TO: GENERAL PUBLIC FROM: MAIN ROADS MID WEST - GASCOYNE Carnarvon Office Phone: (08) 9941 0777 Fax: (08) 9941 0701 SUBJECT: ROAD CONDITION REPORT ROAD CONDITIONS AS AT 1:30PM THURSDAY, 2ND APRIL 2015 ROAD North West Coastal Hwy CLASS OF VEHICLE CARS & UTILITIES 4WD VEHICLES (Up to 3 tonne) TRUCKS (Vehicles Over 3 tonne gross) OPEN OPEN OPEN COMMENTS Edge repair works in place 8km north of Wooramel Roadhouse to 1km south of Robinson Street and North West Coastal Highway intersection. Traffic management in place, single lane closure, speed restrictions of 40km/h apply please slow down and obey traffic controllers and signage. 6 - 12 April Road works in progress 1km North of HMAS Sydney II Memorial Avenue in front of Horizon Power Sub Station. Speed restrictions of 60km/h apply, stop/slow set up, please slow down and obey traffic controllers and signage 2 - 4 April. Highway widening works in progress between Minilya Roadhouse & Lyndon River. Speed restrictions of 60km/h apply, single lane closures at various locations between Minilya Roadhouse & Lyndon River. Operators with combinations wider than 3m are required to contact site supervisor 24hrs prior to departure. Please slow down and obey traffic controllers and signage. March – November 2015 Shoulder top up works on verge in place 16km north of Nanutarra Roadhouse to 2km north of Onslow Road turn off. Single lane closure, please approach with caution and obey signage. 7 - 10 April Stock on or near the road, drive with care. ROBINSON STREET OPEN OPEN OPEN SHARK BAY ROAD MONKEY MIA ROAD MINILYA-EXMOUTH ROAD CORAL BAY ROAD BURKETT ROAD NANUTARRA-MUNJINA ROAD (from NWCH to Paraburdoo Spur Road) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN ONSLOW ROAD PANNAWONICA ROAD OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN Stock on or near the road, drive with care. Stock on or near the road, drive with care. Stock on or near the road, drive with care. Motorists should be aware of fauna and wandering stock on and near all roads in the Gascoyne Area. It is advisable to drive with caution, particularly in the hours between dusk and dawn. For information on North West Coastal Highway south of the Shire of Shark Bay southern boundary, and north of the Pannawonica turn off please check the Main Roads Regional Road Condition Reports on 138 138. For remaining sections of Nanutarra - Munjina Road refer to the Pilbara Region report. NEXT REVIEW UPDATED WHEN A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN ROAD CONDITIONS OCCURS Definitions: Closed: A road or section of road that is, or is likely to become unsafe to general traffic or a particular class of traffic or where the road would be damaged by general traffic or a particular class of traffic. A Closure is legally enforceable under the Main Roads Act. For current information on all Local Roads in the Gascoyne Area please contact the relevant Shire Office. Shire of Carnarvon 9941 0000 Shire of Upper Gascoyne 9943 0988 Shire of Exmouth 9949 3000 Shire of Shark Bay 9948 1218 Shire of Ashburton (Onslow) 9184 6001 Shire of Ashburton (Tom Price) 9188 4444 For road information around Western Australia 24 HOURS ROAD CONDITION REPORTS ON-LINE INTERNET WEBSITE SOCIAL MEDIA 138 138 Approved:___________________________ Ernie Reynolds – Operations Manager
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