Dee Why Newsletter Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity and Harmony Regent Street DEE WHY 2099 T: 9971 8635 F: 9971 5516 E: Term 1 Week 11 Diary Dates I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday time with your families and look forward to seeing you next term. Week 11 Thursday 5/4 Friday 6/4 Week 1 Term 2 Monday 23/4 Tuesday 24/4 Wednesday 25/4 5 April 2012 Combined Easter Service 10.30am Last Day of Term Good Friday Pupil Free Day Students return ANZAC Day ‘Rocket to Success’ Our school website Principal’s Message Can it be that we are at the end of our first term?! As they say, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’! It’s been a busy term and a fabulous one. The students have been involved in so many engaging learning activities and I think we are all ready for a well-earned rest! The Mathematics Information Morning was a huge success and it was encouraging to see so many interested parents eager to learn how to support their children at home. The presenter mentioned the possibility of obtaining some dice packs for families and I will let you know when they become available. During the holidays, please take the opportunity to treat your child’s hair for lice. It is unfortunately a fact of life for school students but if we’re all diligent with this issue we can make a difference. Relieving Principal Diana Aitken School Photographs The Pixi School photographers will be taking the students’ photos next term on Thursday 3 May. Please fill out the envelope coming home today and return to your child’s teacher as soon as possible next term. Each child needs an envelope and any family photographs requested will require a separate envelope which is available at the office. Student of the Week KS 1/KK 1W 2A 3S 4W 6/5L 6/5S 3/6W Music Library ESL Elena Genovese Gyalpo Tenkyong Cayenne Melhuish Kitra Corpuz Amelia Kinahoi Morgan King Imran Ibrahim Josefina Ainuu Alifeleti Latu Thierry Kinahoi AJ Bautista Peter Vu Tony Lu Jelena Avramovic JM Bautista Joseph Wilson Darcy Williams Sam Heaton Manya Kukreti Tenzin Wangmo Ngodup Neven Korac Andrew Smith Quanita Thomas AJ Bautista Term 1 Week 11 5 April 2012 Cross Country Carnival This week ribbons were presented to our first three place winners. These students will be attending the Regional Cross Country next term. Well done to all the students who ran the course on the day. 8/9 year old boys: Adam Naaman Andrei Mendoza Namdak Bhutselha 8/9 year old girls Anoushka Sutton Sinead Maloy Rebecca Starr Pani Hopoate 10 year old boys: Youssef Naaman Nikita Gorikov Sam Heaton 10 year old girls: Tupou Hopoate Emese Stoker Maddi Williams 11 year old boys: Albert Hopoate Adam Downes-Swift John Vu 11 year old girls: Marianne Slaby Michelle Yeow Kristina Matejevic 12 year old boys: Moises De Asis Nikita Chopenko Dario Skrbic 12 year old girls: Penny Haggerty JM Bautista Mele Pulu Easter Hat Parade What a fantastic parade of hats yesterday!! Well done everyone and what a lovely end of term celebration. I must thank the members of the P&C for organising the Easter baskets and tickets for the wonderful raffle. Congratulations to all those lucky winners. Library News Reminder: All Library books should be returned each week. Children are always welcome to renew books if they have not finished reading them. Students will be able to borrow for the holidays. All books borrowed should be returned or renewed in Week 1 of Term 2. Library days will remain the same for Term 2. Tuesday: 1W: 3S Wednesday: KS: 1/KK: 4W: 3/6W Thursday: 6/5L: 6/5S: 2A Can You Help? General help with covering, shelving is required. If you can help at any time, on any day please see me. Many thanks. Rocket to Success through reading! Have a safe and restful holiday Happy Reading Anne Biddle Librarian.
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