How To Edit And Delete Invoices - Detailed Guide

EstiMac / EstiPC
How To Edit And Delete Invoices
After you have raised a Client Invoice you can go back in and edit the Invoice.
However, do not edit Client Invoices after they have been paid by the Client.
Edit An Itemised Invoice
To Edit an Itemised Invoice select it in the Invoices folder in the left side panel.
You can Edit the Itemised Invoice to:
Remove a line by clicking on the Remove column - Status Open only.
Change the Invoice Status, the Date, the Invoice Title & the Tax Rate.
Change the Notes For Client or add Notes For Office.
You can also Exclude Grid Names, Images, Percentages & insert Page Break Before Totals.
Delete An Itemised Invoice
To delete an Itemised Invoice you must delete all items using the Remove column.
You cannot Delete any part of an Itemised Invoice if the Invoice Status is Sent or Paid.
The Remove column will not be active.
Set the Invoice Status to Open.
Do not do this if the invoice has been paid by the Client.
When you have removed all lines go into the Invoicing Summary.
You can now Delete the zero Itemised Invoice line.
If you try to Delete an active Itemised Invoice in the Invoicing Summary you will be warned:
Click on OK & you will be taken into that invoice to begin removing the lines.
Edit An Instalment Invoice
To Edit Instalment Invoices select the Invoicing Summary in the left side panel.
The Invoicing Summary shows all invoices raised.
Use the link
to go into the Instalment Invoice.
You can Edit the Instalment Invoice to:
Change the Date.
Change the Invoice Title. This shows on the Invoice and the Statement.
Change the Invoice Status.
Change the Notes For Client.
Add Notes For Office.
Change the Tax rate.
To change the Amount of an Instalment invoice you have to Delete and Re-Issue the Invoice.
You can re-use the Invoice number.
Delete An Instalment Invoice
To Delete an Instalment Invoice go into the Invoicing Summary.
Click on Delete and the Instalment Invoice will be deleted.
If the Invoice Status is Sent or Paid the Delete column will not be active.
Set the Invoice Status to Open to activate the Delete column.
Also, if an Instalment Invoice has been Deducted from an Itemised Invoice, it cannot be deleted.
When you try to Delete an Instalment invoice you will be warned:
Click on OK and you will be taken:
1. Into the Itemised invoice to remove the Deduct
2. If there is no Deduct then you will be taken into the Instalment Invoice to select Open Status.
Do not Delete an Instalment invoice if it has been sent and Paid by the client.
Re-Use Invoice Numbers
When you delete an Invoice the Invoice Number can be re-used.
When you raise an invoice the next Client Invoice Number in the sequence appears.
Over-type with the Number you want to re-use e.g. “1001”.
You will be told that this Invoice has been used before.
Only select Yes if you are sure you have Deleted the original Invoice.
This Invoice number will now be associated with this new Project File.