T-Ball/ Pinto Baseball Registration Form Name______________________________________________________________ YMCA Youth Sports eLearning Address___________________________________________________________ Parent’s Role in Youth Sports & Volunteer Coaches’ Training is available online at this website: City______________________ State___________ Zip___________________ http://training.ymca.net/ Phone #( Text #( )________________________________________________ )__________________________________________________ Mobile Carrier [ ] AT&T [ ] Verizon [ ] Sprint [ Print out your certificates and bring them to the coaches’ meeting. These trainings provide great information for the new or experienced coach and communicate the YMCA’s Seven Pillars of YMCA Youth Sports. ] Other_______________________________________________________ Parents Name___________________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact_____________________________________________ Emergency Phone #( )___________________________________ Your role as a parent Did you know that when you register your child for sports you also joined the team? The role of “sports parent” is an important one. Your encouragement, attendance and participation are critical to your child's sports experience. Be examples of good sportsmanship for our youth to model. Member___________ Non-Member___________ Age_______________ M/F_____________ Birth date_________________ Grade______________ Child T-shirt size: S Adult T-shirt size: S M M L L T-Ball 5 & Under boys and girls (please circle) (please circle) YMCA PLEDGE Win or lose, I pledge before God, to do my best, to be a team player, to respect my opponents, teammates and officials, and to improve myself, in spirit, mind and body. Youth sports purpose $25Members/$50 Non-Members The purpose of the youth sports program is to provide children an opportunity to: Pinto 8 & Under boys and girls $25 Members/$50 Non-Members Waiver: The Fayette County Family YMCA is not responsible for damages or injuries while participating in a YMCA Youth Program. By participating you assume the risk for any injuries, and agree to remise, release and forever discharge the Fayette County Family YMCA from any claims, damages and causes of action that may accrue from all injuries suffered. ____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date [ ] Yes, I would like to Coach: circle shirt size S M L XL 2XL [ ] Yes, I would like to Sponsor a team ___________________________ Processed by __________________________Date_________________________ Payment Amount________________________Check #_____________________ Have fun Build character and values Develop sportsmanship Make new friends Promote teamwork Be physically active Strengthen self-confidence Learn Skills & Fundamentals of Sport Experience healthy competition Please cut and bring to the YMCA with payment!. BACK TO THE BALLPARK! CO-ED T-Ball & Pinto Baseball 2015 T-Ball 4 &5 year old Boys & Girls 2015 Pinto Baseball 8 & Under for Boys & Girls Games will be played here in Vandalia only. T-Ball & Pinto Baseball Information (Please keep this) T-Ball Registration Information T-SHIRTS Each T-Ball player will receive a T-shirt to wear as their uniform. We recommend that youth wear uniform pants (Wal-Mart & Champion Trophies & T’s stock these locally). AGE RANGE & SCHEDULE T-Ball consists of 4 and 5 year old youth, both male and female. Players will hit from a tee. Games will be played at Simma Park. Games will begin end of May/beginning of June. Baseball Registration Information UNIFORM Each player will receive a T-shirt to wear as their uniform. We recommend that players wear uniform pants (Wal-Mart & Champion Trophies & T’s stock these locally). AGE RANGE & SCHEDULE Pinto league is for 6-8 year old males and females. This league will be coach- pitch. Games will be played at Kelly field. THE DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS Friday, May 8 2015 by 10pm. Those who register late will be charged a $20.00 late fee. No registrations will be taken once the coaches’ meeting has occurred since teams will have been chosen. Registrations will not be accepted without payment included. Please use one form per child. Children must be the required age per league by September 1, 2015 to be eligible to participate. General Information UNIFORM Each player will receive a T-shirt as their uniform. We recommend that players wear uniform pants for these leagues (Wal-Mart & Champion Trophies & T’s stock these locally - Coach will determine color). AGE RANGE & SCHEDULE T-Ball (4&5 year olds) girls and boys will play together and hit from a tee. Pinto league (8&Under) girls and boys will play together (coach will pitch). COACHES’ MEETING if you are interested in coaching any of our teams, please contact Josh ASAP. See below for specific league meeting information: T-Ball: 5/08/15 at 5:30 - 6:30pm Helmets The YMCA will provide each team with helmets, however, we do recommend that you purchase your own for safety and health reasons. YMCA MISSION: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all. FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Attention: Pictures may be taken at games and used on the Family YMCA website. Please feel free to give us feedback anytime during the season; feedback page is on our website: www.fayetteymca.com Pinto Baseball: 5/08/15 at 6:30 - 7:30pm FAMILY YMCA OF FAYETTE COUNTY 710 Rock Island Avenue Vandalia, Illinois 62471 Questions? (618) 283-1258 Program Director: Josh Wetzel Email: jwetzel@fayetteymca.com www.fayetteymca.com
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