For Your Information Bulletin Announcements. Announcements and inserts for the bulletin should be submitted to Sister Mildred Sherron by Tuesday each week at 7:00 PM by calling 854-0447 or The bulletin is revised weekly and available online each Thursday afternoon at Departmental Meetings and Other Announcements November 15 – Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes 5:00 PM. ** November 16 – Sensational Seniors Meeting 10:00 AM. ** November 20 – Church Board Meeting 6:00 PM ** November 21-22 – Youth Weekend of Prayer (see flyer) ** November 23 – Women’s Ministries Council Meeting 11:00 AM. ** November 23 – Usher Board Meeting 12:30 PM. ** November 23 – Crochet Club 11:00 AM. ** November 27 – Thanksgiving Praise Program 10:00 AM. ** November 30 – Serving the residents at St. Vincent. ** November 30 – Annual Christmas Card Exchange Program begins. ** Operation Christmas Child. Please bring your donations for this annual project. This is the last day for donations. We are in need of the following: Washcloths/bath soap Toothpaste/tooth brushes Deodorant (Solid) Small toys (no weapons) School supplies (pencils, etc.) Hard candy. Gum Money - $25-$50 to shop for needed items Please contact Dr. Michael Dulan/Stacey Kimbley for additional information. ** Annual Christmas Dinner. Women Ministries’ annual Christmas Dinner will be held December 14, 2014, at Brio at the Greene beginning at 2:00 PM – 4:45 PM. Please get your reservations in to either Laura Gillespie, Pat Chambliss, or Pansy Neesmith. ** Sunset Calendar Sunset Today: 5:22 PM Next Friday: 5:17 PM For Your Information Announcements Cont’d Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. ** Revelation Seminar will be held November 21-23, 2014, at the Centerville Adventist Church. Presented by Pastor Bill Liversidge. Topic: “The Trumpets – God’s Last Warning Message to Earth.” Schedule: Friday, November 21 – 7 pm; Sabbath, November 22 – 1100 AM and 2:00 PM; Sunday, November 23 – 10:00 AM. ** Gateway Shelter Ministry. Anyone interested in helping to cook or to serve Thanksgiving Dinner to the residents of Gateway Shelter tomorrow, please contact Sister Johnnie Brown. Donations are also needed. Thank you (Elder Raglin). ** . . . . .ATTENTION PARENTS. . . . . In preparation for the upcoming Christmas Program, there will be a 30-minute choir rehearsal immediately following divine worship for our children up to age 10 (and any other child who REALLY wants to sing). Please plan to stay behind with your children as our rehearsal will be brief. – Teresa McCalister ** Can Goods Drive. The Youth Church is conducting a can goods drive for the Good Neighbor House until November 22. Please donate least two cans of green beans for the Good Neighbor House. Deposit your donations in the receptacle in the lobby. (Sister Donna Taylor 236-8824) ** Bowling. All, who are interested, are invited to go bowling on November 23, 2014, at 3:00 PM at the Poelking Marian Bowling Lane, 6170 Brandt Pike. (Neville Watson). ** Children Choir Director. We are in need of a director for the Children’s Choir. Choir members are 10 years and younger. Anyone interested should contact Pastor J. I. Grider or Yvonne Bailey. _____________________________________________________ Adventist Youth Society Calendar (Coordinator: Mattie L. Johnson) Coming Events November 15 Health Ministries (Jina Davidson) November 21 -22 Youth Weekend of Prayer November 23 Bowling at Poelking Lanes **** A N N O U N C E M E N T S Divine Worship Service Health Ministries Day For Your Information 11:00 A.M. Prayer and Empowered Ministries We Invite His Presence (Coordinator: Elder Marcia Raglin) Prayer Thought Anger James 1:19,20 “Anger is one of those emotions that comes in every shape and size from quick and reactionary to slow burning. There are few things in this life that can zap our spirit more quickly. When you’re tempted to rant and rave, take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, pray, and then and only. Then speak. Leave the rest up to God” The Bible Promise Book, p9 Let us pray for the Lord to take anger away from us and to make us more like Him.. Parish Life/Announcements……………………Elder Darryl Allen Introit…………………………………..……….….. Worship Leaders Call to Worship/Invocation……………………..Elder Darryl Allen *Sabbath Covenant–Fourth Commandment……..Congregation The Occasion………………………………………….Jina Davidson ** We Welcome His People Meet and Greet…………………….Elder Darryl Allen/Suriffa Rice Children’s Chapel…………………………………… *Hymn of Praise………………CH195….……………Congregation “Showers of Blessing” We Pray In His Name 712-432-0900 Code 258836# Time: 5:00-6:00 a.m. 712-432-0990 Code 258836# Replay all day Health Ministries Prelude to Prayer…………………………Family Fellowship Choir +Altar Call /Intercessory Prayer………..Elder Dr. Michael Dulan Prayer Response…………………………Family Fellowship Choir ** We Give To Support His Work (Coordinator: Jina Davidson, R.N.) Symptoms of Diabetes The following symptoms of diabetes are typical. However, some People with type 2 diabetes have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed. Urinating frequently Feeling very thirsty Feeling very hungry – even though you are eating Extreme fatigue Blurry vision Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal Weight loss – even though you are eating more (type 1) Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2) Tithe and Offerings…………………….…………..Elaine Robinson Praise and Gratitude…………………….Family Fellowship Choir ** We Hear His Word *Scripture Reading………………………………Dr. Rosalind Dulan John 9:6-11 Hymn of Meditation……………………....Family Fellowship Choir The Spoken Word………………………...Elder Franklin Davidson “A Healthy Way of Seeing Things” We Leave To Serve Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risk of developing complications and harmful effects of diabetes such as damage to the eyes, heart, blood vessels, nervous system, teeth and gums, feet and skin, or kidneys. Studies show that keeping blood glucose, blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels close to normal can help prevent or delay these problems. ***** *Benediction…….……………………………………….Curtis Clark Recessional……………………………………….Worship Leaders Dismissal……………………………………………………….Ushers *Indicates Congregation Standing +Kneeling Wherever Possible **Worshippers may enter/leave W O R S H I P E X P E R I E N C E Sick and Shut-In We Study His Word November 15, 2014 “. . . I was sick and ye visited me. . . .” Matthew 25:36 Shut-ins: SABBATH SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. Mildred Sherron……………………Sabbath School Superintendent Adult Division – Sanctuary Lower Division – Fellowship Hall New Members (Pastor’s Class) – Mothers’ Room Fourth-Quarter -- “The Book of James” Theme Song: CH286 – “Wonderful Words of Life” _____________________________________________________________ Opening Prayer……Cong. Standing…………………….Charaya Wagner Opening Remarks………………………………………..…Donna Taylor Mission Emphasis…………………………………..…Elder Darryl Allen Special Feature “The Love of Jesus” Elder Nathaniel Jenkins Special Music Brenda Christian and Elder Franklin Davidson Prayer for Teachers………Teachers Kneeling…………Charaya Wagner Lesson Study “Taming the Tongue” Teachers Lesson Wrap-up………………………………………Elder Robert Rice Closing Visitor Welcome/Closing Remarks/Prayer……….……Donna Taylor Lester Wright Barbara Zachary Iris Huffman Mattie Johnson Betty Garner Carolyn A. Weaver Pocolia Branch Mary Lovelace Patients/residents in health- care facilities: Vernice Bell, Friendship Village, 5790 Denlinger Rd (26) Lilia Bradley, Maria Joseph, 4800 Salem Ave (26) Gazetta Douthard, 302 Mary Scott Nrsg Home, 3109 Campus(06) Mary Jenkins, Rm 2225 Friendship Village, 5790 Denlinger Rd (26) Sadie Tyler, Four Seasons Care, 4911 Denlinger Rd (26) Lizzie Watkins, Room 427, Maria Joseph, 4800 Salem Ave (26) Clara White, Friendship Village, 5790 Denlinger Rd (26) Sarah Wilson, Grandview Hospital, 405 West Grand Ave (06) Church Staff Dr. J. I. Grider, Senior Pastor Calvin Lindo, Treasurer Frank Watkins, Head Deacon D’Juana Redmon, Church Clerk Mildred Sherron, Secretary 304-7884 (419) 604-8732 238-5237 878-6350 854-0447 Church Elders and Parish Assignments Mervyn Joseph/Marcia Raglin A,B,C,D,X,Y,Z Franklin Davidson/Robert Rice E,F,G,H,I,J,K Darryl Allen/Michael Dulan, M.D. L,M,N,W Jaslyn Simon O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V 237-1755/771-0469 854-0231/681-8633 723-6809/748-4940 829-6008 S I C K A N D S H U T I N Weekly Activity Schedule Sabbath 9:15 A.M…………………………………Sabbath School 11:00 A.M………………………………..Divine Worship st nd 2:00-4:00 PM….Adventurer/Pathfinder Meeting (1 and 2 ) rd 3:00 P.M…........Nursing Home Visit – Grafton Oaks Nrsg Home (3 ) 3:00 P.M…........Nursing Home Visit --Shiloh Springs Care Center (4th) Sunday 10:00 A.M…………………………….Departmental Meetings (2 nd rd and 3 ) rd 10:00 A.M………………………………………Church Board Meeting (3 ) rd 2:00 P.M…..........Nursing Home Visit -Mary Scott Nursing Home (3 ) Wednesday rd 6:00 P.M………………………………………………..…POPS Meeting (3 ) 7:00 P.M………………………………...................Midweek Power Hour Thursday/Friday 7:00 P.M………………………………………………………Choir Rehearsal Television Ministry Elder William Raglin, Jr., Coordinator Sabbath Morning 11:00 AM Live ** Monday Morning 8:00 AM and Thursday 4:00 PM New Directions (Church Service) Time Warner Digital Channel 992 ** Tuesday 11:00 PM and Saturday 12:00 PM Lighted Path *Church Talk (Warner Digital Channel 992 ** Tuesday 11:00 PM and Saturday 12:00 PM Lighted Path *Church Talk Warner Digital Channel 992 ** Tuesday 5:00 PM New Directions (Church Service) Time Warner Channel 991 ** Wednesday 5:00 PM Lighted Church Path *Church Talk Warner Digital 991 ** Sunday 11:00 AM Maranatha Mission (Health Ministry) Dayton Time Warner Channels 5,6 About Our Church Sermon Notes Speaker: Elder Franklin Davidson Our church began in 1922 when a group of Christians sought to diligently study the scripture. In so doing, they discovered that the rightful day of worship was the seventh-day Sabbath which was Saturday. An outgrowth of this study group was the founding of the Ethan Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church, which was organized in July 1923. The congregation first met in a two-story house on Home Avenue. In 1926, as the congregation grew, the church relocated to South Williams Street where it remained until larger quarters were needed, and the move was made to Oakridge Drive in 1963. We remained there until 2008 when we relocated to our present location at 4000 Shiloh Springs Road, Clayton, OH, with a membership of more than 700 people. For more than 90 years, this church has preached the Three Angels’ Messages in the Dayton community and given birth to two additional congregations –the New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Hillcrest Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Dr. Joe I. Grider is our th 25 pastor. Scripture: John 9:6-11 Title: “A Healthy Way of Seeing Things” Our Mission and Vision _______________________________________________________ The mission of the Ethan Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people in the Dayton, OH, area. In so doing we want our neighbors and friends to see us as a church that is looking forward to Christ’s coming, exemplifying His centeredness, His compassion, and carrying out His commission. In order to achieve our mission and vision, we must be a Spirit-filled group of people who has God as the focus of our existence through worship, Bible study, Christian fellowship, and outreach programs witnessing to others of Christ’s soon return. Our Wish _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ If you do not have a church affiliation or if you are new to this area and are looking for a church home, we invite you to share in the fellowship and ministry of the Ethan Temple Seventhday Adventist Church. If you desire to declare your faith in Jesus Christ and accept His free gift of salvation or desire to join our church, you are invited to come forward during the sermon appeal. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ S E R M O N N O T E S
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