P e r fo r m a n ce DRIVE ENGAGEMENT WITH EMPLOYEE SURVEYS Despite a growing business climate of unprecedented perks and engagement studies, an alarming 84% of senior leaders say disengaged employees are one of the three biggest threats facing their business. According to Gallup’s 2013 State of the Global Workforce study, only % of employees worldwide are engaged at work. 13 13% 63 24% 24 % of employees are disengaged • lack motivation • are less likely to invest in organizational goals or outcomes % are actively disengaged • unhappy • unproductive • liable to spread negativity 63% Aon Hewitt reports that of the following engagement drivers, on a global scale ONLY: 54 % 52 % 49 % 47 % 44 % 55 % of employees view their senior leadership favorably of employees know what their organization wants to be famous for in the job market think their company is effective at communication think they have good advancement opportunities think they are paid fairly say they have the tools and resources they need to be productive WHAT WOULD YOUR EMPLOYEES SAY? And how could you use that information to create positive change that fosters the type of engagement that drives performance? Consider implementing the following types of surveys to find out. ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUES, VISION, MISSION SURVEYS 84 62 % % Only of corporate leaders believe that HALF of their employees could tell you what it is. of organizations have a mission statement in place. Having a clear mission is a key driver of engagement. Employees at firms with clear mission and follow-through are: 2x Do they know what the organization ultimately wants to become? 2x as likely to want to stay with their current employer 3x Do they know how their job impacts the success of the company? 3x more likely to have very good or excellent job satisfaction Do your employees know what values are important for the long-term success of the business? LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNICATION SURVEYS The top two factors contributing to an increase of employee engagement within organizations are individual supervisors (85%) and amount of employee communication (81%). Do your employees believe the senior leaders of your organization know what they are doing? Companies with the most effective employee communication experience higher shareholder returns. Do they have confidence in their immediate supervisors? 47 % Do they feel that information and knowledge are shared openly within the organization? TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SURVEYS Would your employees say they receive effective training? Almost two-thirds of all employees are 33% as productive as they could be because they don’t understand what they are being asked to do. Do they believe they have adequate opportunities for professional growth? This affects productivity, customer satisfaction and retention as 41% of employees at companies with inadequate training programs plan to leave within a year. Would they say they are provided clear goals to work toward? JOB AND RESOURCES SURVEYS The Hay Group Insight’s employee effectiveness framework reports that high levels of engagement with enablement lead to greater employee productivity, more loyal customers and stronger financial performance. If engaged employees are not enabled, around 1/3 of the workforce is likely to be making plans to leave. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS SURVEYS After years of recession-driven frozen wages, small pay increases and trimmed down benefits, U.S. employees rate compensation/pay as the top contributor to overall employee job satisfaction according to a 2014 SHRM research report. Would your employees be able to say how their job impacts the company, your customers and the world? Would your employees say they have the resources needed to do their job well? Would they say they have the authority to carry out the responsibilities assigned to them? Would your employees say they are paid fairly for the work they do? Would they say their total compensation is fair and competitive? Would they say they are satisfied with their benefits package? RECOGNITION AND PERFORMANCE SURVEYS Career opportunities and managing performance are the top two drivers of employee engagement in North America. 2x Organizations with reward and talent management programs that support their business goals are more than twice as likely to be high-performing companies. Would your employees say they receive praise and recognition when they do a good job? Would they agree that people are held accountable for achieving goals and meeting expectations? Drive engagement and performance in your organization with Paycom Surveys. We offer a powerful research tool to ask the questions we’ve discussed throughout this infographic. A library of survey templates as well as an intuitive survey builder can help you not only to implement surveys simply and quickly, but analyze results by the demographics of your workforce. By having your survey tool built into your HR technology, you own the data and can view statistics and trends to compare how your results change over time. Learn more about surveying for performance with this whitepaper. SURVEYS Paycom is the only HR technology provider with a single database end-to-end product providing solutions for Talent Acquisition, Time and Labor Management, Payroll, Talent Management and HR Management all in one application. Learn more at paycom.com. Sources: “Re-engaging with engagement.” The Economist. 2010. Web. 22 July, 2014. Crabtree, Steve, “State of the Global Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for Business Leaders Worldwide.” Gallup. 8 Oct., 2013. Web. 22 July, 2014. “2013 Trends in Global Employee Engagement.” AonHewitt. May 2013. Web. 22 July, 2014. “Are you missing something? Engaging and enabling employees for success.” HayGroup. n.d. Web. 22 July, 2014. “Secret Mission?” Institute for Corporate Productivity. 10 Sept., 2008. Web. 22 July, 2014. “Employee Engagement Survey.” IABC Research Foundation/Buck Consultant. June 2011. Web. 3 Feb., 2015. “Capitalizing on Effective Communication.” Towers Watson. 21 Dec., 2009. Web. 3 Feb., 2015. American Society for Training and Development. 2003. The Staff of the Corporate Executive Board, “Align Employees with the Corporate Strategy.” Bloomberg Business. 05 March, 2010. Web. 3 Feb., 2015. “2013 Trends in Global Employee Engagement.” AonHewitt. 2013. Web. 3 Feb., 2015. Miller, Stephen, “Why Pay is Driving Employee Satisfaction.” SHRM. 12 May, 2014. Web. 22 July, 2014 “The 2011/2012 Talent Management and Rewards Study, North America.” Towers Watson. November 2011. Web. 3 Feb., 2015. © 2014, Paycom. All rights reserved. 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