Registration Form – Spring 2015 – PRP(1)

Division de l’éducation permanente
Français oral - Conversational French
Spring 2015
Learn to speak French for
work or pleasure.
Enjoy our theme-based
interactive classes.
Conversational, hands-on
activities at nine different
levels help you increase
your vocabulary, improve
your grammar and develop
communication strategies.
The program is designed
especially for adults and is
available to people 18 years
of age and older.
Français oral is offered four
times a year. The fall, winter
and spring sessions run for 11
weeks. The summer session
runs for 2 weeks, every day
from Monday to Friday.
Register online, by mail, by fax, by phone,
or in person at the Continuing Education
Division. Tuition fees must be submitted
with the completed registration form. If
your company is paying for the course,
please attach a letter of commitment
from your employer with his or her name,
invoicing address and telephone number.
If you have previous knowledge of
French and are unsure of your level,
please indicate your preferred days of
the week to attend classes and request
a placement interview. An appointment
is not necessary as the interview will be
administered over the phone shortly after
Université de Saint-Boniface has received
your registration form.
We will confirm your registration by
email prior to the start of the session. If
you do not use email, the course will be
confirmed by phone.
Other Second Language
Programs Offered by the
Continuing Education Division
Programme de français langue seconde
(French in the workplace)
Fall, winter and spring
Employers will be invoiced a $35
administration fee for withdrawls prior to
the second class and $275 for withdrawls
after the second class.
Élan – week-long French immersion
October, February and May
FIT (French Immersion for Teachers)*
July 6 to 24, 2015
EXPLORE – 5-week French immersion*
Spring Session:
Employers will not be invoices if a
course is cancelled or if USB cannot
accommodate your choice of time. USB
reserves the right to cancel any particular
level when enrolment
is insufficient.
May/ June 2015
Summer Session:
July 2015
Tu parles! – French day camps for children
Multiple one week camps starting July 2015
Fall, winter and spring
We also offer off-campus customized
programs as well as private tutoring.
*Bursaries available, inquire now!
Visit our website at
SPRING SESSION 2015 (14A) Registration deadline: April 7th
APRIL 7 - JUNE 25, 2015 33 HOURS TOTAL
Please circle level you wish to be enrolled in.
Day of the Week
Numéro des cours
Débutant 1
FO 0101
Débutant 2
Débutant 3
Débutant 4
FO 0104
Intermédiaire 1
FO 0201
Intermédiaire 2
FO 0202
Intermédiaire 3
FO 0203
Intermédiaire 4
FO 0204
FO 0300
√ (Passages dans
le temps)
√ (Parlons-en)
(6:00 – 9:15 pm)
13 April - 22 June
(6:00 – 9:00 pm)
14 April - 23 June
(6:00 – 9:00 pm)
15 April - 24 June
(6:00 pm – 9:00 pm)
16 April - 25 June
(9 h – 12:15 pm)
11 April - 20 June
FO 0102
FO 0103
(Passages dans le
**Please note that courses can only be offered if enrolment is sufficient. .**
New Student : Unknown level - requiring placement test
Former Student – Please circle the last level completed at USB.
Déb. 1 Déb. 2 Déb. 3 Déb. 4 Int. 1 Int. 2 Int. 3 Int. 4 Avancé
Session: _____________________________________________________
Sex: M F Availability : indicate your choice of days.
1st _____________ 2nd_____________ 3rd_____________ By registering for this course, I consent to the DEP’s sharing
information with Secrétariat aux affaires francophones about my
enrolment status, my presence in class and my final results.
Signature ___________________________________
USB Student Number: _____________________________________
May we send you email messages about courses offered
by the Continuing Education Division?
Last name
First name
Home address
Return completed form with registration fee to the address below.
Method of payment
Postal code
Phone (home)
Phone (work)
Phone (cell)
Home email
Work email
Course confirmations will be sent by email.
Only one email address is required but both are useful to ensure you receive messages as soon as possible. If you do not use email, we will confirm your registration by phone.
Cheque (payable to USB) Cash Interac Visa MC
Post-dated cheques will not be accepted. Any student who tenders a cheque
not honoured by the fi nancial institution will be charged a fee of $30.
$25 (handbook) $_________________ total paid
No refunds will be granted after the second class.
Optional DVDs can be purchased on site.
___________________________________ Credit card number
Expiry date
Name of credit card holder
Division de l’éducation permanente
200 De la Cathédrale Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 0H7
Telephone: 204-235-4400 Toll-free: 1-888-233-5112
Fax: 204-235-4489
(Credit card information destroyed after receipt issued)
Personal information is being collected under the authority of the Université de SaintBoniface Act. It will be used for the purposes of administering the Français oral program.
It will notbe used or disclosed for other purposes, unless permitted by the Freedom of
Informationand Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions about the
collection of yourpersonal information contact the FIPPA/PHIA Coordinator’s Offi ce
(204-237-1818, extension398), Service des archives de l’Université de Saint-Boniface,
200 De la Cathédrale Avenue, Winnipeg (MB) R2H 0H7.