Term 1 - Week 10 Tuesday, 31 March, 2015 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE VRPs this Week Very Responsible Respectful Resilient People These names were drawn out of the stage boxes at last week’s K-6 assembly. These names, along with others were added to the boxes by their teachers for showing one or all of our three school wide expectations during the week. DIARY DATES Week 10 Mon 30 March Gym S3 Thurs 2 April Easter Parade No Assembly Leadership and Badging Ceremony On Wednesday we had a special leadership assembly, where more than 90 students were presented with badges to recognise leadership as environment or library monitors, creative & practical arts leaders or as a member of the Student Representative Council members (SRC). We had some very proud and enthusiastic students on the day! At ENPS we aim to provide an environment which encourages, nurtures and provides strong direction for students to reach their full leadership potential. Our many formal and informal opportunities for student leadership throughout the year enable students to develop effective student leadership practices, building confidence and competence to take on responsibility and have an input at a school or community level. LAST DAY OF TERM TERM 2 Week 1 Mon 20 April Staff Development Day Tues 21 April Children Return to School Wed 22 April Cross Country Thurs 23 April School House Museum “School At War” — 6M, 6/5W, 5D Fri 24 April ANZAC Ceremony 9.30am Thank you to Senior Band,Junior Veg and Mrs Bryant for your performance items at this special assembly. We congratulate all our leaders and wish them every success this year. Easter Parade Our students have delighted in working with their buddy classes to create some very imaginative and colourful Easter baskets for the Easter parade on Thursday. For many students buddy time is often the beginning of very important and lasting Senior Band Performance Badging Ceremony - 25 March, 2015 1 relationships and the opportunity for students to mentor or guide their younger buddies. Often it is noted that our younger buddies can be a positive role model for the older buddies as well. Thank you to Ms Righetti & Mrs Hunter for organising this event. Anzac Commemoration ANZAC Day occurs on 25 April every year. On this day we honour all the men and women who have participated in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. Incredibly, 100 years have passed since Australia’s involvement in the First World War. As Anzac day falls on the weekend, we felt it was important that all students still acknowledge this important day. Therefore we will conduct our commemoration ceremony on Friday 24th April, the first Friday back after the holidays. The service will begin at 9.30am. Cross Country The annual school cross country for 8 year olds and 3-6 will be held on Wednesday 22nd April. The warm up will begin at 9.30am. NAPLAN The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy: Reprint from last week (NAPLAN) is conducted each year for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in all government and nongovernment schools. This program, which has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers, will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of students in all Australian schools. Please note these dates in your diary. Unless there is sickness, no Yr 3 or Yr 5 child should miss this assessment. Tuesday 12 May – Language Convention test (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and a separate Writing test. Wednesday 13 May - Reading test Thursday 14 May - Numeracy test (Number, Algebra, function and pattern, Chance and data, Measurement and Space) Safety around Our School I have been recently informed that the NSW Government has provided funding for the placement of school zone signs with flashing lights at all schools by the end of this year to alert motorists of the 40km speed limit required during school drop off and pick up times. Installing these flashing lights in schools zones has been shown to improve driver awareness of the need to travel at a lower speed to ensure the safety of children and others coming and going from the school area. Roads and Maritime Services is delivering this safety initiative and plans to install signs outside Epping North Public School on Boundary Road the week beginning 2 April 2015 outside of 40km school zone hours. Work will take up to two hours to complete, weather permitting. Lights are installed on pre-existing poles or new poles are put in place if needed. Partial lane closures may be in place while work is carried out to ensure safety of road users and workers. There will be some noise associated with this work, but every effort will be made to minimise these impacts. Winter Uniform We will make the unofficial change to winter uniform from the first day back after the holidays (i.e. 21st April), with a two week change-over period depending on the weather. During weeks1 and 2 of term 2, students may either wear summer or winter uniform. The official change-over date for winter uniform will be Monday 4th May (week 3). There will be further reminders about this change in the newsletter next term. Please check the website for details about what constitutes the winter uniform for both girls and boys under parents - uniform. Thank You Thank you to Amanda Avery, her team and all parents who helped at the P & C BBQ on election day. Our school is very lucky to have such dedicated support from our parents. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, staff and parents for a wonderful start to the school year. I hope you have a relaxing holiday with your family and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 21 April. J Wilcher Principal 2 3 SCHOOL NEWS Easter Egg Raffle To raise money for Kindergarten Developmental Play equipment, we are running an Easter raffle. Winners will be drawn at the Easter Basket Parade. Tickets will be sold from Monday 23rd March. Each morning SRC members will sell tickets on the steps to nowhere and at the parade. They will cost 50c each or 3 for $1. Thanks for your anticipated support. Suzanna Colburt P & C NEWS School Fair – October 24th 2015 Calling all organiser types, who would be able to help by taking on a co-ordinator role for our major fundraising event – the biennial ENPS School Fair. Please contact Marie McHugh on 0414-335-320 or email mmrdmchugh@gmail.com if you (or a small group of you) are interested in coordinating: · Market stalls · Food stalls (x2) · Second Hand Book stall · Joining the plant stall team · Games OR · Cake stall Please note that all volunteer coordinators will be given free rein to run and organise their responsibility as they wish – or course there are some safety and legal rules we have to follow. Facebook page To keep up to date with P&C activity or just to keep tuned into what’s going on at school, send a request to join Epping North Public School P&C page on Facebook. This is a closed group so we will send you a private message asking for your child’s details (Name and Class) if we don’t recognise your name before adding you to the group. Election Day Fundraiser 2015 Thank you to everyone who helped out on Saturday at the Election Day Fundraiser. It was an absolutely amazing day with 490 sausage sandwiches, 300 bacon and egg rolls, over 100 cakes and sweet treats lovingly made and sold in record time and our amazing collection of donated books walking out the door. Every single $ raised on Saturday is going straight back to the P&C fundraising target for 2015. Our target this year is to help fund school projects, purchase school resources and help create the amazing school that we all know ENPS is. So on behalf of the P&C..... THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Special personal thanks to my team on the day, Rebecca Leahy, Viv Munter and Richard Avery. Amanda Avery ENPS P&C 4 CANTEEN NEWS Easter Parade Thank you to those who have volunteered to cut onions. We have enough now, but we still need volunteers to serve after the parade. Currently I am running solo. Please contact me if you can help. DATE VOLUNTEER 9am-12pm VOLUNTEER 12pm-2pm 24/04 Alison McBurnie Alison McBurnie Clare Friend Clare Friend VOLUNTEER 9am-12pm VOLUNTEER 12pm-2pm 01/05 08/05 15/05 22/05 29/05 05/06 12/06 19/06 26/06 Term 2 volunteer roster is now ready to be filled, so if you are available to help please email cbooty@optusnet.com.au MODERN JAZZ & BOYS’ DANCE NEWS Parent Supervision Roster: Tuesday 31/3/15 – Years 2, 3 and 4 Boys –Marie McHugh Tuesday 31/3/15 – Year 3 Girls – Yali Zhao Wednesday 1/4/15 – Year 4 Girls – Karen Michie Wednesday 1/4/15 – Years 4, 5 and 6 Boys – Beth Goddard Thursday 2/4/15 – Kindergarten Dance – Carolyn Shaw Thursday 2/4/15 – Years 5 and 6 Girls – Alison Hall Tuesday 21/4/15 – Years 2, 3 and 4 Boys – Karen Ninness Tuesday 21/4/15 – Year 3 Girls – Anna Guastini Wednesday 22/4/15 – Year 4 Girls – Jane Marchant Wednesday 22/4/15 – Years 4, 5 and 6 Boys – Melissa Kenny Thursday 23/4/15 – Kindergarten Dance – Olivia Sedgwick Thursday 23/4/15 – Years 5 and 6 Girls Dance – Sonya Morgan Friday 24/4/15 – Years 1 and 2 Boys – Anne Hackworthy If you are unable to do the supervision on the day which your family is rostered, please arrange to swap with another parent in your dance group. If this proves difficult, please contact your group’s parent representative with as much notice as possible. If your child would like to join our dance program, or if you require further information about our program, please contact julien.ronfeldt@gmail.com or phone 0408 773 440. BAND NEWS Congratulations to Senior Band for an excellent performance at the Badging Ceremony last Wednesday. A great effort. Thank you also to the parents who helped out on the day, your assistance is really appreciated. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Easter Parade: Thurs 2nd April, 1pm - Concert Band to play. 5 Band Camp: Friday 29th May - Sunday 31st May 2015, at Collaroy Centre, Collaroy Band Camp Concert: A concert will be held at school on Thursday 4th June at 6.30pm. All bands. UNSW Competition: 2nd August, (time TBC), All Bands. Annual Soiree - Saturday 29th August - Any child or group of children who are in the band programme playing small items- All welcome. End of Year Concert: Sunday 29th November at 4pm (TBC). All Bands If your child has a dance concert on this day, please let us know asap as we are trying to work around these. BAND CAMP: Please complete the Band Camp registration before the end of term. Ensure you print a copy of both sections of the registration and drop it in the band box in the school foyer (white plastic tub in the shelves to the right as you enter). Any queries to Trina Backstrom and Emmajane O’Donohue, Band Camp Coordinators trina.backstrom@hotmail.com. The following families are rostered on for the next two weeks: Training Band Weds 1st April Weds 22nd Weds 29th - Purvis family Willmott family Bulin family Concert Band Thurs 23rd April Mon 27th Thurs 30th Mon 4th May - Thomson family Shannon family Gunter family Farris family Senior Band Tues 21st April Friday 24th Tues 28th Friday 1st - Rees family Tait family Jensen family Baker family We hope you all have an enjoyable holiday. Band resumes on the first day back at school. Lisa Daly / Glenn Thomson, Band Managers 0412 397 513 / 0438 295 019 enpsband@gmail.com 6 OPPORTUNITIES Disclaimer: Epping North Public School will, as a service to parents, advertise community news, events and services which may be of interest. ENPS does not necessarily endorse the events and services and accepts no responsibility for their management, organisation or quality. 7 8 9 Easter Football/Soccer Camp SM Football Academy (FFA qualified) Coach: Shawn Maple www.smfootballacademy.com.au When: April 7th (Tues) - April 10th (Fri) 9.00am-12noon Where: Darvall Park - Denistone. Chatham Rd. “Enjoy and Play” Who: Boys and Girls aged 9-13 Bring: Your own ball (I will have 4 extra balls with me if you don’t have one), sunscreen, drink bottle and snack for morning tea break Cost: $155.00 for early bird special - payment by 23rd March, Monday $175.00 after 23rd March Payment: In person or by bank transfer. For details www.smfootballacademy.com.au Contact: Shawn Maple 0415 627 745 10
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