Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the program committee, I am pleased to inform you that the papers listed below have been accepted for presentation at XIV EWEPA conference. Congratulations! Please note the following instructions: 1) While the program committee will do its best to allocate your paper to the session type (Discuss, Explain, Express or YR) that you indicated in the submission form, we reserve a right to allocate papers to different session types to match papers with a similar approach or topic in the same session. 2) By submitting an abstract, you have agreed to be available to present your paper on any day of the conference from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 June. 3) If you chose the session type Discuss or YR, please submit a full paper by 15 April at latest using the revision form available in the following link: Note: the only purpose of the full paper submission is to allow a discussant to read your paper in advance and prepare comments. We will NOT publish papers in printed conference proceedings or on the conference website. 4) The presenting authors of accepted papers must register by 31 May (note that the reduced early bird rates are valid until 30 April.), otherwise the paper may be excluded from the conference program. Please find below the link to the registration page: 5) Due to a limited number of time slots, our policy is to allow only one presentation per registered author. If you receive this acceptance letter for two or more papers, please choose which paper you prefer to present and withdraw the other paper(s) using the withdrawal form available in the following link: 6) Helsinki is a popular tourist destination in summer time, so we recommend to book a room early. The main conference hotel is Scandic Grand Marina, which is ideally located right next to the conference center. More economical options (with a block of rooms reserved) are provided by Eurohostel and Hostel Academica. Prices, discount codes and links to the hotel websites are available in the following link: Looking forward to seeing you in June! Kind regards, Abolfazl Keshvari ( Program committee chair 1 EWEPA 2015 List (by number) Please note that if the title is long, the full title is not shown here, but we have the full titles! 106. Orthogonality conditions for identification of joint production t (*) [AC] 107. FDI AND THE WORLD TECHNOLOGY FRONTIER (*) [AC] 108. ARE PARTICIPANTS IN WATER MARKETS MORE EFFICIENT IN THE USE OF WA (*) [AC] 109. Environmental Growth Convergence among Chinese Regions (*) [AC] 110. Impact of the 1990 Clean Air Act, and ISO Membership, on Producti (*) [AC] 111. Efficiency in Education. A review of literature and a way forward (*) [AC] 115. SEZ has reduced the growth of weaver productivity in [AC] Bhadohi han (*) 116. The Relevance of Public Administration Education: Towards Profess (*) [AC] 117. The Sources of Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara African Countries (*) [AC] 120. Effects of imports on technical efficiency in Russian food indust (*) [AC] 121. Using the Importance-Performance-Analysis to Identify the Service (*) [AC] 122. The scaling property and the use of a system of equations approac (*) [AC] 123. Why Tax Effort Falls Short of Tax Capacity in Indian States: A St (*) [AC] 2 124. A cost efficiency analysis of the Insurance Industry in Mexico (*) [AC] 125. The determinants of global Islamic banking efficiency performance (*) [AC] 126. Bank Efficiency in MENA Countries: A Meta-frontier Approach (*) [AC] 128. The Study of Meta-Frontier Cost Malmquist Productivity Gap Index: (*) [AC] 129. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF COSTS – [AC] AS A NEW TOOL TO GAIN COMPETITI (*) 130. Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions (*) [AC] 131. Directed Technical Change: the Tragedy of the Locals (*) [AC] 132. Multinational firms and the international diffusion of technologi (*) [AC] 133. Data Envelopment Analysis and the Multiplier Effects of Efficienc (*) [AC] 134. Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis in the Eurozone Banking Sector (*) [AC] 135. What Drives Performance among Tanzanian Savings and Credit Cooper (*) [AC] 136. How many and what to include: Re-evaluating the Z environmental v (*) [AC] 137. UNIVERSITY MERGERS IN ENGLAND: AN ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENCY EFFECTS [AC] (*) 138. Rural Labor Market Conditions and Production Efficiency: Implicat (*) [AC] 139. Evaluating Private Pension Funds using Data Envelopment Analysis [AC] (*) 140. The Productivity of the Internet from the Perspective of Househol (*) [AC] 3 141. Managerial Efficiency under Centralized Management - A Dynamic Ap (*) [AC] 143. Reconcilableness of environment and income - An environmental eff (*) [AC] 144. The efficiency of Tunisian universities: An application of a two- (*) [AC] 145. On the aggregation of economic productivity indices (*) [AC] 146. A DEA-based approach to evaluate the efficiency in the performing (*) [AC] 147. AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE STANFORD’S “1.2 RULE” [AC] FOR FERT (*) 148. Productivity versus Self-regulation - an empirical analysis on pa (*) [AC] 149. Distinguishing Heterogenity and Inefficiency in a Panel Data Stoc (*) [AC] 150. Stochastic Metafrontiers (*) [AC] 151. Trade Reform and Technical Efficiency in the Indonesian Food Indu (*) [AC] 152. Decomposing profit change: A Fischer-based approach and applicati (*) [AC] 153. A Two-tier Stochastic Frontier Model with Correction for Sample S (*) [AC] 154. Does Ownership Always Matter? Evidence from the Indian banking (*) [AC] 155. The Three Is of Public Schools: Irrelevant Inputs, Insufficient R (*) [AC] 156. Global Dependence and Productivity: A Robust Nonparametric World [AC] (*) 157. Banking on Industry: microeconomic evidence on the impact of fina (*) [AC] 4 158. US bank main financial ratios time varying and size effects: an e (*) [AC] 159. Cross-Country Analysis of Composition of Human Capital on Total F (*) [AC] 160. Estimating the economic value of symbiotic nitrogen: A distance f (*) [AC] 161. The ``wrong skewness'' problem in stochastic frontier models: A n (*) [AC] 162. Do Direction, Normalization and the Jacobian Matter in the Produc (*) [AC] 163. Wrong Skewness and Finite Sample Correction in Parametric Stochas (*) [AC] 164. Cross-Country Income Differences Revisited: Accounting for the Ro (*) [AC] 165. Estimation of efficiency levels in electricity consumption by Swi (*) [AC] 166. A General Error Revenue Function Model with Technical Inefficienc (*) [AC] 167. Analyzing Efficiency of biogas plants in Austria [AC] using Data Enve (*) 168. Measuring input-specific productivity change through a Luenberger (*) [AC] 169. Dynamic Profit Inefficiency: A DEA Application to Belgian Dairy F (*) [AC] 170. Quality of Upper Secondary Schools in Finland: Evaluating Persist (*) [AC] 171. Determinants of MD2* Adoption, Production Efficiency and Technolo (*) [AC] 172. A Meta-Frontier Approach for Causal Inference in Productivity Ana (*) [AC] 5 173. What can be learned from efficiency in sports to rank schools? (*) [AC] 174. Benchmarking EU social inclusion and poverty policies in the peri (*) [AC] 175. The impact of IFQs on the productivity of the US Gulf of Mexico R (*) [AC] 176. Foreign Knowledge Spilloversand Total Factor Productivity Growth: (*) [AC] 178. How do we know what the right price is (and does it matter)? (*) [AC] 179. Two Decades of Data Envelopment Analysis Applied to the Transport (*) [AC] 180. An enhanced BAM [AC] for unbounded or partially bounded CRS additive (*) 181. Endogeneity in Stochastic Frontier Models (*) [AC] 182. Estimating the Materials Balance Condition: A Stochastic Frontier (*) [AC] 183. Yardstick regulation of electricity distribution – Disentangling [AC] (*) 184. COMPREHENSION OF BAYESIAN AND MONTE CARLO ESTIMATORS FOR INCIDENC (*) [AC] 185. A Unified Productivity-Performance Approach Applied to Secondary [AC] (*) 186. The innovative input mix: Assessing the importance of R&D and ICT (*) [AC] 187. Cluster Analysis for Energy Distribution Benchmarking: the 2014 B (*) [AC] 188. A Note on Measuring Environmental Harshness with an application t (*) [AC] 189. The use of composite indicators to evaluate the performance of Br (*) [AC] 6 191. The orientation of DEA models with dual-role factors (*) [AC] 192. Nonparametric Least Squares Methods for Stochastic Frontier Model (*) [AC] 193. Defining low input dairy farms across European countries: a front (*) [AC] 194. Productivity of Norwegian Institutions [AC] of Higher Education 2004 (*) 195. Economic Efficiency of Fish Farming Techniques in Nigeria (*) [AC] 197. Composition of Human Capital, Distance to the Frontier and Produc (*) [AC] 198. Management in Production: From Unobserved to Observed (*) [AC] 199. Persistent and Transient Productive Inefficiency of the New Zeela (*) [AC] 202. Considering favourability indexes as part of the Malmquist index (*) [AC] 203. Risk-Taking and Efficiency in the Colombian Banking Sector (*) [AC] 205. Multiplicative Duality Theory in Production Economics (*) [AC] 206. Scale economies of multi-output public agencies: an empirical ana (*) [AC] 207. Accessing Managerial (In)efficiency with three different second s (*) [AC] 209. Efficiency of primary education and its determinants: An investig (*) [AC] 210. Credit crunch, gender discrimination and social capital: an empir (*) [AC] 211. Nonparametric Fisher Total Factor Productivity Index using Shadow (*) [AC] 7 212. Ranking with a Euclidean Common Set of Weights in Data Envelopmen (*) [AC] 213. Misallocation and Total Factor Productivity in Italy: Evidence fr (*) [AC] 214. Bootstrap-based testing for network DEA: Some Theory and Applicat (*) [AC] 215. Technical efficiency analysis of major international airports in [AC] (*) 216. Nonparametric analysis of multi-product firms with unobserved tec (*) [AC] 217. The Twilight Zone between Latent Class Modelling and Outlier Dete (*) [AC] 218. Industrial concentration and judicial efficiency: a spatial analy (*) [AC] 219. Human capital constraints and firms' productivity: Evidence from [AC] (*) 220. Marrying frontier analysis-based benchmarking and user-tailored d (*) [AC] 221. Frontier Metatechnologies and Convexity: A Restatement (*) [AC] 222. Bayesian Analysis of Productivity Growth of Polish Dairy Farms (*) [AC] 223. Are banks choices against economic progress? Empirical evidence f (*) [AC] 224. A Double Whammy: Credit Chains and Idiosyncratic Supplier Shocks (*) [AC] 226. Dynamic Eco-efficiency under the By-Production of Undesirable Out (*) [AC] 227. DEA-based analysis on inefficiency loss – an application on fodde (*) [AC] 228. Output-Specific inputs in DEA (*) [AC] 8 229. Economies of Vertical Integration and Efficient Electricity Marke (*) [AC] 230. Assessing Bank Efficiency and Stability (*) [AC] 231. Measuring the Technical Efficiency of Farms Producing Environment (*) [AC] 232. The efficiency of health expenditure: comparison of European coun (*) [AC] 233. Persistent and Transient Efficiency – an Application to the Swiss (*) [AC] 234. Consistent weight restrictions and production trade-offs in DEA (*) [AC] 235. A Stochastic Frontier Model with Discrete Inefficiency (*) [AC] 236. Uncertainty in efficiency predictions in common panel data stocha (*) [AC] 237. Environmental influences on academic performance: Evidence from C (*) [AC] 238. Climatic Variability and Adaptation in U.S. Agriculture (*) [AC] 239. The assimilation of young workers into the labour market in Franc (*) [AC] 240. A Directional Distance Function Approach for Identifying the Inpu (*) [AC] 241. HETEROGENEITY OF INEFFICIENCY PERSISTENCE UNDER A BAYESIAN FRAMEW (*) [AC] 242. Non-Convex Value Efficiency Analysis (*) [AC] 243. Inefficiency and risk taking behavior in Spanish banking (*) [AC] 244. Economic measures of capacity utilization: A nonparametric cost f (*) [AC] 245. Price-Setting with Unobservable Elasticities of Demand: The [AC] 9 Busi (*) 246. By estimating the cost of reducing the waiting lists: a new appro (*) [AC] 247. Evaluating the Banker et al (2007) method for estimating DEA allo (*) [AC] 248. Bank Branch Operational Performance: A Robust and Fuzzy Clusterin (*) [AC] 249. The cost inefficiency of nursing homes: does five- star quality r (*) [AC] 251. A non-separable climate change indicator in French agriculture (*) [AC] 252. Efficiency of Wind Power Production and its Determinants (*) [AC] 253. The two-stage Simar and Wilson (2007) models for the different fr (*) [AC] 254. Evaluating local governments’ performance in crisis times (*) [AC] 255. Returns to scale and curvature in the presence of spillovers: Evi (*) [AC] 256. Addressing technical efficiency and technology heterogeneity in t (*) [AC] 257. Elasticities of Substitution and Complementarity across Space (*) [AC] 258. Testing gender differences in productivity: an application to Spa (*) [AC] 259. Bayesian mapping methods applied to the 2014 Brazilian energy dis (*) [AC] 260. An Evaluation of Technical Efficiency [AC] in the Nursing Home Sector (*) 261. Estimating performance of rail transport by bootstrap data envelo (*) [AC] 262. “Productivity Growth, Regional Disparity and Convergence Clubs in (*) [AC] 10 263. The Validity of Statistical Inference About Unit-Specific Technic (*) [AC] 264. Downsizing Effects on the Financial Performance of European Autom (*) [AC] 265. Productivity and Efficiency in the Handbook of Input-Output Analy (*) [AC] 266. The effects of forage crop mix on the efficiency and quality of m (*) [AC] 267. Financial effects of Chinese import competition: The case of disa (*) [AC] 268. Efficiency and risk in the Banking industry: Evidence from Southe (*) [AC] 270. The dynamics of total factor productivity and its components: Rus (*) [AC] 271. Measuring Social Welfare and Drivers of its Change (*) [AC] 272. An educational value added method using weight restrictions and n (*) [AC] 273. The role of oil in the efficiency of Iranian manufacturing sector (*) [AC] 274. Maize Productivity and Input Subsidies in Malawi: A State-Conting (*) [AC] 275. Assessing substitutability among undesirable outputs using parame (*) [AC] 276. Efficiency of Cooking Fuel Use in Rural Households in India (*) [AC] 279. Estimating Market Power in Homogenous Product Markets Using a Com (*) [AC] 280. Source of Productivity Growth in Indonesian Banks: An Empirical A (*) [AC] 11 281. The moments bootstrap: an alternative to smooth bootstrap DEA (*) [AC] 282. Inefficient or just different? Accounting for heterogeneity in sm (*) [AC] 283. R&D Investment, Innovation, Intellectual Property and Productivit (*) [AC] 284. Energy efficiency and the economy-wide rebound effect: a computab (*) [AC] 285. Detecting Spatial Heterogeneity in Stochastic Frontier Models: an (*) [AC] 286. Determinants of local government efficiency and the role of spati (*) [AC] 287. A decomposition of [AC] the aggregate energy intensity change of Span (*) 288. INTERVAL SCALE DATA IN THE BoD MODEL (*) [AC] 289. The Effect of Manager's Risk Preference and Bank Consolidation on (*) [AC] 290. Cross-country difference in evaluations of socioeconomic conditio (*) [AC] 292. Context-Dependent DEA Approach: Performance Catching Up Among Eur (*) [AC] 293. Over-investment and under-investment of Danish farms (*) [AC] 294. TRADEMARKING ACTIVITIES AND TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY: SOME EVIDE (*) [AC] 295. Eco-efficiency using a stochastic frontier approach with applicat (*) [AC] 296. Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Transfer, and TFP: Evidence from Ch (*) [AC] 298. Application of the Nonparametric DEA Metafrontier Approach to Com (*) [AC] 12 299. Productivity and technical efficiency on rice production in Urugu (*) [AC] 300. Understanding the impact of climatic shocks on farmer technical e (*) [AC] 301. Productivity, structural change and informality: the case of Russ (*) [AC] 303. Sustainable Directions (*) [AC] 304. International Benchmarking of Electricity Transmission System Ope (*) [AC] 306. Comments on the Brazilian benchmarking model for energy distribut (*) [AC] 308. The Performance Evaluation on the Efficiency and Productivity Cha (*) [AC] 312. Estimating and explaining the efficiency of township hospitals in (*) [AC] 313. Malmquist Productivity Analysis based on StoNED: The Case of Norw (*) [AC] 315. Performance Evaluation of Taiwan Banking Industry with the Consid (*) [AC] 316. Productive Performance, Technology Heterogeneity and Hierarchies: (*) [AC] 317. Operational Conditions in Regulatory Benchmarking Models - A Mont (*) [AC] 318. Malmquist Productivity Index with Fuzzy Data by Possibility Theor (*) [AC] 319. Time-Varying True Individual Effects Model with Endogenous Regres (*) [AC] 320. Which Firms Suffered from Credit Crunch? Impact of Finance on Fir (*) [AC] 13 322. A Global House Of Debt Effect? Mortgages and Post-Crisis Recessio (*) [AC] 323. Two-stage processes and an evaluation of their efficiencies with [AC] (*) 324. A SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH PERFORMANCE TO PUBLICATION AND (*) [AC] 325. The value of being Socially Responsible. A DEA Approach for Recov (*) [AC] 326. Dynamic stochastic analysis of the farm subsidy-efficiency link: [AC] (*) 327. Measurement of technical efficiency and productivity of SSO hospi (*) [AC] 328. Information efficiency in a lemons market: Evidence from vegetabl (*) [AC] 329. Increasing returns to scale in U.S. manufacturing industries: evi (*) [AC] 330. The relationship between research cooperation and technical effic (*) [AC] 331. Are we spending our scarce R&D resources adequately? Analyzing th (*) [AC] 332. What determines the efficiency of public secondary schools in Pak (*) [AC] 333. Assessing the multidimensional performance of universities: Overc (*) [AC] 334. Performance evaluation of the public employment services in Finla (*) [AC] 335. Being part of the automotive Global Value Chain: the effects on t (*) [AC] 336. Implications of Environmental Production Factors on the Estimatio (*) [AC] 14 337. On the trade-off between quantity and quality in cargo handling: [AC] (*) 338. Production Potential, Heterogeneous technology and Productivity: [AC] (*) 339. Part-time Work and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Italy (*) [AC] 340. Making wellbeing productive: A network DEA framework” (*) [AC] 341. Capital Structure and Ownership in Regulated Electricity Distribu (*) [AC] 342. Bandwidth Selection Issues for Nonparametric Conditional Efficien (*) [AC] 343. Sources of Returns to Scale of U.S. Banks: Cost, Revenue, and Pro (*) [AC] 344. Banking network formation and efficiency (*) [AC] 345. Challenged, or just Inefficient? – Compensating for Exogenous Cos (*) [AC] 346. Importing scale efficiencies from public-private collaboration in (*) [AC] 347. Carbon-decreasing Developments Among New Competitors: Gas- and Co (*) [AC] 348. Scale Efficiency of Farms with Different Systems of Rearing Pigs (*) [AC] 349. Technical Input Efficiency in the French Urban Transport Sector (*) [AC] 350. SFA Quasi-likelihood: A New Stochastic Frontier Estimation Method (*) [AC] 351. Sources of Productivity Growth in Ethiopian Agriculture (*) [AC] 352. The Financial Crisis and the Efficiency of Listed Investment Bank (*) [AC] 353. Importing scale efficiencies through municipality collaboration. [AC] 15 (*) 354. DEA application in the Brazilian transmission sector (*) [AC] 355. Dynamic Input-Specific Productivity Change: Measurement and Appli (*) [AC] 356. Land problems and efficiency in Salvadoran agriculture: a state-c (*) [AC] 357. Evolution Of Productivity Of Supermarket Chains in Brazil: An Ana (*) [AC] 358. Inefficiency patterns amongst different types, and generations, o (*) [AC] 359. Recent Changes and Evolution Of Productivity of Shrimp Culture in (*) [AC] 361. A Multiple Criteria Data Envelopment Analysis Approach to Two-sta (*) [AC] 363. Stochastic Frontier Using Transformation to Normal (*) [AC] 364. Geometric Distance Functions-based Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen [AC] (*) 365. Technical efficiency of clinics International Center for Neurolog (*) [AC] 367. Heterogeneity and Efficiency levels in Regional Innovation: a com (*) [AC] 368. Flexible Functional Forms and Curvature Conditions: Evidence from (*) [AC] 369. Ownership and Production Efficiency in Turkish Higher Education (*) [AC] 371. Relation between Determinants of Total Factor Productivity and St (*) [AC] 372. Impact of investments on productivity growth in agricultural hold (*) [AC] 16 373. Non-parametric efficiency estimation using Richardson-Lucy blind [AC] (*) 374. Merger gains in the Norwegian electricity distribution industry (*) [AC] 375. unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity in nonparametric frontie (*) [AC] 376. Health care efficiency differences in German districts (*) [AC] 377. An evaluation of production efficiency of ICT sectors in the EU: [AC] (*) 378. Lessons learned from DEA applied to university rankings (*) [AC] 379. Bayesian Estimation of the Components of TFP Change (*) [AC] 382. Predicting corporate failure using a production possibility set (*) [AC] 383. Shiva's Dance: Crisis, Local Institutions and Private Firms (*) [AC] 384. Using DEA in assesing crises in national economics (*) [AC] 385. Shape constrained kernel weighted least squares for the estimatio (*) [AC] 386. Tariff regulation of electricity distribution: a comparative anal (*) [AC] 387. Improved crop-livestock management practices, technical efficienc (*) [AC] 388. Administrative Economic Efficiency in Sabah Local Government, 200 (*) [AC] 389. A Stochastic Frontier Model with Endogenous Treatment Status and [AC] (*) 390. Business innovation and waste management sustainability: the case (*) [AC] 391. Locus of decision-making and the efficiency of the education sect (*) [AC] 17 392. Exploring cross-country differences in the efficiency of schools: (*) [AC] 394. Network DEA, industry structure, and intermediate [AC] input congesti (*) 395. Choice of technology which generates normalized CES production fu (*) [AC] 396. The Non-Linear Input-Output Model with Time Varying Random Coeffi (*) [AC] 397. International Airlines Efficiency and the Global Economic Crisis (*) [AC] 399. Technical efficiency measurement from heterogeneous stochastic fr (*) [AC] 402. Bank productivity and efficiency in Tunisia : A robust partial or (*) [AC] 403. Efficiency Measurement of the Largest Water and Wastewater Utilit (*) [AC] 404. Penalized shape restricted least squares with an application to p (*) [AC] 405. Modified fixed effects estimation of technical inefficiency (*) [AC] 18
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