Tender for Lab equipments - ePDS – Automating the PDS

Request for Tender (RFT)
Purchase of Laboratory Equipments
Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Govt. Of Himachal Pradesh
RFT Ref No: FDS: 24-15/79-VAddress for communication & Place of submission of RFT:
Director, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
Aapurti Bhawan, Block No. 42, SDA Complex
Kasumpti, Shimla 171009
Himachal Pradesh
RFT events schedule ............................................................................................................................. 3
Instructions to Bidders ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Processing fee & Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ............................................................................ 3
Terms & conditions of the bidding firm
Purpose of RFT: .................................................................................................................................... 5
Cost of RFT: ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Instructions for submitting proposal .................................................................................................. 5
Bid Evaluation Process ........................................................................................................................ 5
7.1 Opening of Bids ................................................................................................................................... 5
7.2 Examination of Eligibility Criteria.................................................................................................... 6
7.3 Opening of Financial Bids .................................................................................................................. 6
7.4 Evaluation of the financial bid: ......................................................................................................... 6
Bidding document ................................................................................................................................ 6
Language of bids................................................................................................................................... 6
Authentication of erasures / overwriting etc.................................................................................. 6
Amendments to bidding documents ............................................................................................... 6
Purchaser’s right to accept or reject any bid or all bids .............................................................. 6
Modification and withdrawal .......................................................................................................... 7
Local conditions ............................................................................................................................... 7
Clarifications .................................................................................................................................... 7
Opening of bids ................................................................................................................................ 7
Period of validity .............................................................................................................................. 7
Deadline for submission of bids ...................................................................................................... 7
Late bids............................................................................................................................................ 7
Cancellation of bid/ bidding process .............................................................................................. 7
RFT events schedule
The summary of various activities with regard to the Request for Tender for printing and supply of paper-based
Ration Cards under ePDS Project are listed in the table below:
Tender Reference
FDS: 24-15/79-V-
Start date for downloading the RFT / Sale of RFT
Last Date of submission of Pre-bid queries
6 April, 5PM
Date and Time for Uploading of Pre-bid responses
6 April, 2015, 3PM
Last date and time for Submission of Bids
7 April, 2015 up to 1PM
Price of RFT Document
Rs. 500/- (Non refundable) in favour of Director
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, payable
at Shimla-9
Processing fee
Rs. 2000/-(Non-refundable) in favour of the Director
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, payable
at Shimla-9
Earnest Money Deposit
Rs. 10,000/- in favour of the Director Food, Civil
Supplies and Consumer Affairs, payable at Shimla-9
Address for submission of Bids
Director, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and
Consumer Affairs, H.P. Aapurti, Bhavan, Block No.
42, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla 171009
Date and Time of Opening of Bids
7 April, 2015 at 3PM
E-mail id for submitting pre-bid queries
March, 2015
Instructions to Bidders
2.1 Processing fee &Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
 Bidders shall submit, along with their Bids, Processing fee Rs.2000/- (Rs. Two thousand only) non-refundable
and EMD of INR 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only), in the form of Demand Draft from Nationalized Bank in
favor of “ Director Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Shimla-9.” payable at Shimla. EMD (Bid Security)
in any other form shall not be entertained.
The EMD shall remain valid for 180 days (one hundred and eighty) from the Due Date for Bid Submission
specified in this RFQ.
EMD would be refunded to all unsuccessful bidders within 30 days of award of the Tender to successful bidder.
Bid without adequate Processing fee & EMD will be liable for rejection without providing any opportunity to the
bidder concerned.
The EMD of a bidder could be forfeited, if a bidder:
 Withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form, or
 During the bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would jeopardize or
unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization. The decision of the Director, FCS&CA
regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon any question under any
circumstances, or
 Violates any of such important conditions of this RFT document or indulges in any such activity as would
jeopardize the interest of the department of FCS&CA. The decision of the department of FCS&CA
regarding forfeiture of the Bid Security shall be final & shall not be called upon any question under any
Terms and Conditions of the bidding firms
The bidding firms are not allowed to impose their own terms and conditions to the bid and if submitted will not be
considered as forming part of their bids. The bidders are advised to clearly specify the deviations, in case terms and
conditions of the contract applicable to this invitation are not acceptable to them. The bidders should also describe
clearly in what respect and up to what extent the equipment and services being offered differ/ deviate from the
specifications laid down in the specifications and requirements. The tenderer shall submit the certify copy of Income
Tax Number (PAN) and Sale Tax Number. Each page/documents shall be signed by an authorized signatory duly
authorized in this behalf by the BOD of the firm/Management/Partners/Proprietors along with authorization to submit
the tender. The tenderer shall have to submit an Affidavit duly notarized to the effect that the tenderer or any of the
partners or representative were never blacklisted or convicted by court of law.
2. Tenders must be enclosed in a properly sealed envelope addressed to the Director Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer
Affairs, Himachal Pradesh by designation and not by name. The tenders must be superscripted “Tender” for the
supply of Laboratory equipments during the year, 2015. As called for in the Tender Notice dated 7th April, 2015. The
tenders must reach in the office of the Director Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Himachal Pradesh before
1:00 PM of the date mentioned in the Tender Notice.
3. All the columns of the tender form shall be duly properly and exhaustively filled in. The rates and the units shall not be
overwritten. Tenders shall always be both in figures and words. The words “No Tender” should be written across any or
all of the items in the schedule for which tenderers does not wish to tender. Any omission in filing the columns of units
and rates may debar a quotation from being considered. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers.
4. Prices should be firm validity of rates must not be less than 90 days where the period of validity is specifically
mentioned as 90 days or more and the tenders does not send any intimation by a registered post after expiry of such
specified period, the validity of rates shall be deemed to have been extended till the date of issue of telegram/letter of
acceptance in favour of tenderers.
No tender will be considered unless and until all the quotations are properly signed.
The rates should be quoted F.O.R destination i.e. Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, H.P.,
ISI marked products will be given preference. The tenderers quoting ISI marked products shall have to attach
attested copy of the valid ISI marking license.
The tenderers must attach copies of their existing rate contracts, if any, with the DGS&D or any other State
Sales Tax, Vat, Excise duty, other taxes be indicated separately otherwise rates will be deemed to be inclusive of
such levies taxes and no future increase in duty/ taxes will be allowed.
Price fall clause. The offer of rates by the tenderers will be subject to the price fall clause i.e. if any item is offered
at a lower rate by the tenderers at any other State/place in India, he shall not charge higher rate for the item offered in the
tender. In the event of higher rates offered by such tenderers, the rates so offered by such party can be rejected at any stage.
Tenderers who do not fulfil the above mentioned requirements, their tender will be liable for rejection.
Guaranty / Warranty, if any, being provided by the supplier, must clearly be mentioned in the quotation.
Purpose of RFT:
The purpose of this RFT is to purchase laboratory equipments for the departmental Laboratory situated at Shimla-9.
Cost of RFT:
The RFT document is available at cost of Rs. 500 in form of a Demand Draft from any nationalized bank, payable at
Shimla in favour of “President eGS-cum-Director, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, H.P.”The
soft copy of the RFT may be downloaded from the Department website: www.epds.co.in. The bidders are required to
submit the RFT document cost in the form of a demand draft of Rs.500 issued from a nationalized bank along with the
6. Instructions for submitting tender
Response to RFT will in two parts:
a. Part I – Envelope I:
Tender Fee
Processing Fee
Bid Security (EMD)
Copy of Income Tax Number (PAN) and Sale Tax Number
Signed tender documents
b. Part II –Envelope II: Financial Bid
This will include the financial bid (As per format mention in ANNEXURE IV).
Provide original hard copy (marked “COPY”) of the Tender to the following address:
Director Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
HP Aapurti Bhavan, Block No. 42, SDA Complex,
Kasumpti, Shimla 171009
Bid Evaluation Process
7.1 Opening of Bids
The Tendering Authority will open the bids in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend, on 7 April,
2015 at 3 PM at the following location:
Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
HP Aapurti Bhavan, Block No. 42, SDA Complex,
Kusumpti, Shimla 171009
The bidders' representatives who are present shall mark attendance evidencing their attendance.
7.2 Examination of Eligibility Criteria
The Tendering Authority will examine the eligibility criteria to determine whether they are as per the requirement in the
RFT, whether the documents have been properly signed, whether the required EMD is enclosed, and whether the bids are
generally in order. Any bids found to be non-responsive for any reason or not meeting the eligibility criteria specified in the
bidding documents will be rejected by the Tendering Authority and not included for further consideration.
7.3 Opening of Financial Bids
The Bidders who meets the eligibility criteria, The Tendering Authority will open the Financial Bids of those bidders on the
same day. The bidder's names, the Bid Prices, the total amount of each bid, and such other details as the Tendering
Authority may consider appropriate, will be announced and recorded by the Tendering Authority at the opening.
7.4 Evaluation of the financial bid:
Bidder has to bid as per format (Annexure IV). Total Bid Price will be considered for deciding the L1 Bidder.
8. Bidding document
The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions and technical specifications in the Bidding
Document. Submission of a bid not responsive to the Bidding Document in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and
may result in the rejection of its bid without any further reference to the bidder.
9. Language of bids
The bids prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and document relating to the bids exchanged by the bidder and
Director, FCS&CA, shall be written in English.
10. Authentication of erasures / overwriting etc.
Any inter-lineation, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if the person(s) signing initial(s) them.
11. Amendments to bidding documents
At any time prior to the last Date and Time for submission of bids, the department of FCS&CA may, for any reason, modify
the Bidding Document by amendments at its sole discretion. All amendments shall be uploaded on the department of
FCS&CA /GoHP’s websites (www.epds.co.in) and will be binding on all who are interested in bidding. In order to provide,
prospective bidders, reasonable time to take the amendment if any, into account in preparing their bid, the Purchaser
may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of bids.
12. Purchaser’s right to accept or reject any bid or all bids
The Director reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and annul the bidding process or even reject all bids at any time
prior to award of supply order, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or without any
obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders about the grounds for the purchaser's action. The Director reserves the
right to accept or reject any technology proposed by the vendor..
13. Modification and withdrawal
Bids once submitted will be treated, as final and no further correspondence will be entertained on this. No bid will be
modified after the deadline for submission of bids. No bidder shall be allowed to withdraw the bid, if bidder happens to be
successful bidder.
14. Local conditions
The bidder must acquaint himself with the local conditions and factors, which may have any effect on the performance of
the contract and / or the cost.
15. Clarifications
If deemed necessary Purchaser may seek clarifications on any aspect from the bidder. However that would not entitle the
bidder to change or cause any change in the substance of the RFT document submitted.
16. Opening of bids
All the bids will be opened at the date, time and locations mentioned in RFT (as per schedule). The bids will be opened in
the presence of representatives of the bidders who choose to attend.
17. Period of validity
Bid shall remain valid for three months from the date of bid opening prescribed by the purchaser. A bid valid for shorter
period is liable to be rejected by the department of FCS&CA as non-responsive.
18. Deadline for submission of bids
Bid must be received by the Purchaser at the address specified in Bid Document not later than the specified date and time
as specified in Bid Document. In event of the specified date for submission of bids being declared a holiday for the
Purchaser, the bids will be received up to appointed time on next working day.
The purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid documents in
accordance to clause “AMENDMENTS TO BIDDING DOCUMENTS”, in which case all rights and obligations of the purchaser
and bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
19. Late bids
Any bid received by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of bid will be rejected and/or returned unopened to
the Bidder.
20. Cancellation of bid/ bidding process
Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior
to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform
the affected bidder or bidders of the ground for its action.
Annexure I: List of Laboratory Equipments
Technical Specifications and Requirements:
Name of the
U.V. Cabinet
Usable for Viewing paper and thin layer chromatograms.
For Visualization of test objectives under Tubes having long wave length
(365nm), Short wave length (254nm) as desired.
Use with ultraviolet Lamp for Observing fluorescent effect chromatograms
Supplied with 3 tubes to work on 230 volts A.C. Only.
Provides an enclosed viewing space which eliminates external light
Control switches mounted on top of the unit.
This self Contained unit is designed for easy viewing and making of
Nitrogen Cylinder
Vacuum Pump
Digital automatic
1 No.
1 No.
Oil sealed, air cooled, V-belt driven and mounted on base plate with belt
guard etc, with motor 220 volts AC single phase.
Motor H.P. AC
Single Phase
Light source: Sodium Lamp or Tungsten-Halogen lamp
Optical wavelength: 589nm
Measuring range: plus or minus 90 Deg.
Resolution: 0.001 Deg.
Repeatability: 0.002 Deg.
Accuracy: 0.01- 0.002
Sample chamber: should accept sample tubes up to 200mm
Sample tubes: cylindrical glass cell
10mm ID x 20mm and 10mm ID x 50mm path length each one number.
Temperature range: 0-40 C (accuracy +/- 0.1 Deg C)
Readout modes: Optical rotation, optical specific rotation, concentration,
optical purity
Display: on screen or on personal computer via USB ports (if operating on
PC, PC requirement should be mentioned)
Calibration: Using Standards or In-built
Software: suitable software should be provided
Detector: PMT Tube
Aperture: should be variable for low concentration measurements
Response speed: should be +/- 6°/sec
The polarimeter should be up gradable on the field for other wavelength
filters with appropriate light source.
Assembly for sulphur
(Williamson flask, Draufing, funnel etc.)
(0° to 360° and 0° to 68°C, Least count 0.2)
1 No.
1 No.
1 No.
2 Nos.
Electronic weighing
Atomic Absorption
with PC
High performance
Distiller water plant/
Water Purification
100 gm
0.0001 gm
Pan size
120 MM
Standard features:
-2,00,000 Internal resolutions
-Auto calibration with external weight
- Easy to read LED display
-Multifunction weighing units
-Auto Zero tracking
-Low battery indicator
-In built rechargeable battery for continuance use
-Overload protection design
-S.S. Weighing PAN, Level Indicator, Adjustable fit.
-High Resolution Quick weighing accurate result.
1 No.
WL Range (nm)
WL accuracy
≤± 0.5nm
WL repeatability
≤± 0.3nm (single direction)
Spectral Bandwidth
0.2 nm, 0.4nm, 0.7nm, 1.4nm, 2.4nm, 5.0nm
Working Resolution
Base line stability
±0.004 Abs/30 min
≤0.04 μg/ml
Concentration of copper
Detection limit of copper ≤0.008 μg/ml
Background calibration ability Greater than 30 times
Power supply
220V 3 A, 50 Hz
Laser Jet M-1136
160 Kg.
Package Dimensions
1120X770X730mm (Main Instrument)
The range of atomic absorption spectrophotometer should completely
controlled by the PC.
Baseline Flatness
+0.001A(At 500nm, after warming up)
+0.001A(At 500 nm, after warming up)
Dual Silicon Photodiode
6 inches high light LCD
AC: 220V+10%, 50 HZ.
26 kg
1 foot length
Automatic Electrically heated all glass distillation apparatus complete with
metallic stand, plug, board etc.
Immersion type easily replaceable heater which cuts of automatically if the
water is lee, Works on 220/230 volts AC/DC
3 liters Double stage Distillation having flask.
1 No.
1 No.
2 Nos.
2 Nos.
1 No.
Annexure II: Bidder Profile
Details to be Furnished
Details of the Bidders(Proprietorship/ Partnership
Telephone :
Details of Authorized Person
Information about the company
Status of company (Public
Ltd/Pvt. Ltd/ Proprietorship/ Partnership)
Number of Professionals
Location and Address of
Offices(in Himachal Pradesh and India
(Head office))
Service Tax Registration
Income Tax Registration
Number (PAN)
Sales Tax Registration Number
DD for RFT document (Rs.500/-)
DD for Processing fee (Rs. 2000/-)
DD for EMD (Rs. 10,000/-)
-------------------------------Signature of the
Annexure III: Bid Proposal Sheet
Bidders Proposal Reference No. and Date :
Bidders Name and Address
Person to be contacted
Telephone No(s)
Fax No.
The Director, FCS&CA
Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
HP Aapurti Bhavan, Block No. 42, SDA Complex
Kasumpti, Shimla 171009 (Himachal Pradesh)
RFT for purchase of laboratory equipments.
We, the undersigned Bidders, having read and examined in detail the Specifications and all the bidding
documents as specified in the RFT documents No. < __________________>.
We confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof, including its exhibits, and other
documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to the department of FCS&CA, GoHP is true, accurate,
verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein
do not in whole or in part mislead the department in its short-listing process. We fully understand and agree to
comply that on verification, if any of the information provided here is found to be misleading the short listing
process or unduly favors our company in the short listing process, we are liable to be dismissed from the
selection process. We agree to abide by the conditions set forth in this RFT.
It is hereby confirmed that: I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/ firm/organization
and empowered to sign this document.
We hereby declare that our proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information
contained in the proposal is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Name and Designation
Place :
Business Address :
Annexure IV: Format for Financial Quotation
Unit Cost, Including Taxes, Cess.
Name of Laboratory
Annexure V: Bidder’s Authorization certificate
The Director,
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
HP Aapurti Bhavan, Block No. 42, SDA Complex
Kasumpti, Shimla 171009 (Himachal Pradesh)
____________________ is hereby authorized to sign relevant documents on behalf of the company / firm
in dealing with RFT reference ____________________. He is also authorized to attend meetings & submit
technical & commercial information as may be required by you in the course of processing above said RFT
Thanking you,
Authorized Signatory.
<Company / Firm Name>
Annexure VI: Proforma for Pre-bid queries
Bidders requiring specific points of clarification may communicate with Department during the specific
period using the following format. All clarification should be mailed ( in .xls format) on
Bidder’s Request for Clarification
Name of Organization
Name & Position of
Address of Org. including
submitting request
phone, Fax, e-mail Points
submitting request
Bidding Document
Content of
(if Any)
Annexure VII: Self Declaration
Ref: ____________________
Date: ________________
The Director,
Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs,
HP Aapurti Bhavan, Block No. 42, SDA Complex
Kasumpti, Shimla 171009 (Himachal Pradesh)
In response to the RFT Ref No. ____________________________________ dt. ____________Of
Ref._____________________________________ as a owner/partner/Director/proprietor of
___________________________________________ I / We hereby declare that our Agency
___________________is having unblemished past record and was not declare ineligible for corrupt &
fraudulent practices either indefinitely or for a particular period of time.
Name of the Bidder: -
Signature: -
Seal of the Company/ proprietorship/ partnership firm: -