April 2015 President’s Message The Chapter had its first meeting of the year on April 12th. We had 14 members present. It was a nice, sunny day and we were able to enjoy the weather on Bob and Matty’s deck. Thanks to them for hosting the meeting. We set up our schedule for the season --- see below. We discussed the National in July in Rhode Island and many of us plan to attend. It should be a good time. Let’s look forward to a fun-filled Falcon season. Mike Events for 2015 June 13 Picnic at Roger and Beverly Grove’s, 113 Eastview Dr, Medina, NY. Noon. Please bring a dish to pass and your own plates and utensils. Please RSVP 585-318-4134. July 9-11 FCA National Meet, Warwick, RI. See FCA National Newsletter for details. July 25 Spencerport Canal Days Car Show. Meet at Zontek’s house, 579 Colby St, Spencerport, NY, at 10 am to cruise to the show. We will return to Paul and Barbara’s after the car show for a picnic. Please bring a dish to pass. RSVP at 585-352-0174. August 29 Picnic at Mike and Kathy Barren’s, 1310 East Blood Rd, Cowelsville, NY. Noon. Please bring a dish to pass and your own plates and utensils. Please RSVP 585-652-5985. October 10 Letchworth. Trailside Lodge. We have the lodge for the whole day. This is the big craft show weekend. The ladies will leave for the craft show at 9:30 am. Please bring a dish to pass and your own plates and utensils. RSVP to Mike & Kathy Barren 585-652-5985. The Erie Canal Chapter of the Falcon Club of America was founded in 1990 to serve the geographic region of western and central New York and Southern Ontario. All chapter members are encouraged to be members of the Falcon Club of America. Dues are $15.00 annually, payable to the Treasurer in October. OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mike Barren 1310 East Blood Rd Cowelsville, NY 14037 585-652-5985 SECRETARY/NEWSLETTER Barbara Zontek 579 Colby St Spencerport, NY 14559 585-352-0174 zontekb@hotmail.com WEBSITE John Yochum 3609 Bowen Rd Lancaster, NY 14086 716-681-4713 falconyogi@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT Bob Passino 5188 East Henrietta Rd Henrietta, NY 14467 585-334-6779 TREASURER Roger Grove 113 Eastview Dr Medina, NY 14103 585-318-4134 rgrove@rochester.rr.com NORTHEAST REGIONAL DIRECTOR John Howard 3955 Tolbert Rd Trenton, OH 45097 falconwagon62@yahoo.com Erie Canal Chapter website: www.eriecanalfalcon.com Falcon Club of America website: www.falconclub.com 4/12/15 Meeting Minutes Present: Mike & Kathy Barren, Bill & Mary Barren, Roger & Beverly Grove, Dick & Sandy Bonanno, Joe & Charmaine Tatti, Paul & Barbara Zontek, Bob & Matty Passino After a delicious meal of pulled pork, we had our meeting. Old Business: The Hospice Foundation of WNY sent us a thank-you note for our donation in memory of Bob Annis. I also read the group an email I received from Bob’s son asking that his mother be taken off of our membership list. Treasurer’s Report: We currently have $1924 in the bank. We have 4 members who have not paid their dues, so they will be taken off the membership list and will no longer receive a newsletter. The Northeast Chapter’s National Committee sent us a thank-you for our donation. We have the Trailside Lodge at Letchworth for Oct 10. New Business: A discussion was held about eliminating/decreasing the frequency of the newsletter. It was determined that most of us who attend the meetings regularly, already know the schedule for the year and the newsletter is not necessary to remind us of the upcoming events. A vote was taken and it was decided that the members would get a reminder, early in the year about the first meeting of the year, and after that meeting, a newsletter would go out with the scheduled events/meetings for the upcoming season. That would be it, unless something unanticipated happens. Then the members would get a note informing them of the change. There was also a discussion concerning the dues. We discussed the possibility of eliminating the dues. We have enough money in our treasury to cover the cost of the rent for the Letchworth lodge and the decreased frequency of the newsletter for a while. Since those are our major expenses, eliminating the dues, at least for now, seems reasonable. Because we have all paid our dues for this year, the matter will be discussed and voted on at the October meeting at Letchworth. It was decided that the club will still reimburse us for our admission to Letchworth for the October meeting. We then discussed our schedule for the coming Falcon season. See page 1 for the schedule. After all these discussions, we were rewarded with dessert !!! Submitted by, Barbara Zontek
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