Branching processes and stochastic equations

Branching processes and stochastic equations
Zenghu Li,
School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, No. 19 Xinjie Kouwai
Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100875, China
Branching process, stochastic equation, strong solution, stochastic ow,
measure-valued process
60J80, 60H10, 60H20
We establish the strong existence of some stochastic ows of continuous-state branching processes. These unify and generalize the treatments of the ows of subordinators
of Bertoin and Le Gall (2003, 2005, 2006). They also provide new perspectives into
the tree-valued Markov processes of Aldous and Pitman (1998) and Abraham and
Delmas (2012). The exploration is based on some general results on pathwise uniqueness and non-negative strong solutions of stochastic equations driven by time-space
white noises and Poisson random measures.
The research was supported by by NSFC and MOSTC.
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III Workshop on Branching Processes and their Applications
April 7-10, 2015
Badajoz (Spain)