Call for paper 1st edition of the International Conference PROLOG: Project & Logistic Thursday 30 April 2015 IAE Metz, France The emergence of the economy of variety and reactivity, the increase of the competition and the rapid technological change require an evolution towards new paradigms in the fields of supply chain and project management. In search of performance, firms adopt new logistic strategies and project organizations oriented not only towards technical excellence and optimization but also towards innovation. Topics of the Conference - Innovative supply chain - Organization of innovative projects - Management of processes - Management of project teams - PLM (Product life cycle) - Inter-organizational information systems - Collaborative engineering - Logistics sectors - New perspectives in project management - E-supply chain - Management of megaprojects - Green logistics - Project manager’s roles and competences - Logistics traceability - Cross-cultural management in projects - Product quality management - Storage and logistics platform - Strategy and project - Logistics performance - Projects performance Instructions to the authors Papers can be submitted in French or in English First page: Abstract in English, 3 to 4 keywords, first and last names of the authors, their host organization (University or School, Research Center, Country…). Integral text: It should be in the format Times New Roman, Police 12, spacing 1.5 and not exceed 25 pages (Tables, figures and bibliography included). Important dates 12 January: Deadline for submission of papers (Double blind review process) 10 February: Notification of acceptance of papers 23 February: Sending final papers Fees - 90 euros - 50 euros for doctoral candidates Standing Organization Committee M. Omar BENTAHAR, Université de Lorraine M. Smaïl BENZIDIA, Université de Lorraine Organization Committee Blandine AGERON, Université de Lorraine Frédéric BORNAREL, Université de Lorraine Julien HUSSON, Université de Lorraine Adrien PENERANDA, Université de Lorraine Sandrine VIRGILI, Université de Lorraine President of the Scientific Comittee Gilles PACHE, Aix Marseille Université Scientific Committee Organizations requested Hicham ABBAD, Université de Nantes Blandine AGERON, Université de Lorraine Hamid ALLAOUI, Université d’Artois Pierre-Jean BARLATIER, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg John BARTHOLDI, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Rachid BENMOUSSA, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech Omar BENTAHAR, Université de Lorraine Smaïl BENZIDIA, Université de Lorraine Marc BIDAN, Université de Nantes Frédéric BORNAREL, Université de Lorraine Thomas BOUSONVILLE, University of Applied Sciences of Saarland Carine DOMINGUEZ-PERY, Université de Grenoble Bruno DURAND, Université de Nantes Christophe ELIE-DIT-COSAQUE, Université de Lorraine Dominique BONET FERNANDEZ, IPAG Business School, Paris Remy GLARDON, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Jesus GONZALEZ-FELIU, Université Lumière Lyon 2 Regina GRUSSENMEYER, Technical University of Hamburg Julien HUSSON, Université de Lorraine Olfa KAMMOUN, Université de Tunis Pascal LIEVRE, Université Blaise Pascal Clermont Ferrand Ika, LAVAGNON, University of Ottawa Sébastien LIARTE, Université de Lorraine Thomas LOILIER, Université de Caen Basse Normandie Ilias MAJDOULINE, Université Internationale d’Agadir Olivier MEVEL, Université Rennes 1 Hugues MOLET, Ecole des Mines de Paris Benoit MONTREUIL, Université Laval Joëlle MORANA, Université Lumière Lyon 2 Thierry MORVAN, Université Rennes 1 Margherita Emma Paola PERO, Polytechnico di Milano Thierry PICQ, EM LYON Business School Geneviève POULINGUE, SKEMA Business School, Paris Amar RAMUDHIN, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Seydou SANE, Université Gaston BERGER, Saint-Louis du Sénégal Marta STAROSTKA-PATYK, Technology University of Czestochowa Albéric TELLIER, Université de Caen Basse Normandie Sandrine VIRGILI, Université de Lorraine Thank you to send papers to the following contacts – Tél. 03 87 37 86 39 – Tél. 03 87 37 86 42 UFR ESM/IAE - Université de Lorraine 1, rue Augustin Fresnel, BP 15100 57073 Metz CEDEX 3 +33 (0)3 87 37 84 80
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