St. Thomas’ Church, Wednesfield Church News 50p February/March 2013 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 St Thomas’ Church, Wednesfield In the Wednesfield Team Ministry Sundays 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.15 am Family Eucharist (with Junior Church) 6.30 pm Evening Worship Weekday communion services Wednesdays: 10.00 am Fridays: 9.30 am Baptism: Sunday afternoon, monthly Clergy For enquiries relating to St Thomas’ please contact: Team Rector: Rev’d Nick Watson Wednesfield Rectory, 9 Vicarage Road E-mail: Curate: Rev’d Claire Turner 6 Yale Drive, Wednesfield E-mail: For enquiries relating to St Chad’s please contact: Rev’d Dr Sue Weller E-mail: Sue’s usual working days are Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. For enquiries relating to St Alban’s please contact: Team Vicar: Rev’d Sam Leach St. Alban’s Vicarage, Griffiths Drive, Ashmore Park E-mail: 01902 731462 01902 238485 01922 643607 01902 732317 Officers District Wardens: Mrs Norma Thompson, 17 Frome Drive, Wednesfield Mr Peter Marsden, 70 Orchard Road, Wednesfield 01902 305170 01902 838577 Parish Wardens: Mrs Kathryn Godwin Mr Ian Wood Organist and Choirmistress: Mrs Gillian Edwards, 16 Greenfield Lane, Fordhouses Parish Office: St. Thomas’ Church Secretary: Mrs Rita Miller 01902 783264 01902 723310 Requests for Baptisms and Marriage at St Thomas’ – please come to St. Thomas’ Church at 6.30pm on a Friday evening or telephone Reverend Nick Watson on 01902 731462. Do you have an article for the magazine? Or any ideas of what you would like to see included? If so please have a word with Margaret Carroll or Joanna Watson at Church, leave articles in the parish office, or email them to Cover picture - crocuses in the Rectory garden, February 2012 C 2 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Letter from the Rector ‘Forty days and forty nights, we must sing in minor keys…’ That’s not quite the traditional version of the classic Lenten hymn – it’s meant to be, Forty days and forty nights, thou wast fasting in the wild. Forty days and forty nights, tempted and yet undefiled. The version in the title is often how it feels, though. Lent seems like a long stretch of solemn worship, without even a ‘Hallelujah’ (the ‘H word’ as it’s known at the Rectory during Lent) or a ‘Glory to God in the highest’ to cheer us up a bit. When I was a curate, I had a wonderful training vicar, but he was firmly of the opinion that we should be a bit miserable during Lent. While I appreciate the principle of saving ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Glory to God in the highest’ for Easter so we can appreciate them then, I’ve never been convinced that we need to be too solemn all the time. Lent is, after all, a time for growing in faith and life. The whole idea of ‘giving something up’ is to remind ourselves and the world around us that we’re not defined by what we eat, drink or watch on TV – we can make decisions and act on them. It’s not about making ourselves suffer for the sake of it so much as it’s about reminding ourselves that we’re human. That’s something to celebrate! As for the ‘growing in faith and life’ bit, as well as giving something up, it’s traditional to make some extra commitment to growing in faith – through taking up regular prayer, reading a book about faith, coming to Church more often or taking part in a discussion group – there are all kinds of possibilities, but it’s important to do something so that we’re able to reach Easter with our faith a bit more fully formed than it is on Shrove Tuesday. So what will you do this Lent? There’ll be a range of possibilities through Church – silent prayer times, Bible study and discussion as well as worship. But could you also commit to celebrate Lent? You could make a point of giving thanks to God for each day that you manage to keep your Lenten discipline intact. You might use some of the time you save by not watching TV (for example!) to spend time with family or friends just catching up on the day. Perhaps you could commit to doing one practical, generous thing for someone different each day during Lent. What can you come up with? Let me know how Lent goes! The Rev’d Nick Watson Pancake party! 7.30pm Shrove Tuesday 12 February St Thomas’ Room Be there! 3 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 KAIROS Kairos is an informal, Christian discussion group for those aged between 16 and 25 (ish). We meet every first Friday of the month, from 7.30pm until 9pm at St Thomas’ Church and whatever else happens, there is always cake! Over the last couple of months, we’ve started dipping into the book of Acts – sometimes we start there and see where we end up and sometimes we start somewhere else and find ourselves back there by the end. We’ve also found ourselves talking quite a bit about who we are – our identities and personalities, each beautifully and carefully created by God. The group is open to anyone – those who describe themselves as Christians and those who are less sure about the label … hope to see you there. For more details, contact Rev’d Claire on or via our Facebook page We are now at the start of a new triennial in the Mothers Union. Our new in coming Worldwide President Lynne Temby was commissioned by the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. The Chief Executive of Mothers’ Union Reg Bailey received in this New Year’s Honours a CBE. The award was much deserved and given in recognition of his service to children and families. Quite an exciting and very positive start to the New Year, which we hope will be filled with many opportunities for Mothers’ Union, with God’s help and our prayers to improve the lives of Families around the world. The Mothers’ Union theme 2013 is The Seeds We Sow. Here is some news about Mothers’ Union Parenting Programme in Canada. Just before Christmas I had a letter from a lady called Celia Dodds, whom I met quite some years ago now, in Vancouver, when I was on a visit to my cousin. Celia then was Branch Leader of St James Vancouver Mothers’ Union and over the years we have shared quite a bit of time together when I have visited my cousins. I have met the ladies of the branch and shared worship with them. Celia became Provincial President of Canada and is now heavily involved with the Parenting Programme in Canada, called Parents Supporting Parents. Although Celia says it is not an easy task, the Mothers Union in Canada continues working to help families and support families. Celia also told me that recently there had been 2 large earthquakes in the Queen Charlotte Islands just off the coast of Vancouver. The authorities have warned the people of Vancouver it’s just a matter of time before they get a big one, a extremely large earthquake which happens about every 300years, but The Mothers’ Union continue in faith to work for all those who need their help. The people of Vancouver are as prepared as they possibly can be for a large earthquake and seem quite unperturbed about it. Our next meeting will be on Ash Wednesday which is on13th February, so we will be attending Ash Wednesday Service, but notices will be available for members before or after the service as appropriate. Our March Meeting will therefore be in Lent. We shall be attending the Lent Worship, once again notices and information will be available. Do hope you will be able to join us, for both of these services. We are having our annual coach trip this year on 15 th June 2013. We will be going to Bridgemere Garden World for coffee and Shrewsbury for lunch, followed by tea at Ironbridge. Hope you will be able to come. Further information available nearer the time and a list will be put up later in the year for you to sign up for the trip. Finally I would like to ask the Mothers’ Union branch members could they please pay their subscriptions of £18 for Mothers’ Union ( if you have not already done so) by Ash Wednesday Meeting as we shall have to send them off very shortly. Thank you. Non-members always very welcome at our meetings. Please come and join us and see what we do. Jill Ellson, Branch Leader. 4 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Switch off the telly and come along to our 7.30pm Saturday 2nd February at St Thomas’s Church Tickets: £5 (Children £2.50) Refreshments Come and join us for a fun evening! We have three couples competing in “Mr and Mrs” - see how well they really know each other! And if you fancy your chances at winning a million twenty pounds, why not have a go - or just watch others and see how well they do! Proceeds for St Thomas’s Church Centre Appeal Are you small? Do you like to make a noise? Come (with your family!) and join us for Children’s praise On Mothering Sunday, 10th March 4.30pm in St Thomas’ Church A short service with songs, a story and prayers Followed by tea in the St Thomas Room (bring something to share!) February and March are the months when St Thomas’s Children’s Society boxes are due to be opened. I should be grateful if anyone who has a box would let me have it for opening during that time. Thank you. Ann Poole 5 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 What does it cost to run a church for a week? Here’s what it cost to run St Thomas’s each week in 2012: £816 £107 £75 £54 £467 £351 £1,870 Parish Share Providing church services Heating Insurance Repairs and major works (including the roof) Other expenditure Total average weekly cost On average: £717 £765 £103 £89 was the total given in collections and by Standing Order each week. was the weekly total given seven years ago was what we gave to the Appeal each week in 2012 had to be taken from our reserves for us to pay our way. Now is a good time to reflect on what we give to St Thomas’s each week – perhaps comparing it with what we spend on things like entertainment, holidays and eating out. See Jo Nicklin if you would like envelopes for your weekly gift or if you can giftaid it so that St Thomas’s receives an additional 25% in refunded tax. Roger Poole Church Treasurer Thanks to all those who give, often very generously, to share in the work of the church through St Thomas’. Thanks, too, to Roger for all his work in managing our finances! Whenever we think about giving, it’s right that we think about what’s needed—but that’s not the only point. For a start, imagine what we could do in God’s service if we had more money than we currently need coming in! How could we serve our community better? What could we do differently? But also, we need to remember that giving is about our need to give as much as the church’s need to balance the books. Giving to church and to charity helps keep us free from being slaves to our possessions. It helps us to keep our needs and wants in perspective and to learn gratitude to God. So please do think through your giving not just as a Christian duty but as a joy and privilege! Rev’d Nick Watson 6 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Wolverhampton Christian Aid Committee Saturday 9th February 2013 7.30pm at Old Fallings United Reformed Church Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton, WV10 8BH Tickets: £2.50 Available from Roger Poole (T: 01902 – 730507) Refreshments including tea/coffee available but feel free to bring your own drinks. Come as a team of six or help make up a team on arrival. All proceeds for Christian Aid Appeal update Total now £57,800! Thank you to all those who have already supported our fundraising in so many ways - through gifts, pledges, coming to events, and helping in so many different ways! We have raised money recently through the Grand Raffle and the sale of calendars, and also received a grant from the Blakemore Foundation and a generous legacy from Sheila Watkins’ estate. We are very grateful to all those who have contributed. Final negotiations are taking place regarding the lease of the old library, and so our appeal funds will shortly be needed. Our first event of 2013 is the TV game show evening - more details on page 5. We are busy planning further ahead - including CakeFest 3 on 19th - 21st April, and another Old Time Music Hall later on in the year. Meanwhile, we are selling some of the more valuable items that were given to the Church Fayre on eBay. And if you have got a new mobile phone recently, why not give us your old one to recycle and raise more funds - just let us know if it’s working or not. There’s a box on the table at the back of church. Thank you for all your help and support. And please let us know if you have any fundraising ideas! 7 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 M.R.BROWN Carpentry & Building Services All aspects of carpentry and building work undertaken Fitted kitchens Worktop joints Fitted bathrooms Stair spindles Doors fitted Garage doors Canopies and porches UPVC windows Plumbing, Heating, Bathrooms, Showers, Downstairs Toilets, All Plumbing Repairs *Quality work guaranteed* Telephone Mick on (01902) 683503 or 07973 917670 for a free quotation. 74 Newbolds Road, Fallings Park 24 Fairview Crescent, Wednesfield Tel. no. 730780 City and Guilds Kevin M Flavin Plastering Services Wet plastering Dry lining Coving Rendering Replacement ceilings Artex flattened Quality Work Assured For a prompt free quotation/advice Tel: (01902) 732935 Mob: 07960 658998 76 D’eyncourt Road, Wednesfield DIVALOUR Handmade invitations & favors Here to help you make sure your Estate goes to who you say. Last Will & Testament - £44.99 (each) or £74.99 for a Mirrored Pair. Other services available, including Power of Attorney and protecting your home against the threat of Care Home Fees. Working evenings and weekends, we can help arrange the above by telephone, e-mail and by local home visits. For more information, contact us today on Tel: 01922 496254 Mob : 07896 364594 e-mail : web : A member of the Master Guild of Will Writers Weddings Birthdays Anniversaries Baby showers Christenings More available on request 10% discount given with this advert CALL 07972264580 8 St Thomas’ Church is now on Facebook! Please “like” us (“St Thomas’ Church Wednesfield”) to get the updates. Have you “checked in”? St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Playing your part – the Church Electoral Roll One of the legal things we have to do in the Church of England is to keep and update the Electoral Roll. Normally this list is updated year on year, but once every six years we have to start again from scratch – and 2013 is one of those years! What does it mean? In straightforward terms, the electoral roll is a list of all those lay people (not clergy) over 16 who are eligible to vote in church elections – for the District and Church Councils and for members of Deanery Synod. Also, only people who are on the electoral roll of a church can serve on these or on the ‘higher’ councils and Synods of the church. The roll is also a useful tool for the church, to help us to keep a current list of people to contact about key events and decisions in church life. It used to be one of the things the Diocese used to calculate how much we should pay as parish share, but it no longer affects that. It also used to be a way for people who live outside the parish to qualify to be married here, but there are now much simpler ways to do that! Who can join the electoral roll? Anyone can join the roll who is over 16 and baptised and either A member of the Church of England who lives in the parish or A member of the Church of England or another Christian Church (believing in God the Holy Trinity) and also of the Church of England who has worshipped regularly at the church to whose electoral roll you’re applying for at least the last six months. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re a member of the Church of England – there’s no test or subscription! If you’re committed to being part of the life of the local church, that’s a good sign that you can do so in good conscience. Who should join the electoral roll? Anyone who can and who wants to be a part of maintaining and shaping the life of the church! How do I join? This year, just being on the old roll isn’t enough. You need to fill in a form (available from church or on the church website) and return it to church, between 10 February and 24 March. After 24 March, the roll is closed until after the Annual Meeting (for St Thomas’, on Sunday 14 April). Don’t forget! You should include your full name and address, but addresses will not be included in the printed version of the roll which we have to display in church. If you’ve got any questions, or need to have a form delivered, please talk to one of the clergy or wardens or to Ann Poole, the electoral roll officer. From the Church Councils... It’s been a quiet couple of months for the church councils – with no meetings of the PCC or Deanery Synod (both take place before the end of January) there’s only the DCC to report on… The DCC met on Tuesday 8 January. As well as an initial report on the end-of-year finances, we discussed the organ repair work (now under way), the federation of the parish’s two church schools (reported in last issue) reviewing our secretarial support with the anticipated demands of the centre, and with the gradual move by funeral directors etc. to require full invoicing progress on the lease and funding for the centre The DCC next meets on 5 March. Please notify Nick of any business for the agenda. 9 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Reading for Lent If you’re looking for something to read this Lent, here are a few suggestions. If there’s something particular in life and faith about which you’d like to read more, do ask for suggestions! On the basics of Christian life and faith, you could try ‘How to live’ by Bishops Stephen Cottrell and Steven Croft. It’s subtitled ‘A guide to the Christian Journey’, and is not as bossy as it sounds, but has a lot of good things in it! The chapters are short and down-to-earth, and each chapter (on themes like ‘Learning to pray’, ‘Faith in daily life’ etc.) has a good selection of classic prayers on a particular subject. Stephen Cottrell has also written ‘How to pray’, which is just as readable and useful. He starts by helping us to think about what prayer actually is, then gets on to some wise advice about how to build a pattern of prayer which will help us to grow as Christians and as people. From an American author who’s well worth reading, John Ortberg, this year I’m suggesting ‘The life you’ve always wanted’, which is his book introducing the idea of spiritual disciplines – the traditional patterns of Christian life which generations have found helpful. Prayer, simplicity, hospitality, study, fasting and meditation are presented here as helps to growing in love, joy and peace as God makes us more like Jesus. If you’re up for a bit more of a challenge, join me in reading the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recommended book for Lent this year – ‘Abiding’ by Ben Quash. I haven’t read it yet, but the précis says that it draws upon art, modern literature and film as well as the lives of the saints to cast a light on what it means to live with ourselves fully in God’s hands. If you’re reading it, let me know and we’ll see if we (a) understand and (b) agree with what’s written! I hope one of these will give you something to work through during Lent. Let me know how you get on with them! Rev’d Nick Watson What does God want for us and from us in 2013? ‘I came that you might have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10 Faith in Christ should fill us with expectation and hope, that, whatever our circumstances at the start of 2013, God is always with us, to guide, comfort and challenge us. Whether we are exploring more of the Bible, learning from each other, or allowing the Holy Spirit to speak directly into our lives, when we open our hearts to listen, we can know God speaking. As Jesus goes on to say, in John 10:27, ‘My sheep listen to my voice’. Crying out to God when we don’t know what to do, calling on him first even when the going is easy, putting Him at the centre of our lives should be our goal. As individuals, as His church, we believe in Almighty God who loves us, who is generous and willing to act in our lives. As Christ showed in his first miracle, turning water into the equivalent of over 900 bottles of wine - that must have been some wedding reception – out of his love for us he gives us what we need, in ways that bring us closer to Him. We don’t always get what we want when we want it, but I believe God the Father is in control, and he gives us what we need when we need it. Before Christmas it looked as if all was in place for St Chad’s as a building to be sold, we had a buyer and Perry Hall School are very keen for us to move to the school. Yet because of changes in the Charities Act and the financial climate the buyer is now not in a position to buy the building outright and a new survey and valuation are required. What do we do in the meantime? We cry out to God for his vision for St Chad’s. What does He want for us and from us in 2013? What kind of church, within the Wednesfield Team, does he want us to be, so that others will get to know him and have life to the full? So we ask, next time you’re talking with God, talking to and listening to Him, listen to what he has to say, for yourself, and our churches. If you receive any insights into His vision then please let me know. Thank you. God bless, Rev Sue. 10 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Messy morning A different kind of church for every kind of family! Hosted by the churches that make up the Wednesfield Team Ministry, these free family activity mornings are full of fun and fantastic things to make. There’s always singing, a story, plenty of time to get to know people and if that’s not enough, every Messy Morning ends with lunch. At the December event, those who came had a fantastic time with glitter, glue, clay and candles preparing for Christmas and getting ready for St Chad’s Christingle Service the next day. The next couple of events, in February and March will focus on two huge characters from the Old Testament … Moses and David (of David and Goliath fame!). They’ll be opportunities to dress up, make massive models and even to make some tasty treats. Times and venues are as follows, Saturday 2nd Feb - St Alban's Church, Griffiths Drive Saturday 2nd March - St Thomas’ Church, Church Street Each event runs from 10am until 12.30pm. Messy Mornings are for all the family and everyone who comes along gets messy - adults and children alike! Please remember that children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Let’s all clap hands! Have you got 3-4 hours a month to spare? Let’s All Clap Hands, our parish-wide toddler church based at Perry Hall Primary School continues to go from strength to strength. There was plenty of Christmas-related chaos during November and December which culminated in a visit from Father Christmas at our annual Christmas Party! If so we have a very important place for you as one of our caring Bereavement team. There’s also plenty planned for the beginning of 2013 … we’re going to be exploring God’s creation and his love for the world and looking at how God’s love for us continues even when things go wrong. And of course, it wouldn’t be Let’s All Clap Hands without a bit of ‘wiggling’ – we always start by getting the wiggles out so that everyone can sit and enjoy the story (that’s the theory anyway!). So if you’d like to join us, please do get in touch. The group meets at Perry Hall Primary School from 2pm – 3pm on Wednesday afternoon’s during term time. For more information please give Jan (01902 733230) or Claire (01902 238485) a call. We visit people who are at a very vulnerable stage in their life; they have lost a loved one and feel no one cares. We care and so we let the bereaved know that someone does care. Come and join us - you will be more than welcome and instruction on how to deal with the bereaved will be given. We are a jolly team who enjoy being of help to people who need us. Interested? Please contact Nick, Claire or Roy Turley and they will fill you in on anything you need to know. Roy Turley SHOPPING? Do you shop online? If you feel like a nice cup of coffee (or tea) and a breather, (and a biscuit), why not call in at St. Thomas' Room. Coffee is served from 10.00 – 12.00, every Friday and Saturday morning. If so, you could raise money for our appeal at the same time! For example: Everyone is welcome – just pop in 2.5% at Amazon 1.5% at Marks and Spencer online 3% from Interflora 2% on iTunes It doesn’t cost anything! Find out more at or ask Nick, Joanna or Claire - we all use it regularly! 11 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Roy Quinton Funeral Directors Serving your community for 20 years Your local family orientated funeral directors of distinction, offering a traditional and caring service with attention to detail FOR 24 HOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION 01922 496800 677 Bloxwich Road, Leamore Branches at School Road, Tettenhall Wood 01902 744444 Westcroft Avenue, Bushbury 01902 732100 Providers of the Perfect Choice Funeral Plan Memorial Masons B. F. DONE & SON BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS GILL EDWARDS Bread and cakes made daily in our Hot Bread Shop Piano Lessons 01902 783264 76 GRIFFITHS DRIVE ASHMORE PARK WEDNESFIELD GRNCM ARNCM ARCO Adult beginners very welcome Telephone: 01902 722643 E.ARROWSMITH & SON City Lock & Security Systems ALL ROOFING, FELT ROOFING, UPVC FASCIA & GUTTERS ALL PROPERTY REPAIRS, BRICKWORK ETC. INSURANCE CLAIMS ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS 185 BROAD LANE, ESSINGTON TEL: 01922 477754 12 28 years in industry All types of locks opened, repaired, and fitted including UPVC Door Mechanisms, Security Alarms Fitted or Serviced. Manual or Electric Digital Door Access Control Systems, including Intercom Systems Tel: 01902 865503 Mob: 07958335917 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Answer on p14 13 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Daily Prayer Clergy are called to pray every day using a pattern of prayer that has developed in the church over centuries. Praying every morning and evening, often using the set Morning and Evening Prayers, forms part of every ordained person’s daily routine. However, it’s not just clergy who find such a daily pattern of prayer nourishing … many Christians round the world find beginning and ending the day with prayer something that builds and nurtures their own spiritual life. There are many ways in which you might join in and participate in this daily conversation with God. Perhaps there’s a prayer book or a prayer that you find helpful that could become the basis of a daily pattern of prayer? Or if you have access to the internet, how about logging on and using the Morning, Evening or Night Prayers from the Common Worship book that we use in church? Here’s the link: Or if a simpler, more reflective style of prayer is more you, how about looking at the Daily Prayers offered by the Northumbria Community, which can be found here: Alternatively, how about joining us in Church? We meet on a Wednesday morning at 9.30am and on a Friday morning at 9am to pray using the Common Worship Morning Prayer service. These short, said services of prayer last about 20 minutes and always include a Psalm and Bible readings. We’ve also started meeting on a Saturday at 9.30am for a slightly simpler, more contemporary service of prayer. As through the week, these services last no longer than 20 minutes and provide a calm start to what might be a busy Saturday. If you’re interested, please just come along – if you’d like any more details or simply want to talk about how you might develop your own prayer life at home, then please do talk to Claire or Nick whose contact details are at the front of the magazine. Women’s World Day of Prayer This year’s Women’s World Day of Prayer will be held at the Methodist Church, Wednesfield (to be confirmed) on Friday, 1st. March, at 2.30 pm. The theme is ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’ Prepared by the Women of France Further details will be available later. All are welcome 14 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 15 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Understanding the Church Year 2 – Into the desert and out again Last time we looked at the first part of the church’s year, from Advent through to Candlemas. And that took us neatly through December and January! While the tree came down for twelfth night (Epiphany) the crib with the wise men stays in church until 2 February – a reminder that the Incarnation, Jesus birth among us, is such a big thing we need a few weeks to take it in! On 13 February, Ash Wednesday, we begin the other big ‘cycle’ of the year – Lent, Holy Week and Easter. This deals with Jesus’ adult life and ministry, and especially with the Cross and the empty tomb. It takes us through to Easter at the end of March and right to Pentecost (Whitsun) on 19 May. Lent Lent has come to be linked with the time Jesus spent in the desert, fasting and praying after he was baptised. He faced up to the temptations to take an easier path than the one ahead of him, and set his course to follow God’s call faithfully. That’s probably why it (eventually) settled on being 40 days and nights long – the time Jesus spent in the desert. (By the way, the 40 days only work if you leave out Sundays – so technically, anything you’ve given up for Lent is ok on a Sunday!) The original meaning of Lent, though, was simply as a time to prepare for Good Friday and Easter. It was customary to take on some extra discipline as a disciple (notice the similarity of those words?) and to think more carefully about the faith. For anyone preparing for baptism, there would be special services or classes to learn more about the faith, and anyone who had publicly sinned would be expected to make amends and show a desire to change ahead of Easter. Holy Week and Good Friday The week from Palm Sunday to Easter day is really the centre of the church’s year, and especially of this whole cycle. We remember the events of the last few days of Jesus’ life, from his entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through to his death on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Day. These events are so important to our faith that there is a tradition of daily worship together through the first part of the week, and special services from Thursday onwards. On the morning of Maundy Thursday, clergy gather at the Cathedral in Lichfield, to renew their ordination vows and to receive the blessed oils which are used in some services (especially baptism, confirmation and healing) throughout the year. That evening, we remember the Last Supper, the meal Jesus shared with his friends the night before he died. On Good Friday, there is a tradition of silence from noon to 3pm, the time of darkness as Jesus hung on the Cross. It’s a challenging but very worthwhile experience to be in church for at least part of that time. The Saturday which most people call ‘Easter Saturday’ is officially called ‘Easter Eve’ or ‘Holy Saturday’. It’s a quiet day of reflection, as we remember Jesus’ lying in the tomb. There’s traditionally no communion service, or any worship until the evening, when Easter Day officially begins. Easter and Pentecost Easter Day is the high point of the church year, as we remember Jesus’ defeat of death, and the promise of resurrection and eternal life that comes to us from that. It’s traditionally the best day for baptisms, as we celebrate new beginnings. But (like Christmas!) Easter doesn’t end on Easter Sunday, it begins then, and continues for fifty days. For the first forty days, we remember the time Jesus spent with his disciples after he rose from the tomb. Then on Ascension Day (which tends to lose out as a festival through always being on a Thursday!) we celebrate Jesus’ return to heaven, taking our human nature with him. The last part of Easter is then the ten days of waiting and prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which take us up to Pentecost. That’s the day (which used to be called Whitsun) when we remember how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples for the first time. It’s often called the birthday of the Church, as it’s the day when our age of living with God began. 16 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Why does Easter move around the calendar? One thing which puzzles many people is that the dates of these festivals change from year to year. The reason is connected to the fact that Easter and the seasons either side of it have been celebrated for longer than Christmas. By the time Christmas became a major festival (in the third century), the church was using the Roman calendar, which is pretty much what we still use today. This is based simply on the Sun, and so (once the leap year had been invented) a date, 25 December, could be fixed. By then, Easter was long-established, and its date was fixed by the older Jewish calendar, which uses the phases of the moon as well as the solar year to identify dates. We know that Jesus was crucified and rose again at the Passover weekend, and so we fix the date of Easter accordingly. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox (21/22 March). So it can be on any Sunday between 22 March and 19 April. This is really awkward for school holiday planners, but reminds us of the ancient Jewish roots of our faith – so it’s worth holding on to! The Rev’d Nick Watson Things they don’t tell you at Theology College #1 How to make the ash for Ash Wednesday As part of the Eucharist for the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, there’s the invitation to receive the mark of the Cross on our foreheads. We use ash, traditionally made from last year’s Palm Sunday crosses. Over the years I’ve got the process of making the ash down to a fine art, which I am now prepared to share. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. About 2pm on Ash Wednesday, remember that ash is needed for this evening’s service Search for palm crosses put away In A Safe Place in the study after Easter last year Eventually give up and find one down the back of the cupboards in the vestry at church instead Place palm cross in foil tray to collect the ash Attempt to light palm cross with match(es) Safely discard empty matchbox and burnt-out matches. Attempt to light palm cross with Zippo lighter Refill now-empty lighter Attempt to light palm cross with Zippo lighter Open window to remove acrid smell of slightly scorched palm cross Bake palm cross in medium oven for 60 minutes Leave oven open to remove acrid smell of moderately scorched but still intact palm cross Repeat step 7 Add remaining lighter fuel to foil tray, allowing to soak into palm cross Open new box of matches, strike one and add to foil tray Damp down smouldering eyebrows, open window to remove smell of burning hair Attempt to find ashes now scattered over kitchen by force of explosion Find enough to get by so long as not too many of the congregation come up to receive ashes Attempt to grind ash to powder with back of a teaspoon, ending up with sooty-smelling grit Place sooty-smelling grit in sealed container to take to church Enter vestry Find packet of finely-ground palm ash sensibly ordered by churchwarden from church suppliers well in advance and ready for use Use sooty-smelling grit anyway on grounds of (a) spiritual authenticity (b) not then having wasted entire afternoon. See you on Ash Wednesday. Rev’d Nick Watson Note from the editor: please do not try this at home. Not only is it dangerous, but it’s true about the smell... 17 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 February What’s on in … Friday 1st 2.30pm 7.30pm 10.00am Holy Communion at Woden Resource Centre Kairos (see page 4) Messy morning at St Alban’s Church (see page 11) 8.00am 10.15am 4.30pm 6.30pm 1.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm Holy Communion (said) Family Eucharist with Junior Church Baptism Holy Communion Wodensfield School visit to St Thomas’ Church Leadership Team meeting at Rectory PCC (rescheduled) at St Chad’s Church Saturday 9th 12.00pm 7.30pm Sunday 10th 1 before Lent 8.00am 10.15am 6.30pm 1.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm Marriage of Katherine Peake and Simon Gratton Christian Aid Quiz at Old Fallings United Reformed Church (see page 7) Holy Communion (said) Family Eucharist with Junior Church Taizé worship Wodensfield School visit to St Thomas’ Church Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party Eucharist for the beginning of Lent Saturday 2nd Sunday 3rd 2 before Lent Tuesday 5th Thursday 7th Tuesday 12th Shrove Tuesday Wednesday 13th Ash Wednesday Thursday 14th Friday 15 th 12.30pm th Baptism preparation Lent lunch served – proceeds to charity Saturday 16 2.00pm th 8.00am 10.15am 6.30pm 12.30pm Holy Communion (said) Family Eucharist with Junior Church Evening prayer Lent lunch served – proceeds to charity 8.00am 10.00am 6.30pm 9.30pm Holy Communion (said) Parish Eucharist Lent Evening Worship School activity day Sunday 17 Lent 1 Friday 22nd Sunday 24th Lent 2 Tuesday 26th 18 7.45pm Marriage preparation St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 March What’s on in… Friday 1st Tuesday 5th 12.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 7.30pm 10.00am 7.30pm 8.00am 10.15am 4.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm Lent lunch served – proceeds to charity Holy Communion at Woden Resource Centre Women’s World Day of Prayer (see page 14) Kairos (see page 4) Messy morning at St Thomas’ Church (see page 11) TV Games Show evening (see page 5) Holy Communion (said) Family Eucharist with Junior Church Holy Baptism Holy Communion St Thomas’ District Church Council Friday 8th 12.30pm Lent lunch served – proceeds to charity 8.00am 10.15am 4,30pm 6.30pm 9.30am Holy Communion (said) Family Eucharist with Junior Church Children’s Praise (see p5) Mothers Union Service School activity day Saturday 2nd Sunday 3Rd Lent 3 th Sunday 10 Mothering Sunday Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14 th Friday 15th 7.15pm Mothers’ Union meeting 7.15pm Baptism preparation meeting Wednesday 20th 12.30pm 3.30pm 8.00am 10.15am 6.30pm 7.30pm Lent lunch served – proceeds to charity Marriage of Victoria Etheridge and Richard Kus Holy Communion (said) Family Eucharist with Junior Church Evening Prayer Leadership Team meeting at Rectory Friday 22nd 12.30pm Lent lunch served – proceeds to charity Monday 25th 10.00am 2.00pm 8.00am 10.15am 6.30pm 7.00pm Magazine stapling session Marriage of Hellen Griffiths and Carlton Smith Holy Communion (said) Procession of Palms from end of High Street Evening Worship for Holy Week Holy Week Eucharist and Devotional Address Tuesday 26th 7.00pm Holy Week Eucharist and Devotional Address Wednesday 27th 7.00pm Holy Week Eucharist and Devotional Address 7.00pm Eucharist of the Last Supper Sunday 17th Lent 5 rd Saturday 23 Sunday 24th Palm Sunday th Thursday 28 Maundy Thursday Friday 29th Good Friday Saturday 30th Sunday 31st Easter Day 9.00am 10.00am 12.00pm 2.00pm 8.30pm Morning Prayer All-age worship for Good Friday Prayers before the Cross (until 2pm) Good Friday worship at the Cross (until 3pm) Easter Vigil Service 8.00am 10.15am 6.30pm Holy Communion (said) Parish Easter Eucharist Easter Songs of Praise 19 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 From the registers Holy Baptism ‘Shine as a light in the world, to the glory of God the Father’ 2 December 6 January 13 January Harry Michael Winstanley, son of Kerry Jarvis & Mark Winstanley Jacob Thomas Morris, son of Jennifer and John Morris Jacob Scott Andrew Lee Hyde, son of Emma Campbell and Adam Hyde Lila-Rose Beatrice Marritt, daughter of Laura and Carl Marritt Araya Amanda Robinson, Daughter of Sherionne and Tony Robinson Amelia Ravan Cox, daughter of Katie Brown and Michael Cox Renée Joan Fowell, daughter of Penny and Matthew Fowell Marriage ‘God is love, and those who live in love live in God, and God lives in them’ 12 December Sarah Louise Blunt and Ben Stephen Crouch Funerals ‘God will show us the path of life; in his presence is the fullness of joy.’ (Psalm 16:10) 4 December 5 December 20 December 28 December 9 January 16 January 22 January 23 January 31 January Edgar Read (87) Geoffrey Marsh (84) Stephen Mason (55) Kenneth Glendenning (54) Idris Williams (91) Mervyn Appleby (74) Muriel Davies (85) Mary Cullen (82) Albert Morris (84) Mary Beason (Parker) (97) Dennis Davies (82) In Memoriam Donations have been received In loving memory of Frank, Ethel & John Guy, Joe, Nance & Ken Jones, from Margaret and Alan Jones In loving memory of brother Tom from Edna Haynes In memory of George and Eileen Dunn, from Mick and Gill, Jan and John, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Remembering my cousin Mary (nee Foster) who continues to make me smile. Janette. Remembering Sheila Watkins and her kindness. Jan Rowley Geoff Marsh 13 June 1928 – 16 November 2012 On behalf of the family may I express many thanks for all the support and kind wishes that you have extended to us over the last few weeks. It has been a sad time for us, but seeing so many friendly faces at Geoff’s funeral and receiving all your thoughtful messages has been a great comfort. Certain phrases were often repeated – ‘a lovely man’, ‘dry sense of humour’, ‘always a twinkle in his eye’, which serve to remind us of how many very happy memories we will always have of Geoff. God Bless. Phyllis and family. 20 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 PORTLAND EYE CARE SERVICES LTD Established since 1983 Professional Eye Care for All the Family NHS/Private sight tests Free children’s frames with NHS voucher Fast spectacle repair service Cataract/Glaucoma screening Contact lens care and fitting Home visits arranged Hearing tests by appointment Chiropodist We are an independent Opticians that offer an extensive range of frames and lenses to suit your budget and needs. 01902 723898 45 Lichfield Road, Wednesfield WV11 1TW Do you have friends or family in New Cross Hospital? Why not send them a request? Ring - (01902) 695099 and ask to be put through to Radio Wulfrun (Mon-Fri 7-10 pm) Log on - Write - Radio Wulfrun c/o New Cross Hospital Wolverhampton WV10 OQP Text - 07807 539789 If your Group would like us to mention any event "on air", please contact us with details. 21 St Thomas’ Church News - February/March 2013 Essington Fruit Farm 01902 735724 More than just strawberries and right on your doorstep! Top quality local meats including our own Free Range Pork Fresh Fruit and Veg Home-made cakes Our famous Carvery Roast every Sunday Monthly Thursday suppers 6.30 - 8.30 Traditional Farm Cooking in our Country Kitchen Hot dish of the day: Tuesday - Saturday Carvery Roast Sundays Opening Hours Shop 9-5 Tuesday - Saturday, 10-3 Sundays Tearoom 11-3 Tuesday - Sunday 22
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