National River Conservation Directorate Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Government of India. New Delhi INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FROM PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS FOR PROJECT OF 'SABARMATI RIVER CONSERVATION PROJECT PHASE-II AT AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT' UNDER NATIONAL RIVER CONSERVATION PLAN (NRCP) National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), Ministry of Envlronment, Forest and climate change (MoEF&CC), Government of India is providing financial assistance for ,sabarmati River conservation Project Phase-ll at Ahmedabad, Gujarat' implementation of under National River conservation Plan (NRCP). The project is being implemented by Ahmedabad Municipal corporation (AMC). The total project cost is estimated to be Rs.444.44 crore. NRCD, MoEF&CC intends to employ consultants who will assist NRCD in monitoring the overall progress of the project, quality of works and ensuring timely completion of the project. The cost of consultancy service will be financed by the NRCD, MoEF&CC and the consultants to be employed will be selected in accordance with the norms applicable for Government of India sponsored projects. NRCD, MoEF&CC intends to shortlist competent consultancy firms to participate in competitive bidding for "Project Management Consultancy " 1. The objective role of the Project Management consultant is to assist NRCD 2. Therefore 3. The project includes laying of new sewer lines, relief sewers, rehabilitation of old 4. The estimated period of completion of the project is 30'n September, 2018' 5. The Project Management Consultant shall work throughout the proiect period' in monitoring the overall progress of the Project, quality of works and to ensure timely completion of the Project. the Ministry is inviting Expression of Interest (EOl) from reputed consultancy firms having experience in relevant Proiect Management consultancy services. sewer lines, rising mains, pumping stations, sewage treatment plants etc' Eligibility Following eligibility / qualification criteria will be used to shortlist the consultants a. The applicants may be an independent single firm' b. The intending firm should have experience in projects of comparable complexity, and technical specialty in cities in India' size' The intending firm should have adequate experiences in Project Management Consultancy in Sewerage Projects in India. The firm's capability to handle Staff Resources, Project Delivery Capability, and Financial Capability etc. would be considered for short listing of the Consultants. Experience in institutional development and planning activities is also desirable. c. The EOI document must include: List of similar assignments completed successfully, with brief project description, relevancy, information of cost of the services, cost of project, employer and funding agency List of similar assignments in progress with brief project description, relevancy, information of cost of the services, cost of project, employer and funding agency Company profile and a list of relevant skills with the staff Instrumentation available with the company Project delivery capability Company registration certificate/s and documenUs DocumenVs clearly showing last three (3) year annual turnover figures (All above documents / certificates for the firm must be submitted in the EOI) 7. Evaluation criteria for EOls: Company Marks a) Turnover of the company in the last three years Years of existence of the company Marks o 4 10 b) c) d) e) 9. Project Management: 5 projects of similar nature handled by the firm to be selected and to be evaluated giving seven marks for each project. Projects in cities of comparable size and population will be given preference. Technical Experts: Technical Experts having experience in planning, designing, monitoring and construction management of works relaling to sewage treatment, sewerage system (including pumping stations), rehabilitation of sewers, re-use of treated effluent. Experience in Accounting and Fund Management Working for reputed regional/national organizations ?6 10 10 The Expression of Interest shall be submitted in a duly sealed envelope clearly .INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FROM PROJECT marked as MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS FOR PROJECT OF 'SABARMATI RIVER CONSERVATION PROJECT PHASE-II AT AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT' UNDER NRCP)" 10. The EOI indicating firm's interest in taking up the assignment, with all relevant information as above with copies of relevant documents for verification and full contract address should be submitted at the following address before 1500 Hr. IST on 271312015. (i. e. The last date for submission of EOI is 271312015 before 1500 hours IST). EOI not received before 1500 hours IST on 271312015 shall not be entertained for any reason and shall be immediately returned unopened. The NRCD shall not take any responsibility regarding any postal or other delays that may cause delay in receiving the EOl. The NRCD reseryes the right to ACCEPT or REJECT any or all the proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever. 11. Interested consultancy firms are requested to submit their EOI to "THE UNDER SECRETARY (Administration) NRCD, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT' FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE, ROMM NO. 129, PARYAVARAN BHAWAN, CGO COMPLEX, LODI ROAD, NEW DELHI.11OOO3'. 12. Only the firms having experience and eligibility as per the criteria given above shall be considered for short listing in the light of the evaluation criteria approved by the competent authority. The weightages for various parameters for Technical Bid Evaluation will be indicated in the document titled "Request for Proposal". As on date of notification of EOl, the consulting firms barred from participating in any project funded by Govt. of India are not eligible to participate in this project. Declaration to that effect shall be furnished. Further only short listed consultants shall be invited to submit their PROPOSAL for the Project Management Consultancy. Under Secretary (Administration), National River Conservation Directorate, Forest and Climate Change, of Environment, Ministry Government of India, Room No. 129, Paryavaran Bhawan (1"tFloor), CGO ComPlex, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Phone No. 01 1'24361057 ?AaE - l\ **r , I I ir. NDl-.rstAf.lI Tt\.tfli t,tt l'!\w LL-L! lLt \tEl\lESDAr' I oJ t. "1.^ti{]l :1::-: q9'tEpon@"t llEW DELHT Passenger\ ahikein rajl lffes p r.ross rheiDa.d lEssenller larc hfte ro rn is aj m0 crore lDr I h. .ash^b'a!!ed puhlic tI st',l1.r Dalr berbre he pre*nrprlhjs nmiden mt budBet. hqbhu nn.r ]l0di. s}o olefnd€d the llxurc .s.rpd )rxN\l b! hnure rninlsbf, anrl d lal dlnrite rnt€fvenlion bY Pfinro Mnrister NeeDdra \hdi r rcAd the of ihe rail budgct. rnlrisb"y andasked ihe J! s"y ninister 6l.tpanld to go ane.d sith Ihe'noNk'pqr.&n.emrs*rjd hnbhu. hosever inln*d:r J", *)Lu.c,rs sAid Railway ministef Surosh hlkeinterghtrts exE\t€nto ttchll]lXJoaE asheshunrwl Prabhu was said to have b{).n under pNure ftom Ue lirh ,ip the populism ot rhe E6llodelnly a reform.orienred budset rhar mrnrstrt io incorporate a:i% Ii( LMdd udiemisinea oEtin8 jri6 D.nro* ad bnrNlinsmen for irs 2r uillion lEsserge6 ',\s af Dovit the ln hrs speech. P.abhu sard hr aiDed willg.t r,) roised after rhc hudRct se{sion, Nhen the nexr hLmd rhe exerclse io lerytho FLlel AdjudiientCdpncnr (t'AC) getj inf lemenrcd. sources $dd.'t-Ie due t i(In rndun.o 40 Dew traLns and l0 nl)fe iI the cu. sessoD of PadiarDent ilslli r\rl _Prabhu airlded a di,-Lr$on livour rrism ihosn towads shk,s Proposah rcceit'ed from o hrs "t)lrl lo$ of .rt.rrs('|of r,)\Crr€rde coldud&lhii(e y.rtr sin eJanual a rlrrlt u ns yrssenger opersl lors lasl t?ar He didr't propos{ ant nerv bans orfifiorie hut is litely ol lrrn lransforn hdiin Rrjhrqs tlfr hid ftiiqlt \el5t6 DassenBer distortions hnlc nol bc€naddlssl butFvnserli!.r\ :r ro ro \lPs snn D@nlDrlat\-..r beue s.furtrised bt the I'aitu ilrr(rol1rl|. iur(es eid. Stop blaming others satrd 11/ rnd '.,-^, ,A\ ,,,,t tttnl vo|cle" / \\Y/ I _7 r'f..i.t .n,' acrjdent. F rr Mired dav ltr Salman in ir{t rnrl l'laDe Hin ilany ,l r r n nd to belier" rhat l hc iir,t lnrs nor nilh us but vnh nhefs iud, of circLxnIt b qule easy t0 tnd li'LLll wrthorhe.siwhat $! do li Jlx.t is thal 6€ lail to recoq nr$ ure L"al r.asons for ouf lailuve. The rinehascome ro r court, relief in mishap case ts.encie9 L1. ftiief ro icro .llrmKhan.nesr:,)r\@Lu.1 n) .Iumbai cn Tnevla! ruied tlral €nno13sk hnn t) plvlu.e lis riling li.€D@ ai thjs silse oi rh, rialad he cun iLnrllh ii rl llD ppmpnare !tu€, 11 ht s) drsird lUlYlSAYJARl& Judge DW Deshpande. {hilc Ie.tDrs pro\erution l plea ask. rs Salmi i. INrlu( e his dri!'ins i\ iioDce. held thar rppli.arn'f as nor naintanuble ulrder ll)r sisi(,rs oI [llltu1E1idenr nct Actuuinre to pr]rgnrjoD. Khn as ud hokiing a lien.c iI 2oD hen biscarhadEr]mrla n{ul. rleh1lierkillnsonepcren d urlurirg ibur oth€rs slectinB 0n rh. pi\enent ouis e Khar had l]ru una1 lisr@ onl! iD ,Ol. trro ! | r!s aftfr the ac.iile$- tlre.rrn !h ..s urtr.rilect Self. jnhcpqjtiDn or qhen MLU$iile rhe.:?e rlhtinc to jlli1Fltbs*ssion and N!'t tu n1s b! Iiban ha; h€en dpfern:lltuurel as a coult irl Jolhpur on hesda! pr{y aotptdinr,1etla{ld,rppli. ,31liDs rl lhe !mse.!lir)n Thu I rnxt Dr rniLfjudj.ialmagistr|rc n!!.rna Bjjldl .ls.r g$" r l$t )pthrnmtl io nr,. pmse.ut i(rn to ' .\ 0nirlo tne rib)e!s ad F$rNls 'The muft ol]]el[d prrc.artion tu call loll} libres+s on llath 10 .Lr a eho.e. Sdniu Khanl\ .ounsrl Ha;r nrrd Sds';al v id { . fri.nd curled g.d for his missing a llain bsanse hf tr$ crght in a [ificnm llr had {,anicd a comfoft able jounl.rr \rith his fanily ShopunqnItheentinfenily and l?hhles h&l been donil \'ell in rdr'ture. The nexi day hPfrlit'd ne saine rhat rhe lt3tt he rnrsrad irad d.mLld h{,n { rlrrvhcE D iurb India His r'rn \lasoneof mlief Dd 'rid. he Ob god. Ihanks you cquisition hurdle ra,u-...r ,....... vrd L r.. sr ounelv.s m io rc us. Then rhe queiion rnses as to irhar god is sup l hem ir rc.sor for e!er.1 thinAon thjs lj3nh. Bnrh and de3th rolr in.stupable tanhs Slill$" Dl*nt { h& son)]1)ne js l,,st. lf $mcthinghall)ens. rllnlisrn)64Dforn Lifehs Gdd is ihere fof c!.er,rr (lLrrjDs o!r i3rlures and 'nxl (u.cosses. Tirk. deieai as a stePPiIg.st0!. to success ls they ia! taiours only lhe brive Caiculared r isks ar,. uDaloidable ir life Risk l?n'nil depends qralit!: 'lhnrk l,,sicnly and be snr in,,llirrls W'hen thinBS 'rcre arc Dclond to!r cnDtrol. l(irvo lhcln to qo(1. Br sure on rheqr'antlnr tmd lhat sod doeq iDtend to hru m $hate!"f'rot bad or g'od happens to us is becausc sod rijls itlo hruFnl lren Jesus pm'ed: "lt is not my but (ill ,nlFmu( h.p!en. dd leti lewAPcapital: laidu faces land il) bl.mrd for $harelef bap. ilns Salman has mainlaind he was not ddvin! du.inq the raE rr"l 'h.,r,,i1i fd.asmt r)e .lusr rhink hls EanJ'lltrr.c Tc iillfibure oiDfariurrs k' rr\ wrirri Ir!,nr',\l ,\( ltuulJl ' I ntnouslanir: Modi's intervention 'stopped rail fare hike n -I Exu(t "''..8 NATIOiIAL RIVER COiISERVATION OIRECIORATE MIIIISTRY OF ENVIROIIMEI,IT, FOREST AIID CI.IMATE CHANGE GO|]ERIII,|EI{T OF IIIDIA. I,IElv OETHI INVITATION FoR EXPRESSTON Or tr.rrenesr FROM PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS FOB PROJECT OF 'SABARMATI RIVER CONSEBVATION PROJECT PHASE-II AT AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT' UNDER NATIONAL RIVER CONSEBVATION PLAN National River Conservalion Dir€ctorate (NRCD). Minislry ol Environment, Forest and Climate Chanqe {MoEFSCC). Gove,nmenl ot trdra rs provding fjrancial assislance lor jmplementation ol Sabarmati River Conservalion Froiect Phasell at Ahmedabad, cujarat, undef Nalional Biver Conservation ptan (NRCP). The project is being implemented by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMCl. NRCO, MoEF&CC intends to emptoy Consultanls who will assisl NRCD in monitoring the overa pfogfess ot the prolect quality ol ,.vorks ind en:]lrrinq tmetV comp eion oi the project. The rost ol Ccnsuttafa! servrce w1. oe,,na,lced b/ rhe \RcD [roEE8cc and lne consultanls to be employed will b6 selected in accordance wilh the norms applicable lor Government ol India sponsored proiects. Thb total cosl ol the protect is estimated to be Rs. 444 44 Crcre. The est mated period ol comptetion oi the prolect rs 30lh Seplember. 2018. PMC w be engag€d ior lhe enlire period ol execulion, NRCD proposes lo short list compelenl consurrancy firms lor the above said servtces Consullancv lirms jnteresled lo be considered lor shorl lisling may intimale NRCD about their interesi in the work. The proposal should be submitted in a seated cover to be superscribed "Expression of lnterest" tor pMC under NRCP assisted proiect of Sabarmali River Conser valion Project Phase-tl at Ahmedebad. cujarai,. The proposals in a sealed cover should be submined to the following address betore 15O0 Hrs. tST on 27.03.2015 ii.e. The lasl date lor submission ol EOI is 27.03 2015 belore 1500 hours IST) EOI not received before jsOO hours IST on 27 03.2015 shall not be enlertained for any reas0n and shall be lmmedialely reiurned unopened. NRCD shall take no responsibitily tor any posta{ or olher de ays that may be caused in receiving lhe EOl.The detailed EOI can be seen/ downloaos rrom lvlinislfy s website httpt Under Secretary (Administration) National River Conservalion Directorale. Minrsiry ol Environment. Forest and Ctimate Change. Governfiient ot lndia. Room No. 129, Paryavaran Bhawan (tst Flood, CGO Complex. Lodi Road. New Dethi-110003 Phone No 011-24361057 'lavp Petronet LNG Limited '^',itcs applrcntinn fo. rhe post o. 131 1 111 1 n001r1115
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