THE GOOD NEWS T h e Mo n t h ly Bu l le t i n o f t he G r ee k O r th o dox C hu rc h of th e A s s um p t i o n Volume 20, Issue 6 June, 2015 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION 1804 13th AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98122 Rev. Fr. Dean Kouldukis Rev. Fr. Michael Johnson Missions Carolyn Mesagno (401) 617-1109 Parish Office Hours Chanters Evangelos Pampoukas (206) 246-7573 Camp Agape NW Kristina Mehas (206) 232-8690 M-TH 10:30 am - 5:30 pm Telephone 206-323-8557 Choir Chris Kouldukis (425) 691-7610 Parish Office Manager Jillian Chandler (206) 323-8557 parishoffice@ Greek Dance Groups Voula Xenos (206) 784-7644 Parish Office Bookkeeper Irene Prekeges Parish Accounting Office (206) 323-7230 Church School Rachael Pamboukas (425) 432-2786 accounting@ Parish Events Manager Corinda LeClair (206) 432-1801 Parish Council Penny Peppes, President (425) 823-3031 Parish Treasurer Demetrios Geokezas (206) 617-4716 Assumption Bookstore Trilby Coolidge (206) 782-0997 Fellowship Hour Ingrid Papahronis (206) 932-8085 O Lord, receive the steadfast and divinely voiced preachers, the pinnacle of Your disciples, unto their rest and the enjoyment of Your blessings. You received, above every offering, their labors and their life. You alone know what the heart holds. St. Catherine Philoptochos Kristina Mehas (206) 232-8690 St. John the Almsgiver Basil Papahronis (206) 923-0449 Stewardship Gus Mehas (206) 232-8690 YAL Steven Miller (406) 696-0057 Youth Ministry Fr. Michael Johnson (206) 420-1728 The Priest Who Did Not Want to Serve Divine Liturgy by Fr. Stephanos Anagnostopoulos (Experiences During the Divine Liturgy, pp. 451-453) T here was once a priest who did not want to serve the liturgy because it was a cold winter day. The temperature was 10 degrees below zero and the priest knew that the only person who was likely to come to the service was the chanter. The priest had no idea about the Church’s teaching on the presence of the Triumphant Church and how the Divine Liturgy benefits the living and the departed. With difficulty he forced himself to go to church. On the way to church he kept wishing that the chanter would not come so that he would not have to serve and go home. However, the chanter did come. The priest did the Prothesis (or Proskomedia, the service of preparing the holy gifts) in a hurry and began the Divine Liturgy. Shortly after, some bishops, priests, monks and nuns and some lay people arrived. Most of them sat in the choir section and began to chant so beautifully that the priest forgot about how cold and lonely he was earlier. His whole PAGE 2 THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 body was warm and his whole being was all a flame…. When he did the small entrance he noticed that the church was full of people – most of them familiar – he did not pay much attention and just continued with the Divine Liturgy. When the time came for the Sanctification of the Holy Gifts he saw three bishops, brightly clothed and radiant entering the Holy Altar. They knelt with him and prayed. The priest then stood up very carefully with fear, took the censer and in a loud voice said, ‘Especially our All Holy, Immaculate, Most Blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary…’. The soul of the priest was amazed and filled with divine joy. Peace and heavenly stillness, hesychia, dominated his inner self. When the time came for the elevation and dividing of the Host (Lamb) the whole church filled with the sweetest melodies. The whole multitude of people who were present along with the monks, priests and bishops chanted not only once but many times, ‘One is Holy, One is Lord: Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen’. Next they chanted the Holy Communion hymn, ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good, Alleluia.’ The priest was wandering what to do. Should he partake of the Holy Communion first or step aside for the three bishops who were present. Just as he was thinking this, one of the bishops nodded to him indicating that he should receive Holy Communion and then to Unify and Place the remaining of the portions of the Lamb into the Chalice along with the portions in memory of the Holy Theotokos and the Saints. Having completed this the priest then opened the Beautiful Gate … and saw no one in the Church… he turned and looked back into the holy altar, he looked to the right, looked to the left, the bishops had disappeared, he stood there speechless, amazed. He slowly opened his mouth and chanted the next petition, ‘With the fear of God and faith and love, draw near …,’ and the chanter slowly drew near to take Holy Communion. The priest was still amazed, still wondering! The whole Triumphant Church was present. All those present in the church were persons familiar to him, they were persons that had departed from this life and he would from time to time commemorate their names during each liturgy: ‘that’s why they were present, that’s why they all seemed so familiar’, he thought. As for the bishops in the altar they were the Three Hierarchs: Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory the Theologian. So many years of study at university, so much research and so many sleepless nights he spent studying and these efforts were not able to give him not even one drop of the sweetness and divine knowledge that this one Divine Liturgy gave him. THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6 PAGE 3 8:45 am Matins JUNE WORSHIP SCHEDULE 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Vespers Monday, June 1 / Monday of the Holy Spirit 7:45 am Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: Matthew 18:10-20 Wed., June 24 / Nativity of John the Baptist 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4 Gospel: Luke 1:1-25, 57-58, 76-80 Saturday, June 6 6:00 pm Great Vespers Saturday, June 27 6:00 pm Great Vespers Sun., June 7 / All Saints 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 11:33-40; 12:1-2 Gospel: Matt. 10:32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30 Sunday, June 28 / 4th Sunday of Matthew 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Romans 6:18-23 Gospel: Matthew 8:5-13 5:00 pm Vespers at St. Paul’s AOC Monday, June 8 Apostles Fast Begins Thurs., June 11 / Sts. Bartholomew and Barnabas 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: I Corinthians 4:9-16 Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19 Saturday, June 13 6:00 pm Great Vespers Sunday, June 14 / 2nd Sunday of Matthew 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Romans 2:10-16 Gospel: Matthew 4:18-23 Monday, June 29 / Sts. Peter & Paul 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: II Corinthians 11:21-33; 12:1-9 Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19 6:00 pm Vespers at Holy Apostles GOC in Shoreline Tuesday, June 30 / Synaxis of the Holy Apostles 8:00 am Matins at Holy Apostles GOC 9:00 am Divine Liturgy at Holy Apostles GOC Epistle: I Corinthians 4:9-16 Saturday, June 20 6:00 pm Great Vespers Sunday, June 21 / 3rd Sunday of Matthew (Father’s Day) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Romans 5:1-10 Gospel: Matthew 6:22-33 PAGE 4 THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 USHERS & READERS Sunday, June 7 Ushers: Nicholas Mesagno & Penny Peppes Close: John Prekeges Reader: Joanna Pulakis Sunday, June 14 Ushers: Niko Pamboukas & John Prekeges Close: Straton Spyropoulos Reader: Sophia Watson Sunday, June 21 Ushers: Christina Siaterlis & Girma Bulbula Close: Niko Pamboukas Reader: Stella Athans Sunday, June 28 Ushers: Demetrios Geokezas & Andrea Gray Close: Girma Bulbula Reader: Nick Cosmakos FELLOWSHIP HOUR P lease join us after Liturgy for some refreshments. All are welcome! “THANK YOU” to our friends and families who hosted a Fellowship Hour in May: Andrea Gray & the All Saints Camp Board; Niko Pamboukas; Demetrios Geokezas & the Parish Council; and Paraskevi Pierides & Family. Thank you to our friends who have volunteered to host in June: June 07: James Prekeges June 14: Kelly Kaye * June 21: Madeline Conom, Stella & Steve Bass and family, and Joanna Conom * June 28: The Papahronis Family * * Fast Day: Fish Allowed. Please plan your food offerings within the church fasting guidelines. In July, all Sundays are available to host. Hosting ideas: You may honor a loved one for their nameday, birthday, or anniversary by hosting a Fellowship Hour. July 05: July 12: July 19: July 26: AVAILABLE TO HOST AVAILABLE TO HOST AVAILABLE TO HOST AVAILABLE TO HOST Hosting a Fellowship Hour is not difficult, but it does take a little planning. We plan for about 130-150 people. The church provides the coffee and all the paper goods. You bring creamer, juice and some snacks (fruit, cheese, bread, etc.) That’s it! Oh, and clean-up afterwards. Thank you!! For more information on hosting a Fellowship Hour please view the Guidelines at the Assumption home website, or on our Members Only website, fellowship-hour If you would like to host a Fellowship Hour, please contact me at (206) 932-8085, or via email at . Thank You for serving! Ingrid Papahronis THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6 PAGE 5 ALEX, Dn. Peter & Cathy ALLAMANO, Eugene & Ann AMORATIS, Anthony & Sophie ANDERSON, Larry & Kate ANDREWS, Rothopi APOSTOLOU, Elias & Stella APOSTOLOU, K.G. & Kostoula ARGERES, Peter & Diana ARGUE, Clifford & Theodora ATHAN, Steve & Anna ATHANS, Eleni & George Bariames ATHANS, Emmanuel ATHANS, John & Stella ATTIAS, Anna AVGERIS, Christine BANKS, Ginny Veronica BARBACHAN, Hugo & Popee BARBAS, E. Anthe BAROKAS, Marie BAROKAS, Vasiliki BARTON, Roger & Mary Lou BASS, Steve & Stella BEKRIS, Chris & Diamando BENIS, Helen BUEHRER, Lee & Florence BLACKSTONE, Cleo BLACKWELL, Neena BRATSANOS, Steve & Rose BULBULA, Girma & Alemitu Wakene BURKE, Joanne CARDARAS, Vlasios & Voula CHACHARON, Christina CHACHARON, Claire CHARONI, Alex CHARONI, Nancy CHARONI, Tim & Rene CHRISTOFILIS, Asimas & Dora CHRISTOU, Ted & Barbara CONOM, Madeline COOLIDGE, Trilby COSMAKOS, Nick & Cheryl COSTACOS, Constantine & Terry COSTACOS, Jerry & Eva COZZA, Bernardo & Michelle DALLAS-SMITH, Mary DELAROSE, Ron & Teresa DELIMITROS, Katie DEMENEGAS, Emmanuel & Sapfo DENOS, Thalia DENOVAN, David Aniketos DERDEVANIS, Maria DIAFOS, Pauli DIAMOND, Maria DIAMOND, Nitsa DIEL, Angeliki DIMITRIOU, Ted & Kiki DIMOS, Gabriella DUDUNAKIS, Kenneth & Kristina DURHAM, Patrick & Margarita ESTEP, Charles & Lina EVANS, Jr., Peter & Anna EVERETT, Robert & Sophia EXARHOS, Helen & Arianna FARMER, Joanna FIDLER, William & Alia FLY, Larry FOOTE, Sophia & Maria FOURNARAKIS, Bill FRAGGIAS, Effie FRANKS, John & Soula GABRIEL, Laura & Tim O’Donnell GELLER, Carolyn GEOKEZAS, Demetrios & Eryn GEOKEZAS, Maria & David Howard GEOKEZAS, Meletios & Theodora GEORGE, Nicholas PAGE 6 GEORGES, Helen GIANETSAS, Xenia GOULOUMI, Dora Roula GOVETAS, Eleni GRAY, Elizabeth GRAY, James & Andrea GREENE, Marke & Angela HADJIMICHALAKIS, Michael HENRY, Eleni HOSKINS, Jonah & Margeaux HOWE, William & Maro HUNT, Kelsey HUNT, Madeleine ILES, Catherine ILIAKIS, Bernardino & Pinar JANJIC, Barbara JEWELL, Emily & Gavin JOHN, Maggie KALASOUNTAS, Helen KATSIS, Dimos & Alexis KAVADAS, Janet KAZAKOS, Georgia KAZAKOS, Stephano KEHAYES, Naya & Philip Head KLIEROS-MERCOURIADIS, Pipena KOHNKE, Ioanna KOKKONIS, Nick & Jennifer KOSTAKIS, Constantine & Ann KOULDUKIS, Bill & Betty KOULDUKIS, Fr. Dean & Pres. Valerie KOURTIS, Angelo & Aphrodite LACKIE, Randy & Athena LARIMER, Bob & Billie LAZAROU, George & Christina LEMONIDIS, Daniel & SaNni LENES, George & Rita LENTGIS, Dean & Kathleen LIMANTZAKIS, Johnette LING, Maria LIVIAKIS, Lea & Sam Nadler LORD, Tim & Debby LOTAKIS, Greg LOTAKIS, Paul & Michele LOUKAS, Edwin & Vasiliki LUCAS, Dean LUCAS, Greta LUCAS, Ida LUCAS, Maria MACRIS, Eugenia MAKRI, Ioanna MALESIS, Louis & Mary MALLOS, Steve & Sophia MANOLIDES, Andrew & Anastasia MANOLIDES, Nancy MASCHINSKY, Daniel & Teresa MEHAS, Gus & Kristina MESAGNO, Nicholas & Carolyn MICHAELIDIS, Christina & Darin Smith MICHAELIDIS, Michael & Elaine MITALAS, Panagiota MITCHELL, Cameron & Sofie MOORE, Georgia NATSIOPOULOS, Elias & Nancy NENTSON, Elaine NICKOLAS, Nick NICON, John & Joann OHMER, Ronald & Jennifer OJEDA, Theodore & Victoria O’NEIL, Katie OSBON, Joymarie PAMBOUKAS, Chris & Glyka PAMBOUKAS, Kosta PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Sonia PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Rachael PAMPOUKAS, Evangelos & Tasoula PAPADOPULOS, Erasmia PAPAHRONIS, Basil PAPAHRONIS, Michael & Ingrid PAPANDREW, David & Karen PAPANICOLAOU, Stathis & Joanna PAPANTOS, Spero & Tina PAPPAS, Cristina PAPPAS, George & Ann PAPPAS, George & Lora PAPPAS, Tina & Rob Aigner PARALIS, Panagiotis & Asimo PAVLOS, George & Pamela PEPPES, George & Penny PEPPES, Steve & Popi PIERIDES, Voula POULOS, Pete PREKEGES, Greg & Alice PREKEGES, James RAKUS, Tom RIGOPOULOS, Marianne RITCHIE, Joe & Natalie ROGERS, Jeff & Lexi RONDOS, Sam SAKELLARIS, John & Penelope SARANTINOS, George & Athena SARIDAKIS, Arthur SAVVIDES, S.D. & Katherine SAYLES, Katerina SCOTT, Leslie Sophia SEBOK, Evangelia SERPANOS, George & Meropi SIATERIS, Dimitrios & Christina SIDERIS, Panagiotis & Voula SKANDALIS, John & Laurie SKEPETARIS, Evanthia SKEPETARIS, Tom & Teresa SMETHERAM, Sofia SOLOMON, Karen SORENSON, Maria SOUDAS, Elene SOUKAS, George & Ritsa SOURAPAS, Steve SPOTTS, James SPYROPOULOS, Straton STAFFORD, Stephanie Pulakis STAMATOYANNOPOULOS, George & Thalia STOCKER, Bill & Georgi TAGIOS, Constantinos & Sophia TALERICO, Ed & Joyce TARLSON, Popi TAYLOR, Valerie Ann TEKLE, Selam & Amanuel Abraha THOMPSON, Charles & Niki TOURAS, Antonios & Antonia TOURAS, Nikolas TRAPALIS, Dina & Eleni TREMBANIS, Sophia TRUMAN, Jerry & Adair TSALAKY, Tony TSCHIDA, Stephanie TSITSIS, Nick & Stacy VASILATOS, Katheryn VISINTAINER, James & Irina WATSON, Rob & Katherine WEST, Joann XENOS, Spiro & Voula XYDIS, John & Janice YEAMANS, David & Alysha ZAFIROPOULOS, John & Andreanna ZANIDES, Frances ZARKADES, Joanne THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 DOLLAR-A-DAY PROGRAM I want to thank everyone who has signed up for our Dollar A Day loan servicing plan. As discussed at our General Assembly, we need more families to participate. With more people giving to the Dollar-a-Day program, we will be able to use our parking revenue to offset the deficit in our yearly budget. Without it, our budget cannot be balanced. If you haven't yet signed up for the program, please call the bookkeeping office at (206) 323-7230 and let them know you would like to participate. Penny Peppes Parish Council President ANDERSON, Larry & Kate ANDREWS, Rothopi ANTONAKOS, Jetta APOSTOLOU, Elias & Stella ARGERES, Peter & Diana ATHAN, Steve & Anna ATHANS, Eleni & George Bariames BARBAS, E. Anthe BARTON, Roger & Mary Lou BASS, Steve & Stella BENIS, Helen BRATSANOS, James & Leslie BRATSANOS, Steve & Rose BUEHRER, Lee & Florence CHACHARON, Alex CHRISTOU, Ted & Barbara CONOM, Madeline COSTACOS, Jerry & Eva DELAROSE, Ron & Teresa DELIMITROS, Katherine DENOS, Thalia DIAFOS, Pauli DIMITRIOU, Ted & Kiki DURHAM, Patrick & Margarita EVANS, Jr., Peter & Anna FARMER, Joanna FIDLER, William & Alia FLY, Larry FRANGOS, Christian FRANGOS, Olivia FRANKS, John & Athanasia GEOKEZAS, Demetrios & Eryn GEOKEZAS, Meletios & Theodora GIANETSAS, Xenia GIBBONS, Nick & Maria GRAY, James & Andrea GREENE, Marke & Angela HOWE, William & Maro HULBERT, Mike & Jodie ILES, Catherine ILIAKIS, Bernardino & Pinar INNIS, Connie JEWELL, Emily & Gavin KAZAKOS, Georgia KEHAYES, Naya & Philip Head KOHNKE, Ioanna KOKKONIS, Nick & Jennifer KOUKOUSOULA, Ourania KOULDUKIS, Fr. Dean & Pres. Val LIVIAKIS, Lea & Sam Nadler LOTAKIS, Greg LOTAKIS, Paul & Michele LUCAS, Greta MEHAS, Gus & Kristina MESAGNO, Nicholas & Carolyn MOORE, Georgia NICKOLAS, Nick O’NEIL, Katie THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6 PAMBOUKAS, Chris & Glyka PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Sonia PAMPOUKAS, Evangelos & Tasoula PAPAHRONIS, Michael & Ingrid PEPPES, George & Penny PISHUE, James & Lisa Roberts RITCHIE, Joe & Natalie ROGERS, Alexandra SARANTINOS, George & Athena SCOTT, Leslie Sophia SIATERLIS, Dimitrios & Christina SMETHERAM, Sofia ST. CATHERINE PHILOPTOCHOS STAFFORD, Stephanie Pulakis THOMPSON, Charles & Niki TZIOTIS, Yiannis & Katerina XYDIS, John & Janice ZANIDES, Frances ZARKADES, Joanne PAGE 7 FAMILY OUTING EVENT FAMILIES ENJOY FUN, INSPIRATIONAL WEEKEND, MAY 16 16--17 Kids from our Assumption families learn Orthodox Church history by raising the Byzantine flag over All Saints Camp. Obviously, they’re having lots of fun in the process: Nathan, Maximos, Anthony, Athan, Gabrielle, Christine and Emmelia. I t was a weekend of activities our younger Assumption kids will never forget – playing safely on the grassy fields of All Saints Camp; hitting a wooden simantron with a mallet, just like the monks and nuns do as a call to prayer. And even raising the Byzantine flag that still flies today over Orthodox monasteries chartered by Byzantine emperors. The kids also searched the grounds to find an icon of the Mother of God in a tree. They were re-enacting the miraculous appearance of the Theotokos in a forest clearing in Estonia centuries ago. When the shepherds who saw her went to the clearing, they found a miraculous icon of her Dormition in the branches of a tree. Today a women’s monastery stands on that spot, where the icon is still revered in the monastery chapel. Located on forested, waterfront property near Gig Harbor, All Saints Camp is jointly owned by our own parish and St. Demetrios. It’s a perfect spot for parents to spend quality time with their kids. Knowing how busy everyone can be these days, families were free to arrive whenever kids’ sports and other weekend activities allowed. Some came later on Saturday afternoon, while one busy dad was only able to come for campfire that evening. Another family joined the activities on Sunday morning. The Saturday campfire concluded with the kids making their own s’mores and marshmallows flambé. The next morning, everyone sang “Christ is risen…” during Liturgy in the PAGE 8 THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 camp chapel, marking the last Sunday of the Easter season. And finally, they boarded a ferry for what must have seemed to the kids like a sea voyage to a mysterious island, where they visited an Orthodox monastery, learned about a weeping icon, and were anointed with miraculous “holy tears.” Participants during the weekend included: Ron Delarose with foster son, Josh; Maggie John’s dad, John, with his grandkids Nathan and Emmelia; Kristina Mehas with sons Athan and Maximos; Laura Gabriel and Tim O’Donnell with kids Gabrielle, Anthony and Christine, and Jennifer Ohmer with son, Alexander. Throughout the weekend, they were energized by great food provided by “chef” James Prekeges and his daughter, Anna. Other “staff” at the event included Fr. Dean, Fr. Michael, Steve Miller and Straton Spyropoulos. On this page and the next are some more photos to help both kids and parents remember that precious weekend, and to give our whole parish family a sense of the quality time they spent together – Gabrielle enjoys looking through a large knothole in one of the camp’s hundreds of trees. Meanwhile, Anthony is the first to find a icon of the Mother of God in a tree! THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6 PAGE 9 Fr. Dean and his altar boys (Athan, Anthony and Nathan) lead a procession with the icon from the tree to the camp chapel for Vespers. Visible in the procession that follows are Christine, Emmelia, Laura and Gabrielle. Alexander enjoys the “sea voyage” to and from the Vashon monastery. In the monastery courtyard, the kids are fascinated by the fountain – Anthony, Nathan, Maximos, Josh, Athan and Alexander. In the background – Kristina, Ron and Abbot Tryphon. Being anointed with “holy tears” was the highlight of the monastery pilgrimage – here Abbot Tryphon anoints Maximos and Kristina as Athan looks on. (Background, Ron and Straton.) PAGE 10 THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 G.O.Y.A. GOYA PLANS FUN ON HOOD CANAL, SATURDAY, JUNE 27 th Assumption GOYA kids “chill” beside the beach as an unforgettable day at Hood Canal draws to a close, June 2013. A ll of our Assumption kids in grades 612 should mark their calendars on the last Saturday of June, for an event they won’t want to miss. Two years ago, our GOYANs visited the same spot on a perfect summer day. They enjoyed swimming in the canal (it’s much warmer than Puget Sound!) They also took a fun hike to a nearby lake, roasted marshmallows around a fire, listened to cool guitar music, and generally enjoyed a fabulous start to their summer. So, let’s do it again! Save the date, watch for an email soon with all the details - and be there! THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6 PAGE 11 NEW ASSUMPTION MEMBER ARRIVES F r. Michael’s grandson, Elijah Cortes-Johnson, holds his baby brother, Sebastián, who arrived May 12th. Their mother, Alexia, and the new baby are both doing fine. (Photo by proud papa, Juan.) FATHER’S DAY IS JUNE 21st S unday, June 21st is Father’s Day. The best way to honor your father is to pray for him. Did you know that Father’s Day is a tradition which was started in Spokane, Washington. It all started with a Mrs. John B. Dodd who first proposed the idea of a Father’s Day in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. William Smart, a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died in childbirth with their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in Eastern Washington. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. The first Father's Day was observed on June 19, 1910 in Spokane Washington. In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day. Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day. Father's Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, foster fathers and Godfathers are honored on this day as well. Please make the celebration of Liturgy a priority on this day. PAGE 12 THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 MISSIONS Accompanying Fr. Antonio (seated) and his family. JESSE BRANDOW UPDATE T his April I finally arrived in Guatemala, through your prayers and support! Now I am living in the tropics of the Pacific Coast where huge iguanas crawl on top of the Orthodox Churches. The six priests here are struggling because one of them, Fr. Antonio, has fallen gravely ill. Please pray for Fr. Antonio and the nascent Orthodox Church in Guatemala! I did not expect to be thrown immediately into the fray, but with Fr. Antonio's illness the parishes need even more support. I have already begun leading reader's services in the parishes and, over the next months, I will continue assisting with services, preaching, and religious education. Thank you for all your support and prayers! For more updates and photos, visit To support Jesse, send donations to OCMC, 220 Mason Manatee Way, St. Augustine, FL 32086 (payable to OCMC with “Jesse Brandow” in the memo line), or visit PAGE THE GOOD18NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6 13 2011 PAGE THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER PAGE 14 THE GOOD NEWS - JUNE 2015 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION JUNE 2015 Sun Mon 1 2 11:00 am Funeral for Effie Fraggias 8 ALL SAINTS 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School Graduation Memorial: Bill Kouldukis (40 days); Greg Prekeges (40 days); Leslie Scott (40 days); Rev. Dn. Peter Alex (40 days); John Prekeges (50 yrs) 14 Wed Thu 3 6:30 pm All Saints Camp Board Meeting 9 6 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 6:00 pm Great Vespers 7:30pm AA Meeting 11 13 12 STS. BARTHOLOMEW & BARNABAS 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 6:00 pm Parish Council Meeting PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 6:00 pm Great Vespers 9:00 am St. John the Almsgiver 7:30pm AA Meeting 16 18 17 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 22 23 3rd SUNDAY OF MATTHEW (Father’s Day) 24 20 19 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30pm AA Meeting 12:15 pm Philoptochos Membership & Election Meeting 25 6:00 pm Great Vespers 27 26 NATIVITY OF JOHN 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Memorial: Conom Family Members 4th SUNDAY OF MATTHEW 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Memorial: Maria Papahronis 5:00 pm Vespers at St. Paul’s AOC in Brier 5 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 10 APOSTLES FAST BEGINS 15 28 Sat 9:00 am St. John the Almsgiver 2nd SUNDAY OF MATTHEW 21 Fri 4 MONDAY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 7:45 am Matins 9:00 am Liturgy 7 Tue PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30pm AA Meeting 29 30 STS. PETER & PAUL 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 6:00 pm Vespers at Holy Apostles GOC SYNAXIS OF THE HOLY APOSTLES 8:00 am Matins 9:00 am Liturgy at Holy Apostles GOC PARISH OFFICE OPENS AT NOON 6:00 pm Great Vespers MATINS GOSPEL & TONE SCHEDULE Sunday 7 14 21 28 Gospel 1 2 3 4 Tone Plagal Fourth First Second Third Strict Fast Wine/Oil Allowed Fish Allowed PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M—TH 10:30 AM—5:30 PM ~ (206) 323-8557 (PARISH OFFICE is CLOSED on Fridays) NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE PERMIT NO T HE M ONTHLY B ULLETIN OF THE G REEK O RTHODOX C HURCH OF THE A SSUMPTION 7412 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION 1804 13th Ave Seattle, WA 98122-2515 POSTMASTER : DATED MATERIAL PLEASE EXPEDITE MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR CHURCH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUNDAY, JUNE 7th
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