E X PA N D Y O U R P R A C T I C E 40 Hour Client-Centered Divorce Mediation Training May 11 – 15, 2015 Bloomington, MN DATE: May 11 – 15, 2015 Monday – Friday TIME: 8:00am – 5:30pm M-Th 8:00am – 3:30pm Friday COST: $1,600 LOCATION: DISCOUNTS: 3600 American Blvd. W. Conference Center $200 Discount for trained Civil Mediators** 50% Discount for trained Divorce Mediators** CREDITS: www.ericksonmediation.com 3600 American Blvd. W., #105 Bloomington, MN 55431 Phone: 952-835-3688 Fax: 952-835-3689 events@ericksonmediation.com 40 MN CLE credits applied for Other credits available upon request DETAILS EMI’s rigorous forty-hour training over five days is approved by the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) and the International Mediation Institute (IMI). This training will qualify you for the following: a) Fulfills the 40 hour training requirement for the Family component of the Minnesota Statewide ADR-Rule 114 Neutrals Roster. b) Membership as a “New Mediator” in the Academy of Professional Family Mediators c) Access to the next level of certification with the International Mediation Institute (IMI) (Erickson Mediation is one of only four training programs approved as a Qualified Assessment Program (QAP) in the US). This training qualifies as the first step in becoming a certified IMI Mediator if you wish to continue on a certification track. d) Eligibility to apply to EMI for acceptance into their supervision program, which the IMI standards require as part of the certification process. REGISTRATION DEADLINE Registration includes EMI’s comprehensive training manual, a copy of The Children’s Book, and a certificate of completion. Completed registration form and deposit (half of tuition) must be received by May 1, 2015 for the training. For late registration add $200. EMI cannot guarantee a space for those who register after the registration deadline. **To receive discount, a copy of a valid certificate from the previous 30 Hour or 40 Hour training must accompany the registration form. There are only a limited number of spaces available at a discount. Please call to confirm availability. EXPERT INSTRUCTION Steve Erickson and Marilyn McKnight draw on their thirty-five plus years of mediation experience to bring you the most up-to-date new thinking and strategies to use in the mediation room. Their case examples are always new and pertinent to today’s issues in divorce. The training course is practical in nature, teaching mediator skills and interventions necessary to assist clients in reaching successful resolution of their disputes. Each day is a mix of lecture, interactive exercises, role-playing and question and answer periods. Role-plays are both “fish bowl” in which trainers demonstrate mediation, and small group in which participants apply what they are learning in role-play cases based upon actual conflicts mediated by EMI. Steve designed and presented the very first 40-hour Divorce Mediation training held in 1980. He has a passion about teaching others how to become mediators and particularly, how to create a new profession of Family Mediation. Marilyn has been a pioneer in the field serving as past president of the Academy of Family Mediators and the Association for Conflict Resolution. She currently serves as Treasurer and Chairs the Professional Mediator Certification effort of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators. Marilyn and Steve spent two weeks training new mediators in Singapore last fall where, like Minnesota and elsewhere in the US, the courts and the public are turning to a Client-Centered Mediation approach. TRAINING DETAILS Our 40 Hour Divorce Mediation Training teaches a client-centered model of mediation with expert instruction from Steve Erickson and Marilyn McKnight who have over 35 years of experience. The client-centered model is used extensively throughout the mediation field by professional mediators who facilitate a process of resolving conflict and decision-making based on clients’ creativity and their own sense of fairness. It has evolved over the last forty years dating back to the first divorce and community mediators in the 1970s and has become a highly successful method of mediation with great client satisfaction. Erickson Mediation Institute now offers this highly rated training at a discount to those who have previously taken a 30 Hour Civil Mediation Training or any 40 Hour Divorce Mediation Training and wish to take the EMI 40 Hour ClientCentered Mediation Training as an Advanced training to gain client-centered knowledge or as a refresher course. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRAINING Since domestic violence is often an issue in families, the “Mediating in the Shadow of Domestic Violence” course has been incorporated into the 40-hour course, which addresses the issues of mediating divorces where there has been domestic violence. COMPREHENSIVE COURSE MANUAL Past participants have consistently indicated their continued use of their EMI training manual as their primary resource when mediating cases. EMI’s training manual contains most of the lecture notes as well as detailed material about new skills, new thinking, new interventions, strategies to avoid impasse, and forms necessary to begin a mediation practice (No repetition/No Filler). An excerpt from our manual can be found on the EMI website at www.ericksonmediation.com. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Participants are required to be present throughout the course in order to compile the hours necessary to qualify for a certificate and to complete any continuing education requirements that may be applied for upon request. FOR MORE INFORMATION 952-835-3688 ~ events@ericksonmediation.com REGISTRATION FORM Name Telephone Business Fax Address Email City State Please check one: Attorney Student Zip Social Worker Therapist Other (please describe): Deposit: Check for $ enclosed (deposit is half of the tuition). Visa/M.C. # Amount to be charged $ Exp. Date Signature Billing Address (if different from above): Deposits (half of tuition) are required to hold your place in training programs. Cancellation of registrations made fewer than 10 working days prior to training forfeits your deposit. Deposits may be transferred to another training with no additional fee. EMI reserves the right to cancel a training if necessary and will refund any fees collected.
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