Weekly Science Research Journal 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Primary Article Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their Traditional Usages In District Hamirpur –A Sub Himalayan Tropical Region Of Himachal Pradesh-India Parveen Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Thakur, Gulshan, Deepika And Deep Kumar ABSTRACT The present work is undertaken in Hamirpur Forest Division which is bounded in North by river Beas, in the East by Baker and Sir Khads and district Mandi, in South by Sola Singhi Dhar of Himachal Pradesh. The studies highlight the plant species diversity, indigenous uses in ecosystem existing in Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh. The area is rich in high value medicinal plant diversity and local residents practice the Ayurvedic and Homeopathic System of Medicines. In present paper a total of 91 species belonging to 82 genera and 51 families have been recorded for using various ailments in human beings. Also 27 plant species have been recorded during the studies which are being used by local inhabitants to cure their animals from various ailments in Himachal Pradesh KEY WORDS: Diversity, Medicinal Plants, Ecosystem, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Indigenous Uses, Ailments, Inhabitants, Genera, Families, Species. INTRODUCTION India has one of the oldest, richest and most diverse cultural tradition associated with the use of medicinal plants, still a living tradition born out by the fact that there still exist around a million traditional village based servers of herbal medicinal traditions in the form of traditional birth ailments, bone settlers, herbal healers and wandering monks along side, village elders having traditional knowledge of herbal home remedies and of food and nutrition. Uses of medicinal plants by ancient people and handing over the uses from one generation to next generation by tribal people led to the study of plants covered under ethno botany, where relationship between humans and plants can be taken care of in health care programmes and also for exploration of various lives supporting species. It also studies useful information about Socio- cultural, medico-religious lores and mores, phrases and proverbs, taboos and totems prevailing in an area or in a society. Himachal Pradesh is endowed with four agro-climatic zones with district Hamirpur located in subtropical climatic zone. The knowledge of the curative properties of medicinal and aromatic plants is acknowledged since time immemorial. There are nearly about 15,000 species of flowering plants out of which only 17% are recognized as having potential medicinal properties. Forest areas of district Hamirpur are endowed with plants having useful medicinal properties which are very well recognized by village people and generally the village folk even now cure their ailments by such plants having medicinal value. With the advancement of time and technology various pharmaceutical companies have extended their efforts to recognize and develop the worth of such plants but still more efforts are required in this direction. However, there exist numerous plants with much more medicinal properties and whose potential is yet to be recognized and Page No-1 Parveen Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Thakur, Gulshan, Deepika And Deep Kumar From Krishi Vigyan Kendra Hamirpur at Bara-CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidhalaya , Palampur, Himachal Pradesh (INDIA) Te Article is published on September 2013 issue & available at www.weeklyscience.org DOI : 10.9780/ 2321-7871/172013/20 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... utilized for the benefit of mankind. As most of the time collection and harvesting of medicinal plants is NonScientific and Indiscriminate it frequently results in depletion of their natural population and even some time makes them endangered. So there is urgent need to collect and conserve the endemic diversity of medicinal plants through efforts like creation of herbal garden, arboretum, herbarium preparation and people oriented extension awareness campaign and promotion of farming and cultivation of these plants by local people. Land Use :According to estimates of revenue department the total geographical area of district Hamirpur is 1, 10,070 hectares. Nadaun is largest and Bijhari is the smallest tehsil of the district. Cultivated area constitutes 33.09% of the total geographical area. Bhoranj tehsil has relatively more cultivated area i.e. 53.2% followed by Hamirpur, Nadaun, Barsar, Bijhari and Sujanpur having 38.73, 29.89, 28.59, 27.26 and 20.64% respectively. The area under forest form 18.4% of total geographical area, the maximum being in Bijhari tehsil (36.04%) and least in Bhoranj tehsil (5.42%). Area under permanent pastures and grazing lands in Hamirpur tehsil is small i.e. 0.36%. The culturable waste land occupies 5.21% and un-culturable waste land 19.2%. Area under current follow is 6.86%. Based upon the ground survey information the total cropped area is much higher owing to multiple cropping. Toria is the major crop grown in between maize and wheat crops sequence under rain fed conditions. Total cropped area as per revenue estimates is 65.08% and is highest in Bhoranj block. Results: Enumeration of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant and their Traditional Usage: S. No. Latin Name Family Local Name Floweri ng / Fruiting Rakta,Gunja AprilRatti July 1. Abrus precatorius Linn. Fabacea e 2. Acorus calamus Linn. Araceae Bare, Barya, AugustBach Septemb er 3. Adhatota vasica Nees. Acantha ceae Basuti, Basha MayJuly Page No-2 Offici al Part Root and Seed. Uses Plant is purgative, diuretic and most effectively being used in dropsy and in piles. Seeds made into khir (cooking of seeds and milk or water) when taken are effective to avoid from problem of excessive food eating. Dry Rhizomes are used in rhizom dyspepsia, colic, es remittent fevers and nervine tonic in bronchitis. Also used in form of infusion, powdered rhizome also possesses insecticidal properties and is useful against bed bugs, moths, lice etc. Leaves It is used in cough and and flowers are taken in flower chronic bronchitis and s. asthma. Leaves are also tied on wounds to ripe and execute the puss from the body. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 4 Aegle marmelos Correa. Rutacea e Bilva, Bael. May to Pulp Decemb of ripe er. fruit and root bark. 5 Albizzia lebbeck Benth. Mimosa ceae Siris, Sarin Decemb Bark er to and April. seeds. 6 Acacia Mimosa catechu Willd ceae Khair 7 Aloe vera, Liliacea Tourn. ex e Linn. Kwareya, Kwarpatha, Ghrit Kumari. 8 Althea officinalis Linn 9 Amaranthus spinosus Linn. 10 June to Stem Septembe heart r wood and bark. February to April. Whole plant. Malvace Tukham ae. Khatmi MarchJuly. Roots. Amaran thaceae April to Whole August. plant. Jangli Chulai Argemone 1 Papavera Pili Kateli, February- Root maxicana Linn ceae Swarnkshiri April to and Julyseeds. Septembe r Page No-3 Unripe or half ripe fruit is used as astringent, digestive, stomachic in diarrhea and dysentery. Root bark is administered in intermittent fever and as fish poisons. Root bark in powder form used to strengthen gums and also used against snake and scorpion bite. Leaves are given to the patients of night blindness. Stem wood yields Katha of commerce and used in pan masala and medicines for throat problems. Bark is used as astringent. Plant is stomachic, purgative, emmenagogue, anthelmintic and effective in piles and rectal fissures. Dried juice of the plant has cooling effect and useful in fevers and inflammation. Pulp is useful in menstrual suppressions. Root is demulcent and infusion of flowers applied to burns. Roots used in menorrhagia, gonorrhoea, eczema, colic problems and also lactagogue. Leaves and roots are given to children as laxative and applied as emollient, poultice to abscesses, Root used in chronic skin diseases. Seeds are laxative, emetic and expectorant, demulcent. Yellow juice of plant effective against jaundice, coetaneous affections and antidote to snake poison. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 11 12 Asparagus 1 adscendens Roxb. Liliacea Asparagus racemosus Willd. Liliacea e. e Sanspa, Sanswai June to Roots. October Shataver Decemb erJanuary to March -April. AprilMay to JulyAugust. Azadirachta 1 Meliace indica A. ae Juss. Nim, Neem. 13 14 Bacapa 1 monnieri Pennell. Brahmi, April to Nira Septemb Brahmi, Jal- er. Neem 15 Baliospermu 1 Euphorb Danti m montanum iaceae Muell-Arg. Through out year. 16 Bauhinia1 variegata Linn Caesalpi Karal, naceae Kachnar February to April. Berberis1 lycium Berberi daceae MarchSeptemb er 17 Scrophu L. lariacea e Kashmal Page No-4 Roots Roots are demulcent, galactagogue, tonic and useful in diarrhea dysentery and in general debility. Plant is also used in religious ceremonies. Roots are used as tonic in general debility and impotence. Plant is also of religious importance. Leaves Bark is bitter, tonic and and astringent. Also used as bark. brushing the teeth to protect from many ailments of gum like pyoria etc. Leaves as poultice applied to boils and leaf decoction is antiseptic and useful in ulcers and eczema. Leaves and twigs are known to be best green manures for vegetable and other agricultural crops. Whole Plant is nervine tonic, plant. used in asthma, epilepsy, insanity and hoarseness. Stem and leaves useful against snake bites. Roots. Roots cathartic are used in dropsy & jaundice. Leaf decoction is useful in asthma. Oil from seed is hydrogogue, cathartic and applied externally in rheumatism. Flower Dried buds used for buds dysentery, piles, diarrhea and for worms. Decoction of roots used in dyspepsia. Root Root Root bark is astringent bark. and antiperiodic, used in jaundice, malarial fever and diarrhea. It is also used externally to cure eye diseases. The ripe fruit are eaten raw or pickled. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 18 Boerhaavia 1 diffusa Linn 19 Bombax1 ceiba Linn 20 Butea 2 monosperma (Lam) Kuntze 21 Bryonopsis 2 laciniosa (L) Naud 22 23 24 Caesalpinia 2 crista Linn. Calotropis 2 procera (Ait) R. Br. Cassia fistula 2 Linn Nyctagi naceae Punarnava, Itsit, Ut-Chhata Roots are diuretic, laxative and expectorant, used in asthma, in oedema, anaemia, jaundice, ascities, scanty urine, internal inflammations and as an antidote to snake bite. Malvace Simal, MarchRoot Root is stimulative, ae. Simbal May tonic, forms the chief ingredient in muslasmul, aphrodisiac, given in impotence. Gum used in diarrhoea, dysentery, menorrhagia Papilion Palah, MarchSeeds, Seeds are anthelmintic. aceae Dhak, Palas June Flower Gum and leaves act as s astringent, used in diarrhea and dysentery. Flowers are astringent diuretic, aphrodisiac and natural orange/red dye made from the flowers. Cucurbi Shivlingi JuneSeeds Seeds are supposed to taceae August bring about the birth of male child. Bitter tonic from seeds is used in fever and flatulence. Caesalpi Lata Karanj, Decemb Bark, Seeds are antiperiodic, naceae Tarang er-April leaves tonic, febrifuge in Ghadi and asthma and in snake seeds bites. Tender leaves are used for liver disorders. Leaves and seeds used as external applications for dispersing inflammatory swellings. Asclepi Aak, Akada February Root Root bark useful in adaceae -May bark dysentery, diaphoretic, and expectorant, emetic, flower paste applied to s elephantiasis. Powdered flowers in colds, cough, asthma and in Caesalpi Aluan, April to Fruit Fruit is cathartic, naceae Amaltas August applied in rheumatism. Seeds are emetic. Roots are astringent tonic, febrifuge and purgative. Leaf juice given in snake bites. Page No-5 AprilOctober Root 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 25 Cassia 2 tora Caesalpi Aluan L. niaceae Septemb erFebruary 26 Celastrus 2 paniculatus Willd Celastra ceae Sankhiru, Sankhirian, Malkangni, Jyotishmati 27 Centipeda 2 orbicularis Lour. Asterac eae Nak Chhiknu 28 29 30 31 Chenepodium 2 Chenopi Bathu, botrys Linn diaceae Vastak Centella2 asiatica L.urban Apiacea e Cissampelos 3 pareira (L). Menispe Patindu, rmaceae Patha Clerodendron 3 Verbena infortunatum ceae. Linn Brahmi, Mandukpar ni Dhak Kari Root leaves and seeds April to Seeds Septemb and er bark Seeds used in skin diseases and leucoderma, Roots are used in snake bites. Bark is abortificent. Seeds are bitter, laxative, emetic, stimulative, aphrodisiac and useful in rheumatism, leprosy, gout, fevers and in paralysis. Oil from seed is useful in beriberi and is powerful stimulative. January Leaves Powder of leaves and to April and seeds are inducing seeds sneezing and a snuff made from them is used in cold. Infusion is useful in ophthalmia. Decemb Whole Plant is anthelmintic, er-April Plant also useful in catarrh and humoral asthma. June to Whole Plant tonic, in diseases August plant of skin, leprosy, nerves and blood. Leaves taken as tonic to improve memory, useful in syphilitic skin diseases both internally and externally. One to two leaves given to children in morning to rectify stuttering AprilRoot Roots are bitter, Septemb and antiperiodic, diuretic, er leaves purgative, stomachic and are used in dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dropsy, cough and urinary troubles like cystitis. Leaves are applied externally on sores and itch. January- Leaves Bitter leaves and bark is April to and used for treating Junebark leucoderma, thirst July burning sensation, blood diseases, skin problems and against malaria. Page No-6 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 32 Cordia 3myxa Boragin (Roxb. Non aceae Linn.) Zingiber aceae 33 Costus speciosus 3 (Koen.) Sm 34 Croton 3 tiglium Linn Euphorb iaceae 35 36 37 38 Cryptolepsis 3 Asclepi bunchanani adaceae Roem. & Schult Curculigo 3 orchiodes Gaertn Amaryll idaceae Cuscuta3 reflexa Roxb Convolv ulaceae Cynodon3 Gramin doctylon (L.) eae Pers Lasura. Fruit is anthelmintic, diuretic, demulcent, expectorant, used against infections of urinary passages, in diseases of lungs and spleen. Decoction of bark in dyspepsia and fevers. Kernel is a remedy in ringworm. Leaves are applied in ulcers and in headache. Keu JulyLeaves Dried rhizomes are August and used for cough, removal to roots of worms, skin Decemb diseases, and snake er bites & as an antifertility drug. Jablota Decemb Seeds Seed and oil is diuretic er-June strongly purgative, irritant, rubificient, cathartic. Seeds are also used against acute constipation. Stem is used as toothbrush. Baker Bail, April - Leaves Leaves are highly toxic Maida-Singi June and plant used in preparations given to children in rickets. Also useful for diabetic patients to control blood sugar. Kali musli JuneRhizo Rhizomes are used in July to mes piles, jaundice, asthma, Octoberdiarrhoea, gonorrhoea, Novemb and considered er demulscent, diuretic, tonic, alphrodisiac used as poultice for itch/skin diseases. Akasbel, July - Whole Plant purgative, used Amarvela October climbe externally against itch, r internally in protracted fevers. Infusion of plant used as a wash for sores. Stem useful in Dubh, Around Plant Juice of plant is Dhrub the year astringent used as an application to fresh cuts and wound, also used in dropsy, in hysteria, epilepsy, insanity, chronicle diarrhoea & dysentery and catarrhal ophthalmia. Root infusion stops bleeding from piles. Morning walk with naked feet is useful for improving eye sight. Page No-7 JuneJuly Fruit, bark and leaves Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 2321-7871 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... Cyperus 3 rotundus L Cyperace ae Nagar Motha September – January Tubers Datura metel 4 L Solanacea e Dhatura. Rainy season Whole plant Desmodium 4 gangeticum DC Papiliona ceae Shalparni 41 October March Dioscorea4 bulbifera Linn Dioscorea ceae Tardi, Varahikand August November Tubers. 42 39 40 - Roots Eclipta 4 alba Hassk Asteracea e Bhringraj MaySeptember Leaves 43 Emblica 4 officinalis (Gaertns.) Euphorbi aceae Amla AprilSeptember Fruits 44 45 Euphorbia4 royleana Boiss Euphorbi aceae Dudhli, Chhuhi AugustOctober Milky juice 46 Erythrina4indica Papiliona Lam. ceae Praira, Paribhadra March - Bark, April to leaves June -July Page No-8 Tubers are diuretic, anthelmintic, diaphoretic, astringent and stimulative, useful in disorders of stomach and irritation of bowels. Seeds/leaves/roots useful in insanity and fevers with catarrhs and in cerebral complications, diarrhea and in skin diseases. Roots are astringent and useful in diarrhoea, in chronic fevers, biliousness, coughs, vomiting, asthma, snake bites and scorpion stings. Tubers used in piles, dysentery, syphilis and also applied to ulcers. Also used to avoid pregnancy. Whole plant is tonic, deodorant, useful in hepatic and spleen enlargements and emetic. Plant juice given in jaundice. A preparation of leaves boiled with sesamum or coconut oil is used for anointing the head to render the hair black and luxuriant. Fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic and laxative. Dried fruit useful in haemorrhages, diarrhea and dysentery. With iron supplements it is a remedy for anemia, jaundice and dyspepsia. It is an important ingredient of Chayavanprash and Triphala, used against stomach troubles and general weakness. Seeds are useful in treating asthma, bronchitis and biliousness. Milky juice is anthelmintic & cathartic. Plant used as a fish poison. Also used in religious rituals. Bark is astringent & febrifuge used in liver troubles, as a collyrium in ophthalmia, antidote to snake bites. Leaves are laxative, diuretic, anthelmintic, galactagogue and emmenagogue, applied externally for dispersing veneral buboes and for relieving pain in joints. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... Euphorbia4 hirta Euphorbi Linn aceae Choti dudhi FebruaryApril Whole Plant Fumaria 4 parviflora Lam Fumariac eae Pitpapra. 48 FebruaryApril Whole plant 49 Gmelina 4 arborea Linn Verbenac eae Gambhari, Gumbar April-May to JulyAugust Leaves, plant Holarrhena 5 antidysenterica Wall. Apocynac eae Inderjoe, Kutaj AprilDecember Bark & Seeds Gloriosa 5 superva (Linn.) Liliaceae Kalihari AugustOctober Roots Jasminum5 grandiflorum Linn Oleaceae Chameli, Malti. MarchApril & June-July Leaves, flower Lepidium 5 sativum Linn. Crucifera e Haloon Winter season Whole plant Seeds are galactagogue, boiled with milk causes abortion. Applied as poultice against pains and hurts. Seeds put into eyes for cleaning eye dirt. Plant is also useful in asthma, cough and bleeding piles. Mallotus 5 philippinensis Muell Arg Melia azedarach Euphorbi aceae Kamal. April-June Fruit Leaves with sarson oil are used against the Jaundice. Meliaceae Linn. . Darek Mahanimb. March April to June-July. Root bark, fruit, flower leaves Plant is deodorant. Flowers and leaves poultice is used to relive headache. Seeds are used in rheumatism. Fruit is used in leprosy and in scrofula. 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 Page No-9 Plant is used in treating worms’ infection in children’s, in bowel complaints and cough. Juice of plant is useful in dysentery. Decoction of plant used in bronchial affection and in asthma. Latex of plant is used in application for warts. Dried plant is anthelmintic, diuretic, aperian and useful in low fever. It purifies blood and used in treating skin diseases. Plant is used against snake bites and scorpion stings. Leaf juice is demulcent and used in gonorrhea & coughs. It removes foe tied discharges and worms from ulcers. After drying and grinding of the bark, the powder is rubbed over body in dropsy. Decoction made from stem mixed with Bael fruit is used for dysentery. Leaf juice is useful in joint pains and piles. Seeds are astringent and are used in treating intestinal worms. Roots are used in general abortions, expulsion of placenta, skin inflammations and in removal of lices, rheumatism and in gonorrhoea. Plant is anthelmintic diuretic & emmenagogue. Flowers are used as application in skin diseases, headache, in weak eyes and in scorpion stings. Leaves chewed as treatment for ulcerations or eruptions in mouth. Oil prepared from juice of leaves is poured into ear in otorrhoea. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 56 Mentha 5 Lamiace Pahari spicata Linn. ae Pudina 57 Mucuna5 Fabacea prurita Hook. e 58 Murraya5 koenigi Rutacea e 59 Nerium 5 odorum Soland. Apocyn aceae 60 Ocimum6 basilicum Linn. Lamiace ae Ocimum6 sanctum Linn Lamiace ae 62 Ocimum6 gratissimum Linn Lamiace ae 63 Ocimum6 kilimandscha ricum L. Lamiace ae 61 MarchJune Leaves are given in fevers and bronchitis. Decoction used as a lotion in apathies. Herb is considered stimulant carminative and antispasmodic. Seeds are mucilaginous. Draugal, JulyRoots Roots and seeds are Gajal bael, Septemb pods, used for elephantiasis, Konchbej er seeds leucorrhoea, bael spermatorrhoea, nervine tonic and in paralysis. Roots are purgative given with honey in Cholera. Gandhla, AprilLeaves Plant is used as tonic in Ghandhelu, June. , bark stomache. Bark and Mithaneem, and roots are stimulative, Kadipatta roots externally used to cure eruptions and bites from poisonous insects. Green leaves eaten as raw to cure dysenteries. Kaner March to Root, Paste made from roots June leaves is applied in ulcerations externally. Decoction of leaves is used to reduce swelling. Oil prepared from root bark is used in skin diseases of a scaly type in leprosy. Bhavari, Septemb Whole Decoction with honey Babui Tulsi erplant is given in acute cough. February Roots are used in bowel complaints of children. Tulsi. Septemb Whole Decoction gives relief er – plant in irritation of throat, October earache and ringworm. to Seedsare used internally Decemb in constipation and er piles and disorder of the January genito urinary systems. Root decoction is diaphoretic and useful in malaria. Long Tulsi Winter Whole Oil is used in plant flavouring foods and improving appetite. Leaves increases sperm count. Kapur Tulsi. All time Whole Plant is insect plant especially mosquitoes repellent. Oil is used in muscular strain and in pain balms. Page No-10 Whole plant 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Oroxylum 6 Bignoni indicum Vent. aceae. Tatpalanga, Seonak Seeds are purgative. Tender fruit is used in stomachic. Bark in powder form or infusion along with haldi (Curcuma longa) useful to cure sore backs of horses. It is one of important ingredient of Dasmularistha. Oxalis 6 Oxalida Changeri. MarchWhole Plant is used to cure corniculata ceae April plant scurvy and leaves gives Linn. cooling effect, used for treating eye pain. Phyllanthus 6 Euphorb Bhumi amla JuneWhole Fresh roots are used as a urinaria iaceae Decembe plant remedy for jaundice. Linn. r Infusion of young shoot given in dysentery. Milky juice used as application for offensive sores. Plant is used as a diuretic in dropsical affections, gonorrhoea and other troubles of genito - urinary tract. Pistacia6 Anacard Kakerain, MayGalls Galls are used as tonic integerrima iaceae Karkat - July. in coughs, phthisis and Stew. ex shringi asthma. Powder mixed Brandis with ghee given in dysentery. Also act as antidote for snake bites and scorpion stings. Phumbago 6 Plumba Chitra, AprilRoot Root is appetizer and zeylanica ginacea Chitrak Septemb bark used against skin Linn e er & diseases, diarrhoea, Novemb dyspepsia and piles. erPaste with vinegar, milk Decemb or salt water is applied er externally in leprosy and other skin problems. Milky juice is used as application in scabies and ulcers. Pueraria6 Legumi Salohar, MayRoot Root is given as tuberora DC nosae Vidari Kand June demulcent in fevers, peeled and bruised into a paste used to reduce swellings. Crushed and rubbed on the body in fever and rheumatism. Putranjiva 7 Euphorb Jivapota, March - Leaves The fruit is tied around roxburghii iaceae Putrajivak May , fruits the neck of children to Wall stones keep off diseases and of worn by women during fruits pregnancy to prevent abortion. Also known for giving birth to a male child. Page No-11 Septemb er – October to Decembe r January Seeds, Bark, Root bark, Fruit 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 71 Randia 7 dumetorum Lam Rubiace ae 72 Ricinus 7 communis Linn Euphorb iaceae Rumex 7 hastatus Polygon aceae 74 Sapindus 7 mukorossi Gaertn Sapinda ceae 75 Sida 7 cordifolia Linn Malvace ae 73 Rada, Madanphal, Mainphal MayFruit June to Sept-Oct Fruit is used as poison to fishes. Pulp of ripe fruit is used in dysentery, anthelmintic, abortificient, ground into a course powder applied to the tongue and palate for fevers and incidental ailments during dentition. Bark is astringent, given internally and also applied externally when bone-ache, during fevers. Used as an external application in rheumatism. Aqueous extract of root bark is actively insecticidal. Arandi, Monsoon Seeds, Leaves are used against Arand s and leaf. abortion, jaundice, winter paralysis, stomach pain and sterilization. Seed kernels are used in contraception, filariasis and sterilization. Latex for toothache. By putting luke worm desi ghee on leaves tied on joints are useful in rheumatic pains. Khatmith AprilWhole Plant acidic, used in June plant chutneys and pickles, anti Inflammatory, cardiac tonic, diuretic. Root bark source of tannin Ritha, Doda AprilFruit. Fruit is expectorant and August used in salivation and epilepsy. Also as Fish poison. Daridhain, October- Plant, Seed aphrodisiac and Bala Novemb roots, given in gonorrhoea, er to juice colic, Decoction of root Decemb and with ginger used as erseeds febrifuge. Root bark January with sesamum oil and milk effective in curing cases of facial paralysis and sciatica. As powder given with milk and sugar for relief of frequent micturation and leucorrhoea. Juice of roots used for healing wounds. Juice of plant with water given for spermatorrhoea. Page No-12 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 76 Solanum7 indicum Linn Solanac eae Badi Kantkari, Badi Bhindi MarchApril Solanum7 nigrum Linn Solanac eae. Makoi. 77 MarchSeptemb er Solanum7 Solanac xanthocarpu eae m Schard & Wendl Choti Kantkari, Choti Bhindi Decemb er-April Spilanthes 7 acmella Murr Akarkara, Karkara AprilOctober Jamun, Jamni AprilJuly 78 79 80 Syzygium 8 cumini (Linn.)Skeels Asterac eae Myrtace ae Page No-13 Leaves Roots are carminative and & expectorant and fruits fruits are laxative and digestive. Leaf juice with fresh juice of ginger taken to cure vomiting. Plant Leaves are used for and constipation, jaundice, fruit piles, ulcers and fissures in the mouth and root powder in whooping cough. Berries used in fever, diarrhoea, eye affections, hydrophobias. Root, Root expectorant used leaves, in cough asthma, fruit catarrh fever and in chest pain. Juice of berries used in sore throat. Plant diuretic used in dropsy and decoction in gonorrhoea. Leaves applied externally to relieve paid and leaf juice with black pepper in rheumatism. Roots, All parts of the plant Flower are acrid. They are and chewed to relieve fruit toothache and affections of throat and gums and paralysis of tongue. It is a popular remedy for stammering in children. The herb can be used against scurvy. The decoction is also given as diuretic. Flower tincture is a powerful mosquito larvicide. Crushed plant is used as a fish poison. Bark, Seeds are useful to cure Seeds, diabetes; fruit is useful fruit astringent in bilious diarrhoeas. Bark is astringent. Leaf juice used in dysentery. Fruit juice made into vinegar and used as stomachic, carminative and as a diuretic. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... Terminalia 8 Combre arjuna W. & taceae A Arjun Terminalia 8 Combre belerica Roxb taceae Bahera 82 Terminalia 8 chebula Retz Combre taceae Harad. 83 Tinospora 8 cordifolia (Willd) Miers Menispe Gulaj, rmaceae Geloye, Amrita 85 Vernonia8 cinerea Less. Asterac eae 86 Vinca 8rosea Apocyn Linn aceae 81 84 Sehdevi. Sada bahar MaySeptemb er The bark is acrid and has styptic cardiac tonic febrifugal and antidysenteric properties. The powdered bark in taken with milk in fractures and confusions. The decoction of bark is used to wash ulcer. MayFruit, Fruit pulp used in June Kernel dropsy, diarrhoea, piles, leprosy, biliousness dyspepsia and in headache. Half ripe fruit is used as purgative. Kernel possesses the narcotic properties. AprilFruit, An important June to bark constituent of Triphala. JanuaryBark is diuretic and February used as cardiac tonic. Powdered fruit is used as a dentrifuge and considered useful in caricus tooth, bleeding, ulceration of gums. March - Stem Plant juice is diuretic, June to useful in gonorrhoea. Septemb Stem is bitter er stomachic, antiperiodic, October antipyretic, powdered and used as aphrodisiac. Starch from root and stem is very nutritive and used in chronicle diarrhoea and dysentery. The decoction of leaves is given in gout and roots in visceral obstructions. AprilWhole Plant is considered to June plant be diaphoretic and used as decoction to promote perspiration in febrile conditions. Used as remedy for sprain of the bladder. Juice of plants given for piles. Roots used against dropsy. All Flower Plant used for treating seasons s and diabetes. Infusion of leaves leaves for menorrhagia. Page No-14 Bark, Fruit 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 87 Viola serpens 8 Violace Wall ae 88 Vitex 8 negundo Linn Verbena Bana, ceae Nirgundi. 89 Woodfordia 8 fruticosa Kurz Lythrac eae Dhai, Dhataki 90 Withania9 somnifera Dunal Solanac eae Asgandh, Aswagandh a Banefsha February -March Whole plant, flower Plant is antipyretic, diaphoretic. Flowers demulcent used decoction in cold and cough, biliousness and in lung troubles. AprilRoots Leaves are aromatic, May to and tonic vermifuge, dried Septemb leaves one are smoked for errelief from headache, October catarrh, useful in dispersing swelling of joints from acute rheumatism and swelling of the testis from suppressed gonorrhoea. Decoction of leaves with long pepper given in catarrh and fevers and in heaviness of head and dullness of hearing, used as a bath in the puerperal states of women. Juice of leaves is used for removing foetid, discharges and worms from ulcers. MarchFlower Dried flowers used in May menorragia, in derangement of livers, disorders of mucuous membranes and haemorrhages, piles and considered as a safe stimulant in pregnancy. April to Roots, Bruished leaves and ground Septemb Leaves roots used as a local application to painful er swelling, carbuncles and ulcers. Fruit diuretic, Seeds hypnotic, diuretic, used for coagulating milk. Roots are tonic, stimulant, aphrodisiac, narcotic, abortificient, diuretic and used in rheumatism. 91 Zanthoxylum 9 alatum Roxb. Rutacea e Tirmir, Tejbal Page No-15 MarchMay Stem bark, Seeds Seeds and bark is aromatic, tonic used in fevers and dyspepsia. Fruit branches and thorns are used as fish poison and as a remedy for tooth-aches. 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... TREATMENT OF ANIMAL AILMENTS Sr. No. Latin Name 1. Mallotus philippinensis 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 Local Name Kamal Material Used Kamila/seeds of tree are powdered & used. Ailment Worm infection, Pica and Constipati on Method of use The brick-red powder of seeds of Kamila tree (25 g) alongwith 100 g raya mixed in 1.5 litres of lassi and given to animals. This causes cleaning of stomach and animal is cured. Butea Palah Seed of palas WormSeeds of palas with cumin monosperma (Flame of infection seeds are used for treating Forest) and worm infection and indigestio indigestion in cows and n. buffaloes. Pinnus spp. Cheer Green spikes WormGreen spikes of pine tree of pine tree infection mixed with lassi are given & Lassi. to the animal having endoparasites. Grevia optiva Buel Crushed bark WormBark of Buel is crushed and of Buel. infection given to the animals suffering from Worminfections. Sesamum Til Til oil, Sugar Blockage The ingredients likes Til oil orientale and eggs. of teats of 250 g. sugar 250 g and eggs milch (6 Nos.) are mixed and fed animal to the milch animal 2-3 times. Solanum nigrum Jangli Fruits of Blockage Fruits of wild Bhindi are Bhindi wild Bhindi of teats of ground and paste is applied milch on the affected teats to animal remove block-age. Asafoetida Heeng Heeng Indigestio For curing indigestion, a n and piece of heeng is first bloat heated and then fed @ 3g/animal and in bloat it is mixed with mustard and turpentine oil. Azadirachta Neem Crushed Skin Juice is applied on the indica Neem leaves disease affected skin. in water Duchensnea Tea Tea leaves, Abdomina A decoction of tea leaves indica, Ajwain Ajwain and l pain (250 g), Ajwain (100 g) and Carum copticum Soanf Fennel Fennel (100 g) are boiled Foenicfulum together and fed to the vilgara ailing animal. Zizipus jujuba, Jarer, Sarson oil Foot and Roots of Jarer, bark of Curcuma longa Kangoo Mouth Kangoo and Haldi are Flacourtia Haldi & Disease boiled in water. The indica, Sarson (FMD) affected hoofs are washed Brassica with this solution. Mouth campestris. infection is cured with the application of sarson oil. Colotropis Aak Crushed Foot and Leaves of Aak are crushed procera leaves of Mouth and mixed with concentrate Aak mixed Disease and then fed to the ailing with (FMD) animal. concentrate Page No-16 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... 12 Cuscuta reflexa 13 Pennisetum spp. 14 Ficus pameta Bharooni khashra Fig stick. Tongue swelling 15 Flacourtia indica Kungu Kungu powder Eye swelling 16 Acacia fistula Amaltash Beads of Constipati Amaltash on 17 Brassica campestris Sarson Mustard Constipati oil/desi ghee. on 18 Brassica campestris Ganna Two and a Expulsion half sugar of cane top. placenta 19 Allium sativum Gloriosa superba Lahasun kalijiri 20 Citrus pseudolimon, Zingiber officinale. Oryza sativa 21 Amber bel , Extract of Foot and Akash bel Aakash Bel Mouth Disease (FMD) Mandal Roots of Maggot mandal infection plant. Affected animals are treated by applying the extract of Aakash bel for 3-5 times. The roots of mandal plants are crushed and applied on the affected portion to kill maggots. Fig stick is heated /roasted and placed on affected portion of tongue. Kungu powder (orange mass) is used against eye infection. 20-25 seeds of Amaltash are boiled in water and then lukewarm solution is given to the ailing animal. For curing constipation in large animal, 1/3-1/2 L mustard oil is given whereas it is reduced to 2575 ml in young ones. Mustard oil is also given in case of Lantana poisoning. If the placenta is not expelled with in 5-8 hours after calving, two and a half sugarcane top can be fed to the animal for expulsion of placenta. Mixture of crushed onion, hukka water and kalijiri is given orally to the affected animals. Onion, Hukka ( a local device use to smoke) water and kalijiri Galgal, Dried galgal, Adrak & ginger, rock Gumma salt. Namak. Dhann Paddy Expulsion of placenta Cough and internal injuries Cough and internal injuries Dried Galgal is burnt and the ash is mixed with ginger and rock salt and the given to the animal. Paddy is fed to animal for curing respiratory ailments. 100-200 g of Soanf is soaked in water overnight and the given to the suffering animal, to cure the problem of prolapsed of uterus. Flowers of banana are crushed and mixed with wheat flour and fed to the animal for 2-3 days. The female animal will come into heat with in 15 days. 20-30 g of powdered turmeric or black pepper is mixed with 1lt. of mustard oil. It is drenched to the animals for 5 alternate days. 22 Foeniculum vulgare Soanf Fennel. Prolapsed of uterus 23 Musa sapientum Ttriticum aestivum Kela, kannak Flowers of banana mixed with wheat flour To bring animal into heat 24 Curcuma longa, Brassica compestris Haldi, Sarson. Powdered turmeric mixed with 1lt. of mustard oil. Antiseptic and Blood purification Page No-17 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... Conclusion: The geographical area of Hamirpur forest division is 958.44 KM2 and divided into five forest ranges namely Hamirpur, Aghar, Bijhari, Barsar and Nadaun for the purpose of management. Elevation varies from 570 to 1150m. Following hill ranges traverse the region. The Jakh Dhar: It runs in continuation of the Kalidhar ranges in the Kangra district. It enters Hamirpur near Nadaun and traverses it in a South Eastern direction. The town of Hamirpur lies to the East of this range where the country is undulating. However in North and North East bare and rugged hills and deep ravines with precipitous sides transform the landscape into what has been described as “an agitated sea suddenly arrested and fixed into stones”. The Chabutra hills have the same dip and strike as in the Jakh dhar and are continued beyond the Beas to what is known as the Changer, a mass of rugged and broken hills. The Sola Singhi Dhar: It is the longest range of the tract and is known by various names; by Chintpurni and Jaswan dhar in Una and by Sola Singhi in Hamirpur. It commences near ghati on the Beas and running South Eastwards form the boundary of the Kangra and Una district. On its Southward passage, it increases in width and height and attains a width of some 20 miles. Upto Bharwain in Una, the formation is tolerably uniform, the hills sloping down to the Swan in a series of undulating valleys, but the configuration after Bharwain is pecular. From the boundry ridge, the tract drops sharply for several hundred feet and then as viewed from above, appears to be a gently sloping table and running down to the Swan Khad. Actually it is a tangled mass of hills, with tops varying from flat plateau to sharp ridges cut up by deep nallahs with precipitous sides. On entering Hamirpur district, the Sola Singhi traverses in a South Eastern direction and separates Kutlehar(Una district) from Nadaun (Hamirpur district). It runs more or less parallel to the Jakh Dhar and terminates on the Sutlej. The portion to the North of the ridge and South of the Beas generally consist of long easy slopes cut into by a number of broad stonely nallahs. The Jakh and Sola Singhi Dhar in Hamirpur surround this valley which is constituted by the Northern and Southern branches of the Suker khad, the former is situated on the basin of Beas and the latter of Sutlej. There is no single watershed between the two rivers. The ground in the Northern, North-Eastern and central part of this valley on either side of the watershed is extra ordinarily broken and subject to severe erosion. Landslips are common, ridges are generally knife edged and run in different direction. The country immediate to the North-East of the Sola Singhi is undulating in character. Hamirpur district in Himachal Pradesh has wide diversity of broad leaved and deciduous plants and has been regarded as a veritable emporium of plant genetic resources of medicinal plants. The present work is undertaken in Hamirpur Forest Division which is bounded in North by river Beas, in the East by Baker and Sir Khads and district Mandi, in South by Sola Singhi Dhar has remained unexplored for its vegetal resources of medicinal plants except the work done by researchers from Research Institute in Indian System of Medicines located at Jogindernagar in district Mandi of Himachal Pradesh. So, the present work involves mainly identification, inventorization and comparative studies of potential medicinal plants of district Hamirpur. This would prove extremely useful in assessing the status, utilization potential and future strategies for the conservation of medicinal plants resources in these areas and hence encourage similar approach in adjoining areas and result in policy documentation on the subject. District is very rich in plants with medicinal value and a concerted effort is needed for their conservation. To check the loss of biodiversity owing to overexploitation and habitat degradation, effective measures for conservation and management need to be put in place. Priority should be given for conservation of high-value species listed in this study. The involvement of local inhabitants with their local tradition and culture is very important for conservation of indigenous knowledge and traditional practices. The present study will serve as baseline information for planning and policy regarding the District. Page No-18 2321-7871 Vol-1, Issue-7, 5th September 2013 Studies On Some Important Medicinal And Aromatic Plants And Their.......... References: v Anonymous Wildlife of Himachal, Department of Forest Farming and Conservation, Himachal Pradesh. 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