STARTING STRONG FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH! WEBINAR Changes to the State’s Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE): What’s new and what’s still to come Presented by HFS April 9, 2015 Up Updates ü ü Check Help Hub announcements for latest enrollment and policy information, particularly related to Special Enrollment Periods Mark your calendar for June 4th– Upcoming Starting Strong Webinar in partnership with Age Options related to new Tool Kit on Coverage Transitions helphub.illinoishealth QUESTIONS? ASK QUESTIONS USING THE CHAT BOX FEATURE v v v We will answer as many questions during the webinar as possible. All questions and comments received will be shared with HFS. We will follow up with a written answer for each question we were unable to address during the program. A recorded copy of the webinar, as well as a Q&A transcript from the webinar, will be posted on EverThrive IL’s website in the coming days: For questions related to this and other Starting Strong webinars: Today’s Presenters: • Alicia Siani, Coordinator, Health Reform Initiative, EverThrive IL • Lauren Polite, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) • Sean Mullins, Deloitte Consulting Webinar: Updates to ABE & New Functionality Coming this Fall Hosted by Everthrive Presented by HFS April 9, 2015 Agenda Topic Time October 2013 to Now 5 min In Process - ABE Usability 20 min Fall 2015 “Phase 2” – Manage My Case 15 min Fall 2015 “Phase 2” – Appeals Management Questions 6 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project 5 min 15 min Remember October 2013? IES Overview Accomplishments to Date (Phase 1) Background and Goal • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) incentivized states to make changes to their health programs by 10/1/13. • In 2012, the State of Illinois contracted with Deloitte to implement the Illinois Integrated Eligibility System (IES – case worker portal) and Application for Benefits Eligibility portal (ABE - public portal). • IES is based on a transfer from the State of Michigan and replaces 5 different legacy systems, each over 30 years old. • The program encompasses bureaus in both the Departments of Health & Family Services and Human Services. 8 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project • IES successfully went live with intake functionality to all 82 DHS and HFS offices (~2,700 staff) on October 1, 2013. ABE also successfully went live October 1, 2013, allowing individuals, providers and community partners to use the portal to apply for benefits online. Online Application Statistics • To date, 1.5M citizens have applied through ABE. • The percentage of applications received electronically continues to increase. In November 2014, 62% of applications were received online, saving caseworkers thousands of hours and allowing Illinois to process increased volume of applications. • 80K applications have been received from the Federal exchange since Open Enrollment started in November 2014. Daily Benefits for DHS/HFS Staff • IES and ABE are reducing manual and paper based processes, increasing productivity, and enhancing program integrity. • User-friendly design captures more data to improve accuracy and timeliness of eligibility determinations. Application Counts (Since 10/1/2013) Applications by Source FFM 15% IES 36% ABE 49% ABE IES FFM Total Applications Received: 1,852,000, 64% of which were received electronically Applications by Program Cash 7% SNAP 31% Medical 62% 9 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Medical SNAP Cash ABE Usability Project ABE Usability – Project Background Prior to the ABE go-live, web usability specialists conducted an eight week analysis of user preferences for an online application: • The Usability Survey collected viewpoints from 818 total respondents, consisting of: o 146 Constituents o 569 Providers o 103 Other Users • Interviews with State caseworkers collected usability viewpoints of the existing systems and processes • Market research of other websites was performed in order to collect best practices The assessment produced a list of potential changes to elevate the ABE usability experience 11 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Usability – Project Background Recommendation outputs from the Usability Study were organized into six themes: Theme Make it Easy Description Improve site navigation, page flow, and readability. Make it Relevant Personalize site to customer needs, educate customers on their unique situations. Analyze customer patterns to provide relevant help or enhancements. Value My Time Decrease speed to application submission. Proactively engage customers and respond to customer needs. Lower Customer Effort Provide one-stop-shop, reduce paperwork, and provide comprehensive customer support. No Wrong Door Provide seamless experience between channels. Demonstrate the State Cares Establish State as a Trustworthy Partner, and continuously improve site based on feedback. 12 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Key Usability Features Today, we want to highlight key ABE Usability features that have been or are in the process of being rolled out: • Improved Readability • New “What’s Next” Checklist • Hover Help • Gatepost Questions • Household Section Changes 13 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project An Example of Improved Readability Previous Page Simpler page reduces user fatigue, contributing to more complete applications submitted through ABE channel Enhanced Page Complex pages distilled down to key, actionable information for user Lowered grade reading level allows more users to understand the page Users can view benefit details 14 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project What’s Next Instructions A new form, available on the Thank You Submission page guides applicants on the processes between application submission and certification Checklist Includes: • Instruction to look for mail / be available for interview • What to expect if approved ‒ Ex. Information about Link Card • What to do if denied ‒ Ex. What to do if denied due to not providing documents • How to manage your benefits ‒ Ex. how to change address 15 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Hover Help Tell me more The Usability team implemented hover help to provide definitions, supplementary instructions, and explanations to sensitive questions. 60% Percent of applicants who have already used new Hover Help at least once 8.4 second average interaction time demonstrates users engaging with component 16 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project <3% Applicants use “Help” text button High complexity terms show even higher user engagement ABE Hover Help There are 2 different types of Hover Help Informative text explains why we ask for potentially sensitive information Tell us if anyone is pregnant. Instructional test helps users answer complex questions How much child support do you pay each month on average?. Why do we ask Tell me more Pregnant women can have more income and still get benefits. To estimate a monthly payment, think about how much you sent over the last 3 months and divide that number by 3. For example, if you sent $150 over the past 3 months, the estimate is $50 per month. 7 second average 13 second interaction time average interaction time 17 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Gatepost Questions Gatepost questions reformat questions without the icons, shorten the page visual, and eliminate the need to answer questions not relevant to the person. Clicking “Yes” would dynamically load people icons to select, or trigger additional questions to gather more information. Default View 18 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Gatepost Questions Gatepost questions reformat questions without the icons and group like questions together. Clicking “Yes” would dynamically load people icons. Expanded View 19 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Household Section Changes Household Member Navigation Reported Issue Users / Navigators reported that it was difficult to understand which Household member is being addressed on the HH member page. Solution Improve the top section of the household member page to include more context about what household member is being addressed. Accomplished by adding a tabbed interface. Contextual understanding also improved by adding a large display of the current applicant’s name. 20 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Household Section Changes Household Member Navigation Change Details 1. Add clear icons for each member in a household that has been added. 2. Highlight for whom information is currently being filled out. 3. Give an “inactive” look to members for whom no data has been entered. Results The ability to switch more easily and clearly between household members. 21 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project 1 2 3 Household Section Changes Summary page (ABHMS) Reported Issue Users reported difficulty understanding and navigating the Household summary page. They found the inconsistent presentation of the summary sections to be confusing. Solution Update the Household summary screen to organize information based on people rather than by section. 22 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Household Section Changes Summary Page (ABHMS) Change Details 1 1. Group information per household member. 2 2. Visually distinguish between sections by putting the information in boxes and clear titles for better scannability. 3. Allow font color difference between labels and values for better scannability. 3 4. Clear action to “Edit” each section. 4 5. Clear action to “Remove” a member. Confirmation Test Results Users and Navigators responded positively to the changes. 5 23 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Coming this Fall… ABE / IES Phase 2 ABE Phase 2 Go-Live ABE Self-Service Benefit Management Manage My Case Am I Eligible Screening Apply for Benefits Provider Portal • Report Births • Request Case Access 25 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project • Renew My Benefits • Report My Changes • Check My benefits File/Manage Appeals Function currently available Function available in Phase 2 ABE Manage My Case: Landing Page Smart alerts drive users to take action on important processes like redeterminations Customers have access to new self service features such as reporting changes 26 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Manage My Case: Landing Page Allow other adult members on the case access to MMC and allow third-party providers access to limited case information Set communication preferences including text or e-mail alerts when new notices are available 27 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Manage My Case: Benefit Status Benefit information is available online, reducing the need for users to call and check the information 28 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Manage My Case: Benefit Details View past and future benefit amounts, who is on the case, when redeterminations or other actions are due Click here to view benefit calculation details 29 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Manage My Case: View Notices & App/Rede/Change Status View 12 months of notices and the status of submitted applications, changes or redeterminations, also withdraw an application 30 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Manage My Case: Appointments & Verifications View upcoming appointments and reschedule, if necessary See what verifications are needed and submit them directly, also view document upload history 31 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project ABE Manage My Case: Report Changes Customers choose the change being reported and then enter details about what is changing 32 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Other Key Phase 2 Scope Highlights: Correspondence Phase 2 supports notice generation with barcoding for central printing and document tracking. Additionally, electronic correspondence and alerts reduces paper and costs. USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode allows for automated central printing and mailing of correspondence Barcode helps organize, track and manage documents sent to customers and returned to the agency 33 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project From: Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 To: Subject: ABE: New notice is available in your account! An important notice is available in your ABE account. Please log in to your account at Electronic alerts are available in both e-mail and text. A new notice is available in your ABE account. Please log into your account to view your notice. DO NOT REPLY. More Phase 2: Appeals Management Phase 2 Scope Highlights: Appeals Management Functionality Appeal Intake Description IES and ABE can receive filings for all programs supported by the state of Illinois, including Child Care and Child Support (i.e. not just those for which IES determines eligibility). Customers can submit appeal filings through ABE, IES (with the help of a department representative), Interactive Voice Response (IVR), or scan/fax/email. The filings are then routed to IES for Bureau of Administrative Hearings (BAH) Staff and other department representatives for processing. Appeals back office functions Appeals Management provides the following back office functions: • Auto-scheduling is used to manage appeals hearings • Correspondence and reports are created to address policy and management requirements • Integration with content manager allows linking of appeals documents (ex. Decisions and Exhibits of Appeal), which reduces the number of duplicate documents stored and allows staff access to comprehensive view of an appeal • Department Representative are sent an email / notification when an appeal they are associated to has new notices, alerting them to check IES for correspondences sent to the print center. Conversion The project retires a legacy system, converting 20+ years of operational appeals data into IES. 35 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project Key Phase 2 Scope Highlights: Appeals Homepage in ABE Customers can file appeals directly from this site. Additionally, customers can link Appeals information with their ABE user IDs. This increases customer engagement with the ABE portal, encouraging them to take advantage of self-service options and improve their interaction with the State 36 State of Illinois Integrated Eligibility System Implementation Project QUESTIONS? ASK QUESTIONS USING THE CHAT BOX FEATURE v v v We will answer as many questions during the webinar as possible. All questions and comments received will be shared with HFS. We will follow up with a written answer for each question we were unable to address during the program. A recorded copy of the webinar, as well as a Q&A Transcript from the webinar, will be posted on EverThrive IL’s website in the coming days: For questions related to this and other Starting Strong webinars:
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