2015 Choose to Lose Rules and Regulations 1. A participant does not have to be a YMCA member to join competition. 2. 10 week weigh in competition begins January 12th 2015. 3. Competition ends March 16th 2015. 4. Coded results will be posted weekly. 5. Participants must wear only one layer of clothing during weigh-in. 6. Weigh-ins can be done on any week day during staffed hours. 7. Participants can miss no more than one weigh-ins during the competition to be eligible for a prize. 8. In an emergency situation participants may weigh in after the first weigh in date. 9. Participants must weigh in on or before final weigh in date to be eligible for prizes. 10. All weigh-ins will take place at the Western Community Center YMCA. 11. All participants will be responsible for maintaining their own fitness regimens. 12. Personal Trainers will be available to answer questions upon request. 13. Personal training is available at the YMCA by appointment. 14. Winner will be announced March 16th, 2015. 15. Contest will be determined on a formula that calculates % weight and % fat loss. 16. First prize will be a Fitbit and June-August FREE!! Attend the Food Prep for Busy Adults for FREE on Wednesday January 7th from 6:00- 7:30!! Register with desk staff by January 6th to attend this program. IT’S A LIFESTYLE. TRAIN LIKE THERE IS NO FINISH LINE
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