Parish Calendar & Upcoming Events BISHOP APPEAL 2015 has started. Did you make your pledge? TODAY SUNDAY after the 10:00 am Divine Liturgy—Adult Formation will reflect upon the Mysteries of Initiation, Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist. Presenter: Very Rev. David M. Petras MATINS WITH HOLY COMMUNION Mondays & Tuesdays at 8:00 am LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS Try to attend one Lenten Service a Week. Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Fridays at 12 Noon. FISH & PIEROGI DINNER New Schedule — Every Friday All through February and March 5 to 7pm We need you to help with the dinner. 28 Saturday 2ND ALL SOULS 9:00 am Liturgy 1 Sunday FAREWELL DINNER FOR FR. STEPHEN after the 10 am Divine Liturgy in the Parish Hall. RSVP needed. See sign up sheet on the Greeting Table or Parish Hall. 10 am Liturgy—Xavier Mikitish Chrismation & Holy Communion. 7 Saturday 3RD ALL SOULS 9:00 am Divine Liturgy with the Reading of the Names. HALL RENTAL—LAURA TURNER HOMES HIGH TEA 9 Monday Matins w/ Communion ………8:00 am Inurnment Service +Edmund Burke …..10:30 am 10 & 11 Tuesday & Wednesday EASTER BAKING DAYS 8am start Call Joanie Mahar for details. 15 Sunday ST. PATRICK’S DINNER BENEFIT and spelling Bee Trivia. Menu —Corned Beef and Cabbage. Sponsored by the Greek Catholic Union Lodge 999 11:30 am to 4:00 pm. ALTAR SOCIETY our Cathedral is cleaned and carefully maintained by our parishioners. Thank you for honoring our Lord’s Holy House. Our church cleaners for this week are:Jennifer Landis & Kathleen McCaffrey TITHING AND ATTENDANCE REPORT February 15 Saturday 5 pm 13 souls Sunday 8 am 32 souls & 10 am 111 souls. Tithing : $1,767.00 Candles: $55.90 Bishop’s Appeal: $3,680.00 Gift Shop: $23.00 Building Fund: $50.00 CANDLE INTENTIONS For the lamps that hang for Holy Feast Icons. Please use the special envelopes located at the Greeting Table in church. Eternal Light: Mary Washko by Dorothy Bezeredi Tetrapod Light: Fr. Stephen G Washko by Dorothy Bezeredi Tetrapod Light: Fr. Stephen Wahal by Dorothy Bezeredi Resurrection Icon: Martin Dec by Dorothy Bezeredi Christmas Icon: Tom & Liz Kol by Dorothy Bezeredi Theophany Icon: Intention for Widad Butty ST. STEPHEN BYZANTINE CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL 8141 N. 16th Street, Frnt, Phoenix, AZ 85020 Office: 602-943-5379 Fax: 602-997-4093 Web Page Served by: Fr. Stephen G. Washko Deacon John Montalvo III, Deacon James Danovich, Sr. Chris Malcovsky, Administrative Secretary Sr. Jean Marie Cihota, ECF Fr. Joseph Hustko in residence Welcome to our Parish Are you looking for a Church that CELEBRATES Sacred Scriptures, has SPIRIT FILLED SERVICES and a SENSE OF COMMUNITY. Contact Fr. Stephen, one of our Deacons or Sisters for more information. DIVINE LITURGIES & GREAT LENT SATURDAY: 5:00 pm Vesper/Liturgy SUNDAY: 8:00 am & 10:00 am Liturgies 8 am Matins w/ Holy Communion—MON & TUE 7pm Presanctified Liturgy———WEDNESDAYS NOON Presanctified Liturgy———-—FRIDAYS HOLYDAYS OF OBLIGATION & SOLEMN FEASTS 7:00 pm Eve of Feast Vesper/Liturgy 9:00 am Feast Day Liturgy February 22, 2015 Sunday of Orthodoxy-Triumph of Iconography CONFESSIONS one half hour before all Holy Services to 10 minutes before the Service. Or by appointment in the Parish Office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Hospitals will not call the priest—the family must. For emergencies, call immediately. BAPTISM/CHRISMATION/EUCHARIST must be arranged three months in advance. CROWNING OF MARRIAGE must be arranged six months in advance EASTERN CHRISTIAN FORMATION contact Sr. Jean Marie 602-861-9778. All grades meet every Sunday after the 10:00 am Liturgy for 1 hour. LITURGY INTENTION REQUEST use the envelopes available on the Greeting Table in Church or call parish office. BIBLE STUDIES FOR ADULTS WEDNESDAY at 6:00 pm in the parish hall. NEXT SERIES BEGINS APRIL 15, 2015 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 10:00 am -3:00 pm Please give a courtesy call before coming to the parish office to make sure someone is in the office. Sister is in the office till 3:00 pm. COFFEE SOCIAL after the Sunday morning Liturgies in the parish hall. Donations needed. GIFT SHOP IS OPEN on Sunday morning after the Divine Liturgies. See our Kay. Liturgies & Intentions Please make an effort to attend at least one special Lenten Service during the week. 21 SATURDAY VIGIL FOR SUNDAY (DEUTERONOMY 5: 1-5, 18: 15-19 OR ISAIAH 42: 1-12) p.104 & special handouts 5:00 pm Vesper/Liturgy +Wayne Marsh by Monta & George Tomley 22 FIRST SUNDAY OF THE GREAT FAST & SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY & TONE 4, p. 220 & 141 8:00 am Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great God’s blessing on Sr. Christopher by Helen Karol 9:45 am THE THIRD HOUR 10:00 am Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, Procession & Blessing of Icons with our ECF children for our parish members and friends Coffee Social in the parish hall. ECF CLASS TODAY!—See you there. SECOND WEEK OF THE GREAT FAST 23 Monday Martyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna Special handouts 8:00 am Lenten Matins w/Holy Communion 24 Tuesday 1st & 2nd finding of the Relics of John the Baptist Special handouts 8:00 am Lenten Matins w/ Holy Communion 25 Wednesday Father Tarasius p. 67 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Healing of Cathy Milko by Doris Kobryzki 26 THURSDAY No Divine Liturgy, Father is not available 27 Friday Venerable Father Confessor Procopius the Decapolite p. 72 &156 12 Noon- Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts God’s blessing on Sr. Jean Marie Cihota by Helen Karol 28 SATURDAY SECOND ALL SOULS P. 428 & 432 Liturgy & Reading of the Names……. 9:00 am FEBRUARY & MARCH VIGIL FOR SUNDAY P. 104 & HANDOUTS (JEREMIAH 31: 27-34 OR JONAH 3: 1-10) FISH & PIEROGI DINNER Please sign up—the list is on the Greeting Table and in the parish hall. Be sure to sign up today for your favorite service area. Be sure to tell your friends. See Dolores Sugent for more information. 1 SECOND SUNDAY OF THE GREAT FAST, TONE 5, P. 146 & 222 8:00 am Liturgy of St. Basil the Great God’s blessing on Mary Lou Clark by Julie Trutza 9:45 am THE THIRD HOUR 10:00 am Liturgy of St. Basil the Great for the members of our parish family NO CLASSES TODAY due to the farewell dinner for Fr. Stephen CONGRATULATIONS TO FR. MILAN AND MARIA KASPEREK of Saint Anne’s Parish in San Luis Obispo, California. They have a baby boy— Benjamin born 2/20. Mother and Son are doing great. Keep them and all families in your prayers who expecting a child. God Grant them Many Happy and Blessed Years. PRAYER REQUESTS Kathleen Wursta, Fr. ADULT FORMATION ON THE MYSTERIES/SACRAMENTS: During the "Journey through the Great Fast" why not consider growing more deeply in the faith, by attending the three Adult Formation Sessions to be held on the following Sundays. TODAY will reflect upon the Mysteries of Initiation, Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist. Presenter: Very Rev. David M. Petras March 8 will center on the Mysteries of Healing: Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick. Presenter: Very Rev. Joseph Hutsko March 22, the final session will conclude with the Mysteries of Vocation: Holy Orders and The Crowning in Marriage. 5:00 pm Vesper/Liturgy of St Basil +Helen Lyczak by George & Monta Tomley Marcus Gomori, Bob Dugan, Cathy Milko, Sister Kathy Izer, the sister to Fr. Wes, Monica Lizanich, Special Intention, Erwin Armada, Barbara Dugan, Joanie Mahar, Helen Furka,Vincent Rice, Special Intention, James McGill, The McCarthy Family, Gemma Hillman, James Hrovat, Michael Olexa, David & Betty Iwinski, Cathy Simpson, Ann Peterson, Alice Wiskirchen, mother of Kay, Marti Lopez, Mary Lou Clark, Josie Vicente—Gilda Dougherty’s Dad, Kathleen Linkowsky, Betty Geletey, Richard Gable, Robert King, Jon Hrovat, Larrie Ann Thets, Henrietta Gazzano, Margaret Kunak, Jamie, Daniels, Ann Ryan. Team Presenters: Right Rev. Wes Izer, Honorable Joseph and Jennifer Mikitish All three sessions will be held in the hall from 11:30am to 12:15pm. Each presentation will be approximately 1/2 hour, then opportunity for questions, and promptly end at 12:15pm. Plan now to attend. BISHOP’S APPEAL REPORT 2015 Bishop Gerald has sent out a letter and a folder describing the needs of the Eparchy and how the monies would be used to each of the member of our Cathedral. He is asking for $200 per household. Many of our people have been very generous and have given more and some due to limited finances give a little less. All members of the parish are expected participate in this drive. Cathedral Goal: $22,400.00 114 Households X $200 = $22,400.00 15 Paid up Pledges = $3,845 7 Pledges are on a payment schedule. Last Sunday we received pledges from Joseph & Jennifer Mikitish and John & Kathleen Wursta and Helen Furka. Only our paid up pledges are sent to the Chancery and Bishop Gerald will respond to you with a Thank you note. Have you planned to attend at least one Lenten Service a week during the Great Fast? Start Today!
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