Leadership & Management Development

& Management
Leadership & Management Development
Improve Your Management Skills
Do you find yourself pressed to do more
with fewer resources? Leading from the
Middle explores topics to prepare management professionals to analyze power dynamics
in groups and organizations; communicate
effectively; build strategic partnerships;
identify ethical dilemmas and challenges
of “managing up.”
See page 212 for more details or
visit extension.ucsd.edu/leadership
Develop Better Workplace Dynamics
Learn the psychology behind why individuals
behave the way they do and the sociological
terms needed to describe and impact how
group dynamics affect organizational
performance. Explore techniques to guide
behavior so that goals are achieved more
efficiently. Take Organizational Dynamics
this Summer quarter.
See page 44 for more details or
visit extension.ucsd.edu/hr
210 Iextension.ucsd.edu
Throughout these challenging and rewarding programs, you will learn specific
techniques unique to your own industry and professional level. Learn from top
professionals through interactive presentations, case studies, evaluations and group
mentoring. Contribute to your organization’s competitive capabilities with skills that
will enable you to craft effective policies and practices to streamline business.
Want to Increase Your
Business Performance?
Explore techniques to build, influence and
lead teams towards increased business
performance. Managing for Maximum
Performance offers tools to boost teamwork,
increase morale, tackle challenges, and
mediate differences.
See page 213 for course details or visit
Corporate Education Toolkits
Custom-designed and delivered on-site
to provide the most popular and effective
training programs available today. Programs
• 360 Assessment for Managers
• Biotech/Pharm Project Manager’s Toolkit
• Essentials for Managing People
• Project Manager’s Toolkit
• Systems Engineering Toolkit
• The Manager’s Tookit
For details,
visit extension.ucsd.edu/corporate
Lean and Six Sigma Info Sessions
Questions about the Lean Enterprise and Lean
Six Sigma Black Belt Programs? Join us for
an upcoming free information session. Learn
about format and meet the industry expert
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Information
• August 21, 8-9am
• December 4th, 8-9am
Lean Enterprise Information Session
• August 21, 9-10am
Register at extension.ucsd.edu/leadership
Email ProcessPrograms@ucsd.edu
Contact Us
Leadership & Management
Phone: (858) 534-8139
Email: BusMgtProram@ucsd.edu
Learn more > extension.ucsd.edu/leadership
Summer 2015 I
(858) 534-3400
New! Performance Management
Leverage employee
talent and creativity!
• Explore how and why
performance management
is a key human resource
• Learn how to select, train,
reward, and motivate the
right people in the right ways.
• Discover how to design and
administer a system that fully
engages employees in the
success of the enterprise
For upcoming course
details see page 45 or visit
Byron L. Hanchett
Byron L. Hanchett, J.D., is founder of CONFLICT resolution, INC., which
conducts research and provides consulting and workshops that improve
negotiation outcomes. He has been an instructor at Extension for nearly
20 years, leading corporate education courses in “Negotiation Skills” and
“Giving Constructive Feedback and Managing Interpersonal Conflict”
with clients such as Sempra Energy, Celgene and NAVSOC (Naval Satellite
Operations Center) working with U.S. Navy Seals. “My advice to job seekers
in today’s market is to acquire a certification or some other credential to
set yourself apart. Another important “takeaway” students can apply in
everyday life is that the basis for a successful negotiation is having a precise understanding of your
and your counterpart’s interests – your respective needs and wants. Until these are understood, there
is no way to move forward productively.”
Student Profile
Marshal Oller
“As a transitioning Senior Officer in the United States Army, I was advised that
obtaining certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP) or Lean Six
Sigma Black Belt (LSSBB) would significantly increase my marketability in the
commercial sector. I figured that if a PMP was good then a PMP and LSSBB
would be better. The LSSBB course provided me with an extremely sought after
skill set that has already attracted the attention of numerous potential employers.
Not surprisingly, most Fortune 500 headhunters that have contacted me are very
excited that I have a LSSBB and a PMP certificate; apparently it is a very rare and desirable combination.
Bottom line, the UCSD LSSBB certificate is an investment in your career that you can’t afford not to make!”
Summer 2015 I
(858) 534-3400
Are You an
International Student?
Are you an international student, currently in the
U.S., who is interested in enrolling in a certificate
program? Please visit the Business Certificate
Programs for International Students website at
To take any other business
classes, you must be
proficient in English and
possess an appropriate
visa. If you are not
sure that your status
allows you to study,
contact the
Advisor at
Leadership & Management Development
Instructor Profile
contents courses
Corporate Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Essentials for Managing People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Management Assessment Seminars. . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Systems Engineer’s Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
The Manager’s Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
The Project Manager’s Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
The Biotech/Pharma Project Manager’s Toolkit. . . . . 213
Leadership & Management
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Leading from the Middle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Managing for Maximum Performance. . . . . . . . . . . 213
Specialized Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Lean Enterprise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Toolkits are offered exclusively to organizations for their employee groups. Each
program is tailored to meet the unique
challenges and needs of each organization. Fees listed below are per participant
and include preparation/consulting time
with the program director, instruction,
work assignments, all materials and postcourse evaluation. Call (858) 534-9150,
e-mail corped@ucsd.edu or visit the website at extension.ucsd.edu/corporate for
more information.
Essentials for Managing People
The Essentials for Managing People is designed
to provide practical guidelines to help managers deal with common employee issues. Too
often in organizations, small “people problems” can escalate into big management problems. This program focuses on skill building
in fundamental areas to prevent this pattern.
Accomplished training professionals teach the
sessions from the manager’s perspective.
Leadership & Management Development
Management Assessment
Designed to provide valuable individualized
assessment of the strengths and development
needs of your managers and potential managers), these seminars focus on key skill sets
required to be effective on the job. In addition
to self-assessment, information is gathered
from supervisors, peers, and direct reports to
provide confidential and objective insights.
This information then serves as a foundation
for individualized action planning to improve
and enhance managerial skills.
• La Jolla: (858) 534-3400
9600 N. Torrey Pines Rd.,
La Jolla, CA 92037
• Mission Valley: (619) 260-3070
404 Camino Del Rio South, Ste. 102,
San Diego, CA 92108
• University City: (858) 534-9999
6256 Greenwich Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92122
212 Iextension.ucsd.edu
Systems Engineer’s Toolkit
The Systems Engineer’s Toolkit is designed
to provide the engineering work force with
practical skill sets that enable the work
force to more effectively execute engineering
tasks within a project organization. Systems
engineering is a well-developed body of
knowledge that uses techniques and methodologies that are in general use within
most technically complex industries. The systems engineer’s goal is to efficiently produce
high-quality products that meet all customer
requirements. The Toolkit reviews all aspects
of the process--from initial definition of mission requirements to test, verification, and
fabrication of the product--from planning
through execution.
The Manager’s Toolkit
The Manager’s Toolkit is designed to give
employees practical management skills they
can apply every day on the job, as well as
a better understanding of the management
function. It does this by exposing employees
to common management situations, giving them honest feedback on their current
strengths and weaknesses, and allowing them
to practice new skills in a “safe” setting. The
curriculum balances individualized assessment for each participant with the development of a management team as a whole.
The Project Manager’s Toolkit
The Project Manager’s Toolkit is designed
to give managers basic principles of effective
project management. The sessions cover a
core body of knowledge and practical fundamental skills of project management as well
as electives that are industry specific. The
electives cover important management skills,
such as leadership and team building, which
can be the key to successful project management. Participants also work on actual
projects to apply their learning and practice
new skills.
The Biotech/Pharma Project
Manager’s Toolkit
This Toolkit is designed to give managers
practical principles they can use to be more
effective in meeting project goals. The sessions cover a core body of knowledge related
to project management within the Biotech/
Pharmaceutical industry, as well as important
people skills required of all project managers.
Participants work on actual projects to apply
their learning and practice new skills. Email
corped@ucsd.edu for more information.
• Business - General—p. 36
Leading from the Middle
Mid-level professionals are frequently tasked
to lead their teams to do more work with
fewer resources, to champion new changes
amidst uncertainty, and to resolve interpersonal conflicts. By learning to grasp key
leadership tenets and management best practices, the middle manager will be better
positioned to manage department performance. This course offers skill-building in
areas such as: analyzing power dynamics in
groups and organizations; communicating
Summer 2015 I
(858) 534-3400
Instructor: Maureen Orey, MEd
Certified Professional in Learning and Performance.
Section: 109084-5001 Course No. BUSA-40859
Time/Date: Jun. 29-Aug. 29
Location: ucsdextension.blackboard.com
Credit: 3 units in Business Administration
Fee: $450 No refunds after: Jul. 11 (clz/fmo)
Managing for Maximum
Effective managers realize that organizational
success is based on so much more than the
contributions of its individuals alone. Success
is based on the effective management of
“teams” working together to achieve common
goals. Knowing how to build, influence and
lead teams can increase business performance
to exceed goals and objectives. Explore the
responsibilities, functions and skills required
of managers today. Learn how to hire, train
and lead teams efficiently and effectively.
Boost teamwork and morale using proven
communication, planning and goal-setting
strategies. Identify leadership styles, and learn
to adjust yours to motivate employees and
increase their productivity. Tackle challenges,
solve problems and mediate differences using
practical management tools and techniques.
Note: Fee includes supplemental course
Instructor: Greg B. Goates, M.A.
President, Goates Consulting Group.
Section: 109085-5001 Course No. BUSA-40673
Time/Date: Tu 6:00-9:00 p.m., Jun. 30-Aug. 25
(9 mtgs.)
Location: UCSD Extension University City Ctr.,
6256 Greenwich Dr., San Diego
Credit: 3 units in Business Administration
Fee: $530 No refunds after: Jul. 14 (clz/fmo)
Instructor: Greg B. Goates, M.A.
President, Goates Consulting Group.
Section: 109086-5001 Course No. BUSA-40673
Time/Date: Jun. 22-Aug. 22
Location: ucsdextension.blackboard.com
Credit: 3 units in Business Administration
Fee: $530 No refunds after: Jul. 4 (clz/fmo)
Summer 2015 I
(858) 534-3400
I have
I’ve just found 10,000
ways that
—Thomas Edison
Leadership & Management Development
effectively; building strategic partnerships;
thinking critically; identifying ethical dilemmas; and balancing planning, action and
evaluation. Additional topics covered will
include the art of constructive dialog, leveraging corporate values and culture, and connecting with an organization’s mission. The
particular challenges of “managing up” will
also be addressed.
Leadership &
• Lean Enterprise
• Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Lean Enterprise
Lean can be defined as “performance without
waste.” Many organizations waste 70-90% of
available resources through improper management of materials, time, information, equipment and inventory.
This 15-week, one-day per week program presents Lean Enterprise principles and practices.
Class projects provide students with experience implementing all the necessary steps to
achieve successful results in various business
functions and operations. Classroom lecture is
complemented by local plant tours, and case
studies of World Class Manufacturing companies. Program projects allow the benefits of
these techniques to be applied in the student’s
own company.
Through these experiences students will discover how the implementation of Lean Techniques
can include dramatic improvements in cycletime, products costs, inventory reduction and
new product lead-time.
The program is appropriate for any team or
individual responsible for managing or participating in manufacturing activities. Appropriate
participants would include managers, professionals and hands-on line staff in key functional
areas such as operations, production and inventory control, development, manufacturing,
quality assurance, and supplier management.
The diverse participant industries provide for
cross-industry learning and application of principles, as well as identification of World Class
Manufacturing best practices.
Conditions for Admission
Admittance by application only. UC San
Diego Extension programs are designed to best
serve college-prepared working professionals.
Although programs are open to all adult learners, where program capacity is limited, applicants with this profile will receive preference for
admission. See website for further details.
Please Note
Leadership & Management Development
No fee applies to submit an application. The
application fee is included in the total cost of
the program.
Information Session
•Lean Enterprise Information Session (INFO70033)
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Lean Six Sigma is a set of tools, techniques and
operating principles that represents the best of
practices in quality and process improvement
resulting in improved performance and reduced
This intensive 12-week program develops
understanding and enables application of
proven approaches to maximizing productivity
through understanding process requirements,
identifying constraints and creating flow.
Students will be provided with the established
Lean Six Sigma body of knowledge, the experience to implement it in the workplace through
a group project and the credentials to be a Lean
Six Sigma leader within their organization.
Classroom instruction and student projects are
organized to allow structured implementation
of Lean Six Sigma, resulting in a projected ROI
of $100K.
Further Reading:
•How Lean Six Sigma Black Belts Are Saving
Thousands (blog)
•Six Sigma and Lean: Bringing Speed and
Accuracy to Business Processes (blog)
Conditions for Admission
Participants must possess some statistical and
project management experience. UC San
Diego Extension programs are designed to best
serve college-prepared working professionals.
Although programs are open to all adult learners, where program capacity is limited, applicants with this profile will receive preference for
admission. See website for further details.
Please Note
Admission is limited. All interested students
must submit an application prior to enrolling.
No fee applies to submit an application.
Information Session
•Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Information
Session (INFO-70032)
•Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (MAE-40004)
Application Fee: $0
Contact: Business, Professional & Legal Programs,
(858) 534-8133
Email: ProcessPrograms@ucsd.edu
•Lean Enterprise (AMES-40136)
Application Fee: $0
Contact: Business, Professional & Legal Programs,
(858) 534-8133
Email: ProcessPrograms@ucsd.edu
For information and to review the schedule of costs of attendance in a certificate program, visit extension.ucsd.edu/costofattendance.
214 Iextension.ucsd.edu
Summer 2015 I
(858) 534-3400
Leadership & Management Development
Summer 2015 I
(858) 534-3400