Let`s Talk: Young women`s views on sex education A Survey on

Let’s Talk: Young women’s views on sex education
A Survey on Sexuality and Relationships Education in Australian
Schools by the Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) Young Women’s Advisory
Group (YWAG)
Instructions for Hard Copy Surveys
Thank you for distributing the Let’s Talk: Young women’s views on sex education survey at
your organisation.
To protect the confidentiality of respondents, please provide a means for participants to
submit surveys anonymously as appropriate for your organisation (e.g. ballot-like box with
lock), and ensure completed surveys are handled appropriately by relevant staff.
1. Display poster and display/distribute survey at your organisation.
2. Ensure there is a means for young women to submit their survey anonymously.
3. Return completed surveys to Equality Rights Alliance by Friday 31 July 2015 via:
Scan and email: era.projects@ywca.org.au
Post: GP Box 2082, Canberra ACT 2601
For any queries, please contact Hannah at Equality Rights Alliance via email
era.projects@ywca.org.au or phone 0435 919 077.