – Exhibit Hall B South
12:30 – 1:30 PM
RIG Meetings
Chronic Comorbid Conditions – Lincoln 2
Aging – Madison
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
12:15 – 12:45 PM
12:15 – 2:00 PM Natalie Fischetti
Amy Glasofer
Deanna Gray-Miceli
Jane Greene Ryan
Qiaohong Guo
Marilyn Hammer
Debra Hanna
Mary Jane Hanson
Thomas Hardie
Valera Hascup
Laura Hayman
Judith Herrman
Patricia Hindin
Jan Hinkle
Criminal Justice, Violence and Trauma –
Theory Development – Lincoln 1
12:30 – 2:00 PM
Workshop Series B
Workshop #5: Career Cartography and
Legacy Mapping: Advancing Programs of
Research and Informing Policy – Lincoln 2
Workshop #6: Funders Panel - Public and
Private Agencies and Private Organizations –
Lincoln 3
Workshop #7: Nurse Scientists as Policy
Leaders – Lincoln 4
Workshop #8: Powerful Data, Meaningful
Answers: Using the Healthcare Cost and
Utilization Project (HCUP) Resources –
Lincoln 5
2:15 – 3:45 PM
Scientific Series C – (Details on inside cover)
3:45 – 4:45 PM
Poster Session II Meet the Researchers –
5:00 – 6:30 PM
Scientific Series D – (Details on page 2)
7:00 – 8:30 PM
University of Delaware School of Nursing Reception – Wilson A & B
Friday, April 17, 2015
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Registration – Thurgood Foyer
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Breakfast for Deans, Directors &
Nurse Executives – Hoover
7:00 – 8:00 AM
RIG Meetings
Family/Community-Based Participatory –
Lincoln 2
Nursing Research in Clinical Settings –
Lincoln 3
Qualitative – Lincoln 4
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Exposition with Coffee & Tea
Exhibit Hall C & Atrium
7:00 – 7:30 AM
Poster Session III Set-up – Atrium
7:15 – 7:45 AM
NINR Round Table Appointments – Taylor
8:00 – 9:00 AM
Poster Session III Meet the Researchers
9:15 – 10:45 AM
Scientific Series E – (Details on inside cover)
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Closing Awards Ceremony Brunch
Thurgood Ballroom
12:30 PM
Elizabeth Howard
Alex Hoyt
Kristiina Hyrkas
William Jacobowitz
Bonnie JeromeD’Emilia
Mary Johansen
Catherine Johnson
Emily Jones
Connie Kartoz
Lisa Kitko
Rachel Klimmek
Susan LaRocco
Suzanne Leveille
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Susan Loeb
Meredith MacKenzie
Ann Marie Mauro
Margaret McCarthy
Catherine McDonald
Michelle McMahon
Susan Mills
Anne Bradley Mitchell
Helene Moriarty
Nancy Morris
Pamela de Cordova
Bing-Bing Qi
Louise Reagan
Jeanne Ruggiero
Kristen Sethares
Nancy Sharts-Hopko
Victoria Siegel
Arlene Smaldone
Kimberly Souffront
Adele Spegman
Debra Stavarski
Caitlin Stover
Susan Sullivan-Bolyai
Chasity Walters
Jane White
Amy Witkoski Stimpfel
Kyeongra Yang
Presidents’ Circle Donors
Thank you to those members who contributed to the Presidents’ Circle initiative, which
supports the Presidents’ Circle Research Award, which promotes collaborative/partnership
driven innovative research specifically between academic and practice settings:
Cheryl L. Beck
Nicolette Fiore-Lopez
Wendy C. Budin
Ann Marie Mauro
Diane L. Carroll
Jean R. Miller
Dorothy J. DeMaio
Janice L. Penrod
Rosanna F. DeMarco
Donna Fick
Judith A. Erlen
Nancy S. Redeker
Terry T. Fulmer
Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko
Kathryn Stewart Hegedus
Lillie M. Shortridge-Baggett
Dorothy A. Jones
Suzanne C. Smeltzer
Susan J. Loeb
Mary C. Sullivan
Friends of ENRS
Thank you to the following Friends of ENRS, who contributed
to the Society for the period May 2014 – March 2015:
Jaiby Augustine
Donna M.A. Ho-Shing
Marie Boltz
Alex Hoyt
Eileen R. Chasens
Anne Mitchell
Rose Constantino
Peggy D. Settle
Rosanna F. DeMarco
Kathleen R. Sheikh
Judith A. Erlen
Lisa Kennedy Sheldon
Arlene T. Farren
Lillie M. Shortridge-Baggett
Michelle Federwisch
Rakeisha Thomas
Deanna L. Gray-Miceli
Zane Robinson Wolf
Judith W. Herrman
Margarete L. Zalon
Cheryl Hersperger
Patti R. Zuzelo
June Andrews Horowitz
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Welcome to ENRS’ 27th Annual Scientific Sessions! This year’s theme is Nursing Science, Evidence,
and Policy: Creating a Culture of Health. The conference begins on Wednesday April 15 with Dr.
Diana Mason’s keynote address on “Creating a Culture of Health: A Nursing Legacy Unfulfilled?”
Our Thursday April 16 plenary presentation will be delivered by Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell on
“A Culture of Health: Nursing Research as an Evidence Based Approach to Policy on Violence.”
Other highlights of the program include: student poster presentations, including the work of BS, MS, DNP, and
PhD students; scientific series of peer reviewed podium, poster and symposium presentations; opportunities
for consultation with representatives from the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR); the PatientCentered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI); and workshops on: “NINR Common Data Elements to Advance
Symptom Science”; “Publishing in Nursing Journals to Influence Health and Policy”; “Nurse Scientist Leaders
in Health Policy: Public Agencies and Private Organizations”; “Designing Research to Inform and Advance
Health Policy”; “Career Cartography and Legacy Mapping: Advancing Programs of Research and Informing
Policy”; A Funders Panel of Public Agencies and Private Organizations”; “Nurse Scientists as Policy Leaders”;
and “Powerful Data, Meaningful Answers: Using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Resources.”
I also encourage you to take part in the Research Interest Group (RIG) sessions. RIGs provide a wonderful
opportunity to get involved or stay engaged with others with similar research interests. RIGs also provide a
forum to make important contributions to the growth of nursing science in the northeastern region. Current
RIGs are: Aging; Bio-Behavioral; Chronic Comorbid Conditions; Comprehensive Systematic Review/Knowledge
Translation; Criminal Justice, Trauma & Violence; Family/Community-Based Participatory; Global Health;
Nursing Research in Clinical Settings; Qualitative Research; Spiritual Health; and Theory Development. In the
event that there is not a RIG that matches your research interests, I welcome you to submit an application to
develop a new RIG.
In addition, I hope that you will attend the ENRS Annual Business Meeting from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. on
Wednesday April 15. At this time, updates on new initiatives and activities of ENRS will be provided, newly
elected officers and newly elected or appointed committee members will be introduced, and outgoing officials
will be recognized.
It takes a team to plan for and execute a successful conference. In particular, the Conference Planning Committee, chaired by ENRS President-Elect Dr. Rosanna DeMarco, our abstract reviewers, and our management team
at Fernley & Fernley. All are greatly appreciated for their considerable work on a variety of critically important
and time-consuming endeavors.
Finally, I extend my gratitude for the generous financial support of our sustaining, strategic, supporting and
collaborative partners, conference sponsors, and exhibitors — their contributions are critical to delivering a
meeting of this caliber. I encourage you to visit the exhibit hall to view the many vendors’ products, services,
and opportunities for education. Best wishes for a rewarding, educational, and memorable time at the 27th
Annual Scientific Sessions.
Wendy Budin, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN
President, Eastern Nursing Research Society
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Target Audience
ENRS thanks the following
organizations for their support
of this conference.
he 27th Annual Scientific Sessions appeals
to all individuals interested in advancing
nursing science, including practicing nurse
researchers and dedicated nursing science
students and faculty.
University of Massachusetts Boston College of Nursing and Health Sciences
New York University College of Nursing
Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health
Columbia University School of Nursing
Massachusetts General Hospital
Northeastern University
Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Nursing
Penn State College of Nursing
Rutgers School of Nursing
University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing
University of Vermont College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Adelphi University, College of Nursing and Public Health
Excelsior College School of Nursing
Fairview Hospital
Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing
NYU Langone Medical Center
The Reading Hospital and Medical Center
University of New Hampshire College of Health and Human Services
NYU Langone Medical Center
The George Washington University School of Nursing
University of Rhode Island College of Nursing
Villanova University College of Nursing
Conference Objectives
1.Describe the generation and application of
nursing research to promote high quality,
inter-professional health care for diverse
populations, locally and globally.
2.Propose innovative strategies to use nursing
science to influence health policy.
3.Examine approaches to promote translation of
research findings into a culture of health.
4.Explore theoretical and research
methodological approaches to promote health
through public policy.
Conference Highlights
• Opening Keynote speaker Diana J. Mason,
• Thursday Plenary Session speaker
Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN
• Scientific series of peer reviewed podium,
poster and symposium presentations
• Eight Workshop sessions
• Awards for peer-reviewed podium and poster
presentations by Doctoral Students
• Awards for Early (Pre-Dissertation) PhD
Student & DNP Student Poster Presentations
• Awards for BS & MS Poster Presentations
• Opportunities to network with colleagues
from research intensive academic and clinical
ENRS 2015 Mobile App
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)
Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research (FNINR)
Healthcare Cost & Utilization Project (HCUP)
Molloy College School of Nursing
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)/
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Pace University Lienhard School of Nursing
Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden
University of Connecticut School of Nursing
University of Delaware School of Nursing
UMass Amherst College of Nursing
UMass Dartmouth College of Nursing
Wolters Kluwer Health
The official mobile app for the Annual Scientific
Sessions is ready to download on your iPhone,
iPad, or Android! Click http://crowd.cc/enrs2015
from your device. Apple and Android users can
also search for the app in the iTunes store or Play
Once installed, you’ll have instant access to awesome features, like:
• Full Program Schedule
• Abstracts
• Detailed information about speakers,
exhibitors, and sponsors
• Notifications of important updates, special
offers, and more
Acknowledgement of Commercial Support and/or Sponsorship
Commercial supporters and/or sponsors are not permitted to be involved
in planning or any execution of an CNE activity. There was no commercial
support received for this activity. Sponsors for this meeting are listed above.
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Wendy C. Budin, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York University College of Nursing
Rosanna F. DeMarco, PhD, RN,
University of Massachusetts Boston
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Victoria Vaughan Dickson, PhD, RN,
New York University College of Nursing
Pamela DiNapoli, PhD, RN, CNL
University of New Hampshire
College of Health and Human Services
Diane L. Carroll, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Munn Center for Nursing Research
at Massachusetts General Hospital
Geri M. Budd, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CRNP, FAANP
Widener University School of Nursing
Rosanna F. DeMarco, PhD, RN,
University of Massachusetts Boston
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Harleah G. Buck, PhD, RN, CHPN, FPCN
Penn State College of Nursing
Wendy C. Budin, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York University College of Nursing
Victoria Vaughan Dickson, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAHA, FAAN
New York University College of Nursing
Sister Rosemary Donley, PhD, APRN, BC, FAAN
Duquesne University School of Nursing
Ann M. Dylis, PhD, RN
Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Suzanne Feetham, PhD, RN, FAAN
Children’s National Health System
Laura Hayman, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA
University of Massachusetts Boston
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
June Andrews Horowitz, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN
Jefferson School of Nursing
Kelley Newlin Lew, DNSc, APRN-C, CDE
University of Connecticut School of Nursing
Kathryn M. Molitor, MS, RN
Nurse Planner
Janice L. Penrod, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN
Penn State College of Nursing
Joyce A. Pulcini, PhD, RN, PNP-BC, FAAN
The George Washington University School of Nursing
Continuing Education Credit
The Institute for Advancement of Human Behavior (IAHB) is
accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by
the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
This course is co-provided by IAHB and Eastern Nursing
Research Society (ENRS). Maximum of 16.5 contact hours.
Satisfactory completion
Participants must complete an attendance/evaluation form in
order to receive a certificate of completion/attendance. Your
chosen sessions must be attended in their entirety. Partial
credit of individual sessions is not available.
After attending this program Participants should be able to:
1. Describe the generation and application of nursing research
to promote high quality, inter-professional health care for
diverse populations, locally and globally.
2. Propose innovative strategies to use nursing science to
influence health policy.
3. Examine approaches to promote translation of research
findings into a culture of health.
4. Explore theoretical and research methodological approaches
to promote health through public policy.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
All people with control of the CNE content for this activity
(ex: faculty/speakers, planners, authors, co-authors and administrative staff participating) disclosed their financial relationships to IAHB. We acknowledge the potential presence of
limitations on information, including, but not limited to: data
that represents ongoing research; interim analysis; preliminary
data; unsupported opinion; or approaches to care that, while
supported by some research studies, do not represent the only
opinion or approach to care supported by research.
All individuals in control of content disclosed that they have
no relevant financial relationships with commercial interest
The online certificate site will be available the end of
the day April 17, 2015 through May 17, 2015.
After that date, the site will be removed and certificates
will no longer be available. If you need a CNE certificate,
you must complete the evaluation and certificate process
prior to that date; otherwise you will forfeit your credit
for the course.
To get your certificate, just go to ENRS.CmeCertificateOnline.
com. Click on the “27th Annual Scientific Sessions” event. On
the site, you will be asked to evaluate various aspects of the
program. You may then print your certificate immediately
(encouraged). A copy of the certificate will also be emailed to
you in case you need to print additional copies (check your
spam filter and junk email folder if you do not see it come
through). Your certificate will show the hours you entered.
Please address any questions about the process to:
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Presents the 2015 Annual Awards Recipients
The Distinguished Contributions to Nursing Research Award is given annually in recognition of sustained
and outstanding contributions to nursing research by a Senior Investigator. The awards committee is proud
to honor Dr. Martha A.Q. Curley, University of Pennsylvania, with the 2015 Distinguished Contributions to Nursing Research Award.
Dr. Martha
A.Q. Curley
Dr. Susan
The Suzanne Feetham Nurse Scientist Family Research Award is given annually in recognition of outstanding contributions by a Junior Investigator (earned doctorate in last 7 years with a developing program of
family research and scholarship) OR Senior investigator (has a well-established program of family research
and scholarship). The awards committee is proud to honor Senior Investigator Dr. Susan Sullivan-Bolyai,
New York University, with the 2015 Suzanne Feetham Nurse Scientist Family Research Award.
The ENRS/Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Dissertation Award is given annually to a
doctoral candidate enrolled in a program of nursing that awards a research doctoral degree requiring a
dissertation. The awards committee is proud to honor Catherine C. Cohen, Columbia University, with
the 2015 ENRS/ Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Dissertation Award.
Catherine C.
The Rising Star Research Award recognizes a Junior Investigator that has shown promise in establishing
a program of health and/or nursing research. The awards committee is proud to honor Dr. Catherine C.
McDonald, University of Pennsylvania, with the 2015 Rising Star Research Award.
Dr. Catherine
C. McDonald
Dr. Karen
ENRS/American Nurses Foundation Scholar Award is an annual scholarship presented to a nurse researcher
encouraging positive change in healthcare practice and policy. ENRS and ANF are proud to honor 2014
ENRS/ANF Grant recipients Dr. Karen Kalmakis, University of Massachusetts (Junior); and
Dr. Hilary Barnes, Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Hilary Barnes
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thurgood Foyer
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM NINR Round Table Appointments
Extramural/Intramural round tables will be set up for participants to discuss potential concept, training and funding opportunities with NINR Program Directors (Drs. Donna Jo McCloskey, Mary Roary, Wendy Henderson, and Mary Engler). Signup sheets
are available at the registration desk.
12:00 – 12:30 PM
BS, MS, Early PhD, and DNP Poster Set-up
12:30 – 2:15PM
Opening Remarks & Opening Keynote Presentation:
Creating a Culture of Health: A Nursing Legacy Unfulfilled?
Thurgood Southwest
Diana J. Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dr. Mason is the Rudin Professor of Nursing and Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Health, Media,
and Policy (CHMP) at Hunter College, City University of New York. She is president of the American Academy
of Nursing and serves as Strategic Adviser for the Campaign for Action, an initiative to implement the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report, to which she contributed. Dr. Mason is also
a journalist who has produced and moderated a weekly radio program on health and health policy for almost 30
years. She served as editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Nursing for over a decade. She blogs for the CHMP
and the JAMA News Forum. Since its inception, she has served on the National Advisory Committee for Kaiser Health News. The
author of over 200 publications, she is the lead co-editor of the award-winning book, Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health
Care and of The Nursing Profession: Development Challenges, and Opportunities, part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Health Policy Book Series. Dr. Mason has received numerous awards for writing and dissemination of health-related information.
She is currently engaged in a study of the intersection of media and health policy. Dr. Mason is the recipient of numerous awards
and honors, including an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Long Island University; an Honorary Doctorate of Science
from West Virginia University; and fellowship in the New York Academy of Medicine.
Learning objectives:
1. Discuss the trajectory of historical evidence of nursing’s leadership in creating a culture of health.
2. Describe the role of public and private policies in creating a culture of health.
3. Appraise one’s own program of research for its contributions to creating a culture of health.
4. Identify two strategies for contributing to the national movement to create a culture of health.
2:30 – 3:30 PM
Workshop Series A
Workshop 1: NINR Common Data Elements to Advance Symptom Science
Lincoln 2
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the work of the NINR Center Directors on the use of common data elements to advance symptom science. The process of developing and using common data elements for symptom science will be discussed; the
identified common data elements will be described; and comments and feedback will be elicited from the workshop participants
regarding future development and use of common data elements to measure symptoms.
Learning objectives:
1. Discuss the benefits, challenges, and best practices in use of common data elements for advancing symptom science
2. Discuss the status of the development of a set of common data elements for symptom science
3. Discuss the potential for the use of common data elements to promote research that contributes to health policy
Nancy S. Redeker, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, Beatrice Renfield Term Professor in Nursing, Yale University School of Nursing
Donna Jo McCloskey, PhD, RN, FAAN, Program Director/Team Lead: Self-Management Branch, Division of Extramural Science
Programs (DESP), Office of Extramural Programs (OEP), NIH National Institute of Nursing Research
Joan K. Austin, PhD, RN, FAAN, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Indiana University School of Nursing, Special Assistant to the
Director of the NIH National Institute of Nursing Research
Workshop 2: Publishing in Nursing Journals to Influence Health and Policy
Lincoln 3
In this workshop, participants will hear from a panel of 4 nurse editors from the ENRS region who lead the journals, Nursing Research, Journal of Nursing Regulation, Cancer Nursing, and Nursing Economics. Editors will describe the aims and scope of their
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
journals, followed by a panel discussion of the qualities of a manuscript that affect its likelihood of review and acceptance, and
concluding with a question-and-answer period on writing for publication to influence health and policy.
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the general focus and audience of each journal represented on the panel
2. Articulate at least one characteristic of a manuscript submitted for publication that is essential to success in the review process
3. Discuss how publishing in nursing journals can influence health and policy
Deborah A. Chyun, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Maryann Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, Chief Officer, Nursing Regulation, National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN),
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Nursing Regulation, Advancing Nursing Excellence for Public Protection
Deborah A. Chyun, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, Executive Associate Dean, Dr. John W. Rowe Professor in Successful Aging, New York
University, College of Nursing, Associate Editor, Nursing Research (official journal of ENRS)
Pamela S. Hinds, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Department of Nursing Research, Children’s National Medical Center, Editor, Cancer
Nursing, An International Journal for Cancer Care
Donna Nickitas, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNE, FAAN, Professor, Hunter College, Executive Officer, Nursing PhD Program, CUNY Graduate
Center, Editor, Nursing Economics, The Journal for Health Care Leaders
Workshop 3: Nurse Scientist Leaders in Health Policy: Public Agencies and Private Organizations
Lincoln 4
In this interactive session, Policy leaders describe career opportunities, preparation and responsibilities to inform health policy.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe career opportunities for nurse scientists as policy leaders
2. Describe processes to achieve leadership roles and outcomes in health policy
Richard Ricciardi, PhD, NP, FAANP, FAAN, Healthcare Scientist, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Deborah E. Trautman, PhD, RN, Chief Executive Officer, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Workshop 4: Designing Research to Inform and Advance Health Policy
Lincoln 5
The role nursing research plays in informing and advancing policy has not been well understood by nurse scientists. This workshop will provide an introduction to health policy research and the process of designing a program of research that (directly)
informs policy. Nursing and health policy research will be used as case study examples to provide an understanding of the
process. Participants are asked to bring their research question(s), or examples of ongoing research to use in group work. Groups
will assist participants to design and frame their research developing programs of research trajectories that inform and advance
policies to affect access, quality and cost of care to their target populations.
Learning objectives:
1. Describe research designs that contribute to health policy research;
2. Describe how research contributes to the policy process;
3. Apply key concepts leaned to a specific program of research.
Carol Hall Ellenbecker, RN, PhD, Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Jean Edward, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston College of Nursing and Health Sciences
3:30 – 3:45 PM
Refreshment Break
3:45 – 5:15 PM
Scientific Series A
Exhibit Hall C & Atrium
Paper Session A1: Nursing Education
Lincoln 5
3:45 PM Does Prior RN Clinical Experience Predict Academic Success in Graduate Nurse Practitioner Programs?
Majeda El-Banna, The George Washington University; Linda Briggs, The George Washington University; Mayri Leslie, George Washington University; Erin Athey, George Washington University; Arlene Pericak, The George Washington University; Nancy Falk, The George
Washington University; Jessica Greene, The George Washington University
4:03 PM Perceptions of Transition to Nurse Among Accelerated Masters Entry Students
Kathy Downey, Board of Health
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
4:21 PM Development and Preliminary Testing of the Faculty Readiness to Engage in Interprofessional Education
Scale (FREIS)
Michelle Glowny, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Paulette Seymour-Route, University of Massachusetts- Worcester; Michael Kneeland,
University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Linda Cragin, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Nancy Harger, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Carol Bova, University of Massachusetts-Worcester
4:39 PM Social Bullying in Nursing Academia: A Phenomenological Study
Diane Wieland, La Salle University; Janice Beitz, Rutgers University
4:57 PM The NCLEX Challenge: Unlocking the Key to Success
Emerson Ea, New York University; Ann Marie Mauro, New York University
Paper Session A2: Military Health
Lincoln 4
3:45 PM Maternal Perceptions of Labor and Birth
Mary Nichols, Frontier Nursing University; Jana Esden, Frontier Nursing University
4:03 PM The Experience of Verbal Abuse in Military Couples after Participation in an Educational Program
Linda Copel, Villanova University
4:21 PM Communication, Knowledge, & Fear: Perceptions of U.S. Navy Women with Abnormal Cervical Cancer
Screening and Follow-up Care
Lisa Braun, Yale University; Holly Kennedy, Yale University
4:39 PM A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Injury Severity Scores (ISS) on Pain and Post-traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) Outcomes in Combat-injured Service Members with Major Limb Injuries
Rosemary Polomano, University of Pennsylvania; Nicholas Giordano, University of Pennsylvania
4:57 PM Predictors of Depression in Family Members of Military Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
Helene Moriarty, Villanova University; Laraine Winter, Veterans Affairs; Keith Robinson, Veterans Affairs; Gala True, Veterans Affairs;
Brian Newhart, Veterans Affairs
Paper Session A3: Long-Term Care
Lincoln 2
3:45 PM Barriers to Infection Prevention and Control Among Nursing Home CNAs: A Qualitative Study
Jasmine Travers, Columbia University; Carolyn Herzig, Columbia University; Eileen Carter, Columbia University; Catherine Cohen,
Columbia University; Ragnhildur Bjarnadottir, Columbia University; Patricia Semeraro, Columbia University; Monika Pogorzelska,
Thomas Jefferson University; Patricia Stone, Columbia University
4:03 PM Does Environmental Stimulation Play a Role on Apathy in Long-Term Care Residents With Dementia?
Ying-Ling Jao, The Pennsylvania State University; Donna Algase, University of Michigan; Janet Specht, The University of Iowa; Kristine Williams, The University of Iowa
4:21 PM Perceptions of the Role of Nursing Home MDS Coordinators
Ragnhildur Bjarnadottir, Columbia University; Patricia Semeraro, Columbia University; Carolyn Herzig, Columbia University; Monika
Pogorzelska-Maziarz, Thomas Jefferson University; Eileen Carter, Columbia University; Catherine Cohen, Columbia University; Jasmine Travers, Columbia University, Patricia Stone, Columbia University
4:39 PM The Role of the Nurse Practitioner and Appropriate Treatments for Asymptomatic Urinary Tract Infections
in Long-Term Care Facilities
Leslie Pandy, University of Pittsburgh; Linda Garand, University of Pittsburgh
Paper Session A4: Issues in Policy Development
Lincoln 3
3:45 PM “If She Can Do It, So Can I;” An Ethnography of a Supportive Living Environment for Women in the
Criminal Justice System
Regina Cardaci, Jacobi Medical Center of the Health and Hosptial Corporation of New York
4:03 PM The Experience of Having Primary Caregiving Responsibilities for an Adult Sibling Who Has Down Syndrome: Making the Transition
Patricia Sciscione, Monmouth University
4:21 PM Resilience to Social Bullying: A Phenomenological Study -Implications for Health Policy Legislation
Janice Beitz, Rutgers University; Diane Wieland, La Salle University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
4:39 PM Electronic Nursing Documentation: A Descriptive Analysis of Coded Nursing Actions From Three Hospitals
Using the Standardized Terminology of the Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System
Veronica Feeg, Molloy College; Keith Weiner, New York Hospital Queens - New York Presbyterian Healthcare System; Deborah Raposo,
Southcoast Health; Virginia Saba, Self
4:57 PM The Home Birth Summits: An Examplar for Translating Research into Policy and Practice
Judith Lothian, Seton Hall University
Paper Session A5: Child and Family Health
Lincoln 6
3:45 PM PETS-D (Parent Education Through Simulation-Diabetes) RCT Results
Susan Sullivan-Bolyai, New York University; Sybil Crawford, University of Massachusetts-Worcester
4:03 PM Pilot Data From an African American Mother-Daughter Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk
Ijeoma Ogunlade, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Chizoba Nwosu, University of Massachusetts- Boston; Maysa Soufan, University
of Massachusetts-Boston
4:21 PM Status Assessment of Middle/ High School Students Risk Behaviors and Parents Perception of Health:
A Rural School System in Maryland
April Greenlee, Meritus Medical Center; Laura Henderson, University of Missouri School of Medicine; Cynthia Leaver, Meritus Medical
Center; Jesus Cepero, Meritus Medical Center
4:39 PM PETS-D (Parent Education Through Simulation-Diabetes): Qualitative Results
Laura Maguire, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Neesha Ramchandani, New York University
4:57 PM Personal Best Hemoglobin F, A Potential Biomarker for Hydroxyurea Adherence in Youth with Sickle Cell
Arlene Smaldone, Columbia University; Deepa Manwani, Albert Einstein Medical Center; Nancy S. Green, Columbia University
Symposium Session A6: Patient Participant Recruitment in Biobehavioral Research
3:45 PM Addressing the Challenges of Patient-Participant Recruitment in Biobehavioral Research
Eileen Chasens, University of Pittsburgh; Connie Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania; Sheila Alexander, University of Pittsburgh; Karen
Kalmakis, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Donna Zucker, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
4:00 PM Considerations in Recruiting Prisoners in Research Studies
Donna Zucker, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
4:15 PM Recruitment of Research Participants from High School/College/University Campuses
Karen Kalmakis, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
4:30 PM Recruitment of Participants for a Complex Randomized Clinical Trial
Eileen Chasens, University of Pennsylvania; Dana DiVirgilio, University of Pittsburgh
4:45 PM Consent and Human Subjects Issues for Genetic and Genomic Research
Sheila Alexander, University of Pittsburgh
5:00 PM Enrolling Patient-Participants in Cancer Clinical Trials: What Matters?
Connie Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania
5:30 – 6:30 PM
Annual Business Meeting
6:30 – 8:30 PM
BS, MS, Early PhD, and DNP Poster Viewing and Welcome Reception
BS Posters
Poster 1 Certified Nurse Midwives’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Prescribing Practices of Evidence- based Recommendations for Omega-3 Intake in the Obstetric Population
Corrinne Kuzoian, University of Connecticut; Michelle Judge, University of Connecticut; Colleen Delaney, University of Connecticut
Poster 1A California’s Mandated Nurse-to-Patient Legislation and Patient Outcomes: A Systematic Review of the
Cilgy Abraham, Rutgers University; Pamela de Cordova, Rutgers University
Poster 2 Self Reported Sleep and Inflammatory Markers are Unrelated to Arterial Stiffness in Adults with Metabolic
Amy Ketcham, The Pennsylvania State University; Peter Jones, University of Manitoba; Cindy McCrea, The Pennsylvania State
University; Benoit Lamarche, Universite Laval; Sheila West, The Pennsylvania State University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 2A Interrelationship of Socio-demographic Factors, Health Belief Dimensions and Compliance to Measles
Vaccination Among Filipino Mothers
Lesley Anne Lipat, University of Santo Tomas
Poster 3 Hookah and E-cigarette Usage: Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors on a Northeastern University Campus
Courtney Berenato, Binghamton University; Gabrielle Amoroso, Binghamton University; Katherine Kaplan, Binghamton University;
Erin McArdle, Binghamton University; Tyler Owitz, Binghamton University; Victoria Bogil, Binghamton University; Lila Olman,
Binghamton University; Diana Sireci, Binghamton University; Meredith Summers, Binghamton University; Cassie Anzalone,
Binghamton University; Alyssa Burt, Binghamton University
Poster 3A “Early Bird” or “Night Owl”: College Students’ Sleep Patterns
Yvonne Shih, Boston College; Colleen McGauley, Boston College; Heather Johnston, Boston College; Lichuan Ye, Boston College
Poster 4 Trans*gender Cultural Competency Education for Health Profession Students
Anita Coombs, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Poster 4A The Experience of Teaching and Learning Clean Intermittent Catheterization for Parents of Infants with
Spina Bifida
Michelle Constant, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Poster 5 Increased Frailty Risk in Adults with HIV Infection Aged 50 Years and Older: A Systematic Literature
Review With Recommendations for Nursing Practice
Katherine M. Carl, New York University; Larry Z. Slater, New York University
Poster 5A Using Smartphone Technology to Increase the Safety of College Women: A Quantitative Pilot Study
Teresa Yang, Villanova University
Poster 6 The Impact of Prenatal Care Visits on Maternal Smoking/Drinking Habits and Infant Birth Weights
Abbey Parrott, University of Pittsburgh; Susan Sereika, University of Pittsburgh; Susan Bare, University of Pittsburgh
Poster 6A Facilitators and Barriers to Hemodialysis Adherence
Katie Pelland, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 7 Transition of Emerging Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: An Integrative Literature Review
Jennifer Saylor, University of Delaware; Coleen Boyle, University of Delaware; Jillian Buck, University of Delaware; Sari Blane,
University of Delaware; Sara Bean, University of Delaware ; Ketsia Aurele, University of Delaware
Poster 7A Prevention of Central Venous Catheter-Associated Blood Stream Infections in Pediatric Patients
Brittany Cain, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Shanna Giedl, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Poster 8 Enhancing Undergraduate Student Attitudes and Empathy Towards Those Living in Poverty Through Simulation
Colleen Spang, Pace University
MS Posters
Poster 8A Effects of Perceived Prolonged Staffing Shortages on Nurses’ Morale
Susan Anello, Mercy College
Poster 9 Senior Nursing Student’s Experiences Caring for a Patient in Pain
Grace Mansilla, Villanova University
Poster 9A Descriptive Study of iPad, Tablets, and iPhone Use by Children between the Ages of 2 and 6-Years
Michelle Federwisch, New York University; Emily Coppedge, New York University; Julia McBee, New York University; Mallory Fossa,
New York University; Michele Cafone, New York University
Poster 10 Adherence to Low-Sodium Diet in Patients with Heart Failure
Marissa DeCesaris, University of Pennsylvania
Poster 10A - Efficacy of Transversus Abdominis Plane Block with Exparel on Post-operative Pain Management
Following Cesarean Delivery
Christine King, SUNY Downstate Medical Center; Joseph Jennas, SUNY Downstate Medical Center; Mariebelle Abelarde, SUNY
Downstate Medical Center
Poster 11 A Systematic Review: IUD Continuation Rates in Women Aged 25 Years and Younger
Kaitlin Wagner, Columbia University; Marjorie Salas, Columbia University; Sowsina Gola, Columbia University
Poster 11A Determining Safe, Cost-Effective Indwelling Time for Peripheral Intravenous (IV) Lines
Emily Banning, University of Delaware
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 12 Does the Implementation of an Asthma Action Plan Reduce the Number of Asthma Exacerbations
Experienced in the Pediatric Population?
Sarah Rubard, Marymount University
Poster 12A Non-Pharmacologic Management of Apathy in Persons With Dementia: A Systematic Review
Diarra Aguirre, The Pennsylvania State University
Poster 13 Screaming Behind a Door: The Experiences of Individuals Incarcerated Without Opioid Maintenance
Shoshana Aronowitz, University of Vermont
Poster 13A Examination of the Readiness to Learn and the Best Teaching Method Regarding Health Education and
Promotion Within the Chinese Elderly Population
Miranda Tsang, Thomas Jefferson University; Sharon Rainer, Thomas Jefferson University; June Horowitz, Thomas Jefferson University
Poster 14 Practice Area and Comfort With Withdrawal of Life Support Among Critical Care Nurses
Erica Gibson, Yale University; Majorie Funk, Yale University School of Nursing: Laura Andrews, Yale University School of Nursing
Early PhD Posters
Poster 14A Simulation to Improve Interprofessional Teamwork and Performance in Neonatal Resuscitation
Valerie Clary-Muronda, Medical University of South Carolina
Poster 15 Use of Documentation for Interprofessional Communication
Jennifer Thate, Villanova University
Poster 15A Physical and Psychological Effects of Qigong Exercise in Community-dwelling Older Adults:
An Exploratory Study
Pei-Shiun Chang, Yale University; Tish Knobf, Yale University; Marjorie Funk, Yale University
Poster 16 - Health Literacy Education in Health Professions Schools: An Integrative Review
Coleen Toronto, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 16A Parental Uncertainty and Health-Related Quality of Life [HRQOL] in Children with Cancer
Ijeoma Ogunlade, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Poster 17 Women’s Beliefs About and Self-Efficacy Toward Physical Activity During Pregnancy
Alison Simpson, University of Rochester; Sue Groth, University of Rochester; Diana Fernandez, University of Rochester; Ying Xue,
University of Rochester
Poster 17A Postpartum Depression in Fathers: A Ten Year State of the Science Review, 2004-2014
Janet Ierardi, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Poster 18 Integrative Review: Diagnosis and Prevention of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
Joanna Woersching, New York University
Poster 18A Binge Eating Among Racial Minority Groups in the US: An Integrative Review
Karen Jennings, Boston College; Susan Kelly-Weeder, Boston College; Barbara Wolfe, Boston College
Poster 19 Barriers to and Facilitators of Electronic Health Record Use by Acute Care Nurses
Gillian Strudwick, University of Toronto; Linda McGillis Hall, University of Toronto; Lynn Nagle, University of Toronto; Patricia
Trbovich, University of Toronto & Centre for Global eHealth Innovation
Poster 19A Nurse Residents’ Experiences of Caring for Deteriorating Patients
Carol Della Ratta, Adelphi University
Poster 20 Cholesterol as a Biomarker for Suicide in Veterans
Chuck Reuter, Rutgers University
Poster 20A Evidence-based Breastfeeding Practices and Directions for Future Research: State of the Science
Laura Mazurkewicz, University of Pittsburgh
Poster 21 Generational Differences in Mental Health and Internalized Transphobia Among Transgender Women
Katherine Jackman, Columbia University; Katherine Jackman, Columbia University; Curtis Dolezal, New York State Psychiatric Institute;
Walter Bockting, Columbia University Medical Center/ New York State Psychiatric Institute
Poster 21A A Concept Analysis of Incivility in Nursing
Karen Voorhees, Seton Hall University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 22 The Newly Single Widowed Older Adult Black/African American Woman Navigating Intimacy After a
Long-term Monogamous Relationship
Jeanine Cook-Garard, Molloy College
Poster 22A Impact of Doctoral Prepared Nurses to the Supply and Demand of Nurses in Saudi Arabia
Abdualrahman Alshehry, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Poster 23 A Narrative Review of the Research on Spousal Violence Against Women in Jordan
Eman Abu Sabbah, SUNY Buffalo School of Nursing; Nancy Campbell-Heider, SUNY Buffalo School of Nursing; Yu-Ping Chang, SUNY
Buffalo School of Nursing
Poster 23A Associations Among Sleep Duration, Chronotype, and BMI in High School Students Using Actigraphy
Measured Sleep Parameters
Susan Kohl Malone, University of Pennsylvania; Babette Zemel, University of Pennsylvania; Charlene Compher, University of
Pennsylvania; Margaret Souders, University of Pennsylvania; Allan Pack, University of Pennsylvania
Poster 24 Exploring the Relationship Between Genetic Variation of FKBP5 and Early Life Stress in the NICU
Amy L. D’Agata, University of Connecticut; Dr. Xiaomei Cong, University of Connecticut; Dr. Erin Young, University of Connecticut
Poster 24A The Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-reported Behaviors of Psychiatric Nurses Towards Obese Psychiatric
Patients on Atypical Antipsychotic Medications
Marcia Williams-Hailey, Molloy College
Poster 25 Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Health and Health-related Outcomes Among Filipino Americans
Emerson Ea, Duquesne University
Poster 25A Explaining the Gap Between Knowledge and Practice: An Explanatory Mixed Methods Study of Waist
Circumference Utilization in Primary Care
Beatrice Gaynor, University of Delaware; Regina Sims Wright, University of Delaware
Poster 26 Professional Courage: A Concept Analysis
Lori Wheeler, Widener University
Poster 26A Factors Involved in HIV Prevention for Adults Aged 50 and Older Who Use Online Dating Sites:
A Dissertation Proposal
Rachel Wion, The Pennsylvania State University
Poster 27 The Effect of Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) on Objective and Subjective Outcomes in Cheyne-Stokes
Respiration (CSR) and Heart Failure (HF) Patients
Hyunju Yang, Penn State College of Nursing
Poster 27A Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise for Degenerative Cervical Pain
Marisa Scibilia, University of Delaware
Poster 28 Perinatal Smoking Cessation Video: A Feasibility Study
Lori-Marie Sprague, Binghamton University
Poster 28A Patient Advocacy: The Role of Research and Power to Knowingly Participate in Change
Lisa Heelan, Seton Hall University
Poster 29 Adoption of Genetics and Genomics into Nursing Practice
Alexandra Plavskin, Graduate Center
Poster 29A Exploring the Pharmacogenetics of Ketamine-Induced Emergence Phenomena
Edwin Aroke, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Jennifer Dungan, Duke University
Poster 30 Do Shared Governance Structures Impact Nursing and Patient Outcomes?
Bonnie Charland, University of Rhode Island
DNP Posters
Poster 30A Anal Pap Screening Among HIV+ MSM: A Practice Improvement Initiative
Monique Welbeck, Rutgers University
Poster 31 Promoting Advance Care Planning in Patients with Heart Disease: A Quality Improvement Study
Jaiby Augustine, Stony Brook University; Kathleen Shurpin, Stony Brook University
Poster 31A Examining the Extent of Nurse Practitioner Practice at a Large Academic Medical Center: Recommendations for Full Professional Practice
Latesha Colbert-Mack, Villanova University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 32 Identifying and Decreasing the Perception of Prevalence of Missed Nursing Care in an Acute Care Setting
by Improving Teamwork
Angela Creta, Simmons College
Poster 32A The Effectiveness of Tight Glycemic Control in Adult Patients With Diabetes Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
on Decreasing Wound Infections and Readmission Rates
Lyn Boreland, Pace University
Poster 33 Wipe Out CAUTI: Implementing Non-basin Bathing to Reduce CAUTIs
Abigail Strouse, York College of Pennsylvania
Poster 33A Use of Kotter’s Leading Change Model to Develop and Implement a Heart Failure Education Program for
Certified Nursing Assistants in a Long Term Care Facility
Jennifer Kim, New York University
Poster 34 A Systematic Review: The Perioperative Use of Methadone in Adult Surgical Patients and its Role in
Postoperative Pain Management
Jennifer Cepak, Columbia University; Nicole Lee, Columbia University; Erin Swepston, Columbia University; Melissa Tam, Columbia
Poster 34A Advance Care Planning by Nurse Practitioners
Monica Dube, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Poster 35 Evaluating the Impact of an Operating Room, Staff Infection Prevention Education Program on Surgical
Site Infections in Pediatric Spinal Procedures
Rakeisha Thomas, Old Dominion University; Kathie Zimbro, Old Dominion University/ Sentara Healthcare; Katherine Patterson-Kelly,
Children’s National Medical Center; Andrea Ewing, Children’s National Medical Center
Poster 35A Probiotics for the Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Barriers to Research Utilization and Evidence
Sharon Anderson, La Salle University
Poster 36 Identifying Patients at Risk for Respiratory Deterioration within 24 Hours of Admission
Nancy Wichtendahl, Stony Brook University; Corrine Jurgens, Stony Brook University
Poster 36A The Effectiveness of Structured Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Adult Home Hospice Patients on
Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Admissions and Re-admission: A Systematic Review
Durline Brown-Manhertz, Pace University; Rincy Joseph, Pace University; Stella Ikwuazom, Pace University; Singleton Joanne K.,
Pace University; Michelle Santomassino, Pace University
Poster 37 Needs Assessment Survey for Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Colonoscopists for a Gastroenterology Community of Practice
Jordan Hopchik, La Salle University
Poster 37A Suicidal Behavior Among Community Adolescents Who Self-Injure: A Systematic Review of Risk Factors
Mary Colson, SUNY Buffalo; Ellen Volpe, SUNY Buffalo; Kimberly Callender, SUNY Buffalo; Krista Gulczynski, SUNY Buffalo; Kaela
Nisbet, SUNY Buffalo; Julia Smith, SUNY Buffalo
Poster 38 The Development of a Clinical Decision Tool to Improve the Utilization of Hypodermoclysis in Long-term
Care Elders
Anne Marie Caron, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 38A Perceptions of Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Role Among NICU Nurses
Michele Savin, Thomas Jefferson University
Poster 39 Exploration of Non-traditional School Health Models
June Horowitz, Thomas Jefferson University; Sherri Becker, Thomas Jefferson University; June Horowitz, Thomas Jefferson University
Poster 39A Identifying the Cause of Rising Postpartum Hemorrhage Rates
Patricia Puccilli, University of New Hampshire
Poster 40 Empowering Older Adult Patients in a South Bronx Primary Care Clinic to Facilitate a Patient/Provider
Shared Process for Medication Reconciliation
Dominica Potenza, Hunter College; Elizabeth Capezuti, Hunter College
Poster 40A Evaluating and Improving Smoking Cessation Intervention for the Patients With Mental Illness
Jeanette Lee, Binghamton University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 41 An Education Initiative for Prevention of Ventilator-Associate Pneumonia in the MICU of a Large Urban
Medical Center
Ninara Ibragimova, Hunter College; Elizabeth Capezuti, Hunter College
Poster 41A Pilot Evaluation of 3-Month Isoniazid-Rifapentine Treatment for Latent TB Infection in the Bureau of
Prisons (BOP)
Sherri Wheeler, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Newton Kendig, Johns Hopkins University; Sarah Bur, Johns Hopkins University;
A. Martin Johnston
Thursday, April 16, 2015
6:30 – 8:15 AM
Doctoral Student Scholars Networking Breakfast: Creating a Career Sustaining
Mentor/Mentee Relationship in Science
Lincoln 5
Engaging in and maintaining a mentor/mentee relationship is one of the most important aspects of graduate education in science.
Professional opportunities during and upon graduation from a doctoral program can depend on the quality of this relationship;
therefore, significant and thoughtful attention should be paid to grooming this relationship. This session will provide a foundation
to develop and nurture a successful mentor/mentee relationships and provide exemplars of successful mentor/mentee relationships in various stages of a scientist career.
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss strategies to engage in and maintain a mentor/mentee relationship throughout a career as a scientist.
2. Identify responsibilities of both the mentor/mentee in a career sustaining relationship.
3. Identify strategies to relieve tension in a mentor/mentee relationship.
Session Facilitators:
Amy M. Sawyer, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, The Pennsylvania State University
Liza Behrens, MSN, RN, CCRC, PhD Student, College of Nursing, The Pennsylvania State University
Elise M. Colancecco, MS, RN, CCRN, PhD Student, The Pennsylvania State University
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
7:00 – 8:15 AM
Continental Breakfast & Exposition
7:00 – 8:00 AM
RIG Meetings
7:00 – 7:30 AM
Poster Session I Set-up
7:15 – 7:45 AM
NINR Round Table Appointments
8:15 – 9:30 AM
Welcome & Plenary Presentation: A Culture of Health: Nursing Research as an Evidence Based Approach to Policy on Violence
Thurgood Southwest
Thurgood Foyer
Exhibit Hall C
Jacquelyn C. Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, Anna D. Wolf Chair and Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of
Nursing, National Program Director, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars Program
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “Culture of Health” vision statements explicitly recognize health outcomes
from exposure to violence, and assert that a culture of health has to include prevention of violence. Case studies
of policy formation will be presented including: Senate Testimony with AAN Board support, Affordable Health
Care Act coverage of routine screening for domestic violence in Well Woman Visits also adopted by the VA, governmental policy on intersections of HIV and violence, “trauma informed care,” elder abuse, and campus sexual
assault policy based on nursing and other discipline research cited in influential IOM reports and published AAN Expert Panel
policy statements.
Learning objectives:
1. Describe violence prevention in RWJF “Culture of Health” vision statements.
2. Describe Recent National Health Policy Initiatives on Violence Prevention based in part on nursing research.
9:30 – 10:30 AM
Poster Session I Meet the Researchers
Poster 1 Financial Stressors Faced by Incarcerated Women: “Prison Ain’t Free Like Everyone Thinks.”
Holly Harner, La Salle University; Brian Wyant, La Salle University; Fernanda Da Silva
Poster 2 Partnerships for Health: Collaborations to Improve Human Resources for Health in Low and Middle
Income Countries
Melissa Martelly, New York University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 3 Advocating for a Public Health Approach to Law Enforcement: Results of a Community Oriented Policing
Series (COPS) Program Housed in a School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Holly Harner, La Salle University; Alvin Outlaw, Philadelphia Police Department; Robert Herbst, La Salle University; Wendy Ardagna,
La Salle University; Blair Saba, La Salle University; Jillian Baker, La Salle University; Robin Brennan, La Salle University; Zupenda
Davis, La Salle University; Daniel Rodriguez, La Salle University; Brian Goldstein, La Salle University
Poster 4 Self-Care - A Conceptual Model to Promote a Culture of Health
Raeann Genevieve LeBlanc, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Poster 5 Classroom to Publication: Working Together as Doctorate Students
Jin Jun, New York University; Billy Caceres, New York University; Mayu Frank, New York University; Melissa Martelly, New York
University; Tina Sadarangani, New York University; Paloma Sales, New York University; Susan Sullivan-Bolyai, New York University
Poster 6 Enhancing Global Service Learning Experiences of Baccalaureate Students Through Critical Reflective
Inquiry: A Qualitative Study
Marilyn Asselin, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Maryellen Brisbois, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 7 The Impact of Standardized Testing on Nursing Education
MaryBeth Sosa, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Kristen Sethares, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 8 Role of RNs in Preventing Global Premature Births
Jane Greene Ryan, Drexel University; Evelyn Dogbey, Elsievier
Poster 9 Hospice Cancer Patients Define Pain Control: A Hybrid Concept Analysis
Olga Ehrlich, Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice
Poster 10 Factors Linked to Overfeeding in Latino Infants
Carmen Kiraly, Suffolk County Community College
Poster 11 Becoming Someone Different: A Grounded Theory Study of How Nurses Integrate Pregnancy and Full
Time Employment
Paul Quinn, White Plains Hospital
Poster 12 Behavioral Characteristics of Staff Approaching Aggressive Patients: An Interprofessional Study
Mary Allegra, Middlesex Hospital
Poster 13 Psychometric Testing of the Decision Aid Palliative Referral (DAPR) Instrument
Kelly Nicholson, Middlesex Hospital; Melanie Cama, Middlesex Hospital
Poster 14 The Impact of Nurses in School-based Childhood Obesity Initiatives: A Systematic Review
Krista Schroeder, Columbia University; Jasmine Travers, Columbia University; Arlene Smaldone, Columbia University
Poster 15 Feasibility Testing of a Health Information Exchange Infographic to Inform Consent Procedures at an HIV
S. Raquel Ramos, Columbia University School of Nursing; Suzanne Bakken, Columbia University
Poster 16 The Effects of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Progression
Aliza Ben-Zacharia, Mount Sinai Hospital NY
Poster 17 Merging EBP Models and Quality Improvement Paradigms to Create the Best of All Possible Worlds
Rona Levin, New York University
Poster 18 Feasibility of a Home-Based Exercise Intervention on Older Patients with Implantable Cardioverter
Maureen J. Hogan, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System
Poster 19 African American and Latino Adolescents’ Experiences with Mental Health Services
Jennifer Schneider, University of Rochester; Mary Tantillo, University of Rochester; Jane Tuttle, University of Rochester; Ellen Poleshuck,
University of Rochester
Poster 21 Developmental Screening in the Primary Care Setting: A Quantitative Integrative Review
Patricia Gellasch, Villanova University
Poster 22 Supporting the Psychosocial Oncology Distress Screening Quality Care Policy Mandate With Implementation Strategies
Mark Lazenby, Yale University; Elizabeth Ercolano, Yale University; Ruth McCorkle, Yale University
Poster 23 Assessing Situation Awareness in an Interprofessional Simulation Scenario
Maureen Wassef, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Eileen Terrill, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Jorge Yarzebski,
University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Helen Flaherty, University of Massachusetts-Worcester; Lynn Desmond, University of
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 24 Family Meetings at End of Life: A Systematic Review
Carleara FerreiradaRosaSilva, University At Buffalo; Suzanne S. Sullivan, University At Buffalo; Mary Ann Meeker, University At Buffalo
Poster 25 Alcohol Use, Misuse and Abuse Among Nursing Students: A Photovoice Study
Julie McCulloh Nair, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Lynne Nemeth, Medical University of South Carolina; Susan Newman,
Medical University of South Carolina; Marilyn Sommers, University of Pennsylvania
Poster 26 Outcomes of Depression in Black Single Mothers
Rahshida Atkins, University of Pennsylvania
Poster 27 Booster Intervention in a Correctional Institution: A Pilot Study
Annette T Maruca, University of Connecticut; Deborah Shelton, University of Connecticut
Poster 28 Building Evidence to Help Lung Cancer Survivors to Sleep
Carleara FerreiradaRosaSilva, University At Buffalo; Michelle Klimpt, University At Buffalo; Johanna Demey Zambrano, University At
Buffalo; Suzanne Dickerson, University At Buffalo; Carla Jungquist, University At Buffalo; Grace Dean, University At Buffalo
Poster 29 Inter-professional Education in Substance Abuse Research
Madeline Naegle, New York University; Marc Gourevitch, NYU Langone Medical Center; Kathleen Hanley, NYU Langone Medical
Center; Frederick More, New York University; Ellen Tuchman, New York University; Sewit Bereket, New York University
Poster 30 Family Experience in Caring for Their Child With an Artificial Airway in the Home
Kevin Callans, Massachusetts General Hospital; Diane Carroll, Massachusetts General Hospital; Annette McDonough, University of
Massachusetts-Lowell; Brenda Miller, Massachusetts General Hospital; Arlene Kelleher, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jane Flanagan,
Massachusetts General Hospital; Carolyn Bleiler, Massachusetts General Hospital
Poster 31 “Figuring Out What System Works for Them”: Home Care Nurses’ Experiences of Promoting Medication
Management for Chronically Ill Older Adults
Janice Foust, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Gretchen Kilbourne, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Poster 32 Men and Women Living With Continuing Physical Pain After Release From a County Correctional Facility
Theresa Kapetanovic, University of Connecticut
Poster 33 Mental Health Disorders in the Home Care Elders: An Integrative Review
Jinjiao Wang, Columbia University; Joan Kearney, Columbia University; Jingjing Shang, Columbia University
Poster 34 Symptom Clusters in Heart Failure Patients with Comorbid Atrial Fibrillation
Megan Streur, University of Pennsylvania; Yinghui Lu, Temple University; Debra Moser, University of Kentucky; Barbara Riegel,
University of Pennsylvania
Poster 35 Equivalence of Laboratory Values Between Peripheral Venipuncture and Samples From Saline-lock
Intravenous Lines
Dina Flihan, Northern Westchester Hospital; Amanda Schwartz, Northern Westchester Hospital
Poster 36 Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Compassion Satisfaction, and Self-Transcendence In a National Sample of
Oncology Nurses: Creating a Culture of Health for Oncology Nurses
Adena Romeo Ratliff, Mercer County Community College; Kathleen Sternas, Seton Hall University
Poster 37 State of the Science: Characterizing the NICU Infant Experience as Traumatic
Amy D’Agata, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center; Jacqueline McGrath, University of Connecticut; Xiaomei Cong, University of
Connecticut; Erin Young, University of Connecticut; Damion Grasso, University of Connecticut
Poster 38 Sleep Interuptions and the Hospital Enviornment for Pediatric Oncology Patients
Amanda Lulloff, Children’s Hospital-Boston; Margaret McCabe, Children’s Hospital-Boston; Melissa St. Hilaire, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital; Steven Lockley, Harvard University
Poster 39 Scale-up Considerations of an mHealth Intervention to Support Patients With Active Tuberculosis
Sarah Iribarren, Columbia University
Poster 40 Performance of Health Literacy Measures Among Hospitalized Adults With Heart Failure: A Feasibility Study
Margaret Mock, Rhode Island College; Kristen Sethares, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 41 The Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders and Risk Factors in the U.S. Home Care Elders: Exploratory
Jinjiao Wang, Columbia University; Jingjing Shang, Columbia University; Haomiao Jia, Columbia University; Joan Kearney, Columbia
Poster 42 Cardiovascular Risk Among HIV-infected and Uninfected Postmenopausal Women: Preliminary Findings
Yamnia Cortes, Columbia University; Nancy Reame, Columbia University; Michael Yin, Columbia University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 43 The Testing Effect Phenomenon as an Intervention to Improve Memory Performance in Heart Failure Patients
Jennifer Viveiros, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Kristen Sethares, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 44 Methodological Considerations When Using a Motion Sensor to Collect Physical Activity Data
Margaret McCarthy, Yale University; Marjorie Funk, Yale University
Poster 45 Notes from the Field: Design and Implementation of a Clinical Mentoring Training Workshop in
Rural Tanzania
Paulomi Niles, New York University; Wendy Budin, NYU Langone Medical Center/NYU College of Nursing; Melissa Martelly,
New York University; Allison Squires, New York University
Poster 46 Attitude toward HPV Vaccination Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Concept Inventing and Situation
Specific Theory
MinJin Kim, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Haeok Lee, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Mary Cooley, Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute; Lisa Sheldon, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Poster 47 New Graduates in Nursing: A Secondary Analysis of Reported Stressors in the Clinical Setting
Veronica Feeg, Molloy College; Diane Mancino, Molloy College
Poster 48 Pain Behaviors of Unknown Etiology
Brenna Quinn, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Jean Solodiuk, Children’s Hospital-Boston
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM Scientific Series B
Paper Session B1: Perinatal Mental Health
Lincoln 2
10:45 AM A Metasynthesis Exploring Refugee and Immigrant Women’s Experiences and Perceptions of Postpartum
Carolyn Tobin, University of New Hampshire
11:03 AM Controlled Trial of Telephone-Administered IPT by Midwives for Postpartum Depression
Bobbie Posmontier, Drexel University; Richard Neugebauer, Columbia University; Scott Stuart, University of Iowa; Rita Shaughnessy,
Drexel University; Jesse Chittams, University of Pennsylvania
11:21 AM It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: The Childbearing Experience of Survivors of Sexual
Jenna LoGiudice, Fairfield University
11:39 AM Perinatal Dyadic Psychotherapy for Depressed Mothers and Their Infants: A Randomized Controlled Pilot
Janice Goodman, MGH Institute of Health Professions
11:57 AM Postpartum Depression Screening is Necessary but Insufficient to Treat the Problem
June Andrews Horowitz, Thomas Jefferson University; Christine Murphy, Independent; Katherine Gregory, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital; Joanne Wojcik, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Joyce Pulcini, George Washington University; Lori Solon, Boston College
Paper Session B2: HIV Lincoln 3
10:45 AM HIV Knowledge and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Older Latinas
Yamnia Cortes, Columbia University; Erida Castro; Tawandra Rowell-Cunsolo, Columbia University
11:03 AM Medication Self-Efficacy Mediates the Relationships Among Patient-Healthcare Providers, Adherence and
Subjective Medication-Taking Difficulties in HIV+ Chinese
Wei-Ti Chen, Yale University
11:21 AM Understanding Young Adults’ Use the HIV Home Test Kit
Rebecca Schnall, Columbia University; RitaMarie John, Columbia University
11:39 AM The Mutliple Stigma Experience and Quality of Life in Older Gay Men with HIV
Larry Z. Slater, New York University; Linda Moneyham, University of Alabama at Birmingham; David E. Vance, University of
Alabama at Birmingham; James L. Raper, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Michael J. Mugavero, University of Alabama at
Birmingham; Gwendolyn Childs, University of Alabama at Birmingham
11:57 AM “Taking Care of Ourselves”: The Experiences of African American Women Discussing HIV Testing With
Their Male Partners
Kerry Nolte, University of New Hampshire; Rachel Jones, Northeastern University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Paper Session B3: Adolescent and College Age Issues Lincoln 4
10:45 AM Resilience Intervention for Young Adults With Adverse Childhood Experiences
Genevieve Chandler, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Susan Roberts, Northeastern University
11:03 AM Prevalence of Male Sexual Assault: Results From a Three Campus Study
Ralph Klotzbaugh, University of New Hampshire
11:21 AM Determinants of Preventative Health Care Delay Among Transgender and Gender Non-conforming College
Students in the United States
Jordon Bosse, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
11:39 AM A Sleep in the City: Neighborhood and Family Level Predictors of Sleep Duration in Urban Youth
Nancy Street, Regis College; Marie McCormick, Harvard University; S. Bryn Austin, Children’s Hospital-Boston; Beth Molnar,
Northeastern University
11:57 AM Differences in Health Behaviors Between Adolescent Boys and Girls
Robert Scoloveno, Rutgers University
Paper Session B4: Oncology Quality of Life Lincoln 5
10:45 AM Use of Meditation in Chinese American Women in Treatment of Cancer
Shan Liu, Adelphi University
11:03 AM Predictors of Evening Fatigue During Chemotherapy
Fay Wright, New York University; Marilyn Hammer, New York University; Gail Melkus, New York University; Brian Schmidt, New
York University College of Dentistry; M. Tish Knobf, Yale University; Frances Cartwright, NYU Langone Medical Center; Bradley
Aouizerat, University of California-San Francisco School of Nursing; Christine Miaskowski, University of California-San Francisco
School of Nursing
11:21 AM Predictors of Morning Fatigue in Oncology Patients During Chemotherapy
Fay Wright, New York University; Marilyn Hammer, New York University; Gail Melkus, New York University; Brian Schmidt, New
York University College of Dentistry; M.Tisch Knobf, Yale University; Frances Cartwright, NYU Langone Medical Center/NYU College of
Nursing; Bradley Aouizerat, University of California-San Francisco School of Nursing; Christine Miaskowski, University of California San
Francisco School of Nursing
11:39 AM Exploring Well-being, Social Support, and Financial Vulnerability in Women With Recurrent Ovarian
Cancer Who Report More than One Primary Cancer Diagnosis Within the Past Three Years
Sarah Belcher, University of Pittsburgh; Janet Arida, University of Pittsburgh; Grace Campbell, University of Pittsburgh; Teresa Hagan,
University of Pittsburgh; Elizabeth Skrovanek, University of Pittsburgh; Heidi S. Donovan, University of Pittsburgh
11:57 AM Latent Classes of Trust in Health Information Sources
Thomas Hardie, University of Pennsylvania; Carolee Polek, University of Delaware
Paper Session B5: Nursing Education Lincoln 6
10:45 AM High School Students and the Nursing Pipeline: A Prospective Cohort Study
Mary Johansen, Rutgers University; Pamela B. de Cordova, Rutgers University; Miguel Martinez, Rutgers University
11:03 AM Use of Standardized Patients to Enhance Health Assessment Skills of Undergraduate Nursing Students
Larry Z. Slater, New York University; Kellie D. Bryant, New York University; Vicky Ng, New York University; Barbara KrainovichMiller, New York University
11:21 AM NYU College of Nursing Teaching Oral-Systemic Health (TOSH) Program Interprofessional Education Event
Erin Hartnett, New York University; Judith Haber, New York University; Ken Allen, New York University; Thomas Riles, NYU Langone
Medical Center; Kellie Bryant, New York University; Ruth Crowe, NYU Langone Medical Center; Jennifer Adams, NYU Langone Medical
Center; Abigail Bella, New York University
11:39 AM Early Predictors of NCLEX-RN Performance
Mary Jane K. DiMattio, University of Scranton; Margarete L. Zalon, University of Scranton
11:57 AM Mentoring Underrepresented and Disadvantaged Accelerated Students: Strategies From the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing Program
Ann Marie P. Mauro, New York University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Symposium Session B6: Creating a Culture of Health for Older Adults Around the World:
The Aging Research Interest Group Harding
10:45 AM Creating a Culture of Health for Older Adults Around the World: The Aging Research Interest Group
Janet Van Cleave, New York University; Melissa O’Connor, Villanova University; Billy Caceres, New York University; Tina Sadarangani,
New York University; Convener: Deborah D’Avolio, Endicott College; Respondent: Nikki Hill, Penn State College of Nursing
11:00 AM Older Immigrants’ Cardiovascular Health and the Impact of Health Insurance: An Integrative Review
Tina Sadarangani, New York University
11:15 AM Do Structured Mobility Interventions Prevent Functional Decline in Hospitalized Older Adults?
Billy Caceres, New York University; Alyssa See, New York University; Charles Jovellano, New York University; Shawne Adams,
New York University; Nikolay Zuyev, New York University
11:30 AM Adherence to Anti-Estrogen Oral Endocrine Therapy Among Older Women With Breast Cancer
Janet Van Cleave, New York University; Nicole Elstein, NYU Langone Medical Center; Abraham A. Brody, New York University
11:45 AM Do Unique Clinical Risk Profiles Predict Hospitalization Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults?
Melissa O’Connor, Villanova University
12:00 PM Perceptions of Caregiver Neglect of Older Adults Among Healthcare Professionals in Mexico
Billy Caceres, New York University; Allison Squires, New York University; Linda Bub, New York University
12:15 – 2:00 PM
12:15 – 12:45 PM
Poster Session II Set-up
12:30 – 1:30 PM
RIG Meetings
12:30 – 2:00 PM
Workshop Series B
Exhibit Hall B South
Workshop 5: Career Cartography and Legacy Mapping: Advancing Programs of Research and Informing Policy
Lincoln 2
This interactive workshop applies a conceptualization and two tools to map a program of research and career legacy to advance
science and inform policy. Participants will engage in a discussion regarding the challenges to maintaining a career focus moving
forward and the benefits of having a concrete visual tool to provide guidance to achieve one’s desired career outcomes. Two different tools will be presented and participants will be guided through the initial steps of applying these tools to their own career.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe purposes of the components of career cartography of destination statement, career mapping, career cartography
team, communication and dissemination strategies.
2. Describe processes and outcomes of career cartography and legacy mapping to advance career goals and outcomes.
3. Apply two tools related to mapping a career to desired outcomes to improve health and inform policy.
Suzanne Feetham, PhD, RN, FAAN, Nursing Research Consultant, Children’s National Health System
Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Chicago
Adjunct Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Pamela S. Hinds, PhD, RN, FAAN, The William and Joanne Conway Chair in Nursing Research
Director, Department of Nursing Research and Quality Outcomes
Associate Director, Center for Translational Science, Children’s National Health System
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, The George Washington University
Workshop 6: Funders Panel – Public Agencies and Private Organizations
Lincoln 3
In this interactive workshop, leaders in Public Agencies (AHRQ, NINR, PCORI) and Private Organizations (ANF, NCSBN) will
describe funding opportunities, priorities and application processes.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe funding opportunities from Agencies (AHRQ, NINR, PCORI,) and Private Organizations American Nurses
Foundation (ANF) and National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
2. Compare mandates, missions, priorities, and processes across the public agencies and private organizations.
3. Describe expectations for grant applications.
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Richard Ricciardi, PhD, NP, FAANP, FAAN, Healthcare Scientist, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Eileen R. Chasens, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, Vice Chair, Health and Community Systems, School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh
Maryann Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, Chief Officer, Nursing Regulation, National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
Editor-in-Chief: The Journal of Nursing Regulation
Greg Martin, Deputy Director, Stakeholder Engagement, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Mary Roary, PhD, Program Director, Division of Extramural Science Programs, National Institute of Nursing Research, National
Institute of Health
Workshop 7: Nurse Scientists as Policy Leaders
Lincoln 4
In this interactive workshop, nurse scientists will describe career opportunities, roles and responsibilities as policy leaders both
inside Federal Agencies and as researchers testing policy- relevant interventions
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe how nurse scientists become policy leaders by promoting translation of research into a culture of health at the CMS
Innovation Center (CMMI) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
2. Describe nursing’s role in the new policy context of Health Care Reform including Affordable Care Act changes.
3. Describe innovative nursing strategies to inform health policy and outcomes of policy leadership by a grantee of the CMS
Innovation Center.
Ellen Marie Whelan, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, Senior Advisor, CMS Innovation Center
Sarah L. Szanton, PhD, ANP, FAAN, Associate Professor, Director of the PhD Program,
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Principal Faculty, Center on Innovative Care in Aging
RADM Deborah Parham Hopson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Advisor for HIV/AIDS Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Workshop 8: Powerful Data, Meaningful Answers: Using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
(HCUP) Resources
Lincoln 5
This workshop is aimed at participants interested in research on a broad range of topics, including cost and quality of hospital inpatient and outpatient services, access to health care, and treatment outcomes at the national, state, and local community levels.
The workshop will provide in-depth exposure to several Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) resources. The overall
goal of the workshop is to provide participants with the foundational resources to apply HCUP data to their research interests.
HCUP is a family of population-based health care databases, software tools, research publications, and support services created
through a Federal-State-Industry partnership and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS),
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). HCUP captures information on 95 percent of all hospital stays in the U.S.
and is the largest collection of multi-year, all-payer, encounter-level data publicly available. Current databases include a mix
of nationwide and state inpatient, ambulatory surgery, and emergency department data. Hospital administrative data, such as
HCUP, have been used for decades in outcomes research and health economic analyses. HCUP databases contain a core set of
clinical and nonclinical information found in a typical discharge abstract including all-listed diagnoses and procedures, discharge
status, patient demographics, costs and charges for all patients, regardless of payer (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance,
uninsured). HCUP data are available in a uniform format to facilitate use for comparisons and analyses. Faculty will provide an
overview of HCUP databases and software tools with emphasis on readmission variables and application of the AHRQ Quality
Indicators software.
Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will have an improved understanding of the following:
1. The strengths and limitations of existing administrative data such as HCUP.
2. How HCUP databases and learning resources can be used for clinical and health services research.
3. How to access HCUP data via HCUPnet – a free online data query system – as well as through the HCUP Central Distributor.
4. How to maximize the value of the HCUP databases by applying free software tools that help categorize, transform, and
enhance existing HCUP data files.
Carol Stocks, PhD, RN, Program Analyst, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Judy Parlato, RN, BSN, MBA, Senior Project Manager, Truven Health Analytics
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
2:15 – 3:45 PM
Scientific Series C
Paper Session C1: Nursing Workforce Issues
Lincoln 6
2:15 PM Using the Haddon Matrix to Identify Critical Events for Emergency Nurses Assaulted at Work
Lisa Wolf, Emergency Nurses Association; Altair Delao, Emergency Nurses Association; Cydne Perhats, Emergency Nurses Association
2:33 PM Autonomy and Job Satisfaction Among Nurse Practitioners
Linda Briggs, The George Washington University School of Nursing; Majeda El-Banna, The George Washington University School of
Nursing; Mayri Leslie, The George Washington University School of Nursing; Erin Athey, The George Washington University School of
Nursing; Arlene Pericak, The George Washington University School of Nursing; Nancy Falk, The George Washington University School
of Nursing; Jessica Greene, The George Washington University School of Nursing
2:51 PM Psychometric Analysis of the Nurse Competency Assessment Tool (NCAT)
Kerry Fater, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Caitlin M. Stover, University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth
3:09 PM Predictors of Missed Nursing Care in a Multi-campus Regional Health Network: Implications for the
Nursing Work Environment
Mae Ann Pasquale, Cedar Crest College; Tricia Bernecker, DeSales University; Carol Foltz, Lehigh Valley Health Network; Kathy Baker,
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Paper Session C2: Issues in Perinatal Health
Lincoln 2
2:15 PM An Education Program for Perinatal Nurses on Smoking Relapse Prevention Counseling in the Postpartum
Ann Feeney, University of Scranton; Geraldine Britton, Binghamton University
2:33 PM An Ounce of Prevention: Interconception Risk Assessment and Education
Julia Fitzgerald, Ramapo College of New Jersey
2:51 PM The Relationship of Delivery Method to Newborns’ Initial Breastfeeding Duration and Breastfeeding Exclusivity Before Hospital Discharge
Ann Marie Paraszczuk, Molloy College; Karen Hylton-McGuire, Winthrop University Hospital
3:09 PM Appreciating Culture and Recent Motherhood: Tailoring Postpartum Lifestyle Interventions to Promote
Cardiometabolic Health in Women With Prior Gestational Diabetes
Emily Jones, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Hannah Fraley, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Julianne Mazzawi, University of
3:27 PM An Exploration of Peripartum Smoking Rates and Postpartum Relapse to Smoking in Pennsylvania for 2011
Susan Bare, University of Pittsburgh; Annette DeVito Dabbs, University of Pittsburgh; Susan M Sereika, University of Pittsburgh
Paper Session C3: Older Adults in the Community
Lincoln 5
2:15 PM Physical and Psychosocial Effects of Wii Fit Exergaming Program in Assisted Living Residents: A Pilot
Ying-Yu Chao, Rutgers University; Yvonne Scherer, SUNY Buffalo; Yow-Wu Wu, SUNY Buffalo; Lucke Kathleen, Elmira College;
Carolyn Montogomery, SUNY Buffalo
2:33 PM Nursing Science, Evidence, and Policy Recommendations for Creating a Culture of Health in Home Care
Olga Jarrin, University of Pennsylvania; Eileen Lake, University of Pennsylvania; Linda Flynn, University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus; Linda Aiken, University of Pennsylvania
2:51 PM Symptomology of Falls by Older Adults in a Continuing Care Retirement Community
Deanna Gray-Miceli, Rutgers University; Sarah J. Ratcliffe, University of Pennsylvania
3:09 PM Are Pain Quality Descriptors Associated With Disability in the Older Population?
Manu Thakral, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Ling Shi, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Robert Shmerling, Harvard
University; Jonathan Bean, Harvard University; Suzanne Leveille, University of Massachusetts-Boston
3:27 PM The Influence of PublicTransit on Neighborhood Walking Among African American Older Adults
Anne Mitchell, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Pamela Cacchione, University of Pennsylvania; Ann O’Sullivan, University of
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Paper Sesson C4: Cardiac Monitoring and Nursing Care
Lincoln 4
2:15 PM Patients With Ventricular Assist Devices Living in Rural America: A Systematic Review
Windy Alonso, Penn State College of Nursing; Judith Hupcey, Penn State College of Nursing
2:33 PM Improving Electrocardiographic Monitoring: The Practical Use of the Latest Standards of Electrocardiography
(PULSE) Trial
Marjorie Funk, Yale University; Kimberly Stephens, Johns Hopkins University; Jeanine May, Yale University; Kristopher Fennie, Florida
International University; Pei-Shiun Chang, Yale University; Shelli Feder, Yale University; Krista Knudson, Yale University; Leonie Rose
Bovino, Quinnipiac University; Yasemin Turkman, University of Virginia; Barbara Drew, University of California San Francisco
2:51 PM An Innovative Approach to Manage Cardiac Rhythm Alarms and a Basis for Clinical Alarm Management
Policy Reassessment
Cecilia Inman, Maine Medical Center; Cindy Honess, Maine Medical Center
3:09 PM Impact of Monitor Watchers on Nurses’ Knowledge of Electrocardiographic Monitoring and Accuracy of
Arrhythmia Detection in the PULSE Trial
Krista Knudson, Yale University; Marjorie Funk, Yale University; Kristopher Fennie, Florida International University; Margaret
Holland, Yale University
3:27 PM The Value of Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring in the Emergency Department: A Quasi- Experimental
Pre-Post Study
Leonie Rose Bovino, Quinnipiac University; Marjorie Funk, Yale University; Michele Pelter, University of Nevada, Reno; Mayur Desai,
Yale University; Vanessa Jefferson, Yale University; Laura Andrews, Yale University
Paper Session C5: Oncology Nursing Practice
2:15 PM Differences in Opportunity and Eligibility for Cancer Clinical Trial (CCT) Participation Based on Sociodemographic and Disease Characteristics
Jessica Rearden, University of Pennsylvania; Alexandra Hanlon, University of Pennsylvania; Connie Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania; Margo Brooks-Carthon, University of Pennsylvania; Marilyn Sommers, University of Pennsylvania
2:33 PM Evaluating an Educational Intervention of Central Venous Catheter Maintenance Among Oncology Nurses
Tania Bubb, NYU Langone Medical Center
2:51 PM Honoring a Woman’s Right to Choose Bilateral Mastectomy
Patricia Suplee, Rutgers University; Bonnie Jerome-D’Emilia, Rutgers University; Jennifer Boiler, Rutgers University; John D’Emilia,
Cancer Care of Southern N.J.
3:09 PM Glycemic Status and Cytokine Expression Associated with Infections in Autologous Hematopoietic Cell
Transplantation Recipients
Marilyn Hammer, New York University; Gail Melkus, New York University
Symposium Session C6: Creating a Culture of Health in the Caribbean Basin Through Nursing Research
Lincoln 3
2:15 PM Creating Culture of Health in the Carribean Basin Through Nursing Research
Kelley Newlin, University of Connecticut; Keville Frederickson, City University of New York; Samantha Stonbraker, Columbia University;
Martha Whetsell, City University of New York
2:30 PM Social Support and Preferred Illness Treatment Following the 2010 Haitian Earthquake
Keville Frederickson, Pace University
2:45 PM Promoting Aging Through Courage Among Elderly Mexican Women
Martha Whetsell, City University of New York; Keville Frederickson, Pace University
3:00 PM Health Information Needs of HIV Positive Adults in La Romana, Dominican Republic
Samantha Stonbraker, Columbia University; Elaine Larson, Columbia University
3:15 PM Diabetes Prevention and Self-Management Intervention for Ethnic Minority Nicaraguans
Kelley Newlin Lew, University of Connecticut; Yolanda Mclean, Bethesda Memorial Hospital; Gail Melkus, New York University;
Deborah Chyun, New York University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
3:45 – 4:45 PM
Poster Session II Meet the Researchers
Poster 1 Political Skill and Relevance to Nursing: An Integrative Review Wanda Montalvo, Columbia University
Poster 2 Family World View in a Context of Chronic Diseases: Concept Analysis
Paloma Cesar de Sales, New York University
Poster 3 The Relationship Between Reminiscence, Physical Activity and Pain
Juliette Shellman, University of Connecticut; Deborah McDonald, University of Connecticut; Lisa Harrison, University of Connecticut;
Rubby Koomson, University of Connecticut; Joseph Ferraro, University of Connecticut; Kelly Ramos, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Poster 4 The Lived Experience of Parental Bereavement
Christine Denhup, Southern Connecticut State University
Poster 5 Service Learning With a Geriatric Population: Changing Attitudes and Improving Knowledge
Audrey Beauvais, Fairfield University; John Beauvais, Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
Poster 6 Facilitators and Barriers to the Adoption of Telehealth in Older Adults: An Integrative Review
Marva Foster, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 7 Examining Social Determinants of Health Inequities Among Hispanics: Advancing Critical Paradigms in
Nursing Science
Jean Edward, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Poster 9 IV Infusion Safety: The Impact of a Simplified User Interface on Programming Times for IV Smart Pumps
Karen Giuliano, Yale University
Poster 10 Evaluation of One-day Polyethylene Glycol Powder Solution (Miralax®) for Colonoscopy in Children
Mei Lin Chen-Lim, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Denise Ciavardone, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Lisa Farace, Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia; Frances Jannelli, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Megan Nieberle, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia;
Benjamin Sahn, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Elizabeth Ely, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Xuemei Zhang, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Anita Puma, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Petar Mamula, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Poster 11 Prevention of Adverse Post-Operative Gastrointestinal Events in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgical
Sharon Farrell, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Kelly Ryan, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Annette Norton, Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia; Linda Hurd, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Mei Lin Chen-Lim, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Elizabeth Ely,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Poster 12 Mind/Body Spirit Techniques for Stress Management in College Students
Nancy Baker, MGH Institute of Health Professions
Poster 13 Concept Analysis: Workaround in Nursing Jin Jun, New York University
Poster 14 Food Insecurity: A Concept Analysis
Krista Schroeder, Columbia University; Arlene Smaldone, Columbia University
Poster 15 An Evaluation of Participants’ Understanding of the Research Consenting Process
Debra Palmer, Exeter Hospital
Poster 16 Types of Sedentary Behavior in Adolescents and Correlations with Body Mass Index (BMI)
Myoungock Jang, Yale University; Karl Minges, Yale University; Ariana Chao, Yale University; Chorong Park, Yale University;
Margaret Grey, Yale University; Robin Whittemore, Yale University
Poster 17 Bangladeshi Mothers’ Perceptions of Their Children’s Body Size Ana Mola, NYU Langone Medical Center
Poster 18 How Useful is a Single Day-time Measure of Salivary Cortisol as a Stress Biomaker in a Community-based
Study of Mental Health Symptoms in Older Hispanic Women?
Nancy Reame, Columbia University; Sunmoo Yoon, Columbia University; Niurka Suero-Tejeda, Columbia University; Serge Cremers,
Columbia University; Suzanne Bakken, Columbia University
Poster 19 Predictors of Delay and Related Outcomes in Heart Failure Patients: An Integrative Review
Kristen A Sethares, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Elizabeth Chin, University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth;
Corrine Y. Jurgens, Stony Brook University
Poster 20 An Exploration of Caregiver Choice Through the Lens of Sartrean Existentialism
Kristin Corey, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Mary McCurry, University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth
Poster 21 Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Self-efficacy Among Inpatient Health Care Providers
Shayleigh Dickson, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System; Imelissa Blancas, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System;
Andrea Rocha, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 22 Effectiveness of the Teach-Back Method on Decreasing Hospitalizations and Rehospitalizations and
Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores Among Hospice Patients
Meghan Ryan, Ramapo College of New Jersey; Bernard Newland, Veterans Affairs
Poster 23 The Identification and Utilization of Staff Nurses as Organizational Champions
Melissa O’Malley Tuomi, University of Massachusetts-Worcester
Poster 24 Among the Missing: The Experiences of Vietnamese American Nursing Students
Mary Wilby, La Salle University
Poster 25 Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Education: From the Voices of Students and Faculty
Veronica Feeg, Molloy College; Alice Nash, Winthrop University Hospital; Diane Mancino, National Student Nurses Association
Poster 26 Nursing Science, Mental Illness, and the Family: A Conceptual Framework for Improving Health and
Quality of Life
Mary McCurry, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Susan Hunter Revell, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 27 Data Quality: A Central Tenet in Electronic Health Records Research
Shelli Feder, Yale University
Poster 28 CPAP Adherence in Children and Adolescents with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Alexa Watach, Penn State College of Nursing; Colleen Ciano, Penn State College of Nursing; Amy Sawyer, Penn State College of Nursing
Poster 29 Presentation of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Kenneth M. Faulkner, New York University; Victoria Vaughan Dickson, New York University; Gail D’Eramo Melkus, New York University
Poster 30 Does Sleep Disturbance Increase the Risk for Falls?
Nancy Knechel, Yale University; Nancy Redeker, Yale University
Poster 31 Use of Standardized Patients to Teach Therapeutic Communication in Undergraduate Nursing Education
Margaret Laccetti, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Sandra Mote, University of Massachusetts- Lowell; Laurie Soroken, University of
Massachusetts-Lowell; Dale Young, University of Massachusetts- Lowell
Poster 32 Using GIS Technology to Inform Environmental Health Policy: A Case Study Involving USEPA’s DecisionMaking Process of Remedy Selection and Building Community Capacity
Marcella Thompson, University of Rhode Island; Beverly Xu, PES Structural Engineers; Lynn Carlson, Brown University; Kim Boekelheide,
Brown University
Poster 33 The Impact of Surgical Menopause on the Insomnia Trajectory in Perimenopausal Women
Colleen Ciano, Penn State College of Nursing; Tonya King, The Pennsylvania State University; Judith Hupcey, Penn State College of
Nursing; Robin Redmon Wright, The Pennsylvania State University; Amy M Sawyer, Penn State College of Nursing
Poster 34 The Weathering Hypothesis: Understanding Mechanisms and Implications for Racial/Ethnic Differences
in Birth Outcomes
Sangmi Kim, University of Pennsylvania; Eun-Ok Im, University of Pennsylvania
Poster 35 A Culture of Health Through Family and Friends: Information Seeking Behaviors and Adherence to
Discharge Instructions in Urgent Care
Traci Alberti, University of Massachusetts Medical School - Graduate School of Nursing
Poster 36 End-of-Life Care Behind Bars: A Systematic Review
Rachel Wion, Penn State College of Nursing; Susan Loeb, Penn State College of Nursing
Poster 37 Global Effects of the Haitian Earthquake 2010 on the Haitian Diaspora
Keville Frederickson, Pace University; Cidna Valentin, City University of New York
Poster 38 A Comparison of Recently Diagnosed HIV-Positive Women and Women Diagnosed Early in the Epidemic:
Has the Social-Ecological Context of Transmission Changed?
Carol Roye, Pace University
Poster 39 Animal Assisted Therapy for Anxiety in Developmentally Disabled Adult Dental Sedation Patients
Caren Cajares, Old Dominion University
Poster 40 Psychometric Analysis of Instruments Measuring Parental Self-Management Behaviors for Children With
Amanda Green, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Jacqueline Fawcett, University of Massachusetts- Boston; Haeok Lee, University of
Massachusetts-Boston; Laura Hayman, University of Massachusetts- Boston
Poster 41 The Lived Experience of Family Nurse Practitioners Who Perform a Sexual Health Assessment on Adults
Madeleine Lloyd, New York University
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 42 Patterns of Exercise in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Margaret McCarthy, Yale University; Robin Whittemore, Yale University
Poster 43 An Exploration of the Challenges Associated With Preventing Relapse to Smoking Among Women
Transitioning into Motherhood
Susan Bare, University of Pittsburgh; Michele D Levine, University of Pittsburgh; Annette DeVito Dabbs, University of Pittsburgh;
Judith A Tate, The Ohio State University
Poster 44 Family Resilience in Families of Adults with Diabetes
Kristine Batty, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Diabetes Care Solutions, LLC
Poster 45 The Association Between Receipt of Emotional and Social Support and Smoking Status Among Cancer
Survivors: Results from 10 US States, 2010
Hermine Poghosyan, University of Massachusetts-Boston; AbdulMuhsen AbuFannouneh, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Poster 46 An Evaluation of Rural Teens Perceived Barriers, Benefits and Beliefs About Health Care Access
Jessica Webb, Shenandoah University; Tina Haney, Old Dominion University
5:00 – 6:30 PM
Scientific Series D
Paper Session D1: Newborn and NICU Care
Lincoln 6
5:00 PM Nurses’ Perceptions of Rooming-In for the Inpatient Postpartum Setting
Jennifer Johnson, Maine Medical Center; Kristiina Hyrkas, Maine Medical Center
5:18 PM Stressful Early Life Experience in the NICU Imprints Infant Gut Microbiome
Xiaomei Cong, University of Connecticut; Jacqueline McGrath, University of Connecticut; Wendy Henderson, National Institute of
Nursing Research (NINR); Stephen Walsh, University of Connecticut
5:36 PM A Meta-ethnography: Skin to Skin Holding From the Caregiver’s Perspective
Dorothy Vittner, University of Connecticut; Sharon Casavant, University of Connecticut; Jacqueline McGrath, University of Connecticut
5:54 PM Cup Feeding in the ICU: The Influence of Health Care Provider Knowledge
Sameh Ghareeb, FEM Nursing Services; Lisa Chiodo, University of Massachusetts Medical School - Graduate School of Nursing; Linda
Lewandowski, University of Massachusetts Medical School - Graduate School of Nursing
Paper Session D2: Nursing Organizational Climate and Workforce Issues
Lincoln 5
5:00 PM Nurse Practitioner Practice Environments in Primary Care Organizations are Important: Implications for
Primary Care Workforce Capacity
Lusine Poghosyan, Columbia University; Jianfang Liu, Columbia University
5:18 PM A Qualitative Systematic Review of Internal and External Influences on Shared Decision- making in All
Health Care Settings
Marie Truglio-Londrigan, Pace University; Jason Slyer, Pace University; Joanne Singleton, Pace University; Priscilla Worral, Upstate
University Hospital
5:36 PM Organizational Climate Assessment of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants and the Association
With Perceived Team Membership
Jennifer Derkazarian, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center; Alex Hoyt, MGH Institute of Health Professions; Lisa Colombo, Lahey
Hospital & Medical Center; Lusine Poghosyan, Columbia University
5:54 PM Nurses’ Beliefs About Professional Nursing Peer Review: A Pilot Elicitation Study Framed by the Theory of
Planned Behavior
Aditi Rao, University of Pennsylvania; Michele Otto, University of Pennsylvania; Angela Newton, University of Pennsylvania; Rebecca
Trotta, University of Pennsylvania; Kate FitzPatrick, University of Pennsylvania
Paper Session D3: Mental Health and Recovery
Lincoln 4
5:00 PM Experience of Recovery From a Mental Illness
Sheila Linz, Seton Hall University; Nancy Hanrahan, University of Pennsylvania; Phyllis Solomon, University of Pennsylvania;
Marissa DeCesaris, NYU Langone Medical Center; Antony Krumbhaar, Foundations of Behavioral Health
5:18 PM Mental Health Status Indicators and Vision Status Among Adult Women Respondents to the 2010-2013
National Health Interview Surveys
Nancy Sharts-Hopko, Villanova University
5:36 PM Stress and Coping in a Mother-Child Residential Drug Treatment Program Lorie Goshin, Hunter College
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
5:54 PM Examining the Relationships Between Eating Phenotypes and Physiological and Self-Reported Stress
Ariana Chao, Yale University; Rajita Sinha, Yale University
6:12 PM Childhood Adversity, Inflammation, and Illness in Mid-Life Adults
Emily Hauenstein, University of Delaware College of Health Sciences/School of Nursing; Din Chen, University of Rochester; Joyce
Smith, University of Rochester
Paper Session D4: Cardiac Disorders: Patient and Family Experiences
Lincoln 3
5:00 PM “What Were They Thinking?”: Examining Patients’ Cognitive Representations of Heart Failure Self-care
Using a Unique, Theoretically Derived Methodology
Harleah G. Buck, Penn State College of Nursing; Linda McAndrew, Penn State College of Nursing; J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, University
of Alabama at Birmingham; Rachel Wion, Penn State College of Nursing; Barbara Riegel, University of Pennsylvania
5:18 PM Patient and Caregiver Expectations Determine Satisfaction Post-LVAD
Barbara Birriel, The Pennsylvania State University; Lisa Kitko, The Pennsylvania State University; Judith Hupcey, The Pennsylvania
State University; Maureen Palese, The Pennsylvania State University
5:36 PM Exercise Promotes Behavioral Alertness in Heart Failure
Ruth Masterson Creber, Columbia University; Victoria M. Pak, University of Pennsylvania; Miranda Varrasse, University of Pennsylvania;
Barbara Riegel, University of Pennsylvania
5:54 PM Medication Practices and Self-Efficacy of Patients Living with Heart Failure: A Mixed- Methods Study
Janet Knecht, University of Saint Joseph
Paper Session D5: Cognitive Status in the Elderly
Lincoln 2
5:00 PM Pain in Persons With Dementia: Association With Delirium and Function During Rehabilitation
Ann Kolanowski, Penn State College of Nursing; Jacqueline Mogle, Penn State; Donna Fick, Penn State College of Nursing; Nikki Hill,
Penn State College of Nursing; Paula Mulhall, Penn State College of Nursing; Elise Colancecco, Penn State College of Nursing; Liza Behrens,
Penn State College of Nursing
5:18 PM Everyday Lifestyle Strategies for Sustaining Cognitive Status
Elizabeth Howard, Northeastern University; John Morris, Hebrew SeniorLife; Knight Steel, Hackensack University Medical Center;
Kelley Strout, University of New England; Brant Fries, University of Michigan; Alice Moore, Kendal Corporation, Kendal Outreach;
Vjenck Garma-Homolova, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft
5:36 PM An Integrative Review of Family Caregivers of Patients With Frontotemporal Dementia
Billy Caceres, New York University; Tina Sadarangani, New York University; Jin Jun, New York University; Mayu Frank, New York
University; Melissa T. Martelly, New York University; Paloma Cesar de Sales, New York University
5:54 PM Pain Assessment Tools for Individuals With Dementia: A Meta-review
Dawn Dowding, Columbia University; Valentina Lichtner, University of Leeds, UK; Philip Esterhuizen, University of Leeds, UK;
S. José Closs, University of Leeds; Andrew Long, University of Leeds; Anne Corbett, Kings College London; Michelle Briggs, Leeds
Beckett University
6:12 PM Outcomes of a Problem-solving Intervention With Caregivers of Community-dwelling Patients with Memory
Loss: A Preliminary Look
Judith Erlen, University of Pittsburgh; Martin Houze, University of Pittsburgh; Jennifer Lingler, University of Pittsburgh; Susan Sereika,
University of Pittsburgh; Lisa Tamres, University of Pittsburgh
Symposium Session D6: Creating a Culture of Health in Africa and Asia Through Nursing &
Interdisciplinary Research
5:00 PM Creating a Culture of Health in Africa and Asia Through Nursing & Interdisciplinary Research
Kelley Newlin Lew, University of Connecticut; Wei-Ti Chen, Yale University; Carolyn Sun, Columbia University; Elaine Larson,
Columbia University; Emily Tuthill, University of Connecticut
5:18 PM Establishing a Program of Global Initiatives for Nursing Education
Elaine Larson, Columbia University; Jennifer Dohrn, Columbia University; Kristine Kulage, Columbia University
5:36 PM Cross-cultural Adaptation of Instruments Assessing Breastfeeding Determinants: A Multi-step Approach
Emily Tuthill, University of Connecticut; Regina Cusson, University of Connecticut; Jacqueline McGrath, University of Connecticut;
Robert Gable, Johnson and Wales University; Lisa Butler, Harvard University; Jeffrey Fisher, University of Connecticut
5:54 PM Lessons Learned From the Cross-Country Collaborations: Working With Asian Collaborators
Wei-Ti Chen, Yale University
7:00 – 8:30 PM
University of Delaware School of Nursing Reception
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Wilson A & B
Friday, April 17, 2015
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM Registration
Thurgood Foyer
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Breakfast for Deans, Directors & Nurse Executives (Invitation Only)
7:00 – 8:00 AM
RIG Meetings
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Exposition with Coffee & Tea
7:00 – 7:30 AM
Poster Session III Set-up
7:15 – 7:45 AM
NINR Round Table Appointments
8:00 – 9:00 AM
Poster Session III Meet the Researchers
Exhibit Hall C & Atrium
Poster 1 Thrown to the Wolves: Later Life Recollections of Former Emergency Room Nurses
Margaret Whelan, Molloy College
Poster 2 Affect Balance and Relationship to Well-being in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia
Ann Kolanowski, Penn State College of Nursing; Kimberly Van Haitsma, Penn State College of Nursing; Suzanne Meeks, University of
Louisville; Mark Litaker, University of Alabama
Poster 3 Quality of Life Issues in Young and Middle Aged Adults With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review
Alison Walsh, Penn State College of Nursing; Lisa Kitko, Penn State College of Nursing
Poster 4 Developing a Predictive Model to Inform Gyn Health Promotion in Women Who Experience Intimate
Partner Violence
Patricia Hindin, Rutgers University; Rula Wilson, Rutgers University
Poster 5 Family Functioning With Prader Willi Syndrome
Susan Vitale, Molloy College
Poster 6 Teen Perceptions of Sexual Activity, Decision-making, and the Promotion of Safe Sexual Practices: A Focus
Group Study
Judith Herrman, University of Delaware
Poster 7 Electronic Documentation: New Task or New Tool?
Cynthia Gaudet, Westfield State University
Poster 8 Non-drug Pain Strategies Used by Heart Failure Patients With Chronic Pain
Deborah McDonald, University of Connecticut; Christine Soutar, St. Francis Hospital & Medical Center; Maria Agudelo, St. Francis
Hospital & Medical Center; Angela Alfriyie, St. Francis Hospital & Medical Center
Poster 9 An Integrative Review of Cup Feeding as a Supplemental, Alternative Feeding Method for Breastfed Infants
Frances Penny, University of Connecticut
Poster 10 Heart Failure Discharge Instructions - A Comparative Content Analysis of Notes Written by Nurse Practitioner and Physician Providers
Daniel David, Regis College; Joanne Dalton, Regis College; Lorraine Britting, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Elizabeth Howard,
Northeastern University
Poster 11 Experiences of a Multidisciplinary Team of Perioperative Nurses During the Process of Creating and
Sustaining a Year-long (and on-going) Research Project
Jane Greene Ryan, Drexel University; Debbie Cutrona, Cooper University Health Care
Poster 12 The Role of Language and Communication in Providing Quality Health Care by Expatriate Nurses in
Saudi Arabia
Karen Pounds, Northeastern University
Poster 13 Creating a Safe Culture in Which to Grow: Experiences From a Nurse Residency Program
Jane Greene Ryan, Drexel University; Donna O’Shea, Cooper University Health Care; Cheryl Koehl, Cooper University Health Care
Poster 14 Patient Satisfaction and the Delivery of Quality Patient Care: Hidden Conflict in the Emergency Department
Mary L. Johansen, Rutgers University
Poster 15 Under the Surface: Asthma Severity, Symptom Control and Perceived Stress in Urban Children
Felesia Bowen, Rutgers University; Elizabeth Sloan-Power, Rutgers University
Poster 16 Using Evidence to Write Guidelines: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of Aromatherapy to Reduce
Anxiety During Breast Biopsies
Renee Trambert, Morristown Memorial Hospital; Mildred Ortu Kowalski, Morristown Memorial Hospital; Betty Wu, Morristown
Memorial Hospital; Nimisha Mehta, Morristown Memorial Hospital; Paul Friedman, Morristown Memorial Hospital
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 17 Maintaining Perioperative Normothermia: An Evidence-Based Improvement Project
Rona Levin, New York University; Fay Wright, New York University; Kathy Pecoraro, Northern Westchester Hospital; Wendy Kopec,
Northern Westchester Hospital
Poster 18 Exploring Perceptions of an Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Involved in a Lean Six Sigma (LSS)
Process Resulting in Significant Changes to Clinical Practice Regarding Aminoglycoside Therapy Monitoring
Janet Tridente, Cooper University Health System; Beth Malane, Cooper University Health System; Jane Greene Ryan, Cooper University
Health System
Poster 19 Assessing Environmental Literacy in Nursing Education: Student Knowledge, Behaviors and Attitudes
Related to Sustainability in Hospital Settings
Robin Wood, Boston College; Coleen Toronto, Curry College
Poster 20 Reflection as an Educational Strategy in Nursing Professional Development: An Integrative Review
Robbin Miraglia, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Marilyn Asselin, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 21 Intervention Fidelity in Qigong Randomized Controlled Trials: A Method Review
Robin Whittemore, Yale University; Marjorie Funk, Yale University
Poster 22 Equivalence of Laboratory Values Between Peripheral Venipuncture and Samples From Newly Inserted
Peripheral Intravenous Catheters
Erika Setzer, Northern Westchester Hospital; Catherine Tarpey, Northern Westchester Hospital
Poster 23 Evaluating Parenting Programs for Incarcerated Men: An intervention to Reduce Familial Violence
Donna Zucker, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Christine Beatriz, University of Massachusetts- Amherst
Poster 24 Examining the Relationships Among Social Support, Cultural identity, Self-esteem and Loneliness to
Better Understand Health Behaviors Among Asian Adolescents
Cynthia Ayres, Rutgers University; Susan Norris, Rutgers University
Poster 25 Stakeholder Perceptions of the APRN Consensus Model Implementation Process in Mid-Atlantic States
(PA, NJ, DE, MD)
Ronald Castaldo, University of Delaware
Poster 26 The Experience of Moral Distress and Collaboration in Critical Care Nurses in an Urban Academic Medical
Sandia Royal, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital; Lisa Falcon, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital; Adelle DeGuzman,
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital; Maryann Brookes, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital; Karen Magarelli, Robert Wood
Johnson University Hospital; Jon McCoy, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Kathleen Zavotsky, Robert Wood Johnson
University Hospital
Poster 27 Systematic Review of Text Messaging as an Intervention for the Treatment of Adolescent Obesity
Mary McCurry, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Poster 28 Issues and Solutions in Multilingual Research Among Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors
Sangmi Kim, University of Pennsylvania; Eun-Ok Im, University of Pennsylvania; ICSG-AA Research Team ICSG-AA Research Team,
University of Pennsylvania
Poster 29 Parish Nurse’s Role in Diabetes Management
Jessica Devido, Duquesne University; Dorothy Mayernik, Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Program; Willa Doswell, University
of Pittsburgh; Betty Braxter, University of Pittsburgh; Jan Dorman, University of Pittsburgh; Martha Terry, University of Pittsburgh;
Denise Charron-Prochownik, University of Pittsburgh
Poster 30 Improving Patient Outcomes by Creating a Process for an All-RN Model to Obtain Vancomycin/Aminoglycoside Blood Levels for Patients on Intravenous Vancomycin/Aminoglycosides
Elizabeth Malane, Cooper University Hospital; Janet Tridente, Cooper University Hospital; Jane Ryan, Cooper University Hospital;
Linda Chuang, Cooper University Hospital; Gina Marone, Cooper University Hospital; Henry Fraimow, Cooper University Hospital;
Corey Angelini, Cooper University Hospital; Krystal Huner, Cooper University Hospital
Poster 31 Cultural Factors Associated With Quality of Life: An Integrative Review
Jennel Osborne, Columbia University; Arlene Smaldone, Columbia University
Poster 32 Generation Y: Retention Motivators for a New Culture of Nurses
Stephanie M. Chung, Kean University
Poster 33 A Case Study of the Injection Drug Users’ Perceptions of Received Nursing Care
Kimberly Dion, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Poster 34 Symbolic Interactionism as the Theoretical Lens to Conduct Grounded Theory Research
Kimberly Fenstermacher, York College of Pennsylvania
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Poster 35 Validation of the Spanish Version of the Mammography Specific Self-Efficacy Scale
Bonnie Jerome-D’Emilia, Rutgers University; Patricia Suplee, Rutgers University; Ayse Akincigil, Rutgers University
Poster 36 Food Insecurity Among Older Adults: A Social Ecological Approach
Shari Goldberg, Colby-Sawyer College; Barbara Mawn, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Poster 37 Is the School Environment Contributing to Physical Inactivity Among African American High School Girls?
Wanda Williams, Rutgers University
Poster 38 Methodological Factors Conducting Research With Incarcerated Persons with Diabetes
Louise Reagan, New York University
Poster 39 State of the Science: Sleep Assessment in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Miranda Varrasse, University of Pennsylvania; Pamela Cacchione, University of Pennsylvania
Poster 40 Maternal Childhood Maltreatment, Maternal Obesity, and Infant Birth Weight: Associations With Maternal
Stress, Social Support and Mental Health
Patricia Semeraro, Columbia University; Catherine Monk, Columbia University; Joan Kearney, Columbia University
Poster 41 Are We There Yet? An Analysis of Delirium Risk Prediction Models
Margarete L. Zalon, University of Scranton
Poster 43 Effect of Educational Preparation and Practice Environment on Nurses’ Decisions About Hospital Bedside
Mary Jane K. DiMattio, University of Scranton; Adele M. Spegman, Geisinger Health System
Poster 44 Influence of Causal Attributions on Cancer-Related Distress
Elizabeth Skrovanek, University of Pittsburgh; Teresa Hagan, University of Pittsburgh; Grace Campbell, University of Pittsburgh; Sarah
Belcher, University of Pittsburgh; Janet Arida, University of Pittsburgh; Guyanna Ackison, University of Pittsburgh; Heidi Donovan,
University of Pittsburgh
Poster 45 Reasons Pediatric Patients Attend or Do Not Attend Scheduled Healthcare Appointments: A Qualitative
Review From Parents’ Perspectives
Nora Vizzachero, Cooper University Hospital
9:15 – 10:45 AM
Scientific Series E
Paper Session E1: Culture and Social Determinants of Health
Lincoln 6
9:15 AM The Lived Experience of African American Caregivers Caring for Adult African American Patients With
Heart Failure: A Phenomenological Study
Heather Hamilton, Central Connecticut State University
9:33 AM The Functional Assessment of Cancer Patients in Gaborone, Botswana
Mark Lazenby, Yale University; Norman Carl Swart, Case Western Reserve University
9:51 AM Pláticas de la Presión Arterial: Hypertension Education in the Hispanic Community
Christine Ferrari, The Mount Sinai Hospita
10:09 AM Integrating Injury and Hospitalization Into a Life-world: The Experience of Black Trauma Patients at an
Urban Trauma Center in Philadelphia
Sara F. Jacoby, University of Pennsylvania; Therese S. Richmond, University of Pennsylvania
10:27 AM Healthy Eating Challenges of Hispanic Women Living in an Urban Neighborhood
Patricia Suplee, Rutgers University; Bonnie Jerome-D’Emilia, Rutgers University; Sherry Burrell, Rutgers University
Paper Session E2: Palliative and End of Life Care
Lincoln 4
9:15 AM Perceptions and Utilization of Palliative Care Services for HF patients at End of Life
Lisa Kitko, Penn State College of Nursing; Judith Hupcey, Penn State College of Nursing
9:33 AM Quality of Life (QOL) in Children Dying of Cancer: The State of the Science
Ijeoma Ogunlade, University of Massachusetts-Boston; Jacqueline Fawcett, University of Massachusetts- Boston; Teri Aronowitz,
University of Massachusetts-Boston
9:51 AM End-of-life Care in the Acute Care Setting: An Integrative Review
Alyson Prokop, Baystate Medical Center
10:09 AM Understanding Interdisciplinary Group (IDG) Meetings in a Hospice Setting
Barbara DiCicco-Bloom, City University of New York
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
10:27 AM Goals of Care Transition in Palliative Care Consultation
Sally Norton, University of Rochester; Nathalie Dougoud, University of Rochester; Heather Pyke, University of Rochester; Susan Tedesco,
University of Rochester; Timothy Quill, University of Rochester; Bethel Powers, University of Rochester
Paper Session E3: Experiences of Nursing Students and Faculty
Lincoln 5
9:15 AM Trajectory of NP Students’ Self-Reported Readiness to Practice in the APRN Role: Influence of Preceptor
Characteristics and the Preceptorship Experience
Veronica Feeg, Molloy College; Gloria Otoo, Molloy College; Minna Kapp, Long Island University; Bruce Zitkus, Long Island University
9:33 AM What’s Authority Got to Do With It? Epistemic Beliefs and Prelicensure Nursing Students
Tammie Calabrese, Widener University
9:51 AM The Experience of Registered Nurses Returning to School for the Baccalaureate: A Metasynthesis
Linda Perfetto, Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education
10:09 AM The Relationship Among Culture, Moral Orientation and Religiosity in Undergraduate Nursing Students
Joan Valas, Adelphi University; Jane White, Adelphi University; Ann Peirce, Adelphi University; Mon Mon, Adelphi University
Paper Session E4: Symptom Management
Lincoln 3
9:15 AM The Process of Dietary Adherence in Adult Post-Weight Loss Surgery Patients
Sylvia Stevens, Montgomery College Nursing Program Silver Spring, MD
9:33 AM Exploring Symptom Profiles and Symptom Clusters in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer
Sherry Burrell, Rutgers University; Theresa Yeo, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Suzanne Smeltzer, Villanova University;
Benjamin Leiby, Thomas Jefferson University; Harish Lavu, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Eugene Kennedy, Thomas Jefferson
University; Charles Yeo, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
9:51 AM Nurse Practitioners Effectively Deliver Pain Coping Skills Training to Patients With Osteoarthritis: Results
from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Patricia Bruckenthal, Stony Brook University; Joan Broderick, University of Southern California; Francis Keefe, Duke University Medical
10:09 AM Neuroimaging the Brain-Gut Axis in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Kristen Ronn Weaver, New York Presbyterian Hospital
10:27 AM Is Vigilance Improvement Contingent on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Dose?
Taylor Criste, Ohio Valley Hospital; Terri Weaver, University of Illinois at Chicago; Tonya King, Penn State College of Medicine and
Public Health Sciences; Amy M. Sawyer, Penn State College of Nursing
Paper Session E5: Mothering Experiences
9:15 AM Hospital Care Practices Associated With Exclusive Breastfeeding 3-Months After Discharge From a Large
Urban Academic Medical Center
Wendy Budin, NYU Langone Medical Center/NYU College of Nursing; Eileen DiFrisco, NYU Langone Medical Center
9:33 AM Postpartum Services Redesigned
Suzanne F. Foley, Widener University
9:51 AM Support for Mother - Late Preterm Infant Breastfeeding Dyads From Birth to 1 Month
Ana Diallo, University of Connecticut; Debra Brandon, Duke University School of Nursing; Jacqueline McGrath, University of
Connecticut; Ruth Lucas, University of Connecticut
10:09 AM First Time Mothers’ Experiences of a Planned Cesarean Birth Denise Puia, University of Saint Joseph
10:27 AM The Other Mother: A Narrative Analysis of the Postpartum Experiences of Nonbirth Lesbian Mothers
Michele McKelvey, Westfield State University
Symposium Session E6: Nursing Science, Evidence, and Policy: Advancing Nursing Research in Violence
Lincoln 2
9:15 AM Nursing Science, Evidence and Policy: Advancing Nursing Research in Violence
Donna Zucker, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Linda Copel, Villanova University; Marta Bruce, University of Pennsylvania;
Deborah Stone, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; Holly Harner, La Salle University; Deborah Shelton, University of Connecticut
9:33 AM Perceptions of Clinical Research Participation Among Seriously Injured Urban Black Men
Marta Bruce, University of Pennsylvania; Connie Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania; Nancy Kassam Adams, University of Pennsylvania;
Therese S. Richmond, University of Pennsylvania
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
9:51 AM Challenges in Recruiting Military Couples
Linda Copel, Villanova University
10:09 AM The Conundrums of Using Secondary Data
Analysis to Explore Adolescent Victims of Violence
Deborah Stone, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
10:27 AM Moving Beyond “If It Bleeds, It Leads”:
Presenting Trauma-Based Data Using a Trauma-Informed
Holly Harner, La Salle University
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Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
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Eastern Nursing Research Society • 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
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Leading The Way In Online Education
Evolving as the
School of Nursing for Health Policy
George Washington University School of Nursing is evolving as the School of
Nursing for health policy. We conduct sponsored health policy research and
projects, are implementing a core health policy curriculum across the BSN-MSN-DNP
continuum, publish in top journals, and are tapped as experts for policy issue
panels, committee service, and special projects. Health policy interests and
expertise of our faculty include the Affordable Care Act, quality care, patient and
family engagement, cost effective care, access to care, nursing education, patient
education, substance abuse, and the aging population, among other topics.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Graduate Certificates
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner
Health Care Quality
Executive Leadership
Family Specialty for Nurse Practitioners
Health Care Quality
Nursing Education Concentration
Nursing Practice
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner
Website / nursing.gwu.edu
Adult-Gerontology Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner
Family Special for Nurse Practitioners
Nursing Education Concentration
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner
Email / nursing@gwu.edu
Phone / 202-994-7901