Biannual LIFE+ Pinassa project newsletter, Nº1 Commence the LIFE+PINASSA project, whose main objective is to improve preservation of Black Pine forests (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii var pyrenaica) located in the Catalonian Natura 2000 network, through sustainable forest management. The LIFE+ Pinassa project began with the objective to improve the conservation state of black pine forests while considering that climate change could reduce black pine distribution, especially in the southern most areas of its distribution. The habitat where Catalonian black pine forests are located currently supports degradation and regression processes with groups of destabilized woodland structures without regeneration capacity, lack of diversity and overexploitation. Furthermore, these areas are affected by a number of fires and are highly exposed to future forest fires. Participating partners are the Centre Tecnològic Forestal d’Interior, de Catalunya, the Departament the Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera and the Centre de la Propietat Forestal (acting partner as project coordinator). The project, which will finalize in 2018, has a duration of 5 years. During this period, a series of actions will be carried out, consisting primarily of silvicultural operations involving an important demo component, and which will attempt to significantly improve the adaptation capacity, resistance, and resilience of black pine forests in the face of climate change. Highlighted actions are habitat conservation and improvement, habitat recuperation and great forest fire prevention. Also of note are transference actions, such as the elaboration of technical material, training and heightened awareness of forest landowners and professionals. Proposed management will be exemplified and knowledge will be shared about the problems and solutions, and about applying new management techniques which favor the conservation of this habitat, all while contextualizing the socio-economic characteristics of areas where black pine habitats are found. Action will be carried out in the Catalonian Natura 2000 network, specifically in the 10 Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), with the inclusion of some Natural Parks. The total surface area under project action is composed of 320 ha divided into different farmlands, owned both publicly and privately. The estimated project budget is 1.4 million euros, being financed by the European Union within the framework of the LIFE+ program which aims to improve preservation of habitats and species of interest to the community. Last September 19, 2014 the project's first organizational meeting took place in Solsona. Currently, the project is completing preselection of silvicultural private farmlands operations for where conservation actions will take place by visiting the SAC At the meeting, the project was presented and the Castelltallat Mountain Range, Obagues de la Riera assessment committee's structure was defined, de along with task organization, responsibilities and a Mountain Ranges and Tivissa-Vandellós-Llaberia. schedule of operations. Later, the same will be done for public and private Madrona, farmlands of Queralt the and SAC Tossal-Aigua Central Catalan d’Ora Pre- Pyrenees, the Cardó-El Boix Mountain Ranges, Montserrat Mountain Natural Park (NP), Monsant Mountains NP, the Prades Mountains and Ports NP. Copyright © Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya 2014. All rights reserved. Our email address is: End your subscription Subscribe to the newsletter
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