May has arrived and we are beginning to enjoy the fresh spring air and natural environment of our school yard. Students are taking advantage of being physically active where they are able to run, jump, hop and climb. The pure enjoyment of children's outdoor games and play is constantly evident. Classes are also extremely active with teachers, EAs, ECEs and students engaged in important and valuable learning. I am impressed by the thoughtfulness and generosity of the student, staff, parents, and the rest of the Fenwick community. I am often reminded by visitors about the positive and engaging atmosphere that they find when they visit our school. Even though I am aware that E. W. Farr is a great place to learn it is good to know that others see it that way as well! Although we are nearing the end of the school year, May and June are still important and busy months of school. Many decisions are made about the current school year and also about the next school year. For example, at the end of May grade 3 students take part in the EQAO Assessment. As well, many activities outside of school are on the calendar, such as track and field, school trips, and the Brock PALS program. It is an exciting time in the school year. M AY 2 0 1 5 E. W. FARR FOX NEWS F r o m yo u r p r i n c i pa l Professional Development Day There is a Professional Development Day on Friday, May 15 where our teachers will be busy learning about mathematics and assessment, reviewing this year’s progress on our School Improvement Plan, and looking towards the goals we wish to work on next year. IN THIS ISSUE: Education Week 1 “Light” 2 Fundscrip Grade 3 EQAO Wonder Wagons Yearbook Pictures Grade 3 Track & Field 3 3 3 3 3 DSBN Planning Today Communication Matters School Watch Program Milk Prizes Newsletter Draw 4 4 4 4 4 Fundscrip Order Form 5 Hailey’s Healing Hearts 6 Education Week: #DSBNEdWeek2015 Visit our website often— EWFARR.DSBN.ORG May 4-8 Many students can recall that first moment in school when the world began to make sense, when their minds became open to new concepts, ideas and possibilities. Although that’s an important time in a student’s life, the reality is that education is a series of moments, each one helping to build greater understanding, self-esteem and character. During May 4-8 DSBN Light by: Bryanna Brandt Today we shine, But tonight we run in fear, For the darkness blocks the light. Light and dark, What a great battle. Light, light I see tonight, We will win now, We have finished our fight. Peace will come now, Peace will come now. Hope. Love. E. W. FARR MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL 9 Alsop Ave Fenwick ON, L0S 1C0 ph: 905-892-3251 fax: 905-892-3666 email: web: EWFARR.DSBN.ORG SCOTT ANDERSON Principal WES HAHN Superintendent 905-641-1550 DALE ROBINSON Trustee 905-680-2427 FUNDSCRIP GIFT CARDS - THE EASIEST WAY TO GIVE BACK TO OUR STUDENTS Mrs. Thorne’s Grade 2/3 class was the winner of the pizza lunch last month by having the most Fundscrip orders of any class. Thank you to all who ordered. Remember, this is an on-going fundraiser. Please use the on-line information throughout the year—anytime. If you order on line, the cards will be delivered right to your door. Simply go on line at Enter our school code (P7G45T) and order from a wide variety of gift cards available. The face value of the gift card is the price you pay—without deduction. If you prefer, we have attached an order form. The order form indicates the percentage returned to the school. There is also a copy of the order form on the school website— The May due date for paper orders is Friday, May 22. If you have any questions, contact Karen VanVliet @ Thank you for your support! GRADE 3 EDUCATION QUALITY & ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE (EQAO) TESTING Please mark your calendars. All of our Grade 3 students will be writing their Provincial EQAO tests between May 27 and June 5 this year. We ask that you do not schedule an appointments during these days as all students in Grade 3 are required to write. As a parent or guardian, you care about your child’s progress in school. EQAO assessments, along with classroom assessment, can help ensure that your child is on the right track. There are a number of links on the EQAO website ( to learn more about your child’s EQAO assessment. The Primary Division (Grade 3) assessment tests the reading, writing and mathematics skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3. These assessments are based on The Ontario Curriculum. WONDER WAGONS The Kindergarten classes at E.W. Farr are creating an outdoor classroom. We are hoping to make a collection of “wonder wagons” that will be filled with items for the children to use when we are outdoors. We have the materials to fill the wagons - all we need now are some wagons. If you know of anyone that is looking for a good home for their gently used wagon please have them consider donating it to the Kindergarten classes at E.W. Farr. We are looking for wagons that are similar to the picture below. The wagon should be in good repair and able to hold quite a few treasures! Please email the school ( if you have a wagon to donate. Track and Field Last Call for Yearbook Photos! If you have any photos from this school year, including school events, classroom activities or school trips, please email them to OR you can send home a CD or USB stick with Matthew Whitaker in Mrs. Thorne’s class. Congratulations to all Grade 3 students who participated in the school Track & Field Day at E. L. Crossley last month. It was a cold, windy day but our athletes showed perseverance, determination and sportsmanship. The following athletes will represent our school at the regional, or Group 2, Track & Field Meet at Niagara Olympic Park on Wednesday, May 13: Alex K Alison H Gage P Haylie M Kaiden V Marshall F Maxx V Nick B Ruby M Sam B We wish our Team the best of luck and know they will represent our school well! Planning Today to Energize Education for Tomorrow DSBN Trustees are supporting student success by revitalizing our public schools. An important part of this process is the role of Accommodation Reviews. On March 26, 2015 the Ministry of Education released revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG) and the DSBN has revised the Accommodation Review Policy to align with the new Ministry Guidelines. You are invited to provide your comments on this new policy. From May 6 to June 3, 2015 please go to and click on the “Accommodation Review Policy Feedback” button. You may also provide comments via mail. Please send to Lora Courtois, Superintendent of Planning, District School Board of Niagara, 191 Carlton St. St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7P4. Communication Matters Smart Talk from your Board Speech-Language Pathologists Develop Word Meanings to Improve Your Child’s Comprehension Skills Understanding word meanings is essential for comprehending and understanding what you are reading. However, vocabulary is a weak area for many students. Given a list of words to learn, many students will complete the task but may not actually learn what the words really mean in order to develop their spoken language and vocabulary knowledge. Developing vocabulary as part of knowledge structure requires more energy and focus than simply memorizing words. · Develop vocabulary by going beyond the ‘label’ and the ‘spelling’. · Teach word synonyms (words that mean the same thing e.g. night, evening, dusk), antonyms or opposites (night and day), and multiple meaning words (e.g. block; a lego block, a city block, a building block). Also teach categories, classifications and associations between words (e.g. a shoe and sock go together -are associated; and belong in the clothing category as ‘things you wear). · Illustrate new words. Show pictures or video clips that demonstrate the meaning of a word. Help your child draw and label something illustrating the meaning of the word. "Flashcards" can be made more meaningful with pictures, as well. · Play "vocabulary charades." Have your child draw a word from a hat and act it out. · Play “find the word used in the real world”. Help your child identify when he hears or sees a new vocabulary word being used in the real world - beyond the learning activities designed for school. Check out the following web site for more ideas and fun ways to develop word meanings: SCHOOL WATCH PROGRAM Although we are fortunate in our neighbourhood, in an effort to keep vandalism, graffiti and after-hours unauthorized activities on our property to a minimum, we would like to encourage your participation in the on-going DSBN SCHOOL WATCH PROGRAM. Should you observe unusual activity at the school, please call the emergency number 905-682-8065, in confidence, 24-7. In the alternative, Niagara Regional Police may also be called at 905-735-7811. The cost of vandalism can add up, so there is a direct benefit in reducing vandalism. Thank you for your assistance. MARCH MILK PRIZE WINNERS Each month, random winners will be drawn from those students who have submitted milk orders. Winners receive a prize supplied by the Dairy Farmers of Canada through their Elementary School Milk Program. This month’s winners are: Stephanie T, Cadwin S, Rylan T, Jackson L Please ensure your child’s name is on the order form. NEWSLETTER DRAW The winner of last month’s newsletter draw are Mathew and Alex W. Please fill out the ballot below and return to your teacher, before the last Monday of the month, to be entered in a draw for a special treat. Name(s):_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class(es):________________________________________________________________________________________________ May Due Date: Friday, May 22, 2015 Hailey’s Healing Hearts Fundraiser 2 events, same day . . . come to one or come to both!! What? A Kids’ “Fun Day” -AND- an Adults’ “Evening of Fun” When? Saturday June 20th, 2015 Kids’ time is 12-3 pm Adults’ time is 7pm until 12am Where? Fenwick Lions Club / Centennial Park, 999 Church St., Fenwick Why? To raise money for St. Catharine’s Hospital Women and Babies Unit, Sick Kids Hospital Toronto, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House (Hamilton and Toronto), Renaissance Midwifery Welland, and the Fenwick Fire Department. OUR STORY (the short and sweet version of it all!) When our beautiful baby girl, Hailey, was born in March of 2014, her tiny body began to shut down shortly thereafter and at 8 days old she endured a life saving 5 hour open heart surgery. She was able to come home only one week later!! We thank God every day for all of those people and places who got us through that important time. That is why our family is hosting this Fundraiser- we would like to give something back to all of those amazing people and places and to the next baby, child, or family that needs this help to get to a better time. Tickets: Kids’ Event $15.00 per child, at the door only -includes: food and drink, various activities (ie, bouncy castle, face painting, crafts and more) Adults’ Event $20.00 per adult, in advance or at the door -includes music, food, cash bar, games, raffle prizes, and automatic entry for door prize
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