Opportunities and cost of preventing species extinctions

Opportunities to prevent extinctions:
What can we learn from the AZE
Symposium: Dynamics, management and Biodiversity in Temperate
April 15th 2015
Dalia A. Conde
Assistant Professor
Max Planck Odense Center
University of Southern Denmark
Research Associate Antwerp Zoo
929 species in 587 sites
Hotspots of Vulnerable
From Scandinavia through eastern Europe up to central and
eastern Asia is one of the hotspots of vulnerable species to
climate change
Species conservation
But where do we start?
AZE species
How much will it cost?
AZE species
What are the conservation
Wild and and captive pop.
Conservation Opportunity index for :
Habitat (COIh)
Insurance popopulations in zoos (COIc)
Conservation Opportunity index:
The ratio between the relative benefits
over the relative costs.
COI for habitat
Conservation Opportunity Index for Habitat for species i
COIhi= (Si + Pi+ Ui) / (Chi )
Relative benefits:
Si proportion of the AZE site that is protected
Pi political stability and absence of violence
Ui = 1 – (probability of urbanization) in 30 year horizon
Relative Costs:
Chi Costs of land acquisition & management in a 20 year horizon
COI for insurance pop.
Conservation Opportunity Index for ISIS Zoo populations
Relative benefits:
• Captive management expertise on the species
• Captive management expertise on the genus
Costs of management of a population of 500
Estimated using ZIMS: from the International Species Information System
Conservation Opportunity
Conde & Fa etal. 2015, MARCH,
COI and Costs
39% species have a
High COI for habitat
Annual habitat costs of
481 AZE sites:
US$ 1.18 billion
Annual costs for all
species in Zoos:
US$ 0.16 billion
Conde & Fa etal. 2015, MARCH,
Species to start actions?
Focus on 15 species with
High COI
Habitat and Zoo
Species Vulnerable to
climate change
Temperate forests
Assessments that show opportunities can help
us to in the decision making process to reach
CBD target 2020
Species vulnerable to climate change
Europe’s Temperate Forests
March 2015 Current Biology
Dalia A. Conde, dalia@sdu.dk