8 23 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2013 ÐàáîòíèêÌîðÿ СОБЫТИЕ PRONAV: «We are taking care about safety» German shipping company PRONAV held in Odessa annual seminar for its seamen. Specially organized training sessions for Ukrainian and Croatian seafarers were held on 10-11th of September at the hotel «Bristol». Kai Ramming, managing director PRONAV and journalist «The Professional Seafarer» These meetings are usual practice for companies with a worldwide reputation. Company PRONAV conducts such activities annually that develops the professional knowledge of seafarers, establishing of communication between seafarers and staff. The head of the company came for seminar in Odessa, as well as guest lecturers. In the conference hall of the hotel «Bristol» 60 working in the company officers gathered. «We have invited seafarers, who at the time of the organization of the seminar were on shore. They are representatives of the six top officers' positions. Today to the seminar came Ukrainian and Croatian seafarers, their ratio in the company is approximately 30% and 70% respectively». - Says Kai Ramming, managing director PRONAV. PRONAV company coop- erates with Ukrainian seafarers from the first day of its existence. The company was founded in Hamburg in 1995. At the moment, the company's fleet has 9 LNG vessels. PRONAV is specialized in the technical management of these liquefied natural gas vessels. The company's fleet is represented by LNG vessels of different types, on which serve 400 sailors of various nationalities. Croats and Ukrainians occupy leading position among seafarers. Ukrainian officers work in leading positions in the company. PRONAV’s interests in Ukraine are represented by Eurocrew agency. Director of Eurocrew Mr. Manylenko stated that: «None of the world's other LNG company employs so many Ukrainian officers, as the company Pronav». The Odessa seminar was Interview with Martin Roolvink, General Manager PRONAV focused on operational topics and on the permanent safety training for the seafarers of LNG-ships. «The market of liquefied natural gas is growing rapidly and the international community needs more ships that can transport this cargo. Therefore, safety has always been of top priority for our company. We are taking best care about our human resources. Serving on LNG-ships requires extensive training and substantial professional experience. Therefore, the permanent discussion of safety and security matters and continous improvement on our vessels is essential for us», - says Kai Ramming. Serving on this type of ships requires major advance preparation. Such vessels are specialized tested by shippers and terminals, for what seafarers have been also prepared during the training in Odessa. One of the interesting topics of discussion was the issue of media relations. The modern world is developing rapidly with the help of new technologies. And now the shipowners are worried about the reputation of their companies, training their employees to respond adequately to questions from the media. «In the pursuit of «hot» information, journalists could try to use seamen as one of the «in- formation sources» for their publications.. Therefore it is our intention to make the seafarers realizing the seriousness of this issue and to be sensitive if they are contacted by the media», - says Martin Roolvink, General Manager of the company. PRONAV - a company with a well - established tradition. The main policy of the company is to focus on longterm cooperation with top gas and oil companies, that require quality and reliable shipper services. «We are interested in contracts with the prospect of a long-term co-operation, since we care about the future of our company. We are interested in the stability of the business for all parties involved, including, of course, the seafarers.. Pursuing business, PRONAV looks far into the future» says Mr. Roolvink. PRONAV's vessel LNG LEO PRONAV's vessel Al Ghariya Working group of a seminar No. 2 Photo of all participants of a seminar Working group of a seminar No. 1
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