With mention of May Mat Madness receive room for $94.99 HIGH SCHOOL DUALS Saturday May 9th, 2015 up to 12 teams K-8th DUALS Hotel & Conference Center 5625 O’Donnell St. * Baltimore, MD 21224 410-633-9500 800-633-9511 * Fax: 410-633-2812 www.bwhotelbaltimore.com Sunday May 10th , 2015 up to 12 teams Location: Northeast Regional Recreation Center 7501 Oakleigh Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21234 TOURNAMENT INFORMATION EARLY REGISTRATION (payment received in full by Feb.25, 2015 *$350 per team for High School Clubs/Teams $425 regular registration per team for High School (up to 12 teams)EARLY REGISTRATION (payment received in full by Feb.25, 2015 *$350 per team for K-8 Clubs/Teams $425 regular registration per team for K-8* (up to 12 teams)A $200 deposit must be sent in by Friday March 25th to secure your teams spot Teams will secure their spots once deposits are received (This is 1st come 1st served) After this we will actively seek other teams to fill spots. Remainder wlll be due by May 1st High School WEIGH-INS Friday May 8 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm (Open mats for teams) OR WEIGH-INS Saturday May 9th 7:00 am- 8:30 am th K-8 WEIGH-INS Saturday May 9th 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm OR WEIGH-INS Sunday May 10th 7:00 am- 8:30 am Wrestling will begin at 9 am on 6 mats AWARDS: 4 x 8 foot banner for champions in the each division, Trophy’s to 2nd & 3rd Qualifications: High School Division– grades 9-12 as of 2014-15 school year. Middle/Elementary Division – grades K-8 as of 2014-15 school year. Note: Wrestlers may compete in both Divisions as long as they are currently attending Middle School and parents provide permission. In this instance wrestlers wrestling in both divisions will only have to weigh in for the 1st division. (Coaches will need to notify us at the weigh-ins so we can record their weight for both Duals, if you do not the wrestler will be required to weigh in for the 2nd Dual). Weight Classes: High School 97*, 102*, 109, 116, 123, 129, 135, 141, 148, 155, 163, 173, 185, 198, 223, 288 K-8th 65, 71, 77, 83, 89, 95, 101, 108, 115, 122, 130, 138, 146, 156, 167, 182, 232 For additional information contact: Contact: Tournament Director Joe Doetsch (410) 284-8173 email: tourn@mdmatmonsters.com Head Coach Brit Doetsch (443) 610 -0996 Mail Payments/Deposits to: Maryland Mat Monsters 3432 Louth Rd. Dundalk, MD 21222 Rosters must be submitted by Thursday April 30th To submit Roster Email Adam Polly at apolly@anatournamentservices.com, he will send you a link to submit your roster online. Note: If we receive any checks that are returned for any reason and not honored there will be a $55.00 administration fee added to the total amount. Also let this serve notice that any money owed from this or for lack of payment will be pursued through collections and or legal means. It is understood any and all fees associated in the pursuit of these outstanding funds will be the responsibility of the offending parties.
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