A TREASURE TROVE OF LEARNING!! Volume 3 Issue 9 May 1, 2015 PA R N A L L P U B L I C S C H O O L 507 Geneva St., St. Catharines, ON L2N 2H7 NEWSLETTER IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Track & Field - May 1st Brock Badminton Tournament - May 6th A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL PAC mtg. - May 6th 6:30 p.m. at Gov. Simcoe SS It looks like Spring has finally arrived! As usual, the students and staff of Parnall will be very busy this month. Both our Grade 3's and 6's will be writing the EQAO assessments starting the end of May. Teachers will be meeting with parents for Special Education IPRC’s and many of our students will be involved in Track & Field over the course of this month. Kindergarten Mother’s Day teaMay 7th Superstar Assembly - May 8th 1:35 p.m. PD Day - May 15th Rankin Run - May 23rd - 10:00 a.m. PAC mtg. - May 26th - 7:00 p.m. EQAO Testing period - May 25th to June 2nd Contact us at: Phone: 905-934-3348 Fax: 905-934-3349 E-mail: par@dsbn.org C. Scott - Principal GRADE 3 & 6 EQAO The Provincial Standards testing for grades 3 and 6 will be held between May 25th and June 2nd. Testing will occur daily during this period. Please plan to make sure that your child is in attendance. Since education is a partnership of parents, students and teachers, we stress to parents to better prepare their children for the E.Q.A.O. assessments and the Ontario Curriculum that reading with your children from a greater variety of texts (poetry, magazines, computer manuals, newspaper, plays, etc.) would be very valuable. Reviewing and solidifying number facts and mathematical concepts would also be helpful. As you view your children’s creative writing or any form of writing, challenge them to use more interesting vocabulary, a variety of sentence structures, and stress the use of imagery (similes, metaphors, alliteration) or vivid verbs and adjectives. Finally, try to stress independence in your child. Certainly some parental guidance of homework is fine, but try having your child re-read, and re-think instructions and attempt solutions on his/her own. LITERACY WEEK (MAY 4—8) Next week Parnall will be celebrating Literacy Week. Each day students will be dressing up. Monday: “Reading Rocks Wear Some Funky Socks” - Wear funny socks; Tuesday: “Hats Off to Books” Wear a funny hat; Wednesday: “Be a STAR and Read” - Wear sunglasses; Thursday: “Score With Books” - Wear your favorite team gear; Friday “Curl up to a good Book” - Wear your PJ’s to school. We will also be having a theme each day. Monday: “design your classroom door contest” where classes will choose a favourite book and cover their door portraying that story; Tuesday: “D.E.A.R.” (Drop Everything And Read); Wednesday: “guess how many books we have in our Library”; Thursday: “Book Swap” - each child brings in a book from home that they have already read and they swap it with another student. Each student will then go home with a new book. Friday: “Reading Buddies” - classes match up to read together. Check out our Website at: http://parnall.dsbn.org or follow us on Twitter @parnall_ps PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 2 APRIL’S SUPER STARS Silas B-D. Tavi R. Tucker F. Graeme M. Morrigan S. Lily A. Alanice B. Leland T. Anita T. Gibson D. Jamie V. James M. Inshaa A. Trinity D. Keeley F. Kaeden P. Svea G. Jackson M. Felicia P-W. Hayden F. Sarina B-P. Austin D. Daniel S. Ryan C. Ethan P. Madison T. Andrei T. Ty A. Orlin C. Sam D. Catherine B. Aidan W. Brenon D. Jared D. Emily B. Larissa A. Matthew J. Yujung K. Gage D. APRIL’S CHARACTER EDUCATION WINNERS Matthew J. Ariza T. Tiffany A. Sarah S. Zala I . Lucan W. Madison W. Naomi B. Emma D. Reisa M. Jaejun K. Thomas D. Chaewon K. Aiden M. Noah P. Ethan R. Brandon C. Dane S. Dalton W. Josiah E. Maya J. SCHOOL VANDALISM TALENT SHOW AUDITIONS We ask your cooperation in reducing vandalism. Should you observe unusual activity at the school please call in confidence either of the following emergency numbers: Auditions for the Parnall Talent Show are now underway. Students who are selected for the Talent Show will receive a notice to take home and are asked to continue working on their Talent Show piece at home. The Talent Show will be on Thursday, June 18th in the a.m. 905-682-8065 or 905-653-1293 A big Thank You to everyone who plans to try out!! (Mme Best & Mrs. Lockyer) PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 3 RANKIN CANCER RUN… Save the date! Rankin Cancer Run will be held on May 23 rd, 2015 at 10 a.m CHOCOLATE BAR FUNDRAISER & PRIZE WINNERS Thanks to all of the students who participated in our recent chocolate bar fundraiser. We raised $7000 for Parnall School. Well done!!! Kennedy Shea - Early Bird Draw Mr. Pickett’s class - top ELKP selling class Duke Asadoorian - Top Seller Mrs. Cosby’s class - top Primary selling class Duke Asadoorian - iPad mini Draw Miss Erwood’s class - top Jr./Int. selling class SUMMER HEAT 2015 We are pleased to offer SUMMER HEAT, a primary Summer Learning Program, again this year. The program will run from Monday, July 13th to Friday, July 31st for students entering JK to grade 4 in the fall of 2015. Kindergarten Kick Start is for students entering junior and senior kindergarten in the fall, while Funshine Kids is for students entering grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. This three week program is entirely FREE, but space is limited so please be sure to register early. Registration can be done online starting Friday, May 1 st. The program will begin at 8:15 a.m. with breakfast provided, and it will end at 12:15 p.m. Students will be involved in a variety of learning opportunities throughout the morning, with a focus on literacy, numeracy and active living. We are excited about being able to offer this amazing program to our families. Check it out on the DSBN website at www.dsbn.org/summerheat Summer HEAT will be offered at the following sites: St. Catharines - Edith Cavell (literacy and mathematics site), Connaught (literacy and mathematics site), Lincoln Centennial (literacy and mathematics site), Grapeview (Aboriginal site with literacy) PAC MEETING Our next scheduled Parnall Advisory Council meeting is set for Thursday May 6th at 6:30 p.m. at Governor Simcoe SS (auditorium). We will be seeing Motivational Speaker Dick O’Brien who will be talking about Teenage Resiliency. We encourage any and all interested parents to attend. Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 26th at 7:00 p.m. YMCA ON NIAGARA SUMMER CARE FOR 3 & 4 YEAR OLDS YMCA Child Care will be offering a new weekly program this summer for 3 and 4 year olds in designated licensed centres (3 year olds must be born in 2011). Designed to keep your child engaged in play-based learning throughout the summer, YMCA Summer Care provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to develop into confident, caring and happy individuals. For more Information on locations and fees, please visit www.ymcaofniagara.org PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 4 LEARNING ADVANTAGE WORKBOOKS -’Keep your head in the game’ Parnall School will be making available a summer activity workbook called "Learning Advantage" later in the month of May. "Learning Advantage" is a fully coloured 192 page, activity book designed to reinforce and maintain Kindergarten to Grade 7 students' academic learning skills over the summer months. There is one 192 paged activity book per grade level from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 7. All major units and 3 summer fun units in each book are aligned with the Ontario curriculum expectations. In addition to the summer months, the books can be used all year long from September to the following June. All books have parent information pages, evaluation forms; follow up activities and a family focus. A full lineup of French immersion books is also available. The cost of each book is $19.05 plus GST ($20 total). This is a savings of about $4 compared to retail and online prices. You can visit www.learningadvantage.ca to download a free unit of the book you would like to order for further review. An order form and information sheet with more details about the “Learning Advantage" program will be sent home to all parents within the next few weeks. Please direct questions to Mary-Jo Montalban mmontalban@cogeco.ca Please note: the order form does not state a due date for orders - Orders are due back to the school June 4th. The books ordered will be delivered to the school before the last week of school. CAN TAB CHALLENGE The CAN TAB CHALLENGE is coming to an end for 2014-2015. Please make sure to have all of your CAN TABS into your class by May 29th. So far, Miss Watson's class is in the lead with 2 1/2 full buckets. All of the money raised by recycling the CAN TABS will be used to help fund the SNACK PROGRAM here at Parnall. Thank you in advance for all your support. PLANNING TODAY TO ENERGIZE EDUCATION FOR TOMORROW DSBN Trustees are supporting student success by revitalizing our public schools. An important part of this process is the role of Accommodation Reviews. On March 26, 2015 the Ministry of Education released revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG) and the DSBN has revised the Accommodation Review Policy to align with the new Ministry Guidelines. You are invited to provide your comments on this new policy. From May 6 to June 3, 2015 please go to www.dsbn.org and click on the “Accommodation Review Policy Feedback” button. You may also provide comments via mail. Please send to Lora Courtois, Superintendent of Planning, District School Board of Niagara, 191 Carlton St. St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7P4. PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 5 Parnall Fun Fair Thursday June 18th 5:00-7:00 Check backpacks and agendas on Monday May 4th for a letter and order forms for the end-of-year fun fair! Order forms and payments due May 14th. Come play at the Fun Fair: bouncers, carnival games, Mad Science, Petland, “touch a truck” event, and so much more! Read all about it in the letter home! Volunteers needed! Can you spare an hour to make the fun fair a success? Does your high school student need community service hours? Sign up for part of the evening, or as much of it as you can! See the form sent home May 4th to sign up, or visit our facebook page for more details! SPONSORS: it’s not too late to sponsor the Fun Fair! $50 for your business name and logo on the back of our Fun Fair t-shirts, or a donation for our silent auction/raffle! Facebook: Fun Fair @ Parnall 2015 tamihowarth@yahoo.com tiffany.addie@hubinternational.com PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 6 INTERNET SAFETY - MONITOR YOUR CHILD’S USE! Keep the computer in an area of the house that is busy and well-monitored, allowing you to “check” on activity from time-to-time. Teach children and young people never to share personal details with anyone they have met on the Internet, including when they register for free e-mail addresses or when they visit chat rooms, bulletin boards, and web sites. Personal information includes name, address, school, photos, year of birth, credit card information, or passwords. Sit with your children when they register for instant messaging or e-mail accounts to ensure that no personal information is given out. Set clear rules about the kinds of sites your children are allowed to visit. Bookmark your favourite sites so that they can be accessed quickly and easily without needing to “surf the web” to find them again. Talk to children about predators and potential online dangers. Young children should not participate in chat rooms. As they get older, steer them towards well-monitored and age-appropriate chat rooms. If teens participate, find out what chat rooms they are visiting and who they talk to. Encourage your children to tell you if anyone says or does anything online (such as posting pictures) that makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened. Remind your children never to post anything on the Internet that they wouldn’t want the whole world to read. Report any incident of online harassment, physical threats, or ongoing solicitation of personal information to the local police or your Internet Service Provider Teach your children to only open emails from people they know and never to open attachments unless they have specifically requested them. Viruses most often enter your computer system through an email attachment. Use kid-friendly search engines or adult search engines that offer filtering. Disable Java and Java Script in your browser preferences. This will prevent your children from getting caught in a cycle of pop-up inappropriate windows. Use email filters. Most email programs offer some filtering options and there are many software products on the market that can be used to control spam (unwanted and continuous email) PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 7 S S! Support Our School! How can you help? It’s easy! Please think of our school when those magazine renewal notices start to arrive in the mail and Save Our Subscriptions! Please save your magazine orders and renewals for our QSP Magazine Fundraising Program that we will be running again this fall. This program allows us the opportunity to focus on literacy and support READING and helps raise funds at the same time. These funds go towards extra-curricular programs, activities, supplies and equipment that benefit our children and are essential to a meaningful, well-rounded education. On average our school earns $10.00 per subscription. WE ALL BENEFIT! We get great magazines at great prices. Save up to 80% off of newsstand prices! Our School earns a profit to go towards the many costs and extras that help to enrich our children’s school experience. Our Children – Any reading material encourages children to read and/or model your reading behaviour and help literacy skills. Save your renewals for our magazine subscription fundraiser this fall. There is still time to order now at www.qsp.ca. You will be helping to raise money for programs and activities to benefit all our students. Remember, if you have any questions regarding your magazine order; please call QSP Customer Service at 1-800-667-2536 PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 8 PARNALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — May Newsletter Page 9
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