Redefining Community in Intercultural Context RCIC’15 ascedu d

henri coanda
4 th I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E
Redefining Community in
Intercultural Context RCIC’15
21-23 MAY 2015
4th International Conference
Redefining Community in Intercultural Context RCIC’15
...a man of letters does not believe in words (J.L. Borges)
The current edition of Redefining Community in Intercultural Context Conference will focus
mainly on contemporary transformations of linguistics, facing the challenges of the
multicultural world. So, the reality of the intercultural contact will be viewed through a
word frame that should not limit the world perspective.
Main goal. The main goal is an exchange of experience between teachers, researchers and
practitioners in the field of community dynamics. Moreover, we look forward to putting into
practice the new ideas that will result from the cross-fertilization of teaching activities and
scientific research. Our end-goal is to improve the quality of education and, consequently,
personal and intellectual development. Last but not least, we are eager to disseminate the
results of our multicultural dialogue within the academic community and beyond.
Participants. We welcome the participation of teachers, researchers, PhD students, Master’s
students from Romania and abroad.
Event Structure. RCIC’15 will consist of three main parts: plenary session; panels; socializing
activities (promoting Romanian customs).
Location. RCIC’15 will be held at the following venue: “Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy,
160, Mihai Viteazu Street, Brașov 500183, România.
Proposed topics:
- New Wor(l)ds (NEW);
- Security and Intercultural Communication;
- Communication and Identity;
- Communication and the New Technologies;
- Military Intercultural Communication;
- Philosophy of Culture;
- Intercultural Education;
- Linguistics and Semiotics;
- Discourse Analysis.
After having submitted the conference papers in anticipation, the topics will be discussed in
panels. All new ideas arising from these discussions will subsequently be used as a starting
point for similar events.
- submission of abstracts for review: March, 20th, 2015.
All the abstracts should be submitted only as a unique Microsoft Word file, attached to an email sent to:
- notification of abstract acceptance: April, 3rd, 2015;
- confirmation of payment fee: April, 10th, 2015;
- submission of complete papers: extended to: May, 1st, 2015.
Each author has the right to submit no more than 2 papers. Each paper must be submitted in
Conference fee: 100 €
The fee will cover the printed proceedings and proceedings on CD, the cocktail, the coffee
breaks, the official dinner and the sightseeing activities.
Details regarding the registration fee/payment will be sent via e-mail to those whose articles
have been accepted.
Keynote speakers:
Profesor emeritus Lucija Čok, PhD – Science and research
centre / University of Primorska, Slovenia; Member of the
Council la Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher
Education (SQAA); Member of the Institutional Evaluation
programme (EUA EIP), European University Association
PhD, senior researcher in the field of multilingualism and full
professor of multilingualism and intercultural communication was
the first rector of the University of Primorska. Having held several
important positions, including that of the Minister of Education,
Science and Sport (2000-2002) in Slovene Government. As the
Minister she has contributed to the establishment of higher
education institutions in the Slovene region of Primorska. She
collaborated in European Commission high expert panels that have
formed linguistic policies and strategies of higher education and
research. She has facilitated the preparation of the formal basis for
Slovenia’s integration into the European Research Area (R&D
Activities Act and the role of the EU accession countries). The R&D Activities Act was the first
Slovenian low including quality assurance in research. She was president of Erasmus Mundus Master
Expert Panel, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture (2004- 2005).
Her work focuses on the formation of models of bilingual education in areas of linguistic and cultural
contact and of didactics of intercultural communication. She has received the high award from the
President of the Republic of France (Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur) for her promotion of the
French language and culture and the strategies for the encouragement of linguistic diversity. She was
awarded also from the President of the Republic of Italy (Cavaliere della Repubblica d’Italia). She has
taken part to the evaluations of universities within EUA IEP, now she is a member of the SQAA. In
2013 the University of Primorska nominated her professor emeritus.
Professor Eva-Maria REMBERGER, PhD – Institut für
Romanistik, Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät,
Universität Wien, Austria
Eva-Maria Remberger is Professor of Romance Linguistics at the
University of Vienna, where she is Head of the Department of
Romance Studies. She has edited volumes on syntax and modality
in Romance and she is the author of numerous studies on syntaxrelated topics in Romance linguistics. She studied Romance
philology, German and English at the universities of Cologne and
Genova and German as a foreign language at the University of
Bonn. In 2003, she completed her PhD in Romance philology at
Freie Universität Berlin. For her doctoral thesis on auxiliary verb
constructions in Italian and Sardinian she was awarded the Ernst
Reuter Prize in 2004. From 2006 to 2013, she was Junior Professor
of Romance Linguistics at the University of Konstanz. For 2007 to
2008 she was awarded a Feodor-Lynen Fellowship by the
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, which she spent at the
University of Cambridge, at Clare Hall, where she has since become a Life Member.
Associate professor Elena BUJA, PhD – Faculty of Letters at
Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania
Elena Buja got her BA in English and German from Babes-Bolyai
University in Cluj-Napoca and her PhD in linguistics from
Eötvös-Loránd University in Budapest. She is currently a member
of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Letters at Transilvania
University of Braşov, where she teaches courses in English
linguistics, such as English phonetics and phonology, lexicology,
semantics, and new Englishes, as well as a course in cultural
differences in non-verbal communication. Her main research
interests are in first language acquisition (the acquisition of
phonology, vocabulary and grammar of Romanian as a first
language, the acquisition of narrative skills) and in intercultural
communication. Doctor Buja has published one monograph:
Relating Events in Narrative: A Case Study of Romanian (2009),
Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, a book which is based on
her PhD dissertation. She has authored a number of course books for her students and co-edited 2
volumes with Stanca Mada: Structure, Use, and Meaning: Linguistic Studies (2012), Cluj-Napoca:
Editura Cǎrţii de Ştiinţǎ, Structure, Use and Meaning in Intercultural Settings (2014), Braşov: Transilvania
University Publishing House. Elena Buja’s articles related to her main research interests have
appeared mainly in national, but prestigious publications and also in volumes published by
prestigious publishing houses, such as Cambridge or Uppsala University Publishing House.
President of the organizing committee:
Adrian LESENCIUC - “Henri Coandă” Air Force Academy, Brașov, România
The conference program will be available on website.
Conference website:
For further details please contact:
+40 724 824 864