Who did we hear from? Who did we hear from? Who did we hear from? Have you been a target? Girls, What Games Do You Play? Boys, do you want to see more girls playing? Middle School High School Boys, What Games Do You THINK Girls Play? Are You More Likely to Play a Game Based on the Protag’s Gender? Boys Girls What Gender Do You Prefer Playing As? MS Boys HS Boys What Gender Do You Prefer Playing As? MS Girls HS Girls Are Females Too Often Treated as Sex Objects? MS Boys HS Boys Are Females Too Often Treated as Sex Objects? MS Girls HS Girls Girls are what? Girls, do you identify as a Gamer? Not Gamer Girls 43% showed interest of 5 or greater 23% played for +4hrs in last week 38% played between 1-3hrs Who’s Your Favorite Character? “I like the Luteces' from BioShock Infinite because they are a male/female twin, but they have the same intelligence. The female is portrayed as smarter and more strategic in her thinking. The male twin is not above her and they are portrayed as equals because they are equal, not because the designers thought that there needed to be a female character.” “Sylvanas Windrunner from WoW. She's a woman in a position of power who led her people bravely both in life and death. She's also a military strategist… I also like GLaDOS from Portal for being not only a non-sexualized female robotic character, but also for her witty and sarcastic personality and complete lack of empathy.” “Glados because she's smart, witty, funny, entertaining, and just the right amount of evil…” Natalie and Julia from Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness. They are both strong willed… they both possess confidence and feminine qualities, smart and pretty (which I feel girls usually aren't allowed to be even in real life sometimes). “Ghost for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, cause he was the most skilled soldier I've ever had the pleasure of virtually serving alongside of, and a great comrade, too. R.I.P. Ghost.” “Glados from Portal because even though she tries to kill you she still loves you.” Who’s Your Favorite Character? “I like the same intelligence. The female is portrayed as smarter and more strategic in her thinking. The male twin is not above her and they are portrayed as equals because they are equal, designers thought that there needed to be a female character. Girl / 10th grade / Level 8 / No “Sylvanas Windrunner bravely both in life and death. She's also a military strategist… I also like for being not only a non-sexualized female robotic character, but also for her witty and sarcastic personality and Girl / 10th grade / Level 8 / Yes “Glados Natalie possess Girl / 9th grade / Level 8 / No Girl / 10th grade / Level 8 / No allowed to be even in real life sometimes). “Ghost the pleasure of virtually serving alongside of, and a great comrade, too. R.I.P. Ghost. Girl / 11th grade / Level 8 / Yes “Glados Girl / 6th grade / Level 9 / Yes Guys are what? Boys, do you identify as a Gamer? Gamer Boys, do you want to see more girls play? Gamer Boys, do want to see more female heroes? Gamer Boys, do you believe women are treated like sex objects in games?
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