Conflicts of Interest in Intensive Care Guidelines: prevalence and contents. BareaMendoza JA, ChicoFernandez M, ViejoMoreno R, DominguezAguado H, TercerosAlmanza L, MolinaCollado Z, MudarraReche C. Intensive Care Department. Hospital Doce de Octubre. Madrid (Spain) BACKGROUND RESULTS Many decisions in intensive care are based in guidelines. However, in last years huge doubts about how we develop our guidelines have emerged. Important methodology issues have been developed in published recommendations for authors. In this way, one of the most important domain is assurance the editorial independence. Reporting and managing conflicts of interest (COI) or funding of guidelines are core elements for independence. In spite of this, recent literature warning us about under-reporting conflict of Interest. The aims of this paper is to describe current rates of conflicts of interest and theirs content in intensive care guidelines. Ninety six guidelines fulfilled our search criteria. After reviewing abstracts were excluded twenty-five because duplication. In extraction phase we excluded twenty (duplication, no guidelines or no intensive care). Fifty-one guidelines and five hundred five authors were eligible. (Figure 1. Flow Chart). 68,6% of guidelines (IC 95%: 55- 81%) report COI : 34 in original paper and one available online. Twenty-five with COI available (71,4%) had a description about type of conflict with wide variations. (Figure 2). Figure 2: Guidelines who report Conflict of Interest. (%) 31,4 Reported 35 Guidelines (68,6% ) report. No reported 25 of them have description about COI. 68,6 METHODS We searched in MEDLINE using MESH terms (Intensive Care, Critical Care, Critical Illness) with a specific filter for guidelines. We include all guidelines between 12/12/2009 and 10/12/2014 related with intensive care. No exclusion criteria. Guidelines were revised to extract data about COI and funding. Figure 3. By group, number of guidelines who reported. (n=51). 17 18 Yes No We sort guidelines according thematic areas. The biggest group were Metabolism and Nutrition guidelines with 19 (37.5%). 16 14 12 (Figure 1. Flow Chart) 10 We explore the different rates of reported COI in each group. Important variability was observed with rates between 28% (Infection and Sepsis) to 89.5% (Metabolism) 8 6 5 6 4 4 2 2 2 0 Other Neurocritical care Infection Metabolism and nutrition Hemodynamics Organization Among guidelines with report 156 authors of 338 (46%) had COI. 34% of guidelines had less than 50% of their authors with COI; 100% of authors with COI in 54% of guidelines who reported. Only six guidelines (12,2%) informed about funding of editorial process. Figure 4: Porcentual distribution of guidelines according authors with COIs (%) 12 All authors have COI Less than 50% of authors with COI Other 54 34 CONCLUSION Spite of recommendations an important amount of publications have no reports of COI nor funding. More than half of authors have relevant COI in guidelines who reported. Information about funding is poor. Bindslev JBB, Schroll J, Gøtzsche PC, Lundh A. Underreporting of conflicts of interest in clinical practice guidelines: cross sectional study. BMC Med Ethics . 2013;14(19):1472–6939. JA Barea-Mendoza twitter: @jbaream email: Intensive Care Department. Hospital Doce de Octubre. Madrid (Spain) Lenzer J. Why we can’t trust clinical guidelines. BMJ. 2013;346(June):f3830. Neuman J, Korenstein D, Ross JS, Keyhani S. Prevalence of financial conflicts of interest among panel members producing clinical practice guidelines in Canada and United States: cross sectional study. Bmj. 2011;343(oct11 2):d5621–d5621. Norris SL, Holmer HK, Ogden L a., Selph SS, Fu R. Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Clinical Practice Guidelines in the National Guideline Clearinghouse. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):1–8. Ransohoff DF, Pignone M, Sox HC. How to decide whether a clinical practice guideline is trustworthy. JAMA. 2013;309(2):139–40. Norris SL, Holmer HK, Ogden L a., Burda BU, Fu R. Conflicts of Interest among Authors of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. PLoS One. 2013;8(10).
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