Seventh-day Adventists Believe In A personal God. Hebrews 1:1-3 In Jesus Christ, as the divine Son of God and as our Savior. John 1:1-3, 14; Hebrews 7:25. In the Holy Spirit, the divine Comforter, John 15:26. In regeneration and the new birth, through the acceptance of the gospel, John 3:1-7; 2 Cor. 5:17. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. That the second coming of Christ is very near. That it will be literal, personal, and visible to all. John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; Matthew 24:30. That man by nature is mortal. job 4:17; 1 Timothy 6:'15, 16. That immortality and eternal life are the gifts of God and are received only through Christ. Rom. 6:23 That the dead are in an unconscious state. Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 11:11-14. That there will be a resurrection of the dead. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. That the wicked will not burn eternally, but will be burned up. Malachi 4:1-3. That righteousness comes by faith, not by works. Romans 4:3-5; Ephesians 2:8,9. That salvation comes as a gift of God and is not received through any merit of the sinner. Ephesians 2:8. That Jesus is victorious and triumphant over evil powers . .Jesus calls us to medi tate on prayer which also allows us to be triumphant over evil. We do this by daily meditation on devotional scripture. Psalm I: 1,2; 23:4; 77: II. That the law of ten commandments is the standard of righteousness by which all will be judged and which all Christians are commanded to obey. James 2:10-12; Exodus 20: 3-17. That the original seventh-day Sabbath has never been changed by divine authority and therefore all Christians are under obligation to keep it holy. Genesis 2:2,3; Luke 23:54-56. In the support of the gospel through tithes and offerings. Lev. 27:30, 32; Malachi 3:811; Matthew 23:23. In baptism by immersion. Mark 1:9,10; Romans 6:3-5. In the ordinances of humility and the Supper. John 13:4--17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. In the gifts of the Spirit, including the Spirit of Prophecy. Ephesians 4:8, I J; Rev. 12:1 7; Rev. 19:10. In discarding unhealthy practices, such as the use of intoxicants, tobacco, unclean meats, etc. Proverbs 23:29-32; 1 Corinthians 3:16,17; Deuteronomy 14:3-20; Isaiah 66:1.5-27. That followers of Jesus should manifest true Christian modesty in dress and deportment and should shun all questionable worldly amusements. 1 Timothy 2:9,10; Matthew 24:37-44; James 1:27. —————————————————————————————————————————————TEAR HERE Information for the Pastor and Church Officers The following person ___ Is Ill ___ Is a Visitor ___ Has a New Address TEAR HERE wishes….. ___ Bible Studies ___ Baptism ___ Membership Transfer to this Church ___ Pastoral Visit Name___________________________ Phone ( ) ______________ Address___________________________ City/Zip__________________ (Place in Offering Plate or give to an Elder or Usher at the Door.) Exemplifying Christ’s centeredness, His compassion and looking forward to His coming 4000 Shiloh Springs Road Clayton, Ohio 45315 Phone 937.837.9326 About Our Church Our church began in 1922 when a group of Christians sought to diligently study the scripture. In so doing, they discovered that the rightful day of worship was the seventh-day Sabbath which was Saturday. An outgrowth of this study group was the founding of the Ethan Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church, which was organized in July 1923. The congregation first met in a two-story house on Home Avenue. In 1926, as the congregation grew, the church relocated to South Williams Street where it remained until larger quarters were needed, and the move was made to Oakridge Drive in 1963. We remained there until 2008 when we relocated to our present location at 4000 Shiloh Springs Road, Clayton, OH, with a membership of more than 300 people. For more than 90 years, this church has preached the Three Angels’ Messages in the Dayton community and given birth to three additional congregations –the Dale Wright Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Hillcrest Seventh-day Adventist Church and New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our Mission and Vision The mission of the Ethan Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people in the Dayton, OH, area. In so doing we want our neighbors and friends to see us as a church that is looking forward to Christ’s coming, exemplifying His centeredness, His compassion, and carrying out His commission. In order to achieve our mission and vision, we must be a Spirit -filled group of people who has God as the focus of our existence through worship, Bible study, Christian fellowship, and out-reach programs witnessing to others of Christ’s soon return. Our Wish If you do not have a church affiliation or if you are new to this area and are looking for a church home, we invite you to share in the fellowship and ministry of the Ethan Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church. If you desire to declare your faith in Jesus Christ and accept His free gift of salvation or desire to join our church, you are invited to come forward during the sermon appeal. Divine Worship Service 11:00 A.M We Invite His Presence Parish Life/Announcements……….Elder Elder Meryln Joseph Introit……………………………..…ET Mass Choir Call to Worship/Invocation……......Elder Michael Dulan *Sabbath Covenant–Fourth Commandment…....Congregation Installation Service Pastor Makenzie Kambizi…..Dr. William Cox President Allegheny West Conference Introduction to Ethan Temple………….…….…….Dr. William Cox Welcome to the Ethan Temple Family………..….Elder Marcia Raglin Charge/ Dedication Prayer …………..…..………...Dr. William Cox We Welcome His People Meet and Greet……………..Elder Marcia Raglin/Hostess Special Music………………..……...Toledo Praise Team Children’s Chapel……………….............Darla Stirtmire Hymn of Praise……..CH 245.…...………Congregation “ All Hail the Power Of Jesus Name“ We Pray In His Name Prelude to Prayer……….……………. ET Mass Choir +Altar Call /Intercessory Prayer …….Elder Jaslyn Simon Prayer Response………………….……..ET Mass Choir Musical Selection……………...……... ET Mass Choir We Give To Support His Work Tithe and Offerings……………….…Elder Michael Dulan Praise and Gratitude ………….………...ET Mass Choir Hymn of Meditation…………………….…..ET Mass Choir The Spoken Word The Spoken Word……….…….…Pastor Mackenzie Kambizi Ethan Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church We Leave To Serve *Benediction………………………….Elder Robert Rice Recessional……….……….…………..Worship Leaders Dismissal……………...……….…..………Ushers *Indicates Congregation Standing +Kneeling Wherever Possible **Worshippers may enter/leave We Study His Word June 13, 2015 SABBATH SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Donna Taylor- Sabbath School Superintendent Adult Division – Sanctuary Lower Division – Fellowship Hall Sermon Notes Speaker: Pastor Mackenzie Kambizi Scripture: Subject: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ New Members (Pastor’s Class) – Mothers’ Room Second-Quarter 2015 -- “ The Book of Luke ” ************************************** ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Opening Song (Cong. Standing) “He Lives” Opening Prayer (Cong. Standing) ….Debra Jenkins Opening Remarks ………….. Donna Taylor Special Testimony: …………..Jayden Lewis Special Music…………………..Na'Tozja Alford Mission Emphasis …………….. Edith Cride Prayer for Teachers (Teachers Kneeling) Debra Jenkins Lesson Study ..”Jesus, the Master Teacher ”…Teachers Visitor Welcome/Closing Remarks/Prayer …... Donna Taylor _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Prayer and Empowered Ministries (Coordinator: Elder Marcia Raglin) Prayer Thought Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it. In order to walk in the good way, you need to be alert: praying in the Spirit on all occasions. Ephesians 6:18 Sunset Calendar Today 9:05 712-432-0900 Code 258836# - 5:00-6:00 am 712-432-0990 Code 258836# replay all day Next Friday 9:07 For Your Information Bulletin Announcements. Announcements and inserts for the bulletin should be submitted to Sister D’Juana Redmon by Tuesday of each week at 7:00 PM by calling 937-878-6350, or by email to The bulletin is revised weekly and available online each Thursday afternoon at WELCOME: The members of Ethan Temple Seventh -day Adventist Church family are so happy you are here today, and would like to leave this poem with you before you go away, Television Ministry Welcome to our church family We're glad that you could come We're honored to share this day with you As we worship God's risen Son We hope that God has touched your life As we worshipped side by side And that you leave this place today With the peace of God inside By M.S. Lowndes Sabbath Morning 11:00 AM Live Please come and worship with us again on next Sabbath Contact the church secretary for illness, hospitalizations or deaths of members and families as well as appointments with our Pastor, phone-937- 689-8690 Prayer Meeting. Please join the gathering each Wednesday evening at 7:00 for midweek refreshing of praise, prayer, and study Sick and Shut-In “. . . I was sick and ye visited me. . . .” Matthew 25:36 Shut-ins: Jimmie Battle Pocolia Branch Robert Branch Betty Garner Iris Huffman Church Staff Marcia Raglin, Head Elder 371-6469 Pamela Clark, Secretary 689-8690 Calvin Lindo, Treasurer (419) 604-8732 William Raglin, Jr., Head Deacon 901-0088 D’Juana Redmon, Church Clerk 878-6350 Mattie Johnson Mildred Sherron Barbara Zachary Patients/residents in health- care facilities: Vernice Bell, Friendship Village, 5790 Denlinger Rd (26) Lilia Bradley,333 Emma, 3rd floor Maria Joseph (16) Mary Jenkins, Rm 2225 Friendship Village, 5790 Denlinger Rd (26) Sadie Tyler, Four Seasons Care, 4911 Denlinger Rd (26) Lizzie Watkins, Room 427, Maria Joseph, 4800 Salem Ave (16) Clara White, Friendship Village, 5790 Denlinger Rd (26) Church Elders Dr. Michael Dulan 748-4940 Dr. Mervyn Joseph 237-1755 Robert Rice 681-8633 Jaslyn Simon 829-6008 Anthony Taylor 236-8824
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