Management Pack for F5 BIG-IP Version 1.0.253 COMPATIBILITY MATRIX GUIDE This document contains information about F5® BIG-IP® and Microsoft System Center Operations Manager versions, compatible with Comtrade’s Management Pack for F5 BIG-IP (BIG-IP MP). F5 BIG-IP MP Suppotryerf F5 BIG-IP Supported Versions This section contains information on F5 BIG-IP versions, compatible with BIG-IP MP. F5 BIG-IP Support Matrix F5 BIG-IP Version Supported 11.5.0 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.6.0 Table 1. Supported versions of F5 BIG-IP MICROSOFT System Center Operations Manager Supported Versions This section contains information on Microsoft System Center Operations Manager versions, compatible with BIG-IP MP. Microsoft System Center Operations Manager Support Matrix System Center Operations Manager Version Supported 2012 2012 SP1 2012 R2 Table 2. Supported versions of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 1|P a g e F5 BIG-IP MP Suppotryerf COMTRADE F5 BIG-IP MP Agent Supported Operating Systems Versions This section contains information on supported OS versions compatible with BIG-IP MP Agent. BIG-IP MP Agent is used for proxy monitoring of BIG-IP devices. BIG-IP MP Agent Support Matrix Windows Server Operating System Version Supported 2008 R2 2012 2012 R2 Table 3. Supported versions of Microsoft Windows Server Operating System 2|P a g e Suppotryerf F5 BIG-IP MP Software Availability in Native Languages Localization into languages other than English is currently not available for this product. In case of any special needs for localization, please contact No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without a prior written permission of Comtrade. The details and descriptions contained in this document are believed to have been correct at the time the document was written. Please note that the findings, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this paper are based on information gathered in good faith from third parties, standards bodies, and analysts, the accuracy of which we are not always in a position to guarantee. As such Comtrade can accept no liability whatsoever for actions taken based on any information that may subsequently prove to be incorrect. This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Comtrade d.o.o. ©2015 F5 Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. F5, F5 Networks, and the F5 logo are trademarks of F5 Networks, Inc. in the U.S. and in certain other countries. Other F5 trademarks are identified at Any other products, services, or company names referenced herein may be trademarks of their respective owners with no endorsement or affiliation, express or implied, claimed by F5. Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other product names are the property of their respective trademark or service mark holders and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2015 Comtrade d.o.o. All rights reserved. The logos, names, trademarks and/or service marks are the property of Comtrade or their respective owners. This document is for informative purposes only. Comtrade gives no warranties and/or shall not indemnify or be liable for any damages of any kind, statutory or otherwise, regarding the information contained within this document. 3|P a g e
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