DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA May 2015 Quaker May 2015 Volume 1, Issue 1 Inside this issue: Perseverance Award Winners 2 Masked Artist s in gr. 5 3 Summer Heat Program 5 Canopies for Kids 6 Jr. Boys Basketball 7 May Dates May 1—Track & Field Meet & fSP BBQ May 11—Fun Fair Volunteer Forms Go Out / Regional Track & Field Meet May 15—PD Day No School for Students May 18— Victoria Day Holiday May 25—EQAO Begins June 1—Ticket Packages for Fun Fair go home June 8—District Track & Field June 11—Fun Fair at Quaker 5pm-8pm June 12— PD Day No school for students June 23—Grade 8 Grad June 25—Last Day of School What a great month April was here at Quaker Road School! We had some great events for all ages throughout the Month that had us really come together as a community. On the sports front, our Junior Basketball season ended with the teams demonstrating great improvement and sportsmanship over the course of the season. Success is measured in many ways, and the spirit and pride that our students showed was more inspiring than any championship would bring. Well done teams and coaches, Mr. Hannahson and Mr. King! Both teams went on to represent Quaker Road in fine fashion at the DSBN tournament, with the boys making it all the way to the finals! In Track & Field action, our Grade 3 – 8 students were great participants at our School in meet held on our own "homemade" track. They showed incredible athleticism , and did a great job representing Quaker Road School. It was fantastic having so many parents out to support our students, and to help out with some of the events. From this event, we have many students moving on to represent Quaker at the Regional meet on May 1ith. Thanks also to our teachers who did a great job organizing the track meets and practices, and to Mr. Murphy for helping to 'create' our awesome track! If you visit Quaker Road, you will notice the awesome mature new trees that adorn our fields, providing great sources of shade for our students to enjoy on the hot days ahead. A big thank you to the Canopies for Kids program (offered by the Niagara Conservation Authority) for providing us with 10 mature maple trees, and 2 tulip trees. We certainly are very appreciative to have been able to participate in this program. We are also looking forward to the Annual Fun-Fair here at Quaker Road School, scheduled for Thursday, June 11 , 2015 from 5-8 pm. What a great way for us to get together as a community to help support school initiatives, and more importantly to have some fun! We appreciate the efforts of our Fun Fair/School Advisory committee members for all of their hard work preparing for this event, as well of the support of many community businesses and parents who have generously donated toward this event. Our next SAC/Fun Fair committee meeting is Tuesday, May 26 at 6 pm in the school library. And finally, congratulations to our Quaker Students on our DreamBox Challenge! Dreambox is an interactive and responsive program that helps students to develop a better conceptual understanding of mathematical models that help students to develop as Mathematicians. We are excited to see that our student participation has increased significantly over the year! In November, our students accessed the program an average of 1.4 hours per student for the month. That level has skyrocketed to an average of 3.8 hours per student for the month of April. Mrs. Toews-Peplinski's gr. 3s, Mrs. Bernard's gr. 1s and Ms. Fulford's gr. 6s are to be recognized not only for their time accessing the program at school, but for their involvement at home as well. Planning Today to Energize Education for Tomorrow DSBN Trustees are supporting student success by revitalizing our public schools. An important part of this process is the role of Accommodation Reviews. On March 26, 2015 the Ministry of Education released revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG) and the DSBN has revised the Accommodation Review Policy to align with the new Ministry Guidelines. You are invited to provide your comments on this new policy. From May 6 to June 3, 2015 please go to www.dsbn.org and click on the “Accommodation Review Policy Feedback” button. You may also provide comments via mail. Please send to Lora Courtois, Superintendent of Planning, District School Board of Niagara, 191 Carlton St. St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7P4. Page 2 Quaker May 2015 APRIL’S CHARACTER TRAIT IS . . . Integrity : Quaker students are honest, trustworthy and genuine with others. Quaker students strive to be careful to make sure that their actions match their words. We are very proud of our March Character award winners. Our Focus trait was PERSEVERANCE. Congrats to; Jacob O., Jorjia O., & Lincoln C., (Mrs. Ellis), Austin M. (Mrs. Boon), Aiden M., Nicole S., Colton G., (Mrs. Bernard), Bradley T.(Mrs. Shannon), Vanessa R., Tessa W., (Mrs. Longo) Zane N., Julia M., Matthew M. (Mrs. ToewsPeplinski), Sydney S., Logan K., Emma U-S., (Ms. Arnold), Anderson S., Ariana S., (Mr. Bateson), Dalton S., Jaei I., Anna W., (Ms. Fulford), Carter T., Jordan L.(Mr. Bootsma), Wilson G., (Ms. Haining), Aiden C.(Mr. King), Hayden T., (Mr. Hannahson) Mr. Bateson’s Grade 5/6 class designed some masks in art class. Their faces may be hidden but their artistic talent is on full display. Super Hero’s for Heart Health. Students have some fun during Quaker’s Jump Rope for Heart Health Event at Quaker School. Thanks to Mrs. Bernard for organizing this event. Page 4 Quaker May 2015 St. John’s Trip Nature fun windy, sunny, muddy garter snake salamander painted turtles amazing, interesting, perfect forest scavenger hunt Canadian geese, chirping, squawking hot dogs, firepit, hot chocolate smiles Nature By Mrs. Toews-Peplinski’s Grade 3 class Page 5 Summer HEAT 2015 We are pleased to offer SUMMER HEAT, a primary Summer Learning Program, again this year. The program will run from Monday, July 13th to Friday, July 31st for students entering JK to grade 4 in the fall of 2015. Kindergarten Kick Start is for students entering junior and senior kindergarten in the fall, while Funshine Kids is for students entering grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. This three week program is entirely FREE, but space is limited so please be sure to register early. Registration can be done online starting Friday, May 1st. The program will begin at 8:15 a.m. with breakfast provided, and it will end at 12:15 p.m. Students will be involved in a variety of learning opportunities throughout the morning, with a focus on literacy, numeracy and active living. We are excited about being able to offer this amazing program to our families. Check it out on the DSBN website at ; www.dsbn.org/summerheat Summer HEAT will be offered at the following sites: St. Catharines - Edith Cavell (literacy and mathematics site), Connaught (literacy and mathematics site), Lincoln Centennial (literacy and mathematics site), Grapeview (Aboriginal site with literacy) Welland - Diamond Trial (literacy and mathematics site) Niagara Falls - Simcoe Street (literacy and mathematics site), Valley Way (Aboriginal site with literacy) Port Colborne - De Witt Carter (literacy and mathematics site) Fort Erie Area - Crystal Beach (literacy and mathematics site), Peace Bridge (Aboriginal site with literacy) Devon C. In Mr. Hannahson’s FSP class is showing the ability to be reflective about his actions and how his behavior and words can affect others. Here are Devon’s “Words of Wisdom”. Stop before you say something and think. Is it going to hurt someone’s feelings or it is something you won’t be proud of ? Then maybe you shouldn’t say it. NEW sites: Beamsville - Senator Gibson (literacy and mathematics site) Welland - Princess Elizabeth (Aboriginal site with literacy) Page 6 Quaker May 2015 You couldn’t be blamed for thinking that every day is Earth Day at Quaker School. April has been a month filled with “Green” activities. Our community clean-up (see above) was a school-wide activity and we really made an impact on the areas we worked on. The Canopies for Kids Program (see right) allowed us to plant some magnificent tulip trees and Freeman’s maples in our outdoor classroom. Calling all volunteers!! The Quaker Rd.’s Fun Fair is right around the corner and we’re once again looking for parents/grandparents who would to come out and help with our big event on JUNE 11th. Our planning committee has many great activities organized and re but we cannot be successful without dozens of volunteers! We need people to monitor the bouncy houses, ticket tables, dr stations, and a variety of other activities. Please sign below if you can help out! Bake Sale Bakers Needed!! One of the terrific stations at the Fun Fair is always the Bake Sale! Last year we had many wonderful families bake together and share their products with us, and our Bake Sale was amazing! We are hoping to make it even bigger and better this year! Please consider baking an item or two for our event. VOLUNTEER FUN FAIR FORMS WILL BE GOING OUT MONDAY MAY 11TH d like eady, raw Junior Boys Basketball Team has exceptional season. Page 7 The Junior Boys Basketball Team had a great season. The boys worked very well together in practice and during games, they encouraged each other and helped each other improve their skills. This team work and hard work payed off in the season. During the regular season their record was 5 wins and 1 loss. In the playoffs the boys were able to win both games and come out as the league Champions. The team qualified for the DSBN tournament. At the tournament the boys showed respect for the school they were playing at, they demonstrated good sportsmanship in the games and they were successful on the court. The team won 3 of the 4 round robin games and ended up second place in their pool. They played a very talented team in the semi-final game and despite playing to the best of their ability they but ended up just a little short. The team had a great season, one of the best by a Junior boys team at Quaker in a while and I had a great time coaching them. Great job boys, Coach Matt King YMCA of Niagara Summer Care for 3 & 4 Year Olds YMCA Child Care will be offering a new weekly program this summer for 3 and 4 year olds in designated licensed centres (3 year olds must be born in 2011). Designed to keep your child engaged in play-based learning throughout the summer, YMCA Summer Care provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to develop into confident, caring and happy individuals. For more Information on locations and fees, please visit www.ymcaofniagara.org Attendance Quaker Road Art Gallery will be held the night of the fun fair! The student artists’ name will be affixed to a name plate on the art. Teachers will be collecting the art sometime around the last week of May or the first week of June so they can be framed. Be sure to check out our budding artists when you come to the fun fair. As part of our Safe School Protocol, we ask that you report your child’s absence promptly so that we can ensure their safety and identify where they are. The answering machine is available 24/7, so that you can leave a message in the evening if your child is ill or will be absent. If we have not received notification about a student’s absence, we must every effort to account for the student’s absence through a phone call home or to a parent’s workplace. With a school our size, this is a large task. We ask that you please report your child’s absence/lateness prior to 9:00 am. Students who arrive at school late will receive a late slip upon signing in at the office. They will then proceed directly to their classroom. Please Remember to Save the Dates below. May 25—June 5 EQAO June 11 from 5—8 PM Annual Quaker School Fun Fair. June 23 : Grade 8 Graduation Did You Know??? HOPE (Helping Others Parent Effectively) Family Support Group. This support group has been helping parents of children with ADHD in Niagara for over 15 years. Group Meetings are held Wed. evenings, 7—8:30 PM. Meetings are held at the St. Catharines Regional Child Care Centre, 179 Carlton St., St. Catharines. May 27 Internet Safety & ADHD Concerns
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