TEAMING UP FOR A GREAT SEASON 2015 YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE Grades 1-6 THE YMCA OF KLAMATH FALLS 1221 S Alameda Avenue Klamath Falls OR 97603 541.884.4149 Register online at Registration deadline is December 12, 2014. Online Registration Instructions: To register a player, the user must be in the Y’s database with an active email and password. Please call 541.884.4149 or email us at to find out if user information is in the system or to add information. Once that is in place, go to, then click on Sports Registration. Browse programs or search for basketball. Completing the registration information will take the user to the payment screen. When payment has been made, the registration process is complete. Note: Registration with cash payment or financial assistance must be handled at the Y. YMCA YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE 2015 Player’s Name______________________________________________________________________________________ M____ F____ School____________________________ Grade________ Date of Birth_____________________ Age________ Parent/Guardian First Name__________________________ Parent/Guardian Last Name___________________________ Parent Email Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Contact Number_________________________________________ Alternate phone number___________________________________________ Please update your cell phone number and carrier. Sports staff will text team information to parents/guardians. Cell Phone_________________________________________ Mobile Carrier____________________________________ CIRCLE UNIFORM SIZE NEEDED: Youth Sm Adult Sm Youth Med Adult Med Youth Lge Adult Lge Adult Ex Lge Home Address_______________________________________________ City/State_______________________Zip____________ Emergency Contact____________________________________________________ Phone___________________________ Do you have a coach or team request?__________________________ I want to volunteer!! ______ Coach ______ Assist ______ Other To the best of my knowledge my child is healthy and should have no physical problems participating in the youth sports programs offered by The YMCA of Klamath Falls. I understand that the YMCA assumes no financial obligation for any injury that may occur. In the event of emergency, I give my permission to the YMCA to hospitalize and secure proper medical treatment for my child. I also agree to behave with respect to others (i.e., coaches, referees, other players and parents, YMCA staff, and spectators) involved in the sports programs offered by the YMCA. Signed____________________________________________________Date_________________________ COST Grades 1-2: Y Member $60/Community $75 Grades 3-4: Y Member $65/Community $80 Grades 5-6: Y Member $65/Community $80 Six Game Season Games begin January 10. Last games are February 14. All games played in area school gyms. A tournament for Grades 3-6 will take place February 21, 2015. There will be an entry fee at the door. Registration Deadline: DECEMBER 12, 2014. $10 late fee will be charged for registrations received after the deadline. Team/Coach preferences cannot be honored for late registrations. Teams organized on “first come/first served” basis. Special requests not guaranteed. Financial aid is available – applications must be submitted no later than December 2, 2014, to allow time for processing. All coaching positions will be filled by volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please email TheY@kfallsymca. Rosters, practice schedules and game schedules will be created after the registration deadline through Practice times and locations are determined by coaches. Go to to register online. Be sure to like our Facebook page—Klamath Falls YMCA—to remain current with upcoming programs and get sports updates.
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