Spring 2015 Newsletter Hopper shares a hug with Devin Message F R OM T H E E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R We all have days that are better than others. But if we’re lucky, the good days outweigh the bad. I often tell people that if I’m having a bad day, the easiest way I can change that perspective is to step away from my desk and walk into the barn - or look away from the computer and instead look out the window to the indoor arena to see a rider on a horse. For me, that’s all it takes to turn things around in a moment. And at EQUI-KIDS, it’s even better when a sad circumstance turns into an amazing occasion. OU R MIS SION To provide, promote and support equine assisted activities for individuals who have mental, physical, emotional, social or learning disabling conditions. OU R VISION To be recognized as the premier therapeutic riding program in the United States; upholding the highest standards of excellence to serve special needs individuals through our mission—creating impactful, positive, life-changing experiences for our participants, donors, volunteers and the community at large. A few weeks ago, the staff was discussing the idea of retiring one of our program horses, “Gator.” He became a part of the therapy team in 2010, and is one of the very best walk/trot/canter horses we have ever had; but due to his age, we realized retirement of this beautiful bay thoroughbred was near. There was some concern to finding him a suitable home, and there was also sadness at the thought of losing a valued member of the team. That sad day turned into a great one very quickly though, and it changed with one phone call. Gator has always been a favorite, especially among our more independent riders. But there was one person, in particular, who developed a very special bond with him. Retired Sgt. Mark Barnes began participating in the EQUI-VETS program in 2012, and over the course of more than a year in the program, he grew very close to Gator. Mark suffered a gunshot wound to the hand and lost many friends in combat. Prior to starting the EQUI-VETS program, he was diagnosed with PTSD, and he realized he needed help. Little did he know that help would come in the form of a therapy horse named Gator. “He saved my life,” says Mark. “and when I heard he was going to retire, I wanted to give him a new life, just like he gave me.” Of course, we all had to break out the tissues because we were so heartstruck when we heard this wonderful news. What seemed like a sad occasion was now such a joyful one, and that bad day became a remarkable day because we knew Gator would be able to live out his retirement with someone who cares for him so deeply. Gator will be joining Mark on his farm in Pennsylvania in early May, and we couldn’t be happier for them both. To realize the difference our horses and ponies make for our riders is awe inspiring – and sometimes downright magical. We would like to wish Mark and Gator all the best that their future has in store… and we wish them many great days ahead. — www.equikids.org Jill Haag EQUI-VETS Service Program Update EQUI-VETS is now in its 5th year of service to provide equine assisted activities, including horseback riding, horsemanship and barn lessons to wounded, ill and injured service men and women throughout our community. Each year the program continues to grow – and last year alone we served 44 retired, active and reserve military men and women who represented all branches of military service. All of our participants have a service related injury, and since our program’s inception we have helped more than 100 EQUI-VETS to date. This program is offered at no cost to participants in honor of their service and sacrifice to our country. Thanks to the generous sponsorship and underwriting support of key donors including PRA Group, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reidy, R&DA Military Assistance Program, USAA Foundation, Mr. Bob Buchanan, The Warden Family Foundation, The Chisholm Fund and others, we have been able to meet the demand for the program by our military heroes. We are grateful to all of our donors and volunteers for making this program possible, and we are most thankful to our military men and women for their service to our country. Retired Sgt. Mark Barnes with his favorite EQUI-VETS horse, Gator. Your donation will directly help hundreds of disabled individuals throughout our community each year. ¨ I would like to donate to support EQUI-KIDS ¨ I would like to donate to support EQUI-VETS ¨ Use my donation where it is needed most. / Card Number _________________________________ Printed Name on Card Expiration Date CCV _________________________________ Signature Please provide us with the following: Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: _________________ Zip: __________________ Phone: ______________________ Cell: _________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ My donation is made: ¨ In Memory of... ¨ In Honor of... ¨ Holiday Greetings to... Therapeutic Riding Programs Please send an acknowledgement letter to: Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: _________________ Zip: __________________ Your contribution is tax deductible. EQUI-KIDS EIN Number is 54-1693046. Please make check payable to: EQUI-KIDS For more information about EQUI-KIDS and EQUI-VETS, contact us today at (757) 721-7350 via email at information@equikids.org. Donor Spotlight . . . T H E L E G AC Y A L C OV E We Promise Foundation has made great strides for children at EQUI-KIDS, because they make therapeutic riding lessons possible with full scholarships for those who could not otherwise afford to participate. With the mission to make dreams come true for children with life-threatening illness and severe hardship, We Promise Foundation has been the exclusive Scholarship Sponsor at EQUI-KIDS for the past four years. "When I first started at EQUI-KIDS in late 2010, we had just a couple hundred dollars in our Scholarship fund." says Jill Haag, Executive Director. "There was a great demand for our program by families who were struggling with staying on top of medical bills, child care, and other family finances. At that time, we simply did not have the funds to meet the demand . . . that is, until We Promise Foundation got involved. Through their generosity and dedication to help children with disabilities, they have fully funded all of the scholarships needed to ensure that kids could ride, even if they couldn't afford it." Recently, Karen Lane, Executive Director of We Promise Foundation, visited the farm to meet a very special little girl named Suzy who is participating in the 7-week spring session on a We Promise scholarship. Suzy's grandmother shared how her riding has dramatically improved her core strength, internal organ function, socialization and overall health. "Equine therapy has been one of the most effective therapies we have tried with Suzy. The improvement in her core strength and tone is remarkable after her sessions and this is critical to her health in so many ways; the most crucial being her breathing. If she can support her head and neck or sit up, she can expand her use of adaptive equipment, improve her vision and cognitive abilities, the use of her hands, and the list goes on. I just can't say enough about not only the therapy that EQUIKIDS offers, but the people that work with Suzy here. She experiences some immediate benefits from her sessions, but it's the promise of what it could do for her health longterm that is truly amazing." "Today has been a magical day.” Karen said. “The We Promise Foundation has always known how important the work is here at EQUI-KIDS, but to have the opportunity to come out and meet this family, and really witness what a life changing experience this is for these kids – it goes beyond words. I am so excited to hear about how far Suzy has come and look forward to keeping up with her progress." On behalf of all of us at EQUI-KIDS, thank you We Promise Foundation, for believing in the power equine therapy, and for making it possible for our horses and ponies to change lives and make dreams come true every day. We are also incredibly grateful to We Promise Foundation for being our Keystone Donor for the Legacy Alcove! Save the date for the dedication ceremony scheduled during our 13th Annual Cross Country 5K on Saturday, May 9. If you would like to Buy-A-Brick for the alcove, complete the order form on the next page. To learn more about We Promise Foundation, visit www.wepromisefoundation.org. EQUI-KIDS Therapeutic Riding Program and EQUI-VETS Service Program is honored to present The Legacy Alcove for sponsors, donors and friends to purchase commemorative bricks in support of our program. The alcove has been constructed in front of our main entrance canopy as part of the main pathway to access our administrative and barn areas. With two brick sizes to choose from, you can leave your own mark on EQUI-KIDS with your name, someone you wish to honor or remember, or in memory of a pet, horse or pony. You can also leave a personal message to commemorate a special occasion that will be permanently placed at the threshold of our facility. Two Brick Sizes Are Available: 4" x 8" Brick - $100 • 8" x 8" Brick - $250 ORDER FORM SIZE: 4x8 ($100) 4x8 REPLICA ($85) 8x8 ($250) 8x8 REPLICA ($85) SIZE CHARACTER LIMIT WITH GRAPHIC 4x8 3 LINES OF 18 3 LINES OF 10 8x8 6 LINES OF 18 3 LINES OF 18 NAME: COMPANY: STREET ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: PHONE: LOCATION: (L/R or T/B) GRAPHIC: PAYMENT TYPE: CHECK, CASH, MONEY ORDER MAKE CHECKS OUT TO EQUI-KIDS FOR CC PAYMENTS PLEASE VISIT www.thatsmybrick.com/equikids MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: EQUI-KIDS 2626 HERITAGE PARK DRIVE, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23456 DONATION TOTAL Recent Events THE 8TH ANNUAL Upcoming Events We have many upcoming events this spring and summer; and each is critically important to making our mission possible. The monies brought in through the event sponsorships, ticket sales, raffles and silent auctions go to supporting our program services, and they allow EQUI-KIDS to continue offering the special needs community of Hampton Roads and surrounding a variety of equine assisted activities. PLUS, everyone has a great time! Save the date for this great upcoming event: MAY 5-6, 2015: GIVE LOCAL 757 Hosted on November 22, 2014, the 8th Annual Stall Ball sold out, once again… and raised the largest amount yet with total net proceeds exceeding $125,000! More than 750 guests enjoyed a phenomenal evening with fabulous food catered by Primo Ristorante, open bar, casino tables, a premier silent and live auction, and a great performance by The Deloreans! This year’s Stall Ball had a record number of sponsors, with 32 businesses and individuals purchasing a sponsor suite or table! Special guests also included Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms, EQUI-VETS participants Chris Pewterbaugh and Brown Cornwell, and Hall of Fame football player, Dre Bly. “We are absolutely thrilled with the success of The Stall Ball, and we are humbled by the tremendous show of support the community has provided in making this event our largest fundraiser of the year.” says Jill Haag, Executive Director. “We are already considering how we can increase our capacity to ensure everyone has a chance to enjoy The Stall Ball next year!” Knights of Columbus Holiday Party for EQUI-KIDS On December 7, 2014, the Knights of Columbus Council 4632 hosted EQUI-KIDS’ annual holiday party with 123 in attendance to celebrate the year and recognize our wonderful riders! Nearly 30 riders were joined by their family members, EQUI-KIDS’ staff, and volunteers to share in a delicious meal provided by the Knights… and to surprise them with a special gift was the one and only Santa Claus! It was a delightful afternoon for all who attended, and our riders were ear-to-ear smiles! For 24 hours beginning at noon on May 5, everyone can be a philanthropist by donating to EQUI-KIDS through Give Local 757. We are participating in this national day of giving for the first time this year. Donations will be amplified with matching funds and prizes for amazing incentives, such as being the 757th donor. Stay tuned to our website for updates, and let’s see if we can win some of these prizes! For more information and to give directly online, visit givelocal757.org. Like and follow EQUI-KIDS on Facebook for updates on this 24-hour Campaign M E E T “Jack” We are delighted to introduce the newest member of our herd! Jack is a 17 year-old Percheron who was an Amish cart horse for many years. With his high headset and gentle giant demeanor, he is certainly one of the most regal looking horses in the barn. Jack loves people and he is very sweet. He is like a big teddy bear that you just can’t hug enough! He is a great mount for beginners and for more experienced rider, children and adults… and you can sit his trot all day long! We are very excited to have Jack as the newest member of the equine therapy team. Welcome to EQUI-KIDS Jack! Jack is sponsored by "The Boys From the Club." Upcoming Events May 9, 2015: 13 TH June 6, 2015: 3RD Annual Belmont Bash THE 3rd ANNUAL Annual Cross Country Races Join us on the farm for this family friendly event which offers something for every member of your home - even man’s best friend! The 5K course winds past the horse pastures and into the wooded trails of our 92-acre property. Sign your dog up for the 1-Mile Run with the Hounds, and children 12 and under can participate in the ½ Mile Pony Run. The event finishes inside the indoor riding arena with food, beverages, music, prizes and FUN! New this year, Auntie Anne’s® will be on site with their scrumdiddlyumptious pretzel bites! Save the date for the third installment of this increasingly popular summertime bash! Join us in our indoor arena for a live broadcast of the last race of the prestigious Triple Crown: The Belmont Stakes. Sponsors and guests will be treated to a live performance by the band Karnival, BBQ, beer and wine, a fabulous silent auction and casino games - all to benefit EQUI-KIDS. And the best part is, rain or shine, no problem! Polish your boots and belt buckles, it’s going to be a great afternoon on the farm! For sponsorship information or to purchase your tickets today, equikids.org/events/the-3rd-annual-belmont-bash/ Thank you to our wonderful Belmont Bash sponsors: PRESENTING SPONSOR: With the only cross country and trail course in Hampton Roads, the chance to run with our horses galloping next to you, and seeing the kids chase after our lead horse for the pony run, it’s guaranteed fun for all . . . and did we mention all proceeds make our therapeutic riding program possible? Well, that’s the icing on the cake! TRIPLE CROWN SPONSOR: ENTERTAINMENT SPONSOR: August 11, 2015: 21ST Annual EQUI-KIDS Golf Open Mark your calendar for this perennial classic hosted at the beautiful Bayville Golf Club in Virginia Beach!. Played on the Tom Fazio designed course which has received numerous accolades over the years as one of the top courses in Virginia as well as playing host to the 2011 U.S. Women’s Mid-Amateur Championship. Get your team together for this fun four-person Florida Best Ball style tournament followed by dinner and awards. Thank you to our event sponsors for your support: PRESENTING SPONSOR: PONY RUN SPONSOR: BEVERAGE SPONSOR: BRONZE SPONSORS: PLATINUM SPONSOR: RUN WITH THE HOUNDS SPONSOR: AWARD SPONSOR: FINISH LINE SPONSOR: SIGN SPONSOR: COURSE SPONSOR: R **This event sells out every year. Reserve your sponsorship and spot on the course today! ** For information on upcoming events contact Jamie Rhoades at jamie.rhoades@equikids.org or 757-721-7350. 21st AUGUST 11, 2015 ProgramUpdates 5th Annual Horse Show – May 2, 2015 Our horse show will be here before you know it, and we are already getting very excited to see our riders “show off ’ their skills and talent! Last year we had 35 riders participate in the horse show, and this year we hope to have more than 40 who will be competing in equitation and an obstacle course! We will also have a costume class and dressage class! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 2. It’s a magical day to visit the farm! .......................................... Education at EQUI-KIDS To support educational initiatives about therapeutic riding, EQUI-KIDS hosted its first ever PATH, Intl. Onsite Workshop and Certification for Instructors in February 2015! The On-Site Instructor Workshop gave future instructors an overview on how to be a good therapeutic riding instructor and the curriculum includes details about how to develop lesson plans, tack and equipment use, information on disabilities and therapeutic approaches, volunteer management, teaching techniques and hands-on demo lessons. Attendance in an on -site workshop is a prerequisite to becoming a PATH Intl. Certified Instructor. We were delighted to have 16 participants and two evaluators representing 5 states attend the workshop and certification; and at the end of the weekend EQUI-KIDS was awarded excellent scores on facility, staff and overall hospitality by both participants and evaluators! We are looking forward to increasing our educational programming by offering PATH, Intl. and AHA workshops, as well as other innovative educational sessions. For more information, contact our Education Coordinator, Kate Robbins, at kate.robbins@equikids.org. EQUI-KIDS Names Sensory Trail for Daryl Holland in Honor of 25 Years Of Service We were honored to celebrate one of our program’s original supporters on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 with a surprise retirement reception. Daryl Holland has held a number of roles supporting EQUI-KIDS over the past 25 years. In fact, he has been involved since practically Day 1! Daryl’s lasting legacy includes his involvement as a parent, volunteer, Board member, and staff member. He officially retired from his position as Site Supervisor on December 31, 2014. Members of the Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, business associates and friends were delighted to surprise Daryl at the reception with an honorary gift, the naming of the Daryl T. Holland Legacy Trail. Commemorating his decades of service, the sign will be permanently placed at the main entrance of our sensory trails. Daryl Holland was first introduced to EQUI-KIDS when his daughter, Karen, became one of our original riders in 1989. He served as a volunteer and Board Member for 14 years, and upon his retirement from the Navy in the early 1990s, volunteered more often. When EQUI-KIDS moved to its current facility in 2009, he was brought on as an employee. And now, he begins the next phase of his relationship with EQUI-KIDS; coming full circle to provide his volunteer support once again. “This was such a surprise. I thought I might come in and receive a certificate of some sort,” said Daryl. “I’m speechless, and I hope to do much more here going forward.” It’s quite an amazing thing to accomplish in giving so much time to help others, but that’s just an average day for Daryl. We will be forever grateful to him for all he has done to make EQUI-KIDS what it is today. “Daryl has helped our program in more ways than we can ever thank, and there’s a memory of Daryl and his legacy everywhere you turn.” says Jill Haag, Executive Director. “He will always be a treasured part of our EQUI-KIDS family.” Staff Spotlight M E E T T H E STA F F . . . Jamie Rhoades, Event and Public Relations Manager Jamie joined the EQUI-KIDS’ team in October of 2014. She has extensive experience in advertising sales and sales management, specializing in online media. She held several different positions within Landmark Communications and AutoTrader.com prior to joining our EQUI-KIDS family. Jamie graduated from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC with a degree in Public Relations. She is married and enjoys spending time with her husband, Jeff and two boys, Garrett and Luke. Lisa Jankowski, Barn Manager Lisa started at EQUI-KIDS in January of 2015. She has extensive experience in the horse industry as the owner of an equestrian facility and horse trainer on the hunter/jumper show circuit for 14 years. Lisa is a graduate of West Moreland Davis Equestrian Institute in Leesburg, Virginia. She also worked as an Anesthetist for equines in South Florida for Reid & Associates Veterinary Hospital and was a vet technician at Lums Pond Animal Hospital in Delaware. "I love hearing the heartwarming success stories from our families, and it is my privilege to find ways to share them with people in order to further the mission of EQUI-KIDS. Not having grown up around horses, I am regularly in awe of the gentleness and intelligence of the animals in our herd. I can't really think of a more fun and rewarding job than this one." "As someone who struggled in school, I know how much horses helped me gain confidence in myself. I a m proud to be part of a program that can help empower so many special people." Kenny Wickham, Site Supervisor Kenny Wickham brings many skills to the site supervisor position at Equikids. He is a licensed elevator mechanic and has worked in the elevator trade for over 27 years. He is also a certified welder along with other mechanical certifications that has afforded him the skills to manage the needs of the Equikids property. He is a father of three active children and he and his wife stay busy caring for them. When he can find the time he enjoys custom wood working, and loves the outdoors. “I am so excited and thankful to be a part of EQUI-KIDS. I love the outdoors and working on projects. Being around animals and the great work that the program does is a great added bonus. I am so impressed with how all the staff have such great attitude, and that EQUI-KIDS is such a friendly environment.” Liz Walther, Assistant Barn Manager Liz Walther joined the EQUI-KIDS team in August of 2014. She is an avid equestrian and started competing in the hunter/jumper show ring, showing at several “A” rated shows. She then transitioned to jumpers before attending college. Liz attended Meredith Manor International Riding Centre in Waverly, West Virginia where she majored in teaching and dressage. She is also a certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist. Liz enjoys spending time working with her own horse, Indy, and taking her dog for runs, hikes and other various adventures! "I love incorporating my passion and knowledge of horses with my desire to help the community. Being able to see that my work with a horse has impacted someone else's day so positively is a gift. Working at EQUI-KIDS has been such a great reward." Volunteer Updates EXECUTIVE BOARD Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . John Lockard, Vandeventer Black LLP Vice Chairman . . . . . . Kim Little, Chartway Federal Credit Union Blue Ribbon Recognition in 2015 Secretary . . . . . Cullen Drescher Speckhart, Wolcott Rivers Gates All of our EQUI-KIDS volunteers are amazing, and we do our best to show our appreciation, but sometimes the best recognition comes from your peers. We are honored to continue our Blue Ribbon Award program where volunteers can nominate fellow volunteers to receive a blue ribbon award for exceptional service and for going above and beyond! Member at Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Arnhold, HAV, Inc. Past recipients have been recognized for showing exceptional dedication by traveling great distances for their weekly commitment; achieving personal growth by doing a job that put them outside of their own comfort level; for learning the specific needs of a rider and using that knowledge to help make a lesson more successful; and much more. The stories of outrageous kindness are so numerous among this giving crew! We would like to take a moment to congratulate all of our 2014 Blue Ribbon Award Winners for a tremendous job! Ashley Abrams Taylor Austin Brie Bayly Jobel Daugherty Denise Dunham Jamie Dumont Draha Kovacsova Kelly Martin Michele Fredericks Mary Friedrichs Karen Hutchinson Donna Jones Linda Michie Kelly Martin Michelle McClure Garrison McCray Karen Polli Lee Pierson Roni Riggs Spencer Scavone Jim Smith Suzette Smith Regina Sullivan You all sparkle Martin Von Schlichting Eileen White-Garcia with fabulousness! Volunteering in the Barn Offers a Flexible Schedule Do you know someone looking for a flexible volunteer opportunity? Becoming a barn volunteer might be just the thing to fit their need, and we are never short on jobs to do in the barn. The flexible schedule is also great for a parent , active teenager or a college student. Of our 364 active volunteers this year, 142 or about 40% are between the ages of 14 and 20. Weekends and holidays, when students are home from school, make wonderful times to be here at EQUI-KIDS. Volunteers can come on their own schedule and are welcome 365 days a year! Barn volunteer hours are from 6-8:00AM and from 3-7:00PM. Contact Susan Hahn at 757-721-7350 or email her at susan.hahn@equikids.org for more information! Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Stevenson, PRA Group Member at Large . . . Jeff Richardson, Beach Commercial Finance Member at Large . . . . . . . . Jack Mellon, The Providence Group Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jill A. Haag BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brian Beaulieu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tidewater Physical Therapy Michael Borza . . . . . . . . . . Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Molly Lingua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sentara Hospital Systems Glenn Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GTI Systems, Inc. Dabney Napolitano . . . . . . . Horsewoman and Riding Instructor Victor Philleo . . . Philleo & Holladay Wealth Management Group James Raynor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Architectural Graphics, Inc. Dr. John Sangenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion Equine Clinic Robert Thorndike . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion Capital Partners Cheralyn Whetstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Real Estate Group Blake White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Endurance IT Services Dr. Trey White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oceanfront Dentistry ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Pat Caputo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexander’s of Ghent Ryan Conrad . . . . . . . . . . . . . Live Nation - Farm Bureau Live Herb Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HBD Build Dr. Eric Madren . . . . . . . . . . Princess Anne Medical Associates Don O’Brian . . . . . . . . . Retired, Norfolk Southern Corporation John Panneton . . . . . . . . . Retired, United States Marine Corps Rob Prodan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAV, Inc. Jim Reeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baja Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQUI-KIDS STAFF Jill Haag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director Kathy Chitwood . . . . . . . . . .Program Director/Head Instructor Lea Roan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operations Director Jamie Rhoades . . . . . . . . . Event and Public Relations Manager Susan Hahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volunteer Coordinator Lisa Janowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barn Manager Liz Walther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Barn Manager Kenny Wickham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Site Supervisor Terri Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Administrative Assistant Kate Robbins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Coordinator Molly Morrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor Susan Watkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor Michele Fredericks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor Amanda Rosenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor www.equikids.org • (757) 721-7350
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