A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes EOS Steel Frame. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) @ 600mm c/c's, or similar approved, to be securely fixed through the OSB into the head of the frame below. Note: pilot hole required to prevent burn out of tek screws. Each lattice fixed to Z plate using 2 No 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) or similar approved. (3 No. in each end lattice of cassette) EOS Steel Frame. External cladding to suit clients requirements. Z plate support - 2mm thick S275 grade galvanised plate. Depth to suit lattices. Bearing width to suit wall frame thickness. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) fixed through Z plate into studs in each of the 4 corners of the floor cassette or similar approved Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. SECTION NOTE All EOS floor cassettes are manufactured with 10mm tolerance between the cassette and the steel frame. Title: EXTERNAL WALL TO LATTICE FLOOR CASSETTE FIXING DETAIL (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 121 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes EOS Steel Frame. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) @ 600mm c/c's, or similar approved, to be securely fixed through the OSB into the head of the frame below. Note: pilot hole required to prevent burn out of tek screws. 2 No. 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) fixed through Z plate into floor cassette at 600mm c/c's. or similar approved External cladding to suit clients requirements. EOS C - SECTION FLOOR CASSETTE EOS Steel Frame. Z plate support - 2mm thick S275 grade galvanised plate. Depth to suit lattices. Bearing width to suit wall frame thickness. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) fixed through Z plate into studs in each of the 4 corners of the floor cassette or similar approved Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. SECTION NOTE All EOS floor cassettes are manufactured with 10mm tolerance between the cassette and the steel frame. Title: EXTERNAL WALL TO FLOOR CASSETTE FIXING DETAIL (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 122 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes EOS Steel Frame. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) @ 600mm c/c's, or similar approved, to be securely fixed through the OSB into the head of the frame below. Note: pilot hole required to prevent burn out of tek screws. Z plate and boarding stop on centre line of vertical steel frame. (5mm tolerance) EOS Steel Frame. EOS C - SECTION FLOOR CASSETTE 2 No. 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) fixed through Z plate into floor cassette at 600mm c/c's. or similar approved 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) fixed through Z plate into studs in each of the 4 corners of the floor cassette or similar approved Each lattice fixed to Z plate using 2 No 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) or similar approved. (3 No. in each end lattice of cassette) 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) fixed through Z plate into studs in each of the 4 corners of the lattice floor cassette or similar approved Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. SECTION NOTE All EOS floor cassettes are manufactured with 10mm tolerance between the cassette and the steel frame. Title: INTERNAL WALL TO FLOOR FIXING DETAIL (lattice & C section cassettes) (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 123 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes EOS Steel Frame. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) @ 600mm c/c's, or similar approved, to be securely fixed through the OSB into the head of the frame below. Note: pilot hole required to prevent burn out of tek screws. EOS Steel Frame. External cladding to suit clients requirements. 4 No 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) fixed through 60 x 60 x 2.5mm angle bracket. Each lattice beam to have 2 brackets,1 bracket fixed at each end on opposite faces. 2 No 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (wafer heads) (EOS05) fixed through underside of Z plate into bottom chord of each lattice. Z plate fixed to each vertical stud using 1 No 5.5 x 25mm Tek screw (EOS02) prior to placement of lattice beams. Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. SECTION NOTE All EOS lattice beams are manufactured with 10mm tolerance between the beam and the steel frame. Title: EXTERNAL WALL TO LATTICE FLOOR FIXING DETAIL (site installed) (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 124 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes 1 FLOOR CASSETTE 1 ELEVATION EOS Steel Frame. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) @ 600mm c/c's, or similar approved, to be securely fixed through the OSB into the head of the frame below. Note: pilot hole required to prevent burn out of tek screws. External cladding to suit clients requirements. EOS Steel Frame. 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) fixed through end joist into each vertical stud to provide lateral support to steel frame or similar approved. Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. SECTION 1-1 NOTE All EOS floor cassettes are manufactured with 10mm tolerance between the cassette and the steel frame. Title: NON LOADBEARING EXTERNAL WALL TO FLOOR CASSETTE FIXING DETAIL (without Z plate) (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 125 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes 75 EA 6/ 2 Simpson EA 756/2C50 50 x 70 x 2mm bracket (60mm wide) at approx. 1200 c/c's. fixed into lattice with 2 No 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) and fixed into vertical stud with 4 No. 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) or similar approved Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. ELEVATION NOTE Bracket to be fixed at locations to suit stud and lattice diagonal as indicate. Title: TYPICAL NON LOADBEARING WALL RESTRAINT WHEN LATTICE JOISTS RUN PARALLEL (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 126 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. EOS Steel frame. Applicable to load-bearing schemes 2 No. 5.5 x 50mm Tek screws (EOS04) @ 600mm c/c's, or similar approved, to be securely fixed through the OSB into the head of the frame below. Note: pilot hole required to prevent burn out of tek screws. EOS FLOOR CASSETTE LATTICE Box noggins fixed between vertical lattice members on the line of the loadbearing stud wall. Fixed into each vertical stud using 2 No. 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) EOS Steel frame. Each lattice fabricated with a vertical member on the line of the loadbearing stud wall. Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. 2 No. 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS02) fixed through head of frame into bottom chord of each lattice beam or similar approved SECTION Title: INTERMEDIATE LOAD BEARING WALL SUPPORT TO LATTICE FLOOR (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 127 A Approved By: Date: DRAWING INDICATIVE ONLY: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. LATTICE FLOOR CASSETTE 'B' EOS Lattice B Plasterboard finishes omitted for clarity. EOS Lattice B EOS Lattice A EOS Lattice A LATTICE FLOOR CASSETTE 'A' Simpson PWT 200 tie fixed to underside of each lattice using 2 No. 5.5 x 25mm Tek screws (EOS05) with wafer heads or similar approved SECTION PLAN Plate detail required to prevent differential movement between adjacent lattice floor cassettes over 3m span. Title: LATTICE FLOOR CASSETTE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 128 A Approved By: Date: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. Applicable to load-bearing schemes Extent of OSB flooring shown hatched. End joist kept 200mm back from corner to form service void. EOS Steel frame Noggin Z Plate 100mm Dia. EOS Steel frame Ladder noggin OSB to be cut out on site locally to services as required. Z Plate kept 200mm back from corner to form service void. Plasterboard finishes & insulation omitted for clarity. PLAN Title: TYPICAL SERVICE RISER DETAIL IN CORNER OF ROOM (For 100mm dia SVP) (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 129 A Approved By: Date: DRAWING INDICATIVE ONLY: A4 TOLERANCES: Construction tolerances between frames is -0mm +2mm. Frames are manufactured and assembled to +0mm -2mm. LA TT ICE LATTICE FIXED TO DOUBLE STUD USING 4 No 5.5 x 25mm TEK SCREWS (EOS02) LIN TE L DOUBLE JAMB STUD LATTICE DEPTH TO SUIT HEIGHT BETWEEN WINDOW HEAD AND FLOOR / ROOF ABOVE. AD HE BEARING NOGGING FIXED TO DOUBLE STUD USING 4 No. 5.5 x 25mm TEK SCREWS (WAFER HEADS) (EOS05) LATTICE FIXED TO BEARING USING 2 No 5.5 x 25mm TEK SCREWS (EOS02) Title: TYPICAL LATTICE LINTEL DETAIL (spans over 4200mm) (LBSO) STAGE: Preliminary: Approval: Construction: Drawn By: Scale: n.t.s. Drawing No. Revision: 130 A Approved By: Date: O G IN EN P FO
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