Light of the West Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix (formerly known as the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Van Nuys) Pastoral Center 8105 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: (602)-861-9778 Fax: (602)-861-9796 Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! Vol. XXIII, No. 1 W January - February 2015 Bishop Gerald‘s Easter Message hen St. John the Apostle tells us in his the tomb. I understand that even today some people Gospel about the events of that first Easter believe this. The day after the burial, was the Jewish Sunday (Jn. 20: 1-10), he writes that “while Sabbath. No one could come to the tomb since walking it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb there would have broken the Jewish Religious Law. The and saw that the stone had been rolled away”. There Sabbath was our Saturday. So, it wasn’t until Sunday were few people who loved Christ as much as Mary morning that Mary was able to visit the tomb. She had. Jesus had done something for her that no one else came while it was still dark. St. Mark in his Gospel tells could have done, and she never forgot that. St. Luke in us that the sun had just risen. St. Matthew speaks of the his Gospel tells us that Mary had “Seven devils cast out first rays of light. Perhaps we can presume that Mary of her” (Lk 8:2). The use of such a phrase at that time had started out early on her own in order to make last does not indicate a conversion from minute purchases of the perfumed a sinful life. It indicates a serious illoils with which to conclude the ness of which Christ cured her. Most burial process. The other women arScripture scholars agree that Mary rived at the tomb afterwards, around Magdalene should not be identified sunrise. with the sinful woman who washed When Mary arrived at the tomb the feet of Jesus with her tears and she was astonished to see that the then wiped them with her hair. stone, which had sealed the entrance So, Mary had been cured of an to the tomb, had been rolled away. illness and was so grateful that she At this, Mary’s imagination sugwas the first to visit the tomb on that gested to her that either (1) somefirst Easter Sunday morning. Saints one had stolen Our Lord’s body or Matthew, Mark and Luke in their (2) the authorities had taken it to Gospels tell us that there were other another, perhaps secret, burial site so women with her. that it would not become a pilgrimIt was the custom in Palestine age site for Our Lord’s followers. to visit the tomb of a loved one for Distraught, Mary ran back to three days after the burial. It was Jerusalem to get Peter and John. believed that for three days the spirit She told them : “The Lord had been Mosaic featured at the Holy Resdeemer Cemetery, taken from the tomb. We don’t of the dead person stayed around JANUARY - MARCH 2015 Phoenix, AZ 1 know where they have put him”. Peter and John immediately ran to the tomb. John, being the younger of the two, was able to run faster and so got to the tomb first. He did not enter but bent down to look in and saw the shroud that Jesus had been wrapped in. Out of deference, he waited for Peter, who went into the tomb first. Peter was amazed at the empty tomb. However, when John entered, he must have wondered “If someone had removed the body, why would they leave the shroud?” He realized that the shroud was not disheveled or in disarray. It was still folded as it was when the body was still in it. St. John’s description of the scene indicates that the shroud did not look as if it had been taken off of the body of Jesus. It was lying there in its regular folds as if Jesus had simply passed through it without it being disturbed. At the sight, St. John suddenly realized what had happened – and he believed. For St. John, the shroud seems to have been the “objective clue” that Jesus had indeed resurrected from the dead. It was not what he had heard Jesus say about rising from the dead that convinced him. It was what he saw with his own eyes that convinced him. As St. John tells us in his Gospel: “He saw and believed” (Jn. 20:8). This shroud may well be the Shroud of Turin that we hear so much about in our own day. Love is an important aspect of the events of the Resurrection. Mary Magdalene loved Jesus so much because of how he had cured her of her illness that she was among the first persons at the tomb. It was St. John, the disciple that Jesus loved (Jn. 20:20), who was the first Apostle to believe in the Resurrection. Here we have one of the truths that St. John teaches us about the Resurrectional events: Love can help a person grasp the truth even when things seem irrational. We can neither understand Christ nor help others to understand him and to believe in him unless we ourselves learn to love Him personally as St. Mary Magdalene and St. John the Apostle did. Tucson Prison Ministry in Safford, AZ T ucson’s St. Melany Byzantine Catholic Church recently held a Divine Liturgy, the first of its kind, in the Safford Federal Prison, in southeastern Arizona. Father Bob Rankin is pictured with the Chaplain Father Paul Johnson and the volunteers Catherine and Eugene Kinghorn. Pictured in the far left picture are some of the attendees of the liturgy. Light of the West Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix Pastoral Center 8105 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: (602)-861-9778 Fax: (602)-861-9796 (USPS PERMIT #1750) Postage paid at Phoenix, AZ Official Publication of the Byzantine Catholic Bishop of Van Nuys. Subscription rate: $12.00 per year Published 6 times a year by the Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix, 8105 North 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. Phone: (602) 861-9778. Fax: (602) 861-9796. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Light of the West, 8105 North 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020. Most Rev. Gerald N. Dino, President Ms. Kathleen Slonka, Editor E-Mail us at: 2 CHRIST IS RISEN Tucson Outreach Expands in Oro Valley O n Sunday evening, February 1 2015, the Vigil of The Encounter, Saint Melany Parish in Tucson, AZ inaugurated its first outreach to the Northwest side of its growing metropolitan area. 33 souls elected to attend the first Divine Liturgy held at 5pm on Super Bowl Sunday at Saint Mark Roman Catholic Church, 2727 W Tangerine Rd, Oro Valley, AZ 85742. The parishioners, especially those who live in the far northwest side, are very excited by the prospect of a second Byzantine Rite catholic parish taking root in the metro area. It says a lot about the growth that has taken place at the parish, said Father Robert Rankin, pastor of Saint Melany, that the parishioners of Saint Melany, which just celebrated its 40th Anniversary, should so soon in the life of the parish be looking outward to establishing yet another parish. Of course, what has really made this outreach possible and has given such a firm foundation to the beginnings of our evangelical effort has been the great co-operation and generosity of Bishop Kicanas of the Roman Rite Diocese of Tucson and Father John Arnold of Saint Mark parish in Northwest Tucson. I am very grateful for the fraternal charity shown by Bishop Kicanas and Father Arnold, said Father Bob, with out their kindness our initial actions would not have been as fruitful as they have been and continue to be. Named for now, ‘The Dove Mountain Outreach’ , so named for the local housing development, the new outreach already sports a nifty logo of a Dove superimposed on a Byzantine Cross. Divine Liturgy is celebrated every Sunday at 5pm at Saint Mark Church and appears on the Saint Mark parish Bulletin as one the regularly scheduled “Masses” . What has been really exciting, said Joseph DeSimone, the outreach’s public relations officer, is how each week we add families and individuals who are just discovering the Byzantine Rite and find it attractive and enriching to their spiritual lives. Chris DeSimone, Joe’s brother, who anchors the popular local morning radio talk show, “Wake Up Tucson” and is a regular at the Divine Liturgy has also been a great promoter of the new Outreach. Father Robert asks the prayers of all the Eparchy clergy and parishioners for the success of the new Outreach. “ JANUARY - MARCH 2015 ” Brother Michael Sullivan, BBSF, Fell Asleep in the Lord B rother Michael Sullivan, BBSF was born on March 15, 1939 in New York, of Raymond and Elizabeth (Ryan) Sullivan. After parochial and public school education, he felt called to religious life and joined the Capuchin Franciscan Order in Middletown, Conn. Following novitiate, he was simply professed on July 18, 1964; later, solemnly professed on July 18, 1967. His ministry was caring for the brothers, teaching in parochial schools, CCD, and ECF at St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church in Fontana, CA for 17 years. Brother Michael’s great devotion was to Christ’s passion and the Mother of Sorrow; praying for others and enduring much suffering and illness in his fifty years of religious life on behalf of souls. Brother Michael passed away at St. Francis Monastery January 24, 2015. Friends and parishioners miss his boundless sense of humor, a reflection of the Sullivan family approach to life. Adults valued and appreciated his remarkable insights and counsel; youth and children enjoyed his warmth and kindness. Eternal Memory, Brother Mike. Vičnaja Pamjat. Psalm 80:15 3 San Luis Obispo Parish on Fire By The Holy Spirit San Luis Obispo, CA – In the Acts of the Apostles we read: “When the day of Pentecost came…Tongues of fire appeared which…came to rest on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit…Those who accepted the message were baptized; some three thousand were added that day.” (Acts 2: 1-4;41) The fire of that first Pentecost has descended on the parish of St. Anne’s Byzantine Catholic Church in San Luis Obispo, California. On Sunday, March 8th , Bishop Gerald baptized four people, Chrismated six and performed the marriage of one couple – all during the Sunday Divine Liturgy. Since it is the tradition among the married priests of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchies of Eastern Europe to invite the Bishop to baptize the children born into priestly families, Rev. Milan Kasperek and his wife Maria (who came to America from the Archeparchy of Preshov, Slovakia) invited Bishop Gerald to baptize their newly born son, Benjamin Milan. During the Liturgy, Bishop Gerald also baptized Jessica Nickett, a recent convert to Catholicism, and two other children: Henry and Iwanka. Besides Chrismating the four newly baptized, the Bishop Chrismated two other children: Isabella and Matias. Near the end of the Liturgy, Bishop Gerald performed the marriage of Jason and Jessica Nicket. The full story of that Liturgy is told in the following photos. Altar servers and clergy process into church As Bishop enters the church, he is greeted by two teenagers of the parish with the traditional bread, salt and keys Bishop says the prayer of exorcism over the candidates to be baptized. The Bishop begins the procession to the portable baptistry in the front and center of the church. 4 CHRIST IS RISEN “That he may willingly take upon himself the easy yoke of Christ and gladly carry his light burden...” “The servant of God, Henry, is annointed with the oil of gladness... That his mind may be open to the understanding... the mysteries of the faith...” “The servant of God, Jessica, is baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...” “The servant of God, Benjamin, is baptized...” Patricia Eperjesi captures the moment of her daughter’s baptism on her cell phone. “The servant of God, Henry, is baptized...” JANUARY - MARCH 2015 More pictures on pages 10 & 11. 5 Holy Week Schedules for the St. Stephen Cathedral - Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix Saint Stephen Cathedral 8141 N 16th St . FRNT Alaska Anchorage Saint Nicholas of Myra 2200 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Arizona Gilbert Saint Thomas the Apostle 19 W Bruce Ave. Gilbert, AZ 85233 Tucson Saint Melany 1212 N Sahuara Ave. Tucson, AZ 85712 California Anaheim Church of the Annunciation 995 N. West St. Anaheim, CA 92801 Fontana Saint Nicholas of Myra 9112 Oleander Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 6 Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy with the Washing of the Feet w/Bishop Gerald 7:00 pm Good Friday - Matins with the Reading of Passion Gospels 12 Noon Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm with vigil Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 9:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am (Bishop Gerald) Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 6:30 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:30 pm Good Friday - Reading of the Passion 12 Noon Vespers with Burial Procession 6:30 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday - Matins 12 Noon Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm Jerusalem Matins 9:00 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 9:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday - Reading of the Passion 12 Noon Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:30 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:30 pm Good Friday - Matins 12 Noon Vespers with Burial Procession 7:30 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 4:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday - Royal Hours 9:00 am Vespers with Burial Service 7:00 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 9:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 4:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am CHRIST IS RISEN Parishes of The Phoenix Eparchy Los Gatos Saint Albert the Great (SA) 1095 ChanningAve Palo Alto, CA 94301 or Saint Basil the Great (SB) 14263 Mulberry Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Sacramento Saint Philip the Apostle 3866 65th St. Sacramento, CA 95820 San Diego Holy Angels 2235 Galahad Road San Diego, CA 92123 San Luis Obispo Saint Anne 222 E. Foothill Blvd. San Luis Obispo , CA. 93405 Sherman Oaks Proto-Cathedral of Saint Mary 5329 Sepulveda Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 SB - Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Passion Matins 7:30 pm SB - Good Friday - First & Third hours 9:00 am / Noon - Sixth Hour / 2:00 pm Ninth Hour SA - Good Friday -Vespers with Burial Procession 7:30 pm Jerusalem Matins 9:00 pm - 11 pm SB - Pascha - Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 5:30 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy of St Basil 5:30 pm Good Friday - Vespers with Burial Procession 5:30 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 8:00am Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday - Matins 11:00 am Royal Hours 2:00 pm Solemn Entombment Vespers 7:00 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 10:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins - 7:45 am & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 6:30 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Good Friday - Vespers with Burial Procession 5:00 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 12:00 pm Vesper Divine Liturgy 10:30 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:30 am Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy of St. Basil 7:30 pm Good Friday - Reading the Passion Gospels 11:00 am Vespers with Burial Procession 7:30 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Colorado Denver Holy Protection of the Mother of God 1201 South Elizabeth Denver, CO 80210 JANUARY - MARCH 2015 Holy Wednesday - Bridegroom Matins 7:30 am Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 6:30 pm Holy Thursday - Matins 7:30 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:30 pm Good Friday - Royal Hours 12 noon Vespers with Burial Procession 6:30 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 12:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 10:00 am 7 Cont’d from PAGE 7 - Nevada Las Vegas Our Lady of Wisdom 2120 Lindell Road Las Vegas, NV 89146 Las Vegas Saint Gabriel 2250E MauleAve. Las Vegas, NV New Mexico Our Lady of Perpetual Help 1837 Alvarado Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Oregon Portland Saint Irene 4630 N Maryland Ave. Portland, OR Washington Olympia Saint George 9730 Yelm Hwy. Olympia, WA 98513 Seattle Saint John Chrysostom 1305 South Lander St. Seattle, WA 98144 Holy Monday &Tuesday-Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & confessions 7:00 pm Holy Wednesday Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, Anointing, confessions 7:00 pm Holy Thursday Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:30 pm Good Friday Matins 11:00 am Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm Holy Saturday Matins 9:30 am Resurrection Divine Liturgy & Procession 7:30 pm Pascha Resurrection Matins 10:00 am & Liturgy 10:30 am Holy Wednesday Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday Matins &Reading of the Passion Gospels 12 noon Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm Holy Saturday Vespers Divine Liturgy 4:00 pm Pascha Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday- Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday - Matins / Gospels 10:00 am Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm Jerusalem Matins at 10:00 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing - 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy -7:00 pm Good Friday - Reading of the Passion Gospels 10:30 am Vesper with Burial Precession 7:00 pm Jerusalem Matins - 11:30 pm Holy Saturday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Pascha -Resurrection Matins & Divine Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Wednesday - Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing 7:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Good Friday - Matins 10:00 am Vespers with Burial Procession 7:00 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 9:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:30 pm Pascha - Resurrection Matins & Liturgy 9:00 am Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy -6:30 pm Good Friday - Reading of the Passion Gospels 12:00 noon Vesper with Burial Precession 6:30 pm Holy Saturday- Jerusalem Matins 9:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Pascha Resurrection Matins 8:00 am Outreach Divine Liturgy 5:30 pm Spokane Valley Saints Cyril & Methodius 4315 N Evergreen Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99215 8 Holy Wednesday- Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Anointing - 6:00 pm Holy Thursday - Vesper Divine Liturgy -6 : 00 pm Good Friday - Matins 10:00 am - Ninth Hour - 3:00 pm Vesper with Burial Precession - 6:00 pm Holy Saturday - Jerusalem Matins 10:00 am Vesper Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Pascha- Resurrection Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am CHRIST IS RISEN The Spotlight is on Reverend Joe Hutsko Autobiography of Rev. Joseph Hutsko ello, my name is Fr. Joseph Hutsko and I have been a Byzantine Catholic priest for 36 years. I have recently been assigned to work at the Pastoral Center in Phoenix and also at St. Stephen Cathedral in Phoenix. My story begins with my teen-age years in Indiana. It was near the end of my junior year of high school that I felt God’s call to the vocation of priesthood. Bishop Emil Mihalik of the Eparchy of Parma was visiting our parish and he spoke about a need for more priests. I realized how blessed I was to grow up in the Byzantine Catholic faith and that as a priest I could bring that gift to many people through my ministry as a priest. My life journey as a priest has been quite interesting and has taken me to many places. I was ordained a priest on February 18, 1979 along with my twin brother Fr. Basil Hutsko at St. John Cathedral in Parma, Ohio. My first assignment was as associate pastor of St. Stephen Church in Euclid, Ohio. After that my assignments included being pastor of our Byzantine Catholic churches in Tucson, AZ, Albuquerque, NM, Anchorage, AK, Denver, CO and Fontana, CA. Currently I am an administrative assistant in the finance office at the Pastoral Center in Phoenix. Beginning March 17 I will be the Vice Rector of St. Stephen Cathedral. With the permission of Most Rev. Gerald Dino I hope to explore the possibility of starting a Byzantine Catholic Outreach in the northwest Phoenix Metropolitan area. I would like to share with you some of the joys of my life as a priest. I have been blessed in life to share the priesthood with my brother, Fr. Basil Hutsko who is pastor of St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church in Merrillville, IN. In addition to that blessing my sister, Sr. Kathleen Hutsko in the provincial superior of the Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate of Sloatsburg, NY which is an order of the Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church. One of my favorite ministries is that of administering the Mystery of Reconciliation also known as Confession. I receive much joy when the penitents renew their relationship with Christ through the healing experience H JANUARY - MARCH 2015 of Confession. In particular I have fond memories of hearing many, many Confessions during the Annual Labor Day Pilgrimage to the Mother of Perpetual Help on the grounds of Mt. St. Macrina Monastery located in Uniontown, PA. Celebrating the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services has given me great fulfillment, particularly Services during Great Lent, Holy Week and Easter Week. Through the celebration of the Liturgy and other Services I have been able to bring the people to the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth to help them along their pilgrim journey of life on earth in preparation for their journey to the afterlife and heaven. Also my priesthood has allowed me to help many experience Christ in their life, the young and the old, the healthy and the sick. For 12 years I was on the Inter-Eparchial Youth and Young Adult Commission and participated in many ByzanTeen Rallys from coast to coast. I also had the privilege of attending and participating in several World Youth Days, in Denver, Toronto, Cologne, Germany and Sydney, Australia. I experienced many special moments working with the youth. Likewise I enjoyed visiting the elderly and the sick. At times the elderly and sick feel lonely and neglected and the priest can bring Christ into their life through the Eucharist and the healing Mysteries of Reconciliation and Holy Anointing. In addition to the joys and happiness of the liturgical and spiritual life of a priest, God has blessed me with the opportunities to supplant my spiritual joys with some earthly joys. Having grown up in the Mid-West I have always enjoyed gardening and at most of my parishes I have had a garden. I find satisfaction in planting the seeds or plants and watching God’s miracle of life take place before my eyes. I am also a lover of nature and enjoy hiking and seeing many of the wonders of nature which are abundant especially out here in the West. I also enjoy watching sports, especially basketball, and I am an avid bicyclist, finding peace and relaxation in travelling along the trails and roads at a slower speed. Yes, my life as a priest has had many blessings and my hope and prayer is that God will continue to allow me to bring the Good News of Christ to others and share with them the experience of having Christ in my life with them. 9 More pictures from San Luis Obispo “The servant of God, Jessica receive the body and blood of Christ” “The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit” Benjamin completes the sacraments of initiation by receiving Holy Communion. “Now you may dismiss your servant... for my eyes have seen your salvation which you prepared in the sight of all your people...” (The prayer of the Prophet Simeon) The family of Jan and Patricia Eperjesi with their children Iwanka and Matias Jessica and Jason Nickett are crowned in marriage 10 Iwanka checks on the action behind her as the bishop continues with the prayers of initiation. CHRIST IS RISEN Bishop Gerald is pictured with Father Milan and Maria, parents of Benjamin Milan. Jessica and Jason Nickett are led around the tetrapod three times. Group photo with everyone baptized, chrismated or married with the clergy and altar servers. A beaming Father Diodoro holds baby Benjamin Jessica and Jason Nickett with Henry and Isabella surrounding Bishop Gerald. JANUARY - MARCH 2015 11 Religious Ed Congress in Anaheim, CA Deemed a Success COME AND SEE "SEE" was the theme for the recent, successful 2015 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, held at the Anaheim Convention Center. This theme set the tone for the approximately 42,500 participants who eagerly responded to the invitation, "Come and SEE". The Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix’s booth was among those who shared the desire to "SEE" at a deeper level; to "SEE" with the heart; to "SEE" God's presence among us: in creation, in joys, in sorrows, in all of life; and, especially, to "SEE" His presence within each one of us. As thousands of participants visited our booth seeking new perspectives of “SEEing” the Body of Christ, which includes those of the Eastern Catholic Churches, a sense of the expanding and the renewing of a vision of the Body of Christ was experienced. Later, at the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Gerald Dino and his concelebrating clergy members, a sense of gratitude for the gift of “SEEing” anew a vision of the Body of Christ was shared by approximately 1,200 faithful in attendance for the standing-room-only celebration of the Eucharist, with some standing outside and participating from the hallway, “SEEing” through the open doors of the hotel ballroom. Entrance procession into the ballroom Bishop blesses the people as he enters the ballroom. The Great Entrance “I believe.....” 12 CHRIST IS RISEN Father Wes greets a Filipino woman. Robert and Gregory, exhibitors from VERBUM, greeting Bishop Gerald Father Brian Escobedo pointing out features of our booth. Bishop greets two Spanish women as they tell him how great they thought the Eastern Church is. JANUARY - MARCH 2015 13 Pope Congratulates Bishop Gerald Dino on Presbyteral Anniversary Venerabili Fratri GERALDO NICOLAO DINO Episcopo Sanctae Mariae a Patrocinio in urbe Phoenicensi Singularem quidem _nacti occsiotiem, hasce per Littras Nostras te fere convenire cupimus tecumque aliquid sermocinari, Venerabilis Frater, quippe qui, frequentibus circumdatus firmatusque necessariis et fautoribus, presbyteralis ordinationis anniversariam mox recolas memoriam quinquagesimam. Complures sane ab illo eventu abierunt iam anni, at illa dies oblivione haud exstinguitur, cum attulerit vitae tuae perhonorificam gravemque dignitatem. Procul dubio prioris aetatis memoria persaepe animum tuum subit, cum philosophiae apud “Duquesne University” et theologiae apud Seminarium Byzantinum Catholicum sanctorum Cyrilli et Methodii Pittsburgense operam dederis. Nee est silendum de tua Romae commoratione, cum in Scientiis Ecclesiasticis Orientalibus ediscendis versabaris atque ad apostolicum opus sustinendum te plenius parabas. Opportunis igitur subsidiis munitus var1a sacerdotalia officia obire ac gerere festinasti, tum paroeciale munus praestando, tum Seminarii tirones docendo. Facultates tuae clariores evaserunt cum esses Episcopus Eparchialis electus et destinatus in fideles Sanctae Mariae a Patrocinio in urbe Phoenicensi curandos. Ibidem populares tui probandas persequentes translaticias Ruthenorum consuetudines, magis in dies optamus ut salubria Evangelii verba meditentur et Salvatoris beneficia adipiscantur. Nihil mirum igitur, Venerabilis Frater, si proxime ecclesialis istic compages, veluti in unum congregata, ad te vocem suam gratulantem, deferet. Habeas demum fraternam Nostram salutationem et communis gaudii significationem, dqm ·ab Ipso divino ·Ecclesiae Conditore meritorum tuorum largam ‘deposcimus remunerationem, Apostolicam Nostram Benedictionem tibi imprimis dilargientes, tuis deinceps et cunctae Ecclesiae isti deferendam, atque pro Nostro ministerio Petrino frugifere explendo petentes simul preces. Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die XVIII mens1s Februarii, anno MMXV, Pontificatus Nostri secundo. 14 CHRIST IS RISEN and the translation... T o our Venerable Brother, Gerald Nicholas Dino, bishop of the Eparchy of the Protection of Saint Mary in the city of Phoenix, on this special occasion which will soon honour the fiftieth anniversary of your presbyteral ordination, we wish by this Our Letter to convey these greetings to you and those with you, your friends and supporters closely surrounding you. Though it is several years now from that event, those many days clearly do not extinguish the memory of when your life attained that great honour and dignity. Without a doubt, the memory of that early age of your soul arises very often, when you pursued the study of philosophy at Duquesne University and the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Pittsburgh. Nor should we pass over the time you lived in Rome, preparing yourself more fully to sustain apostolic work by the study of the Eastern Church sciences. Therefore, you were strengthened with the suitable support to attain to and quickly carry out the parochial task of teaching seminarians. Your abilities became more manifest when you were chosen to be the eparchial bishop destined to care for the faithful of the Eparchy of the Protection of St. Mary in Phoenix. There, following the approved and normative customs of your Ruthenian people, we desire that they more and more contemplate the saving words of the Gospel and obtain the good blessings of the Savior. It is not surprising then, Venerable Brother, that almost your whole Church, as it were, would be gathered together into one place, in order to congratulate you. You have, finally, our fraternal greetings and a token of our common joy, while we ask for an abundant reward for your merits from the divine Founder of the Church Himself. We grant to you especially our Apostolic Blessing, asking that it be extended to your whole Church, and seeking at the same time your prayers that we may fruitfully fulfill our Petrine ministry. Given at the Vatican, on the 18 day of the month of February, in the year 2015, the second of Our Pontificate. Congratulations and Prayerful Best Wishes to our God Loving Bishop The Most Reverend Gerald N Dino from the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of Holy Protection Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix on the occasion of his 50th Anniversary to the Priesthood! 1965 March 21 2015 May God grant him many years! JANUARY - MARCH 2015 15 F Presentation Given to the Chinese Catholic Young Adults ather Anthony Hernandez, pastor of St. Basil Byzantine Catholic Church in Los Gatos, CA, recently gave a presentation on the Eastern Catholic Churches to a group of thirty six young adults of the San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission at St. Clare's Church in Santa Clara, CA. Participants were introduced to the origins of the Eastern Christian Churches, with emphasis on the Liturgy and the seven Holy Mysteries. We are grateful to Tedmund Chan, a friend of St. Basil's, who arranged for this presentation. Mr. Tedmund Chan with Father Anthony The young adults of the San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission gathering for a group picture.. Divine Liturgy Held at Northern California Seminary O n Wednesday, January 14, St. Basil’s parish in Los Gatos, CA, sponsored a Divine Liturgy at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, CA. Nearly sixty seminarians and members of the seminary staff participated in the Liturgy. The Liturgy of the day was for the leave-taking of the feast of the Theophany of Christ-God. This is the third Divine Liturgy sponsored at the seminary over the past four years. The seminarians are men from several Roman Catholic dioceses in California, and also from Guam. Clergy celebrating the Divine Liturgy were: Father Anthony Hernandez (main celebrant), Father Michael Pintacura (concelebrant), and Fr. Deacon Craig Anderson. 16 CHRIST IS RISEN Cathedral Parish Bids Farewell to Fr. Stephen Washko S unday, March 1st, was a day for celebration at St. Stephen’s Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ as the parishioners saluted their Pastor, Rt. Rev. Stephen Washko, who will soon embark on a new pastoral assignment as Pastor of the Annunciation Parish in Anaheim, California. Father Stephen has been the Pas- tor of the Cathedral parish for the past seventeen years. Approximately 175 people were present for the dinner. Father Stephen’s choice for the entrée was Chicken Kiev. The dinner was catered by Ms. Joanie Mahar, a member of the cathedral parish and an excellent chef. Among those present was a young man, James Milton, who The school children singing to Father Stephen at his farewell dinner. More parishioners enjoying the dinner was the first person to be baptized by Father Stephen when he arrived at the parish. To honor Father Stephen, James was an Altar Server for the Liturgy on Sunday, March 1. Also attending the dinner was the first couple that Father Stephen married soon after arriving at the parish, Joe and Yvette Weisheit, who travelled from Buckeye, AZ, for the celebration, much to the surprise of Father Stephen. The children of the parish presented a program consisting of several farewell songs, and two of the school children gave Father’s Mother, Mrs. Mary Washko, a beautiful bouquet of red roses. The Editor of this Newsletter, Kathy Slonka, presented Father Stephen with a photo album filled with pictures of past events at the cathedral with the written well wishes of the parishioners. Although the parishioners of the cathedral are sorry to see Father Stephen leave their parish after being their spiritual father for so many years, they look forward to a new spiritual adventure with their new Pastor, Rt. Rev. Wesley Izer. Bishop Gerald with Father Stephen and Father David Petras. Father David was the pastor of Fr. Stephen’s home parish when he was growing up. JANUARY - MARCH 2015 Clergy table during the Farewell dinner for Father Stephen 17 Safe Environment 2014 Audit Results Were Good Submitted by Sr. Jean Marie Cihota OSBM E ach year all Eparchies and Dioceses in the United States are required to participate in an audit determining their compliance to the articles of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This Charter was established by the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops). Excerpts of a letter from StoneBridge Business Partners, an outside auditing firm established by USCCB, recently stated: "Based on the results of our recently performed onsite audit of the Byzantine Eparchy of Phoenix, the Eparchy has been found compliant with all audited Artcles within the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. A note of gratitude to the cooperative efforts of the Clergy, Catechists, Parents and Volunteers in submitting all the documentation needed for a successful audit. Eparchial Retreat is Near - Spread the Good News Submitted by Sr. Jean Marie Cihota OSBM A Retreat Experience for girls, teens and women sponsored by the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix MYRRH - BEARERS O women, be the heralds of Good News June 26 - 28, 2015 Franciscan Renewal Center 5802 E Lincold Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85253 B egin planning now to attend the Myrrh-Bearers Retreat. This experience is for girls, teens and women sponsored by our Eparchy. It will be held this summer at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, AZ (near Phoenix), from June 26-28. "O women, be the heralds of good news," has been the focus of each Myrrh-Bearers Retreat. It's time to delve deeper! Who/what is the Good News? In what ways can we share this with others? Let's take the leap and prayerfully become consumed with fervor and zeal in spreading the Good News. The joy of spreading the Gospel is contagious. The cost of the weekend includes two nights lodging and all meals. Cost for girls 7-11 is $75; Teens 12-17 is $100 and Women 18+ is $200. Cost per family that includes Mother with 2 or more children/teens is $300. Registration brochures will be available at all Parishes by March 1st. For further information call Sr. Jean Marie at the Pastoral Center at (602) 861-9778. Alive in Christ Retreat to Meet in July The Eparchy of Phoenix is proud to anounce the Alive in Christ Retreat, which will take place on July 28 - August 2, 2015 in Palomar, CA. Registration forms will be available soon, Please direct initial questions to Father Michael Mandelas (206-329-9219) or Father Michael O’Loughlin (303-778-8283) 18 CHRIST IS RISEN Eparchy of Phoenix Appointments February 4, 2015 Feast of Our Venerable Father Isidore of Pelusium The Most Reverend Gerald N. Dino, Bishop of the Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix, has made the following appointments: Monsignor Kevin McAuliffe, with the consent of his hierarch, the Most Reverend Joseph Pepe, Bishop of Las Vegas, Nevada, has been appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Gabriel Byzantine Catholic Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, effective February 1, 2015. Reverend James Barrand is relieved of his responsibilities as Administrator of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church, in Anaheim, California, and as an Eparchial Consultor in order to pursue ministry as a hospital chaplain, effective March 17, 2015 Right Reverend Stephen Washko is relieved of his responsibilities as Rector of St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Phoenix, Arizona and is assigned as Pastor of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church in Anaheim, California. He is also assigned as Syncellus for the State of California. Both assignments are effective March 17, 2015. He continues to serve the Eparchy as Protosyncellus and in his other current responsibilities for the Eparchy. Right Reverend Wesley Izer is assigned as Rector of St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Phoenix, Arizona, effective March 17, 2015. He continues to served the Eparchy as Syncellus for Eparchial Administration, Eparchial Finance Officer, and Chancellor and in his other current responsibilities for the Eparchy. Very Reverend Joseph Hutsko is assigned as Vice Rector of St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral effective March 17, 2015. This is in addition to his other responsibilities for the Eparchy. JANUARY - MARCH 2015 19 Byzantine Catholic Bishop of Van Nuys Holy Protection of Mary Eparchy of Phoenix LIGHT OF THE WEST 8105 North 16th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85020 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 1750 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FORWARDING AND RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Upcoming Events Eparchy of Phoenix Myrrh Bearer’s Retreat for Women June 26 - 28, 2015 Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ Eparchy of Phoenix Alive in Christ Retreat July 28 - 2, 2015 Palomar, CA Serving 13 Western States. 19 Churches. 1 Mission. 5 Outreaches. ALASKA Anchorage Saint Nicholas of Myra 2200 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Rev. Michael Sidun (907) 277-6731 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil 6pm; 10am Wasilla Bl. Theodore Romzha Mission 1201 Bogard Rd. Wasilla, AK Rev. Michael Sidun (907) 277-6731 Sun. Liturgy: 3pm; Summer 5pm CALIFORNIA Church of the Annunciation 995 N. West St. Anaheim, CA 92801 Rt. Rev. Stephen Washko (714) 533-6292 Sun. Liturgy : 10am Fontana Saint Nicholas of Myra 9112 Oleander Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Rev Matthew Alejo (909) 822-9917 Sun. Liturgy: 10am Las Vegas Saint Melany 1212 N Sahuara Ave. Tucson, AZ 85712 Rev. Robert Rankin (520) 886-4225 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil 5pm 10am; 20 Sacramento Saint Philip the Apostle 3866 65th St. Sacramento, CA 95820 Rev. Francis Murin (916) 452-1888 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil: 5pm; 10am Our Lady of Wisdom 2120 Lindell Road Las Vegas, NV, 89146 Rt. Rev. Francis Vivona, JCL (702) 873-5101 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil: 5pm; San Diego Holy Angels 2235 Galahad Road San Diego, CA 92123 Rev Brian Escobedo (858) 277-2511 Sat. Vespers: 5pm Sun. Matins: 8am Hanford Outreach Saint Brigid Catholic Church Sun. Liturgy: 9am ARIZONA 200 East Florida Street, Gilbert Hanford, CA 93230 San Luis Obispo Saint Thomas the Apostle Rev. Milan Kasperek Saint Anne 19 W. Bruce Ave. ((805) 543-8883 222 E. Foothill Blvd. Gilbert, AZ 85233 Every Sunday San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Rev. Diodoro Mendoza Liturgy: 5pm Rev. Milan Kasperek (480) 497-6726 (805) 543-8883 Los Gatos Sun. Liturgy: Vigil 5pm; 10amSaint Basil the Great Sun. Liturgy: 10am 14263 Mulberry Drive Sherman Oaks Phoenix Los Gatos, CA 95032 Saint Stephen Cathedral Rev. Anthony Hernandez Proto-Cathedral of Saint Mary 5329 Sepulveda Blvd. 8141 N 16th St. FRNT (408) 871-0919 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Sun. Liturgy: 10am Very Rev. Mel Rybarczyk, CR Rt. Rev Wesley Izer Sun Liturgy: 11am (602) 943-5379 St. Albert the Great Church (818) 907-5511 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil: 5pm; Sun. Liturgy: 9:30am 1095 Channing Ave 8am; 10am Tucson WASHINGTON Burlington Anaheim Las Vegas COLORADO Denver Holy Protection 1201 South Elizabeth Denver, CO 80210 Rev. Michael O’Loughlin (303) 778-8283 Sun. Liturgy: 10am Saint Gabriel the Archangel 2250 E Maule Ave Las Vegas, NV 89119 Rev. Marcus Gomori (702) 361-2431 Sun. Liturgy Vigil: 4pm:10am MONTANA Missoula Outreach Spirit of Christ 5475 Farm Lane Lolo, Montana Rev. William O’Brien (509) 922-4527 Fort Collins Outreach Sun. Liturgy 2nd & 4th Blessed John XXIII University Sundays 6pm Parish NEW MEXICO 1220 University Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80521 Albuquerque Rev. Michael O’Loughlin Our Lady of Perpetual Help (303) 778-8283 1837 Alvarado Dr. NE Sun. Liturgy 3pm Albuquerque, NM 87110 Rev. Artur Bubnevych NEVADA (505) 256-1539 Walnut Creek Outreach Las Vegas Sun. Liturgy: 10am Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Outreach East Bay Outreach OREGON Liturgies at St. Mary RC Church 8530 Robertson Road Portland Las Vegas, NV 2039 Mt. Diablo Blvd Saint Irene Rt. Rev. Francis Vivona, JCL Walnut Creek, CA 4630 N Maryland Ave. (702) 873-5101 Rev. Anthony Hernandez Portland, OR Sun. Liturgy: 5pm 408-871-0919 Rev. Frank Knusel 2nd Saturday vigil: 6:15 pm (503) 281-6744 Sun. Liturgy: 10am Skagit County Outreach St, Charles Roman Catholic Church 935 Peterson Road Burlington, WA 98233 Rev Michael Mandelas (206) 329-9219 Sun. Liturgy: 5:30pm Olympia Saint George 9730 Yelm Hwy. Olympia, WA 98513 Rev. Vasyl Mutka (360) 459-8373 Sun. Liturgy: 10:30 am Seattle Saint John Chrysostom 1305 South Lander St. Seattle, WA 98144 Rev Michael Mandelas (206) 329-9219 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil 5pm; 10:00 am Matins 8am Spokane Valley Saints Cyril & Methodius 4315 N. Evergreen Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99215 Rev. William O’Brien (509) 922-4527 Sun. Liturgy: Vigil: 5pm; 10am CHRIST IS RISEN
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