1 Nom assignatura INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (Given in English) Codi 30006 Curs 2014/15 ECTS Credits 3 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Academic Year (Any acadèmic) 2014/15 Subject Details (Fitxa tècnica) Subject (Nom de l’assignatura): Intercultural Communication Code (Codi): 30006 Type (Tipus): No reglada; formació internacional i multicultural en anglès Period (Període de docència): 2º cuatrimestre / 2nd term Spring Term, February 2015 – May 2015 Timetable lectures (Horari): 1) Tuesdays 13:10 – 14:50 (24/02/15 – 31/03/15 inclusive) 2) Thursdays 13:10 – 14:50 (26/02/15 – 28/05/15 inclusive) All in Room 21, 2nd floor Escola d’Hoteleria UIB, Edifici Arxiduc Lluís Salvador Timetable seminars – students choose 3 (Seminarios): Tuesdays 13:10 – 14:50 (14/4/15 – 12/05/15 inclusive) Tutorials (Tutories): Monday, Wednesday & Thursday, 10:30 – 11:30 Roger Andrews office, 1st floor Escola d’Hoteleria Language (Idioma): Course given in English (Anglès) Number of credits (Nombre de crèdits): 3 ECTS Exam dates (Dates dels exàmens): Thursday 4th June 2015; 13:00 (Recuperation if necessary Thursday 9th July 2015; 13:00) (all exam dates subject to confirmation) Lecturer (Professor responsable de l’assignatura) Roger Andrews MA, BSc, PGCE, RSA.Dip 971 172 794 roger.andrews@uib.es General Aims Intercultural Communication is designed to enable students to handle cultural differences in communication and management practices especially when dealing with international clients, multicultural staff and people from other cultures. As a result it pays especial attention to verbal intercultural communication, non-verbal communication, interpersonal skills, effective management strategies and business etiquette. 2 The course will provide the following EHEA competences: skills for working in an international context knowledge of the culture and customs of other countries enhanced ability to write, speak and produce short reports in another language development of a critical awareness predisposition to question your own ideas and those of others ability to motivate others Competències de l’assignatura (Catalán) Dissenyada amb l’objectiu de servir d’ajuda als estudiants per tracta les diferències culturals dins l’àmbit de la comunicació i la gestió. Inclou aspectes relatius a la comunicació verbal i no verbal, actituds cap a l’autoritat, relacions humanes i col.lectivisme, les conseqüències de la religió en els comportaments, estereotips i protocol empresarial. habilitat per treballar en un context internacional coneixements de cultura i costums d’altres països capacitat per escriure, parlar i redactar informes en idiomes estrangers pensament analític predisposició per qüestionar idees pròpies o alienes capacitat per mobilitzar les capacitats d’altres Specific Objectives 1. To improve the students’ communication ability through a greater awareness of cultural differences and considerations. As such, students should improve their communication with people from other cultures, whether they be international clients, work colleagues, friends or associates. 2. To improve the students’ people management skills through a greater awareness of cultural differences and considerations. As such they should be able to successfully manage and motivate a multicultural work force and work in a foreign country. 3. To improve the students’ culturally sensitive communication skills in English. 1. To increase the students’ critical awareness in relation to their role in promoting culture tolerance and understanding. Specific EHEA competences: enhanced capacity to work in groups development of an ethical and social attitude enhanced presentation skills increased competence for conveying information enhanced capacity for coordination 3 Competències Específiques (Catalán) capacitat per fer feina en equip compromis ètic i social capacitat per presentar en públic productes, idees o informes capacitat per fer-se entendre capacitat per coordinar activitats SYLLABUS Continguts The course consists of 4 units. Each unit consists of topics, tasks, problems or case-studies related to intercultural communication, although changes may occur depending on the needs and abilities of the group in question. Module UNIT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNIT 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 UNIT 3 21 22 23 UNIT 4 24 25 26 Title INDIVIDUAL FACTORS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Introduction & the ‘iceberg’ Foreign language acquisition & competence Cultural mindsets & programming; acceptance & rejection, ethical standards Intercultural intelligence; empathy, emotional intelligence, perception etc. Attitudes to other cultures; ethnocentrism, tolerance, stereotyping Individual management style; motivation, conflict resolution, etc. Adapting to different cultures; culture shock, culture brokers The Spanish The British Speaking generally about nationalities and people from other countries. IMPORTANT CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Attitudes to authority; power, inequality, respect, obedience, consultation etc. Collectivism; families, in-groups, individualism, initiative Aggression, compassion, competition & caring ; compromise, ambition etc. Attitudes towards women & gender roles Attitudes towards relationships; marriage, dating, homosexuality etc. Attitudes to change & the future; risk, improvisation, long-term outlook etc. The importance of religion & lay cultures; Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc. Cultural celebrations; religious & non-religious Lucky & unlucky, numbers, colours, flowers etc. Superstitions. The Russians VERBAL & NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Non-verbal communication I (body language); gestures, eye contact etc. Non-verbal communication II (body contact) ; touching, space etc. Dress, appearance & symbols; jewellery, headgear, religious dress etc. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ETIQUETTE Taboos & causing offence. The Arabs General protocol & good practice. Summary and overview 4 METHODOLOGY Metodologia i pla de treball de l’estudiant The teaching methodology used requires extensive student participation, using techniques of problem-based learning, case-study analysis and group negotiation and reporting. Given the importance of the English language as the global ‘lingua franca’ it is necessary that participants in this subject use English in class discussions, assignments and the exams. The emphasis is on communication rather than grammatical perfection. Apart from class group work students will be expected to read and analyse articles and extracts related to the subject and discuss their content in reduced groups, who meet in seminars (a minimum of three per student). EVALUATION Criteris i instruments d’avaluació Evaluation for this subject will consist of four parts: 1) A written exam - maximum 2 hours (50% total) 2) A written report & presentation (50% of total) 3) The completion of two assignments (compulsory but not graded) To pass the subject students must complete all three parts. All parts will be in English. 1) A written exam (maximum 2 hours) consisting of 3 sections a) multiple choice, b) problem-solving activity, c) personal opinion 2) A written report & presentation (approx. 10 pages) A written report analysing a specific culture or national culture of the students’ choice and the strategies for intercultural communication with people from this culture. This can be done individually or in groups (maximum 4 people). The report is then presented in one of the seminars. 3) Two assignments The two short assignments will be given during the course and may include written or reading activities. They will not be graded but must be completed to pass the course. COURSE HANDOUTS Material didàctic per al treball autònom As the subject is in English, students will be given course handouts with a summary of the key facts, opinions and references for each unit. A dossier of previous courses is available for inspection. 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliografia i recursos IN ENGLISH Chaney, L.H. and Martin, J.S. (2004) Intercultural Business Communication : Prentice Hall [Library: 395.52 CHA] Held, D. et al (1999) Global Transformations : Politics, Economics and Culture :Polity Press [Library: 327 GLO] Hofstede, G. and Hofstede, G.J (2005) Cultures and Organizations: software of the mind. McGraw-Hill [Library: 306 HOF] Harvey, C.P. and Allard, M.J. (2009) Understanding and Managing Diversity. Prentice Hall Lubit, R.H. (2004) Coping with Toxic Managers, subordinates and other difficult people, Prentice Hall [Library: 650.13] Robbins, S.P. and Hunsaker, P.L. (2003) Training in Interpersonal Skills : Pearson [Library: 370.113 ROB] Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence: Bantam Books Floyer Acland, A. (2003) Perfect People Skills : Random House Ferraro, J.P. (1990) The Cultural Dimensions of International Business: Prentice Hall Burgen, S. (1996) Your Mother’s Tongue: Indigo Bryson, B. (1990) Mother Tongue : Penguin Books Sabbath, A.M. (2000) International Business Etiquette. Career Press Martin, J.S. and Chaney, L.H. (2006) Global Business Etiquette. Praeger Mole, J. (2003) Mind your Manners. Brealey [Library: 395.520 MOL] Peterson, Brooks. (2004) Cultural Intelligence. Brealey [Library: 303.482 PET] IN SPANISH Alba Fort, C. (2005) Multiculturalidad y Comunicación: Laertes [Library: 306.3 ALB] Updated December 2014
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