Q and A - #1 – Durham On Monday May 10, 2015 we are on strike across the province. The first phase of this strike is aimed at Provincial Initiatives. If you were in a school last week, you should have received Bulletin 18 from the Steward which outlined the struck work for phase 1 of the work to rule. If you did not receive this, please ask at the school you next work at or call the office at 905-404-0411. If there is any doubt about what you can or cannot do, contact the office. Stay unified, don't listen to rumors and contact the Local office (905-404-0411) if you have any questions/concerns. Reminders: • If it is “in the box” in Bulletin 18, it is struck work • Do not listen to nor perpetuate rumours - only believe what you hear directly from your union • Solidarity and support amongst all members is key Communications during the work to rule I would like to send a personal note home with my students about why I am supporting the Phase 1 WTR; cam I do that? You should not be sending anything home with students about our strike actions. The principal has given me a memo about our Phase 1 WTR to give to parents. Am I required to distribute that document to parents? Do not distribute school communications that involve labour/negotiations/WTR issues. Please contact your Steward right away if your principal asks you to distribute this type of document. Stewards should contact the local. Please continue to distribute regular school communications (monthly newsletters, etc.) to parents. How should I respond to students’ comments and questions about Phase 1 WTR? “I’m sorry but I am not able to discuss this with my students.” If we are not to engage students in conversation about the work-to-rule process, how do we respond if student ask, “What is your button for” or “What does your button mean?” “I am proud to be a teacher” or “I am wearing my button to show support for my Union”. How should I respond to parents and community members during the Phase 1 WTR? “This is an issue between my Union, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) and the provincial government. Please be reassured that we are doing what we can to minimize any impact on students’ education. Your child’s educational programming is not affected.” Employer interference with WTR What do I do if my principal asks me to perform a task that is part of the Phase 1 WTR, or threatens me with discipline for complying with WTR? It is a violation of the Labour Relations Act for an employer to subject a union member to reprisals or threats of reprisals for engaging in a legal strike action. Those legal protections are extended to ETFO’s striking teachers, long term occasional teachers and daily occasional teachers. If you feel comfortable doing so, remind your principal/vice-principal that we are on a legal strike and cannot do what has been requested. In a polite and professional manner, remind her/him that ETFO teachers and OTs are entitled to withdraw any or all of our services as of May 10th. If you don’t feel comfortable having this type of conversation with your administrator, or if you feel threatened in any way by the words or actions of an administrator, please contact your ETFO local immediately. Can We Still Participate In… New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)? You may participate if the program is held during the instructional day. School Council meetings? Yes. DELF? Yes. ISST? If a member has signed a contract to do this work, they should continue. Do not sign any further contracts, though. IEPs? Yes. IPRC meetings, case conferences? Yes, during the instructional day, with a daily occasional teacher hired to replace you. Do we continue with transition binders for students with autism? Yes. ILP? Yes. Outdoor Education trips? Yes. Welcome to Kindergarten? Yes. FDK Steering Committee? Yes. PD outside of instructional day? Yes, however, it is completely voluntary. Health and Safety Meetings? Yes. BMS Training? Yes. EQAO – pretend it doesn’t exist My principal is asking me to explain the EQAO testing process to my Educational Assistant so she can administer the test. Should I do this? No. Your principal can explain the EQAO testing process to the EA. What do I do if the principal comes into my room to administer the EQAO Assessment? If a principal/vice principal arrives in the classroom to administer the EQAO Assessment, members should remain in the classroom and quietly work on planning or marking unless otherwise specifically directed by the vice principal/principal. ALL EQAO WORK IS STRUCK WORK. REPORT CARDS A GUIDING PRINCIPLE FOR PREPARING REPORT CARDS DURING THE WTR: PROVIDE THE BASIC ASSESSMENT INFORMATION; DO NO ADMINISTRATIVE WORK Grades 1 – 8 Do we submit letters for the Learning Skills? Members who teach Grades 1-8 should submit, to the principal, a class list that includes only grades for subjects and ratings for the learning skills. Kindergarten Kindergarten teachers will provide check off of boxes only. No comments. The information will be provided to principals, by the teacher, on a class list. What do I do if my principal asks me to sign the report cards? Am I required to sign them? Members are not to sign the June report cards. What happens if a principal hires a daily occasional teacher to file report cards in OSRs in June? ETFO occasional teacher members are also involved in the work-to-rule and as such they are not able to do any work connected to the report card because it is struck work. If we reach a settlement with the province before the end of June, will we have to complete all sections of the Provincial Report Card for third term? The timing of the settlement is key. If a settlement comes sooner rather than later, the provincial negotiating team will enter into a discussion with OPSBA, as a part of the settlement, as to what, if any, of the struck work will be done by teachers. This will be part of the “memorandum of settlement” that is standard practice as negotiations come to a close. A decision will be made based on the timing and practicality of such an activity. As always, you should maintain your own record of all assessment data including anecdotal comments and observations that you refer to when determining report card grades. What about the PA day on June 5? The June 5 PA Day is for assessment, evaluation & writing reports. There has been no change to the expectations for June 5 as of this date. OSRs Do not do anything with OSRs at this time. French teachers should hold off on filling out the French cards until further notice has been given through ETFO. MEETINGS Are staff meetings an activity that is being struck under the Phase 1 WTR? Yes. Do not attend staff meetings, grade team meetings or divisional meetings before, during or after school. Teachers/OTs asked to attend a meeting by an administrator or other person, and are unsure whether the meeting is “struck work”, should speak to the Steward. OTs may also wish to contact their ETFO local office for advice. Should I attend the required meetings for the performance appraisal process? You may attend if the meetings are held during the instructional day. Do members who are consultants/coordinators attend their department meetings? No. Consultants/Coordinators should not attend their department meetings. These are considered the equivalent to mandatory staff/divisional/grade team meetings and as such are “in the box”. My school has an upcoming parent information night for FDK. Are Kindergarten teachers able to attend? Attendance at parent information nights is not “in the box” at this time. These activities continue to be voluntary and members may attend if they choose to, at this time, as it is not “in the box”. May I participate in a Joint Health and Safety Committee, School Health and Safety Committee, or health and safety inspections? Yes. You may continue to participate in these activities. Release time must be provided by the Board as required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Workshops/conferences/PD I have been given release time and/or funding to attend a workshop/conference run by another organization. May I attend? Yes. Conferences or workshops run by other organizations are not affected by the work to rule. Training sessions on the revised Health and Physical Education document have been advertised and staff have been asked to sign up to attend. What do I do? Participation in all Ministry initiatives is struck work and therefore members are not to attend or present at these sessions. Training sessions on FNMI Issues are being provided. This is a Ministry Initiative. Do we attend? No. Computer Site Administrator This role is struck work IF it is voluntary. If it is built into a member’s timetable, then it is business as usual. Working with students and laptops, etc is fine if it is part of a member’s timetable. **The computer site administrator should NOT be doing anything to do with report cards (merging, printing, etc) as this is struck work. Consultants/System-Wide Teachers The work of these members has radically changed in this phase of our Work to Rule, and a special meeting is being held with members in these roles. There is additional pressure and burden placed specifically on members with system-wide responsibilities, due to the focus on Ministry initiatives. Please keep in mind that we are ALL members of ETFO. These members can still support educators and students/classes directly, without continuing with the struck initiatives. It is paramount that we show respect for all members and our work during this difficult time.
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